Tag Please! Owner: magnadearel Name: Harpia Harpyja Uncert: Alt Uncerts: n/a Date Dropped or Won: 01/01/2023 Temper: Eagle Eyed
Breed: Harpy Eagle Accessibility: I have a hard time reading very blocky font or very cursive font.
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 10:33 pm
EDIT: THIS IS NYX"S FAULT. I accidentally editedt this post instead of making a new one on my quest to get things certed. I was able to revert it back tothis os no info was lost.
Tag Please! Owner: LOLTERNATIVE Familiar Name: Ophine Familiar Uncert: Date Dropped or Won: 01/01/16 Unless you can remember when you coloured her dsfjgh Familiar Species: Snake ♀ Temper: -
I have it noted that you named it Muh-eeer-ee but not certian if you posted for certing or not in the island certing thread.
Tag Please! Owner: Nyx Queen of Darkness Soquili Name: Grima and Grimoire (then underneath "The Sisters Grimm" Soquili Uncert: Date Dropped or Won: 01/01/23 Breed: Owl Shifter ♀ Temper:Esoteric
Did I ever name that goat from our breeding?
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 11:38 am
We Need an Update or a fix! What are you Changing or Correcting: Owner Owners Name: Andranis - Posted [ulr=https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=54&t=24534083#395226984]here originally