Soq's Name: Mr. Wookie
Soq's Picture:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Mr. Wookie is calm and kind, coming from a vary bad background which he does not openly discuss or remember, really. He was abused and is prone to moments of parinoia from time to time. He is all around a nice guy. He is also vary loyal, and there is no possability of him every straying from the relationship.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Mr. Wookie needs someone who is calm and kind like him. They must also be vary understanding and nurturing. They can be loud so long as they are gentle. No aggressive girls.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM please. Always able to get me via PM.
RP or non-RP?: RP, lots of RP. A couple RPs of them meeting, being around each other before any of the real romance comes in. Mr. Wookie (and I) needs to be able to trust the mare to always be there (and i wanna know your not gonna up and poof on us without a word *has had it happen in other shops and makes Lita-chan sad*) Note: If your a short responce (a few sentences) or you take a while to reply, do not be turned off by the "Lots of RP". I'm not vary pushy, i don't care if it takes a week for you to reply, so long as i know your going to reply. <3
Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious only. He's been hurt enough.