Finished: ---> Flame Elder Redo for Cele = 75cc ---> Gemma x Juan de Leon Breeding Baskets x 3 = 30cc ---> Gemma x Juan de Leon Foals x 3 = 90cc ---> Gemma x Juan de Leon Adults x 3 = 360cc ---> Anon Nox x Coop Amores Breeding Baskets x 3 = 30cc ---> Anon Nox x Coop Amores Foals x 3 = 90cc ---> Anon Nox x Coop Amores Adults x 3 = 360cc ---> Gothica x Bernivan Dino Breeding Baskets x 2 = 20cc ---> Gothica x Bernivan Dino Foals x 2 = 60cc ---> Gothica x Bernivan Dino Adults s x 2 = 240cc ---> Aranea x Enyalius Dino Breeding Baskets x 3 = 30cc ---> Aranea x Enyalius Dino Foals x 3 = 90cc ---> Aranea x Enyalius Dino Adults x 3 = 360cc
She-Ra of Etheria - transfer wishing star loyal companion Fuzzy-Gumdrop - transfer wishing star loyal companion ArashiX - sweater
SC Work:
Color's for LydaLynn's Custom Ki Kou
Credits Earned: Previous Record: 1640c Current month: nada Cash ins: 1500 for mutant custom soquili (mockbreeding) Total: 140c
TC: 8 (December 2015 - July 2016)
Previous cash ins:
December 2015: -1250 for Angeni with a domain January 2016: -450 for 6 edited familiars March 2016: -1500c for mutant Kalona April 2016:- 300c for 3 mutant familiars April 2016: -500 for unedited soquili breeding May 2016: -50c for custom accessory August 2016: -1500c mockbreeding custom soquili
June 10th:-2k mutant to give away to someone on later date (reserving for premade giveaway contest specifically for a herd I'm involved in. More legal that way) August 16th: -2k mutant to give away to someone on a later date (See June) October 26th: -1,500c for a breeding (Avalyn x Lalita) December 25th: -75c Unedited Goat familiar breeding January 31st: -1k Edited breeding (Cuauhcoatl x Cadence Amachi) February 25th: -1.5k for mutant custom March 31st: -1.5k for mutant custom gift for Roniel -75c unedited goat breeding April 30th: -500 unedited Breeding (Moon x Moon Moon) May 22nd: -1500 for Triwing custom for Meepfur June 19th: -500 unedited Breeding (Moon x Moon Moon... No, not the one from April, The other one.) July 31st: -6,750 C: Twin Mutant Unicorns + 30 "Edited Mutant Familiars' (Just to keep my larder stocked for random Non-Pony concepts and giveaways and to make sure I have enough for the Sumi-E Familiar for staff -- May not actually be edited mutant familiars/may be templated/custom items but I figure.. Buy using the biggest option to make sure I could do whatever in that range? Not like I need to be stingy with credits.) August 29th: -1k Edited Pony Breeding September: 30th: Unedited Familiar breeding -75c October 31st: -1k edited pony breeding (Twisted tunnel)
In no particular order
For Me
0/46 items and/or familiars used 21: Staff Sumi-E Left
Earned Hyper-hybrid/mutant custom slots 1/1 Converted to pure: 0
(I wanna store them up a little and open some customs with hyper hybrids and mutant slots separated, as well as pure slots separated individually so they're not all competing)
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:19 pm
Odet’s September/October Worklog I'll edit this post whenever I take on new/finish projects. Credit will only be added once it is complete.
Completed Work for September/October
---SC--- Feel free to ask for familiar breedings or unedited pony breedings. Only picking customs up from the yellow pages. SC: Kyrieko x 1 familiar - 50% (Finalizing edits)
---Custom Familiars---
---Flaffle Familiars---
---Familiar Breedings--- Silence x Lykolvo 1. X - 70c 2. X - 50c Yosei x Damian 1. X - 40c 2. X - 40c Cartridge Tilting x Bad Request 1. X - 70c 2. X - 70c 3. X - 50c 4. X - 70c Healer x Ignis 1. X - 50c 2. X - 50c 3. X - 40c Demi x Elros Sirran 1. X - 70c 2. X - 70c 3. X - 70c 4. X - 50c
---Upcoming Events/Raffles---
Carry Over: 21800c + September/October Total: 860c - Credit Cash in: 1475c - Pending __________________________ Total Total = 21185c
Credit Cash in
4000c - Twins June 2015 1500c - Breeding July 2015 1500c - Breeding September 2015 1000c - Breeding January 2016 1500c - Custom February 2016 1000c - Breeding March 2016 125c - Familiar Breeding April 2016 1000c - Breeding May 2016 125c - Familiar Breeding June 2016 1500c - Custom June 2016
-Pending- 1250c - 10 Edited Mutant Custom Familiars September 2016 125c - Familiar Breeding September 2016 100c - Seathi Unedited Custom September 2016
TO DO || [[ please note tablet barely works new one on the way. ]]
♥♥♥♥ Euphrates (Kamiki) x Dubstep (Fatal Irony) - Preggo Belly Done Working on - Basket (00c) - Not Started | Foal (00c) - 80% - Basket (00c) - Not Started | Foal (00c) - Started - Basket (00c) - Not Started | Foal (00c) - Started ♥♥♥♥ Luminitsa (Pollack) x Cedric Drekk (Wasteland Wyvern) - Preggo Belly Done Working on - Basket (00c) - Not Started | Foal (00c) - Not Started - Basket (00c) - Not Started | Foal (00c) - Not Started ♥♥♥♥ Echo's Song (tefla) x Dradneos (a-disgruntled-dragon (formerly the_scowling_cat & Makette) - Preggo Belly Done Working on - Basket (00c) - Not Started | Foal (00c) - Not Started - Basket (00c) - Not Started | Foal (00c) - Not Started - Basket (00c) - Not Started | Foal (00c) - Not Started ♥♥♥♥ Pyre (Sabin Duvert) x Pyrothraxus ( Sabin Duvert ) - Preggo Belly Undone [[ Transfered Work Was PMed that this pair is ok with skipping stages. So Adults only. ]] - Adult (00c) - Base Layout Done. Base Color Done. Markings Set - Adult (00c) - Working on ♥♥♥♥ Sweater for Tiger_Kisa699 - Working on ♥♥♥♥ Sweater for Poe-tae-toee x2 - Working on
♥♥♥♥ Custom for Troll | Collab Edits - Troll / Color - Kara Started On ♥♥♥♥ SC Breeding Ocha Hana x Shiro - Myself Started On - Basket (00c) | Foal (00c) | Adult (00c) - Basket (00c) | Foal (00c) | Adult (00c) - Basket (00c) | Foal (00c) | Adult (00c) ♥♥♥♥ My Christmas Familiar 2015 (00c) Started ♥♥♥♥ My Dino Event Freebie Pony (00c) Started ♥♥♥♥ My Dino Event Freebie Familiar (00c) ♥♥♥♥ My Christmas Pony 2016 (00c) ♥♥♥♥ My Christmas Familiar 2016 (00c)
Earned | 1215 Christmas Bonus | 500 Cashed | 1000 for FEB 2016 Past Post | 330 Grand Total | 11884
Consumer Work (Freebies, events, breedings, etc): Time Frame to complete: May-November Percentages based on the average progress of each pony (at that stage). N/A (YAYYYYYYYY)
Collab Work:
P/RE Stuff
Birthday event stuff maybe? (Birthday has already passed.)
0/1 Prehistoric Event Freebies (Familiar) - I don't even know... Chiyo's thing maybe 0/1 Christmas Familiar 2016 claimed
Cooldown tracker: Akuba re-custom - gold payment (June, able to try for another custom in august) Moon x Mua'oon Mockchild ("Uh Oh") - gold payment (able to try again December)
Claim Tracker: N/A
Cash In Tracker: Edited Breeding - Lady Aria Stone (April 2016) (-1000c)
Goals Colourist goals:
Finish all WS stuff Get approval for breedings / customs Do first legit breedings Do first custom Hold a freebie contest Do some custom items for soquili
Sc goals:
Lady Aria's Brreding - Phail's SC event* Panda's Twins - Phail's SC event* Micah Twin (gift for friend) - 1250c met (not claimed) - fatal irony on 2 month cooldown so on backburner. Chiyo - dino event soquili Purewalker (bear x tarou - twins???) Goats for Blot Borsa's Sister (Goat) Sweater for Alice (Twilight Angel) Dev x Charlotte Kiddo
November 2013: -500c for Frodo Baggins Peregrin Took for Summer Raven December 2013: -500c for a gator for me and a porcupine for Niss! March 2014: -1500c for Amitabha/Sopheary breeding May 2014: -250c for freebie upgrade June 2014: - 1500 for Svanbjorn/Blight breeding August 2014: -1500 for Verity/Zamiel breeding October 2014: -1500 for twisted breeding December 2014: -2000 for mutant custom April 2015: -2000 for mutant custom for Niss August 2015: -1500 for MIsaki/Arathorn breeding December 2015: -1000 for Kawah Ijen x Vajrayana breeding March 2016: -1000 for Latty custom, -100 for mutant gator May 2016: - 1000 for breeding, - 200 for mutant familiars July 2016: -1250 for cosplay custom for Fuzzy-Gumdrop, -100 for 2 unedit familiars Sept 2016: -1000 for breeding October 2016: -1750 for custom cosplay
Things I Owe Me ⚪️ 1/3 - Mutant Ring Mare ⚪️ Discord x Marrow Twisted Breeding (Edited Breeding) ⚪️ Huginn x Muninn Twisted Breeding (Edited Fam Breeding) ⚪️ 25 Unedited Fams ⚪️ 11 Edited Fams
✨ 🐎 ⭐️ 🐎 ⭐️ 🐎 ⭐️ 🐎 ⭐️ 🐎 ⭐️ 🐎 ⭐️ 🐎 ⭐️🐎 ✨
Current Month's Credits Earned; ⍟5280 Current Month's Cash-ins; ⚪️ Discord x Marrow Twisted Breeding (Edited Breeding) ⚪️ Huginn x Muninn Twisted Breeding (Edited Fam Breeding) ⚪️ 25 Unedited Fams ⚪️ 11 Edited Fams Current Month's Credit's Spent; -⍟3200 Credits Carried Over ⍟2093 Some Math (2093+6030)=8123 8123-3200=4932 All Time Total; ⍟34,459 Current Total; ⍟4932
[Custom] Dea and #Teddy# (Unedited) - [25+25] - 95c [Custom] Mia Lovasz (Unedited) - 25c [Custom] ramenli (Moderate) - 75c
❖ Templating
- none at the moment -
❖ SC Cash Ins
-1k credits for Miliani (04/14/12) *done* -1k Asked for SC Custom (Alaric) From Mind (06/04/12) *done* -2k for SC custom twins (Perenna and Pyralis) From Mobbu (08/01/12) *Transferred to Mindsend Feb 2014* -1k Zero cosplay (The Nightmare Before Christmas) for Katch's b-day pressie (09/03/12) *done* -1.5k for Merete Lieve x Celebeat Twisted Breeding From Juls (10/30/12) *transferred to Mindsend, done* -1k for Angeni/wind/flutter Custom from Neza (12/26/12) *done* -250c for more than mod edits on freebie (from October 2012) *done* -1k for Kaipo Solana (Angeni/Cerynei) - February 2013 *done* -1k for Kiana's Bday Pressie - March 2013 *done* -1k for Shaymin based poneh - July 2013 *done* -1k for "Let It Go" Inspired Carousel Poneh - Dec 2013 (Ryuu is doing her ouo!) *done* -250c for upgrading freebie - Jan 2014 (Freebie is being done by 1/3) *done* -2k credits for a Uni/Kirin/Angeni Female Hearts Carousel from Uta *done* -500 credits for 2 familiars March 2014 *done* -500 credits for Tefla's bday gift (June 2014) *done* -10k credits for megamutant (can't get another until July 2015) *WIP* -1k credits for newbie gift for Ebonrune <3 (September 2014) *done* -1k credits for mutant mini female for myself (November 2014) *done* -1.5k credits for Alaric x Louvia winter breeding -- by Sesshy (December 2014) *done* -250c to heavy edits (November/Decemberr Event) -- By Strife -1.5kc for Vioo x Lucilius breeding -- by Nerpin (February 2015) -2kc for Mutant Angeni of Butterflies -- by Nerpin (March 2015) -1kc for B-day pressie for Lat (July 2015) *done* -7TC for Lynx Purewalker (August 2015) SC Cash in for September: -1kc (For Orangeish Sherbert - Lenka Angeni) SC Cash in for October: -2kc (For myself - Brush Phoenix) SC Cash in for Dec&Feb: -3000c (For myself - Mutant Wind Carousel Mated Pair)
December 2015: -1250 for Angeni with a domain January 2016: -450 for 6 edited familiars March 2016: -1500c for mutant Kalona April 2016:- 300c for 3 mutant familiars April 2016: -500 for unedited soquili breeding May 2016: -50c for custom accessory August 2016: -1500c mockbreeding custom soquili