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New Co-Ownership Agreements Thread 3/14/12 Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 54 55 56 57 58 59 ... 145 146 147 148 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Alien Senshi

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 4:24 pm

This is a revise of the original agreement for Azazel.

Original agreement here.

User Image

The rules for the agreement follow below:

General/RP rights
-We both have rights to put him in our signatures and teepee.
-We both have full IC roleplay rights, and doesn't need permission to start a roleplay.
-We both will have full OOC roleplay rights.
-We both have the right to input our ideas for breeding mate(s) even if it is not our breeding.
-The rights to any familiars attached to Azazel.

Notes on Contests:
Both Kaefaux and Pollack can enter Azazel in a contest whenever they wish. In less it is something that will be life changing like a skinwalking, Then it must be discussed between the two before entering.

Life changing decisions.
Such becoming a skinwalker ect. It will have to be discussed between the two of us before deciding on anything.

With this agreementKaefaux agrees never to lifemate Azazel with out my permission.

1st breeding:
In the first breeding, I will get rights to a basket. Kaefaux will have no rights to any baskets. If more than two basket occurs, we shall discuss with all parties what happens to it.

2nd breeding:
In the first breeding ,Kaefaux get to keep one of the baskets. I have no rights to any baskets. If more than two basket occurs, we shall discuss with all parties what happens to it.

3rd breeding:
I'll get the third breeding. We'll discuss with all party what happens with three.

4th breeding:
Goes to Kaefaux. Will discuss with all parties if three baskets.

-If Pollack or Kaefaux wishes to leave gaia or the soquili shop then full rights will go over to the other. Any future breedings will not be affected by this change in ownership and will be honored.
-(Even if I'm sure it's not needed.) Pollack has full rights to break the co-ownership at anytime. As well as Kaefaux has the right to give up all rights to Pollack at anytime. She may not pass on her co-ownership to anyone.

Very much accepting all of the above. Thank you again~ *u* <3333333333333333
PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:43 am

-[The Spoof]-

Co-ownership of Vincento Sinclair between myself and Faithofthefallen:

He's split totally 50/50 in every aspect. We can both rp him, display him in our sig and teepees, we'll share his breedings, etc.

If one of us is inactive on all of gaia for a period of six months, full ownership will go to whoever is still around if they want to claim it.

(Happy belated birthday!)

Y-Y The happy tears!!! Thank you Spoofeh, I love you!!!

Update: Spoof gets 1 solo breeding, Faith gets 1 solo breeding, and the rest will be split between us.

That Artemis

Devoted Heckler


PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:45 am

-[The Spoof]-
-[The Spoof]-

Co-ownership of Vincento Sinclair between myself and Faithofthefallen:

He's split totally 50/50 in every aspect. We can both rp him, display him in our sig and teepees, we'll share his breedings, etc.

If one of us is inactive on all of gaia for a period of six months, full ownership will go to whoever is still around if they want to claim it.

(Happy belated birthday!)

Y-Y The happy tears!!! Thank you Spoofeh, I love you!!!

Update: Spoof gets 1 solo breeding, Faith gets 1 solo breeding, and the rest will be split between us.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:37 pm

Co-ownership Agreement between Hanging Gallow and Leez0rz

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    General Rights
  • We both have the rights to put the Soquili in our signature and teepee.
  • We both have full IC roleplay rights and do not need each other's permission to start an RP.
  • We both have full OOC roleplay rights.
  • We both need to discuss attaching a familiar to the above Soquili.

    Breeding Rights
  • Both owners must discuss before lifemating any of the above Soquili.
  • There is no specified order in which a co-owner will breed any of the above Soquili. The co-owners will discuss among each other before entering a breeding to prevent confusion.
  • When it comes to baskets, the baskets will be divided up between the co-owner entering the breeding and her partner. In the case of three baskets, it will solely be up to the co-owner entering the breeding and her partner.

  • In the case that either owners has not logged in/posted on Gaia for 6 months without notice to the other co-owner, the active co-owner may revoke the rights of the other owner.


Adorable Fairy

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:13 am

Co-ownership Agreement between Hanging Gallow and Leez0rz

User Image
User Image

    General Rights
  • We both have the rights to put the Soquili in our signature and teepee.
  • We both have full IC roleplay rights and do not need each other's permission to start an RP.
  • We both have full OOC roleplay rights.
  • We both need to discuss attaching a familiar to the above Soquili.

    Breeding Rights
  • Both owners must discuss before lifemating any of the above Soquili.
  • There is no specified order in which a co-owner will breed any of the above Soquili. The co-owners will discuss among each other before entering a breeding to prevent confusion.
  • When it comes to baskets, the baskets will be divided up between the co-owner entering the breeding and her partner. In the case of three baskets, it will solely be up to the co-owner entering the breeding and her partner.

  • In the case that either owners has not logged in/posted on Gaia for 6 months without notice to the other co-owner, the active co-owner may revoke the rights of the other owner.

Before I become more of a dumbass and forget again I agree
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:10 pm

I, Kaliskanny, am co-owning Old Spice Man with Araghast.

User Image

Both owners have sig rights.

Kaliskanny has ic and ooc rp rights.

Big life decisions, such as lifemate and joining a herd, will be discussed between each owner.

Araghast will have rights to the first and third breeding slots. Kaliskanny has rights to the second and fourth breeding slots, as well as fifth and sixth pending stats and rp. Breeding partners will be discussed between each owner.

I agree.

Changing this in the following manner:

Araghast will have rights to the second and fourth breeding slots. Kaliskanny has rights to the first and third breeding slots, as well as fifth and sixth pending stats and rp. Breeding partners will be discussed between each owner.


Toxic Grunny

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Dangerous Raider

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:58 am

I, Kaliskanny, am co-owning Old Spice Man with Araghast.

User Image

Both owners have sig rights.

Kaliskanny has ic and ooc rp rights.

Big life decisions, such as lifemate and joining a herd, will be discussed between each owner.

Araghast will have rights to the first and third breeding slots. Kaliskanny has rights to the second and fourth breeding slots, as well as fifth and sixth pending stats and rp. Breeding partners will be discussed between each owner.

I agree.

Changing this in the following manner:

Araghast will have rights to the second and fourth breeding slots. Kaliskanny has rights to the first and third breeding slots, as well as fifth and sixth pending stats and rp. Breeding partners will be discussed between each owner.

I agree.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:52 pm

>BI Soq should reconsider familiar co-ownership, forrealz. READ HARRY POTTER. THINK OF THE HOUSEELVES. /shot

This is co-ownership of familiar Cyril between Roman Foi and Sesshy552.

Sesshy 552 will hold all RP rights.

Both users have rights to/mutually will agree upon:
Signature/Teepee rights
Breeding decisions
Major plot developments

If either owner is absent from online activity OR does not have communication with other owner for greater than 6 months, full ownership reverts to the active owner.

Roman Foi reserves the rights to break/edit this agreement though she love Sesshy very very much :u <3


In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur


Vicious Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:51 am

Roman Foi
>BI Soq should reconsider familiar co-ownership, forrealz. READ HARRY POTTER. THINK OF THE HOUSEELVES. /shot

This is co-ownership of familiar Cyril between Roman Foi and Sesshy552.

Sesshy 552 will hold all RP rights.

Both users have rights to/mutually will agree upon:
Signature/Teepee rights
Breeding decisions
Major plot developments

If either owner is absent from online activity OR does not have communication with other owner for greater than 6 months, full ownership reverts to the active owner.

Roman Foi reserves the rights to break/edit this agreement though she love Sesshy very very much :u <3

Do I agree here? Because I totally agreeee.
Nevermind xD
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:11 pm

Co-Ownership Agreement for Strawberry Melona
User Image
Lestragne & Ladyfirefox89

Teepee Rights:
Both Owners have teepee rights.

Breeding Rights:
Either one of us can enter the pair in depending on who is able to. We also will both have rights to enter him in any mixers that may come along or any other type of contest, as long as Melona is able to/single at the moment. Both of us have rights to baskets encase there are three from any breeding we may gift to the other owner.

RP Rights:
Both of us have rights to Rp Strawberry Melona but his personality must stay the same.

Signature Rights:
Both of us have rights

Life Altering/Major Decisions:
Breedings Partners : Must be discussed with both owners along with flings

Breaking Ownership: Lestragne can break the Agreement for any reason at any time
Relinquishing Rights: Both Owners have the right to give up their half of the ownership giving the other owner full rights.

(borrowed format from Strait Jacket Girl)


Sparkly Vampire

Jackariah Beckett

Fluffy Firestarter

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:24 pm

Co-Ownership Agreement for Strawberry Melona
User Image
Lestragne & Ladyfirefox89

Teepee Rights:
Both Owners have teepee rights.

Breeding Rights:
Either one of us can enter the pair in depending on who is able to. We also will both have rights to enter him in any mixers that may come along or any other type of contest, as long as Melona is able to/single at the moment. Both of us have rights to baskets encase there are three from any breeding we may gift to the other owner.

RP Rights:
Both of us have rights to Rp Strawberry Melona but his personality must stay the same.

Signature Rights:
Both of us have rights

Life Altering/Major Decisions:
Breedings Partners : Must be discussed with both owners along with flings

Breaking Ownership: Lestragne can break the Agreement for any reason at any time
Relinquishing Rights: Both Owners have the right to give up their half of the ownership giving the other owner full rights.

(borrowed format from Strait Jacket Girl)
Yes please! I accept *u*
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:54 pm

I, Divena, agree to co-own the following soq with DivenasMom:

Akis Sangfroid
Duga Couleur
Mariposa Neive
Midagi Royale
Nova Sangfroid
Sebastiana Kontrina
Seible Chirma
Xanatos Serdear
Zoisite Kaari

Divena will have:
Sole RP rights
Breeding rights (DivenasMom does not need to give permission, this includes mixers)
Sig rights

DivenasMom will have:
Sig rights
Lifemate veto power (No mateship without DivenasMom's agreement)
Co-owning rights to the baskets gained from breedings


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:57 pm

I, Divena, agree to co-own the following soq with DivenasMom:

Akis Sangfroid
Duga Couleur
Mariposa Neive
Midagi Royale
Nova Sangfroid
Sebastiana Kontrina
Seible Chirma
Xanatos Serdear
Zoisite Kaari

Divena will have:
Sole RP rights
Breeding rights (DivenasMom does not need to give permission, this includes mixers)
Sig rights

DivenasMom will have:
Sig rights
Lifemate veto power (No mateship without DivenasMom's agreement)
Co-owning rights to the baskets gained from breedings

I agree
PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:36 pm

I am posting to dissolve the co-ownership of the soquili Grace, as detailed here
I have not heard from Dragain in a very long time, I sent a PM in Sept this year (from my old account so that she would know who I was), which left my outbox but was never responded to.
I won Grace solely in a Thanksgiving raffle so I see no impediment to breaking the agreement as was set out in 2009 as I have attempted to contact but received no reply.


Tiny Bookworm

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Dragon Berri

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:17 pm

New Co-Ownership Agreement Between Strawberri Stardust & ShirouEn
Any agreements between us of these ponies made before this agreement are null and void.

This agreement includes the following Soquili:
Honeyed Lace, Nisha, Sena, & Tsuritsa
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As ShirouEn has become extremely busy with her real life awesomeness, she has agreed to give Strawberri Stardust full rights to the above Soquili.
This is not a dissolving of the co-ownerships by any means! If at any time ShirouEn has the time and/or inclination to return to Gaia, then new terms can be discussed.
For now, Strawberri Stardust promises to keep ShirouEn in the loop regarding any and all breedings won, familiars commissioned/won, etc.
In short, at this time, ShirouEn is co-owner in name only (iludarling <3)
Soquili Era

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