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Man-Hungry Fatcat

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:00 am

Ryuu's June 2016 Worklog

Current Month's Worklog & To-Do List

Current Month's Cash-Ins
  • None

    Current Month's Total Credits Spent: 0

Previous Records
Format: Month (Link): Credits Earned - Credits Spent = Net Total for Stated Month; Net Total for Stated and Previous Months

    .... 2014
  • January: 3,700 - 1,500 = 2,200; 2,200
  • February: 500 - 1,000 = (500); 1,700
  • March: 725 - 1,000 = (250); 1,425
  • April: 710 - 1,000 = (290); 1,135
  • May: 1,675 - 1,250 = 425; 1,560
  • June: 510 - 0 = 510; 2,070
  • July: 1,220 - 0 = 1,220; 3,290
  • August: 1,590 - 1,500 = 90; 3,380
  • September: 900 - 1,500 = (600); 2,780
  • October: 830 - 1,500 = (670); 2,110
  • November: 435 - 2,125 = (1,690); 420
  • December: 20 - 0 = 20; 440

  • January: 850 - 0 = 850; 1,290
  • February: 3,410 - 1,500 = 1,910; 3,200
  • March: 0 - 0 = 0; 3,200
  • April: 690 - 1,500 = (810); 2,390
  • May: 300 - 0 = 300; 2,690
  • June: 630 - 1,500 = (870); 1,820
  • July: 1,090 - 7.0 (SM) = 1,090; 2,910
  • August: 1,260 - 1.0 (SM) = 1,260; 4,170
  • September: 470 - 1,500 = (1,030); 3,140
  • October: 430 - 1,000 = (570); 2,570
  • November: 1,320 - 1,000 - 4.0 (SM) = 320; 2,890
  • December: 500 - 0 = 500; 3,390

  • January: 2,410 - 1,250 - 1.0 (SM) = 1,160; 4,550
  • February: 275 - 1,125 = (850); 3,700
  • March: 580 - 13.0 (SM) = 580; 4,280
  • April: 0 - 1,000 = (1,000); 3,280
  • May: 0 - 1,000 = (1,000); 2,280

    Cool Downs
  • Roniel Targaryen: Soquili Custom, ends July 2016
  • Ryuukishin: Purewalker Custom, ends September 2016
  • Ryuukishin: Triwing Custom, ends December 2016

Previous Month's Net Credits: 2,280
Current Month's Net Credits: 1,150

Total Colorist Credits: 3,430
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 10:40 pm

Spoof's July '16 Log
I am an unedited familiar colorist!

To-do List

Working On

Pending Approval


Completed Credits are not counted before this point.

  • Rolled 1: A'Woof x Kaybok
    4 x 40 = 160
  • Rolled 2: Hiro x Puren
    4 x 40 = 160
  • CC1: Sylgia (Calixita) x Falan (Ebonrune)
    2 x 40 = 80
  • CC2: Nova(o-Elixir-o) xAristide (Mythi Red Panda)
    2 x 40 = 80


- Current Log: 480c
- Previous Total: 400c
- Cash-in: 0c

TOTAL: 400c

Other Notes:
1 x SS soq (unclaimed) 1 x SS fam (unclaimed)
1 x PHE soq freeb (unclaimed) 1 x PHE fam freeb (unclaimed)

Previous cash-ins
xxx - 1000c : Breeding AdrianxGalla Sile (April)

Links to old logs
May/June '16
March/April '16
Jan '16
Nov/Dec 2015

That Artemis

Devoted Heckler


High-functioning Cultist

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:20 pm

Kait's Fam July '16 Log

Working on/Approvals:


SC stuff:

My Stuff:
  • SS Pony: Lily
  • SS Fam: WIP

Credit Log:
- Previous credits: 1275C
- This month's credits: 715C
- This month's cash-ins: 0C
- Total credits: 2440C

Cash-in log:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:52 am

Lolly's July Log!
[ Semi-Quarterly Edited Familiar Colourist ]
[ April | August | December ]

Credit added = awaiting approval
Working on/Approvals

  • PW01 [ Moderate ] [350cc]
  • PW02 [ Heavy ] [150cc]
  • PW03 [ Unedited ] [50cc]
  • PW04 [ Unedited ] [50cc]
  • PW Semi: Kettyn [ Minor ] [75cc]
  • PW Semi: Mewsings of an Angel [ Unedited ] [50cc]
  • PW Semi: Nyx Queen of Darkness [ Unedited ] [50cc]
  • PW Semi: Twichapter the 3rd [ Unedited ] [50cc]
  • PW Semi: sage_the_vampirc_angel [ Unedited ] [50cc]

SC stuff

    My Stuff
    • Foxglove x Ali breeding [ /3] [adult only]

    - Previous credits: 2,075
    - This month's credits: 625
    - This month's cash-ins: 5TC
    - Total credits:
    - Tech credits: [from nov'15] 4

    • December: Foxglove Boneblossom x Manannan Mac Lir [Breeding -1,000 cc]
    • January: Petalwing Twins - Lunadriel & Mahogany Sunset [Custom -2,000]
    • April: Mockbreeding Twins [HakuronxEleniel] - LOLTERNATIVE & Sesshiyasha [Mutant custom - 3,000] [Triwing cooldown until November] [Custom cool down until August]
    • May: Foxglove Boneblossom x Rubeus Imperator "Alizarin" [Breeding -1,000]
    • June: Mimiteh x Hunahpu [Breeding -1,000]
    • July: Vanity Rose x Astraeus [Breeding -5 TC]


    Super Trash


    Swashbuckling Fairy

    PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:30 pm

    Spell’s July Work Log

    • Roxy (Fea Line) x Saylem (Fea Line) x x x x : 4 unedited 200c
    • Chimera (AstoriaFallen) x Daiki (Devil NightShade) x x : 2 unedited 100c
    • Password Denied (Kyrieko) x Wanigami (Revolutionary Roniel) x x : 2 unedited 100c
    • Plume (Mindsend) x Ratna (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko) x x x x : 4 unedited 200c

    Owed Work List:

    SC Work:
    • Color's for LydaLynn's Custom Ki Kou

    Credits Earned:
    Previous Record: 1040c
    Current month: 600c
    Cash ins:
    Total: 1640c

    TC: 7 (December 2015 - June 2016)

    Previous cash ins:
    December 2015: -1250 for Angeni with a domain
    January 2016: -450 for 6 edited familiars
    March 2016: -1500c for mutant Kalona
    April 2016:- 300c for 3 mutant familiars
    April 2016: -500 for unedited soquili breeding
    May 2016: -50c for custom accessory

    PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:19 pm

    Mindsend's July-August stuff.

    July 6th

    Female Leg up Canine template: 700c
    Draft Wolf/coyote/Fox Pelt Female: 250c (Adjustments made)
    Putti Headwings:100c
    Putti Rumpwings:100c

    Crimson Ribbon Dancer Custom:125c

    Nisshou Custom Twins Girl:75c
    Nisshou Custom Twins Boy: 75c

    Total: 1225c
    July 24

    Seathi Adult: 125c
    Usdia Adult: 125c

    Growing Pixie Twins Total: 200c

    basket: 10

    basket: 10
    Adult: 25

    Putti Twins Adult Twins Total: 175c

    Twin 1: 125
    Twin 2: 50

    Imp Adult: 75c

    Nixie Growing Twins Total: 285c

    Basket: 10
    Foal: 100c
    Adult: 125c

    Foal: 15
    Adult: 25

    Nymphicorn adult custom: 125c

    TOTAL: 1,110

    4PM July 25th

    Minicorn Growing custom total: 170c

    Basket: 20c

    Total: 170c.

    July 29th

    Quiliputti adult twins total: 175c

    Twin 1:125c
    Twin 2: 25c

    Mutant Valkyrie Twins total: 225c

    Twin 1:175c
    Twin 2: 75c

    Lapsang Sumi-E Cloud Stallion Event Freebie Custom: 175c

    Total: 575c

    August 24th

    Pandora Tea Event Freebie: 125c
    Phail Ninja Tea event Freebie: 175c
    Agneza Non-mutant Naga: 125c
    Unedited Nido:25c
    Ching: 125c

    Total: 700

    August 28

    Troll Event Freebie: 125c

    Total: 125c
    August 28 part 2

    Wishing star Transfer for Sabin : 125c

    Total: 125c

    Total Unused Credits: 46,760 c

    June 10th:-2k mutant to give away to someone on later date (reserving for premade giveaway contest specifically for a herd I'm involved in. More legal that way)
    August 16th: -2k mutant to give away to someone on a later date (See June)
    October 26th: -1,500c for a breeding (Avalyn x Lalita)
    December 25th: -75c Unedited Goat familiar breeding
    January 31st: -1k Edited breeding (Cuauhcoatl x Cadence Amachi)
    February 25th: -1.5k for mutant custom
    March 31st: -1.5k for mutant custom gift for Roniel -75c unedited goat breeding
    April 30th: -500 unedited Breeding (Moon x Moon Moon)
    May 22nd: -1500 for Triwing custom for Meepfur
    June 19th: -500 unedited Breeding (Moon x Moon Moon... No, not the one from April, The other one.)
    July 31st: -6,750 C: Twin Mutant Unicorns + 30 "Edited Mutant Familiars' (Just to keep my larder stocked for random Non-Pony concepts and giveaways and to make sure I have enough for the Sumi-E Familiar for staff -- May not actually be edited mutant familiars/may be templated/custom items but I figure.. Buy using the biggest option to make sure I could do whatever in that range? Not like I need to be stingy with credits.)


    In no particular order

    • Amirynth's Event freebie

    For Me

    0/46 items and/or familiars used
    21: Staff Sumi-E Left

    Earned Hyper-hybrid/mutant custom slots
    Converted to pure:

    (I wanna store them up a little and open some customs with hyper hybrids and mutant slots separated, as well as pure slots separated individually so they're not all competing)

    Vice Captain

    Ghost Trash

    17,975 Points
    • Waffles! 25
    • Bold Squire 75
    • Dragon Master 50

    odet amo

    Fiendish Nymph

    41,575 Points
    • Miasmal Lake Champion 500
    • Devoted Fortune Seeker 400
    • Alchemy Level 10 100
    PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:38 am

    Odet’s July/August Worklog
    I'll edit this post whenever I take on new/finish projects.
    Credit will only be added once it is complete.

    Completed Work for July August
    ---SC--- Feel free to ask for familiar breedings or unedited pony breedings. Only picking customs up from the yellow pages.
    SS: Cajmera x 1 familiar - 75c
    SC: Deejaye x 2 familiars - 100c
    SC: Phail Ninja x 1 mini sweaters - 50c
    SC: Kyrieko x 1 familiar - 50% (Edits mapped out and general design done)

    ---Custom Familiars---

    ---Flaffle Familiars---

    ---Familiar Breedings--- (23 x 40c) + (12 x 50c) + (5 x 70c) = 920 + 600 + 350 = 1870c
    Gall'eo (Chibi Hige) x Zuri (Mewsings of an Angel) - Unedited Wolf
    1. X - 40c
    2. X - 40c
    Moana ( Aria Starstone ) x Braxen ( Ebonrune ) - Unedited Dolphins
    1. X - 40c
    2. X - 40c
    3. X - 40c
    Fantasma ( ~Masamune~ ) x Sangre ( ~Masamune~ ) - Light Edit Octopus
    1. X - 40c
    2. X - 40c
    3. X - 50c
    4. X - 50c
    5. X - 40c
    Cosette ( Cheyriddle4 ) x Baalphegor ( Phail Ninja ) - Heavy Edit Goat
    1. X - 50c
    2. X - 70c
    Dimetrina ( Mia Lovasz ) x D.Natalis ( Rein_Carnation) - Unedited Dino Gater
    1. X - 40c
    2. X - 40c
    Aurora (tefla) x Polaris (tefla) - Light Edit Wolves
    1. X - 40c
    2. X - 50c
    Pa'al (One Over Three) x Yeep'Yip (FitzRoyal) - Moderate Edited Wolves
    1. X - 70c
    2. X - 50c
    3. X - 70c
    4. X - 70c
    5. X - 70c
    Shimmerwing (Kamiki) x Zahra (mistalina13)
    1. X - 40c
    2. X - 40c
    3. X - 40c
    4. X - 40c
    Ashela (She-Ra of Etheria) x Kitsune (Kara Asumie)
    1. X - 50c
    2. X - 50c
    3. X - 50c
    Noona Bob (Revolutionary Roniel) x Reeve (JetAlmeara) - SC
    1. X - 0c
    2. X - 0c
    3. X - 0c
    4. X - 0c
    5. X - 0c
    Adonia (Phail Ninja) x Varen (Nayci)
    1. X - 40c
    2. X - 40c
    3. X - 40c
    4. X - 40c
    (Tchalai / LydaLynn) x (Gabori / LydaLynn)
    1. X - 50c
    2.X - 50c
    3.X - 50c
    4.X - 50c
    Amarie/~Latonia de la Courtel~ x Terhi Tarik/~Latonia de la Courtel~
    1. X - 40c
    2. X - 40c
    3. X - 40c
    4. X - 40c


    ---Upcoming Events/Raffles--- 80c
    Pride Peacock 1 - 40c
    Pride Peacock 2 - 40c

    Carry Over: 19625c
    + July/August Total: 2175c
    - Credit Cash in: 0c
    Total Total = 21800c

    Credit Cash in
    4000c - Twins June 2015
    1500c - Breeding July 2015
    1500c - Breeding September 2015
    1000c - Breeding January 2016
    1500c - Custom February 2016
    1000c - Breeding March 2016 -- (1)
    125c - Familiar Breeding April 2016 -- (2)
    1000c - Breeding May 2016 -- (3)
    125c - Familiar Breeding June 2016 -- (4)
    1500c - Custom June 2016 -- (4)


    PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:49 pm

    Roniel's Coloring Stuff

    June/July Stuff

    1. Rylo feathered cape (50) + small items (20) = 70
    2. Vanity Rose small items x2 = 40
    3. Caesar small items (20)
    4. Abelio tabard (30) + blanket (30) + small items (20) = 80
    5. Cleto small items x 2 = 40

    1. Stump x Dirt = 1, 2 (100c)
    2. Benita x Dusty = 1, 2, 3, 4 (200c)
    3. Wadulisi x Glasso = 1, 2, 3 (150c)
    4. Naturals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) = 250 credits


    Credits used:
    November 2013: -500c for Frodo Baggins Peregrin Took for Summer Raven
    December 2013: -500c for a gator for me and a porcupine for Niss!
    March 2014: -1500c for Amitabha/Sopheary breeding
    May 2014: -250c for freebie upgrade
    June 2014: - 1500 for Svanbjorn/Blight breeding
    August 2014: -1500 for Verity/Zamiel breeding
    October 2014: -1500 for twisted breeding
    December 2014: -2000 for mutant custom
    April 2015: -2000 for mutant custom for Niss
    August 2015: -1500 for MIsaki/Arathorn breeding
    December 2015: -1000 for Kawah Ijen x Vajrayana breeding
    March 2016: -1000 for Latty custom, -100 for mutant gator
    May 2016: - 1000 for breeding, - 200 for mutant familiars
    July 2016: -1250 for cosplay custom for Fuzzy-Gumdrop, -100 for 2 unedit familiars

    June/July total: 950 credits
    Overall total: 4705 + 950 -1250 - 100 = 4305 credits
    TC: 44 (previous) + 2 (June/July) = 46

    Revolutionary Roniel

    Indestructible Dragon


    Otherworldly Plague

    20,675 Points
    • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
    • Galactic Domination 200
    • That One Hero 500
    PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:26 pm

    Zac's July '16 Worklog

    Completed Work
    //credits: cc

    Owed Work
    /+/ Open slot - Undragosa x Mistral -
    /+/ Low Luck slot - Ayita x Yggdrasil -
    /+/ CC slot - Arya Stark x Yorick -
    /+/ TT Breeding cashin ; Jia Li x Vajrayana - WIP.
    /+/ TT Breeding cashin ; Taranis x Nidawi -
    /+/ Event freebie ; Roni -

    /+/ February ; 1000cc, 'Suti crossbreed recustom
    /+/ March ; 2000cc, Mutant hippogryph cross birthday gift to Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
    /+/ May ; 1000cc, Krieg warhorse cosplay birthday gift to Techabyte
    /+/ October ; 1500cc, Usdia breeding birthday gift to Fitzroyal
    /+/ November ; 1500cc, Volare x Kyriakos Winter TT-style breeding
    /+/ December ; 1000cc, cursedwalker custom
    /+/ December ; 250cc, event freebie upgrade to mutant
    /+/ February ; 1000cc, fullsized custom
    /+/ April ; 1000cc, fullsized custom
    /+/ June ; 1000cc, fullsized recustom gift to .Tortured. .Pumpkin.
    /+/ September ; 5tc, fullsized miracle baby gift to Nyx Queen of Darkness
    /+/ December ; 3000cc, fullsized mutant twin customs.
    /+/ February ; 1500cc, fullsized mutant custom birthday gift to Kitsune Mistress Nyoko.

    total credits ; 9291
    PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:47 pm

    +Pan's July/Aug 2016 Worklog+

    Completed Work

    July Customs...
    +Thalea - Adult + Items= 60c
    +Kaya Wolf Moon - Adult + Complex Color + Items= 125c
    +Upside.-.Down - Adult = 50c
    +Moon_Princess_Yuki -Adult + Item=60c

    Aug Wishing Star...

    + Miracle Baby x 2 Twins - Baskets(15) + Foals(45) + Adults(142) + Items(20) = 222C
    + Long Lost Family Member Adult(95)+ Items(20) = 115c

    + Phail Sweater= 30c

    Colorist Xfer...

    - quiet autumn's WS -
    + Extra Gift - dawns_aura - Basket(10) + Foal(30) + Adult(95) + Items(70) = 205c

    - Evil Pirate Duck - CYO -
    + xX Green Tea Tree Xx - Adult = 95c
    + [Mistress Morbid] - Adult = 95c
    + Phail Ninja - Adult = 95c
    + Tudora - Adult =95c


    Working on


    + Carry Over: 9251c | TC:12 May-June 2016
    + Current Month's Total Credits Earned:1132c
    + TC: 2 (July-Aug)
    Current Total:
    10,383c | TC:14


    Used Credits/Event Freebiesb(Completed when striked)
    +June 2016- Breeding SC (Eluna x Erios) - Yellowpages
    +June 2016- Dino Event Freebie (Pony + Fam) - Doing Myself
    +Apr 2016-Custom RP item, 2 x hawk familiars(doing myself), and a recustom- Yellowpages
    +Feb 2016- Zhi and Pene Breeding - Yellowpages
    +Dec 2015-Pony and Fam xmas freebie- Myself
    +Nov 2015-1000c custom Angeni - Taken by Yumi
    +Oct 2015- 7TC custom owlwalker- Taken by Deej
    +Oct 2015-Pony Tea event freebie- Taken by Mindsend
    +June 2015- 2000c custom Eiros- Deejay
    +Feb 2015- 2000c custom Eluna- Zac
    +2013 Plushie Event Ticket- Cashed in to ATheart

    Pandora Talie

    Shy Kitten

    16,175 Points
    • Waffles! 25
    • Cat Fancier 100
    • Novice Mage 100


    Devoted Streaker

    PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:28 am

    Dolphin's Jun 2016-Jul 2016 Log

    To-do List

    Working On

    Pending Approval


    • Pastel Rainbow Squirrel - 50c
    • Breeding: Tanis x Barnard 72 - Unedited - 200sc (40sc x 5)
    • Breeding: Messina x Talbot - Unedited - 120sc (40sc x 3)
    • Breeding: Spook x Aiolis - Unedited - 160sc (40sc x 4)
    • Breeding: Starlight x BrightStar - Unedited - 200sc (40sc x 5)


    - Current Log (Jun/Jul): 730c
    - Previous: 2110c
    - Cash-in: 1000c

    TOTAL: 1840c

    Other Notes:
    1 x SS soq (unclaimed) 1 x SS fam (unclaimed)
    1 x Event soq (unclaimed) 1 x Event fam (unclaimed)
    Previous Logs:

    PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:05 pm

    Strife's June 2016 Worklog
    Biannual: June & December

    • _120 : Event: PHE09
    • 0000 : Rolled Breeding: Jua Kalisha x Braedyn (done & QCed -- not summed because needs to be dropped off in a batch)
      __________ 01: 10 + 50 + 95 (mod?)
      __________ 02: 10 + 50 + 95
    _______ Total Earned: 120c

    To-Do List:
    • Breeding: Jua Kalisha x Braedyn done!
    • Breeding: Andor x Xochitl Cuahtla (in progress)
    • Breeding: Star Sky x Ker Enyo (in progress)
    • event stuff (optional) done!
    • SC work (in progress)

    Previous = 3140cc
    This month = 120c
    Total = 3260c
    Cashin = 0c
    Remaining = 3260c
    Tech Credits = 8TC (previous) + 1TC (June) = 9TC

    SC Cooldowns:
    • staff perk (auction) -- until Nov 2016
    • SC tri/quad for self -- until Sep 2016


    Indomitable Seraph


    Indomitable Seraph

    PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:09 pm

    Strife's July 2016 Worklog
    Biannual: June & December

    • ___0 : EF: Niss (items not done; not counted) (from May)
    • 0310 : Rolled Breeding: Jua Kalisha x Braedyn (from June)
      __________ 01: 10 + 50 + 95
      __________ 02: 10 + 50 + 95
    • 0680 : Rolled Breeding: Xochitl Cuahtla x Andor
      __________ 01: 10 + 50 + 320
      __________ 02: 00 + 20 + 70
      __________ 03: 10 + 30 + 170
    • 0720 : CC Shortlist Breeding: Ker Enyo x Star Sky
      __________ 01: 10 + 30 + 320
      __________ 02: 10 + 30 + 320
    _______ Total Earned: 1710

    To-Do List:
    • SC work (in progress)

    Previous = 3260cc
    This month = 1710
    Total = 4970
    Cashin = 1500 (mutant custom gift: Absinthe x Lassuarium triwing mockbaby for Sage)
    Remaining = 3470
    Tech Credits = 9TC (previous) + 1TC (July) = 10TC

    PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:26 pm

    Griff's July 2016 Worklog
    Previous Worklog

    -Working On-

    xxxxxx-Pandora Talie | Seathi/Nixie | Solo Custom
    xxxxxx--Nessus-Euenos- | Wind/Cerynei | Solo Custom
    xxxxxx-JetAlmeara | Hippogryph | Solo Custom
    xxxxxx-Dea and #Teddy# | Pawed triwing uni/wind mutant | Solo
    xxxxxx-belloblossom | Wind | Solo
    xxxxxx-Shesha Sama | Regular | Solo Custom



    -Credits Earned-
    xxxxxxThis Month:
    xxxxxxPreviously: 3015
    xxxxxxCashed this month:
    xxxxxxTotal: 3015

    -Credits Cashed-
    xxxxxxFebruary: AnatoliaxRyuukai Breeding, 500c
    xxxxxxJune: Unedited Custom Angeni (Bent Neck + Domain), 1250c

    -Other/For Self-
    xxxxxx-Christmas Freebie Soq/Fam -Working (0c)
    xxxxxx-PH Event Freebie/Fam -Working (0c)
    xxxxxx-Angeni of Patience -Not Started (0c)


    Deus Sherry

    Celestial Requiem

    Wilderness Witch

    PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:08 am

    Cel's June-July 2016 Work Log

    Pending Approval

    Total: 0sc

    Nishikigoi x Silver Coin breeding: x2 kids - 80sc
    Mozilla x Lioth breeding: x2 kids - 80sc
    Jiang x Raiden breeding: x5 kids - 200sc

    Total: 360sc

    Working On

    -Previous credits: 3780sc
    -Earned this period: 360sc
    -Pending: 0sc

    Total: 4140sc (Does not include pending credits)

    -None: 0sc

    Grand Total: 4140sc

    Certing Pages and Staff Credits

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