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Dragon Quest (Many choices available! Huge twist page 18) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 17 18 19 20 [>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:16 pm
"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Yuna said to Aisu "if u ever scare me like that again i'll kill you!" Yuna said as nice as possible. "you look terrable! im going to feed youy before you starve!" Yuna said wile placeing Aisu on her dragon then she jumps on and in about 5 minutes they are eating at the finest place that Yuna could find.
"Thank you so much Yuna! i misses you to!" Aisu said.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:02 pm
After eating, they set out again.


Several hours later, as the sun escaped behind the mountains, Nyrok and Gandohar found a small town. "Let's go look around." Gandohar suggested. "Mayhap they have a doctor that could help you." Nyrok growled his disapprovement, but later agreed, knowing it would be for the best.
They walked in. A couple of woman gave shrieks of fear from seeing Nyrok, but calmed down when they saw he was with Gandohar and would not attack. But they stayed weary. Gandohar approached a man. "Do you have a doctor in this village?"

The man turned around and made Gandohar almost gasp in astonishment. He had large, bloodshot eyes. He looked like he hasn't slept in days. Thats because he didn't. "Di-did you see the dragon pass overhead?" He asked, frightened.

"You mean to say the one with the beautiful red and black tipped scales and the perfectly crafted wings?"

"The very same. He has been causing us trouble. We cannot sleep, for he keeps threatening us throughout the night. Can you not tell that no one has slept for days?"

Gandohar looked around to see the other villagers. They all had similar bloodshot eyes, and looked like they would collapse at any second. "Can you not take shifts in keeping guard?"

"No one can rest, knowing the risk of sleeping and being attacked. It is said that dragon can enter our minds when they are at rest." He then sized up Gandohar. "You look like a powerful warrior. Can you slay the dragon?"

Gandohar was surprised by the question. "I shall do it, for this village and its people." he vowed.

"Thank you, young sire. Take this, then. We are too fearful, and none of us are fighters." The man wobbled to a large hut, and came out with a sword, in its sheath. He handed it to Gandohar.

Gandohar took the sword and took it out of its sheath. It was beautifully crafted. It had a golden hilt that looked like a dragons head. Where the dragons eyes should have been there was a large, red stone that looked like a ruby. It was double bladed, and almost as big as Aisu, yet somehow he was able to hold it with one hand.

"I knew you could do it. For one with small arms, you are quite powerful. May your trip be safe, and may Ryn guide you safely in her protective arms." The man turned around to walk away, when Gandohar called him back.

Gandohar heard of Ry before, although he wasn't religous. She was the common God most people, even Peasant's, believed in. She was said to have great healing abilities, and would help anyone in need. She was killed, though, when a village was attacked, she sacrificed her life to save the Peasant's. She is greatly loved by Peasant's for this reason.

"Wait, sir. My wolf is hurt, do you know anyone who could help him?" By this time Nyrok collapsed on the ground. "I believe his wound may have gotten infected."

The man laughed. "You do not want anyone in this village to help with that! But, there is a very powerful mage who lives southeast of this village. He has a large building made of stone. It is quite marvelous. Yet few can see it, for reasons unknown."

Gandohar thanked him and bid him farewell. He unsheathed the sword again and marveled at his weight. He dropped his old sword, which compared to his new sword, looked like a childs toy. "Come on Nyrok, we must go." Nyrok heaved himself up, and slowly followed Gandohar.  

Alchemist of the Twilight


PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:58 pm
"are you ok Aisu?" Yuna asked
"not really..." Aisu answered
"oh...why?" Yuna asked.
"never mind..." Aisu said after pauseing for a wile.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:58 pm
Gandohar set camp outside the village. They slept well until the sun was high above them. When they woke, they ate plump squirrels (courtesy of Nyrok) and set out once more. It was shortly after an hour or so that they found a breath taking sight. In front of them, stood a large house made of stone! Not even Gandohar lived in a house so grand, and he was a Noble! It was as tall as the trees, yet Gandohar could not understand why the man said some couldn't see it, when it stuck out against the woods. He stood looking at the building, and turned to look at Nyrok, who looked weaker than yesterday, looking at him with confused eyes. Nyrok jumped back in surprise, suddenly. The building-it came out of nowhere! he told Gandohar. They cautiously approached the building. Gandohar knocked on the large, wooden door, with animals shapes carved into the wood; wolves, dragons, leopards, jaguar, bears, and a shape he thought was an odd looking human, with four arms.

A young man opened the door. "Come in, and let me see Nyrok."

Gandohar and Nyrok stood in shock.

"Come, come quickly now! Before the infection gets worse!" He urged.

Ganohar walked in, dazed. Nyrok followed him, and the Mage picked the wolf up and put him on a table. "This might hurt a bit.." he told the wolf. His hands lit up a blinding white color.

Gandohar shielded his eyes and heard Nyroks whine. The light disappeared a second later, and the Mage stood over Nyrok. The wolf was asleep; apparently the Mage put him to sleep to help ease the pain. While he worked, he talked to Gandohar.

"I knew you were coming. Only those desperate can find me; it is a spell I put up when I was only a lad. I could sense your presense, and everytime you would talk with Nyrok, I could hear his voice. He sounded weak, and that is why I revealed my home to you."

"But how did you know our names?"

"Simple!" He exclaimed. "When you two would share thoughts, you usually communicate by using names!"

"Well he heal?" Gandohar asked, worried.

"Of course, He's in great hands!" He beamed.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Unkar Garu, healing Mage. Been healing my whole life. I was trained by Ryn Garu, my mother!" He proudly exclaimed.

"Do you mean the Goddess Ryn, loved by Peasant's and healing expert?" Gandohar asked.

"Nay, nay." He hastily replied. "She was named after her, though, for she is great with healing magic. We're said to be her decendants; something I intend to find out during my life time." He changed the subject. "I hear you were sent by Tao Irfilin to find me? The man who told you about me in the village." he added when he saw Gandohars confused look.

"Ah, yes indeed." He replied. "They are threatened by the dragon, and they asked me to slay it!"

"You must not kill him!" He said angrily. "It has done nothing wrong to those villagers! Those villagers attacked it, and angered him! It is the villagers that must pay!"

"I do not understand." Gandohar said. Nyrok was still asleep, but the Mage had finished working on him.

"They attacked him because he made his nest to close to the village. Now, he wants revenge!"

"Then what must I do?"

"Go to the dragon. I believe you are an element master, as well as a capable warrior. Talk to him. You will know what to do then."

Nyrok woke up.

Suddenly, the roof started shaking. The child dragon Gandohar had seen earlier blasted through the roof.  

Alchemist of the Twilight


PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:24 am
"I sware you need new clothes! Like mine. lets go since your not really eating..." Yuna said

Um..ok.." Aisu said

after the shopping Yuna and Aisu sat down.

"ok i dont know how to say this but i need your help to kill a very rich powerful man...he has 103 body guards and 57 dogs that are trained to kill and i have to kill him...so will you help me?" Yuna asked.

"Ok lets go!" Aisu answered

"thats why I bought you the armor and robes...so lets go kill him!" Yuna exclamed.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:42 pm
Ryuichi was walking through town with Khimaru when he heard someone shout, 'Lets go kill him!' and his ears pricked. He was not exactly fond of killing, only if it was essential to survive. The two walked up to stranger who had shouted the remark and said, "Excuse me, but murder is not exactly the best way to accomplis something."  

Kazuya Maeda

Alchemist of the Twilight

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:48 pm
((Gaara I'm really sorry, but Kyo can't recover so quickly. SHE WAS NEARLY KILLED!!! AND WAS LEFT TO DIE BECAUSE SHE GOT BURNT BY FIRE THAT WOULD DESTROY HER HEART AFTER A COUPLE OF HOURS!!! and you see the whole proccess I'm going through to help Nyrok get better from a simple stomach wound that got infected.))

It's red and black tipped scales shone in the sun light. It let out a fercious roar before trying to attack Unkar.

Unkar ran out of the way. The dragon flew low to the ground and tried to pick him up with its claws. Unkar threw his hands up onto its chest. He shouted some thing in a different language. Gandohar thought he said "Sokhar!" But wasn't positive. Being part mage himself, he knew of these magic words, but not too much.

The dragon turned around and flew away.

"How did you do that?" Gandohar asked, confused.

"Simple." he grinned. "I've been meaning to ask you sometihng." He said before Gandohar could ask any more questions. "I want to ask if I can join you on your quest, wherever that may lead. I can help heal you whenever the need arises. I have no more home, as well." He looked at his house, which lay in ruins. He grinned again.

Gandohar was stunned, but managed to say, "Of course, noble mage."

"Excellent!" Unkar exclaimed. "I shall go grab my things at once!" He ran to some of the ruins and rummaged through. He found his staff, as well as an object Gandohar never saw before. It was round and about the size of a pebble. It was a bright blue color. He hid it in his robes and said, "We must hurry now!"

Gandohar and Nyrok followed the odd Mage.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:49 pm
[If anyone is curious, I'm going to put Unkar's profile on the profile post on the first page]  

Alchemist of the Twilight

Kazuya Maeda

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:05 pm
((Ok, im kinda left in the dark here. #1, what happened, #2. does it affect my character at all? and #3, how can the story progress?))  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:14 pm
Lee the Handsome Devil
Ryuichi was walking through town with Khimaru when he heard someone shout, 'Lets go kill him!' and his ears pricked. He was not exactly fond of killing, only if it was essential to survive. The two walked up to stranger who had shouted the remark and said, "Excuse me, but murder is not exactly the best way to accomplis something."

Aisu turned around to see them "oh im um..well..im uh." Aisu said wile blushing because she couldent explain herself
"we have to kill him...we are neing paid to kill him and he's killing people every second...he deserves to die! so you wanna help us?" Yuna asked him.  


Kazuya Maeda

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:21 pm
"I don't know." Ryuichi said. He looked over to Khimaru and didn't seem to say anything, but in reality, he and the bear where having a conversation. What do you think Khimaru? Ryuichi asked. We need to ask for more information on the guy they are going to kill. the young bear answered. "Who exactly is this guy you want to kill?" Ryuichi asked them.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:08 pm
"Riagaru Mancari he has killed over 400 people that I know about he has stolen a lot of money from peasents he killed my father and stole money from me mother and her deserves to die!" Yuna exclaned.

"and it's kinda like an adventure!" Aisu said.

"so what do you say?We could use all the help that we can get." Yuna said.  


Kazuya Maeda

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:26 pm
"Well," Ryuichi said, "with a criminal record like that, the least we could do is put him behind bars. I'm not to fond of killing." He looked over at Khimaru again, What do you think? I say we help them, this man seems terrible. Ryuichi looked over at the two again and said, "We will aid you."  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:31 pm
((Gaara answer my question! I'm sorry (again) but I find it unfair that you can heal that quickly. And in case you haven't noticed, thats god modding))

Unkar stopped suddenly and looked in amazement at something Gandohar and Nyrok could not see because he stood in there way. He stepped aside and let them look. Gandohar walked forward and saw, simply, a large crater in the ground. He was confused, until he remembered something. The dragon, when he first saw it, flew very clumsily. It seemed to have crashed, right in this spot.

Nyrok limped forward. His stomach still pained him, but it felt better then before. He gazed at the large crater. Where is he now? Nyrok asked.

They wearily moved on. They found a small village when the moon revealed itself in full glory. He heard "Riagaru" mentioned. Wasn't he that mass murderer?

Gandohar, Nyrok, and Unkar moved forward. "Why are you speaking that demons name?" Gandohar stepped forward to see Aisu!

"How did you survive!" he shouted.

((We can't really move forward until we get a DC leader, which I'm thinking I might make myself))  

Alchemist of the Twilight


PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:32 pm
"Thank you so much!" they said together.
"AAHhhh!' Aisu yelled in suprisement."because me and Yuna are gunna try to kill him..." Aisu answered.
"And who are you...and she survived because of me!" Yuna said to him in anger. "Aisu who are these people?" Yuna asked.  
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