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Generous Unicorn

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:45 am
Who I am applying for: Ukweli
Username of person RPing Ukweli: Cajanic

Prompt: Ukweli has visions of the earthquake - moments before it actually happens. He must flee down from the mountainside cavern where he's staying to warn Ubawa, but doesn't make it in time before the landslides begin.

Response: Lionesses were screaming for help, desperately seeking mates and family. Their frightened expressions, the horror dancing visibly in their eyes, were cloaked in an eerie shade of red, as though the entire area had been drenched in thick, fresh blood. The blood of those who would be killed.

He could see their faces.

A young female struck down by the anger of the land. Others who had done nothing to offend the harsh mistress Mother Earth, but were forced to suffer her wrath due to the prior crimes of less favorable lions. Innocence was, or so it seemed, not enough to be spared.

Cubs were crying.

The land around them shifted violently in an act of rebellion to their civilization, uprooting their lives and destroying what they had claimed as their own in an effort to once again reign as free, untainted earth. This show of power was indeed humbling, the blood of those lost reminders that, no matter how safe and secure one feels the land has become, it, like the wild animals that they all took such delight in being, could never be fully tamed. Lions were dying not from claw or sickness, but because of the very land they had trusted as their home betraying them. Because they had been cruel to it? Misused it throughout their lives, the rankness of their offenses finally catching up to them? It was unclear. All that he could see was the troubling sentence that would soon be brought upon the pride.

Gasping sharply, Ukweli opened his eyes, sitting up. The den in which he nested was still and quiet. This calm was not a comfort to the aged male, who now considered such silence the same as a calm before the storm. Verily, it was too quiet.

The earthquake was soon to come.

As a seer, he was well aware that this convoluted mass of terrifying imagery was not merely a dream, but a premonition of things to come.

Tight, old bones seemed to creak like wood as the animal drew himself to his paws, the large male’s old frame protesting the movements as it normally did whenever he needed to get up. Elderly though he was, the male Ukweli was not in bad health. Indeed, many in the pride saw him as an immortal- his spirits and actions jointly mirthful from a creature so obviously on in years. Embracing his life with such a warm, peaceful frame of mind allowed him to linger on in a world perhaps too changed for him, leaving him to do his very best to keep up. A task he took on willingly and happily.

But now was not a time to take things easy. With a grunt he pushed himself forward on worn legs, the harsh groaning of joints ignored as he powered himself out of the cave. To him the pace was swift, his decline down the mountainside nothing short of a God’s grace granting him a boost in speed. In the past few years he had never moved with such fiery quickness, even downhill. Save, of course, for one moment of misfortune last summer when a cub had gotten under-toe and sent him rolling down a grass-coated hillside. In reality, his pace was not something that couldn’t be matched by a more strapping lion, even his push of urgency failing to make him much faster than any of the younger creatures within the pride. What else could be expected? He was a timeworn male of considerable experience, better in mind than body. No matter how fit he was for his age, thus could not be altered.

Descending down the mountain pass, the male started to slow. Good only in short bursts, his energy was already starting to fail him, leaving him to ease up on the pace and get himself some air. Puffing awkwardly, the youthfully-challenged animal turned his head down towards the base of the mountain, spotting three cubs playing carelessly with one another. Reminded that their lives would soon be threatened, Ukweli was granted new stamina, once again breaking into a run. He needed to tell the others what was going to happen. It was his duty as a seer and, more importantly, his duty as a lion. The power to save others was there- it needed to be used. All his life he had tried to ensure his abilities brought happiness and safety to those around him. Nothing he had seen in the past compared to what he needed to do now. This moment was the one- the one he could really say he had done the others some good.

His moment was shattered as he realized too late had his premonition come to him.

Edging ever-closer to the bottom of the trail, the male was suddenly tossed against the stone wall of the towering mountainside, the earth trembling beneath his pads. Her vengeance came swiftly. Within seconds did it strike with full-intensity, offering no time for any means of protection or evacuation. He hadn’t been fast enough.

Disturbed but not deterred, Ukweli did his best to balance himself once more. Too late to warn of the earthquake, he knew he could still try to help the others. That meant finding Ubawa. Hesitating but a moment, he glanced over one shoulder, hoping to spot the cubs he had noted not far from him. Now he could not see them. Perhaps they had run for shelter at the start of the quake.

Oh, right, the earthquake was still going on.

Growling, as though at his own stupidity, he rushed on, awkwardly avoiding falling rocks and his own stumbling legs as he continued on his beaten path to aid the others as well he could. In the back of his mind, he understood that soon the death that had decorated his vision would be made a reality.

Meanwhile, Viza, his avian companion, flew ahead of him. Never speaking a word to one another, they both knew what needed to be done. Their's was a deep, spiritual connection that ran deeper than could really be explained. It was this connection that granted them both the comprehension of one another's actions without stating it. Never did Viza need to know what the elderly male had envisioned to follow after him. There was trouble. That was all that was needed for the bird to fly near and wait for instruction. The earthquake hitting gave her a fairly good idea of what her friend had seen anyway.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:56 am
Who I am applying for: Ukweli
Username of person RPing Ukweli: LadyNozomi

Prompt: Ukweli has visions of the earthquake - moments before it actually happens. He must flee down from the mountainside cavern where he's staying to warn Ubawa, but doesn't make it in time before the landslides begin.

Ukweli opened his eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the dimming light which was filtering in from the caverns mouth. He’d retired from his duties early due to the massive ache in his brain. It seemed when this particular ailment came about, the only way to treat it was with sleep. Standing up, he stretched all his limbs out slowly. The lion was getting on in his years, and could no longer spring to his feet like he used to.

From the corner Viza awoke as well, ruffling her feathers slightly and squawking. Ukweli chuckled at his companion. Most likely, she’d come to watch over him and fallen asleep herself. If only she didn’t have such an unfortunate…
“Feelin any better Uk?” Viza squawked lightly. Her voice had been afflicted since birth, and the grating way she spoke had earned her the name she bore- ‘curse’. The lanner falcon was in fact a very intelligent bird, but no one took her seriously because of her voice. Not that it really stopped her from using it… much to everyone else’s chagrin.

“Yes, Viza, I am.” He exited the mouth of the cavern and looked down on the pride’s valley below. He was proud of the Aka’mleli, and proud of the fact that they had help from the bird goddess Hestia. Actually, Ukweli was proud of most things about the pride- they’d done well in the last generations, and he had gotten to witness it all first hand. He wasn’t too high up over the valley, but far enough to get a decent view.
It looked gorgeous. The sun would set in about an hour and illuminate the valley even more, and the old lion didn’t want to miss it. He plopped his old bones down near the edge of the pathway, and got as comfortable as he could. Viza flew out of the cavern and joined him, perched on his shoulder. It had been a while since they’d watched the sunset over the valley.

It was at that moment that his eyes shook within his skull. It must have been, because while his eyesight showed the world shaking, his feet where firmly planted on the ground. It was a rather discontented feeling, and it made the lion sick to his stomach.

A vision.

It took Ukweli a few seconds to realize that he was having a vision of the earth being angered and retaliating. He stood quickly, trying to get a better look at the pride commons below. He could see several forms dashing about and cowering. The only thought that ran through his mind was that the king must be warned about this disaster, as soon as possible. Starting down the slope as fast as he dared, the lion stumbled on his own paws. It was difficult for him to move when his vision was shaking so much. He had no clue when the actual earth would start shaking, but it was best to not take it lightly.

“Viza- go down to where the ground meets the Cliffside and find a small cave or hole to hide in, and stay there until I get you.” The lanner falcon, which had been following her silent companion worriedly nodded and flew off in the other direction. Even if Uk wasn’t making any sense, she knew better than to not listen. It didn’t take her long to find a small cave deep enough to hide in. She nestled in and began to preen out of nervousness.

Back on the path, Ukweli was struggling to put one foot in front of the other. Casually, the lion glanced up towards the sky… and saw a boulder falling right on top of him. Gasping, the old lion lunged forward and cowered… only to be hit by nothing. It was just another part of the vision. Cursing under his breath, Ukweli realized he could go no further until his vision stopped. It was too much.

Crawling to the side of the path, the lion hid under an outcropping. He found once underneath, that it extended back a ways into the rock. It took a few minutes for his visions to completely stop, and Ukweli breathed in deep. Might as well stay here and regain his stamina and composure before moving out again. It took a few minutes, but it finally seemed like everything would be fine.

He placed a large paw forward to help himself move out… only to feel the earth tremor beneath it. He didn’t believe it at first, but when it happened again, this time accompanied by some small debris... well, Ukweli was devastated. The earth-shaking had started… and he was unable to warn anyone. The ancient lion only hoped that Viza and the rest of his pride would be safe. The ancient lion pulled back his paw and watched in horror as the world came crashing down around him.  


Successful Edit

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:44 am
Months holiday so, might as well give it a go! =D
Good luck everyone <3

Who I am applying for: Ukweli
Username of person RPing Ukweli: Meryt-Ryre

Prompt: Ukweli has visions of the earthquake - moments before it actually happens. He must flee down from the mountainside cavern where he's staying to warn Ubawa, but doesn't make it in time before the landslides begin.

'Young' Viza knew, somehow, before Ukweli did – with some mild sixth sense perhaps, the kind all animals possessed, a less refined form of the seer powers the Seers did. But what she knew was beyond her.

The brown falcon sat uneasily on her perch, a branch that had been dragged into the cavern for that very purpose, claws dug in and wings angled restlessly as if she longed to take flight. There was no bird in the white sky, and no blue broke through the thick blanket of cloud. While the air seemed pregnant and heavy, the clouds were light and no rain fell. The wind howled but it was the only sound this evening, without the usual song of the crickets as dusk started to fall.

Robbed of her usual airborne prey she’d tried to fish earlier after the fashion of friend Maboya. Such was her agitated state that a bird of the air would try to fish. Besides, all the creatures of the water had seemed restless too, swimming nearer to the surface than normal, as if they feared the depths below. It troubled her and thinking about it she shifted her weight from talon to talon and peered with fierce seeming eyes into the gloom at the back of the cave where her lion partner slept.

Something seemed so very wrong. She could feel it in her pinfeathers.


Ukweli would not have called what he was doing sleeping and would have gently rebuked young Viza had he known her thoughts. Her mother, his original partner, would have laughed - the ancient lion could never have slept sitting up for a start! His joints bothered him at night sometimes and sleeping upright would have just been asking for aches. Ukweli never complained to anyone but Viza so she should have known from his grumbles at least...Anyway, sleeping could wait on a day like this.

Eyes closed, he was trying to harness his Seer abilities as he had been taught here in the solitude of their cave, hoping his art could reveal what was causing this vast sense of unease that hung over the area. He likened it to the feeling of brooding calm before a storm. If he could just focus hard enough maybe he could induce a -

The ‘storm’ struck early in his mind.

“Viza!” He called suddenly and sharply as the vision ended and he pulled his old bones upright. In his urgency he moved faster than he had in seasons, trying to quickly convey to his partner a sky-message for their king. “Fly to Ubawa, warn him to rally the pride, we must -! “

But then the ‘storm’ struck the rest of the world too.

It started with a rumble and a roar, so deep in the earth the pair more sensed it rather than heard it, the bird flapping her wings and digging her claws into the bark, and the lion’s words becoming a wordless cry of alarm. The caves floor cracked and the roof shed dust ominously as the pair stumbled and flapped into the open, any elegance abandoned in their haste. Down they hurried, Ukweli siding on now loose scree where there was once a solid clear path. The firs tremor subsided and he looked to his partner, flying low beside him and trying to see a safe path for the elder with her sharp eyes.

“Never mind staying with me. Fly if you can. Find our king!” He ordered with oddly calm authority, sending his partner off with a wild screech.

As quickly as he could, Ukweli made his way through the nightmare he’d forseen, stumbling occasionally – but even the youngest and most agile would have had a hard time staying on their paws. It was hard going for the old lion but he prevailed. Tremor after tremor hit, the landside changing before his eyes, the titanic movements of the earth causing havoc up above. The pass to the next valley was closed by falling rocks and he saw one of the females, Ficha, fall through space as another of the mountain paths collapsed beneath her.

Who knew how many else would be lost to them before this was over?

All Ukweli could do was make his way down and down, his old body aching with the effort, to rejoin his pride.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:15 am
Who we are applying for: Umoja and Mapatano
Username of person RPing Umoja: Safaia
Username of person RPing Mapatano: wooga Paes

Prompt: Prior to the earthquake, Umoja and Mapatano are out scouting with their birds when they notice the sudden upsurge in vulture numbers around the area. RP out their conversation and thoughts about the situation.

With a soft breeze rustling his fur, Umoja watched the lands around him carefully. Patrols were usually the same each time he went out; nothing significant to report. An influx of a certain preybeast, or the lack of another. Today would finally churn out something different.

His eyes caught the fluttering of a tree. Only, trees didn't flutter, nor did they grow dark, almost black-coloured wings. "Well, would you look at that," he said with a snort. There were a few trees far off from, only they were full of vultures. Some fluttering off only to reside on the branches again, or other taking off into the air.

"Cheating on me, now?" Mfalme chimed in, landing on his bonded's shoulder. "I'll warn you, they do smell." Umoja grinned at his friend, knowing now that the jabs at one another would start. "You smell worse, Mfalme."

"Smells good compared to you. " Mapatano piped out, stepping away from the rock he'd climbed up on for a better view. At the movement Hisa swooped down from the tree she'd been trying to squeeze a squirrel out of to land on his back.

"How many do yah think there are? That tree looks loaded. " He said. "'n there are more flyin' about. " He twtiched his tail tip, and Hisa eyes the tree herself. "They don't all look like they came from there. Maybe there's more. "

Umoja knew better than to argue with all of them, and kept his tongue in his mouth once Mapatano took his own jab at him. Instead, he puffed his chest out a bit, looking ready and willing to find the root of this problem.

"Mfalme, you and Hisa should go check it out, give us a good idea of just how many are there." The sheer number of them did make Umoja unsettled, since their skies belonged to the raptors, and not the scavengers.

Mfalme snapped his beak, obviously not pleased with this request. Only the trust that he put in his bonded pushed him to jump back into the sky, off to fulfill Umoja's request.

Hise wasn't so sure about doing as Umoja said. Vultures were.. quite big, and she wasn't a martial eagle like Mfalme was. However, she too leaped into the air, swooping gracefuly over the floor for a moment then picking up speed and flying high.

"Screech for every tree you see! " Mapatano shouted after Hisa, and a wiggle of her tail le thim know she'd heard. Soon enough he'd already heard at least one more screech. "There are definitely two. " He sat down, watching as his bonded got small and smaller.

"There aren't usually that much. Maybe Nadra invited them over for a party. " He rolled his eyes. Nara was the vulture bonded of one of the lionesses, Elea.

Umoja watched as the two flew away, confident that they would at least get more information about the blasted vultures. He couldn't help but snort, withholding laughter from Mapatano's comment. "I didn't realize she was so socialized," he said. It could be taken as a bit crude, but with the amount of vultures, it almost warrented a comment like that.

With the second screech, Umoja's worry actually began to show on his face. "I don't think we have that many unbonded cubs, Mapatano." He kept his head arched high, his own eyes trying to see more, as he was impatient for the raptors to return.

"Maybe an elephant died. " He huffed, that was bound to attract attention. However, as Hisa screeched on mor time, which meant four, even he began to doubt that theory. Four packed trees? And maybe not all of them were even at this side of the territory. As cynical as he was, Tano cared for the well being of the pride. Even Umoja, who he picked on a lot, probably knew that.

"When we get back we should tell the mothers to keep an eye on their cubs. "

"That must be one hell of an elephant for at least four trees with vultures." One large elephant. Even Umoja was beginning to doubt that it was anything normal. He slowly began to worry about Mfalme and Hisa. Two raptors out there with that many vultures. Even thought they could fly quickly and cut through the air, they were horribly outnumbered.

"It might be best to call them back. It was foolish to send them out there with so many unknown vultures." Esepcially if they were hungry. Hoping that his bonded woud hear him, Umoja released a roar into the breeze, calling back Mfalme to abandon what was left of their task. Saftey should be their number one priority, and he could just tell that Mapatano would want to remind him of that.

Mapatano kept himself fairly calm, despite Umoja's agitation, and sat don by the rock he'd been perched on earlier, leaning on it with his back and fiddling with a twig. He was confident in Hisa's flying that she could avoid trouble.

And then his sarcasm made him say osmething he'd wish he hadn't. "Maybe its a conspiracy to kill our bonded. They might be jealous. " At first he didn't put much thought to it, but remembered Hisa and then rolled back to his feet. "Um.. D'you see them yet? "

Umoja couldn't quite let himself relax again. The idea that an invasion of vultures could effect the pride bothered him. "We should do something about them." He wasn't sure what, but they needed to do something now, before they returned home. Returning home would be like letting them stay, and Umoja wouldn't stand for that.

"I don't see them, no. Maybe they flew out further than I had expected them to." And maybe Mapatano needed to keep his own thoughts to himself at times. The idea of anything happening to Mfalme agitated the lion to near aggressiveness.

The tension in his muscles grew, even when he saw a familiar form flying towards them. "Mfalme." They were returning. But something didn't settle right in his gut.

The pirckled fur along his spine settled when he saw Hisa swooping around from the other side, and wheezed in relief as she got closer and, apparently, unharmed. "Now the time when you should say something optimistic. I'm not good at saying optimistic stuff. " He grumbled, sitting up ang raising a paw so that hise could perch on it, contently stretching a wing to preen its feathers.

"We can send one of them back to call a huntress and help us.. " He suggested, but his voice died out. He hadn't seen vultures on his way here but.. he wasn't so keen on letting even Mfalme, who was Umoja's bonded out of sight.

"Forget that. "

Mfalme, winded, returned with a little less grace to land on the rock that Mapatamo was resting beside. Umoja turned to his friend, awaiting a report. The bird took a moment to gather himself up, ruffling his feathers before speaking. "There are many more than you see, Umoja. And they noticed me at least. Not so sure about Hisa. They know someone has found them, and I don't think they're too happy about it either."

The lion swore under his breath. "Damn. We can't return home, not yet. What if they follow us? I'd rather stall their plans as long as we can, whatever they are."

He turned to his cousin, his brow arched in curiosity. "Do you think they are plotting that, Mapatamo? What you mentioned earlier?"

"Don't see why their so ruffled about it. Their not exactly making an effort to hide. " Hise muttered moodily from her perch, though seemed pretty relaxed despite the tone. "Yea, they saw me. Didn't do much else, though. " She glanced at Mfalme. "I'd be more worried about a martial eagle than a red kite. " Martial eagles were, after all, one of the largest in africa.

Mapatano shrugged. "I dunno. But would you wanna risk it? " He rumbled, seeming more comfortable now knowing that Hisa was right here with him. "Maybe we should go a bit further. "

"It could be something esle. " Hisa said, tohugh not knowing exactly what Mapatano and Umoja had thrown around while she was gone. "Weather? "

Mfalme's tail twitched at Hise's comment, but he kept his beak shut. That may be the truth, but he would have still been outnumbered heavily. Instead, he replied to Mapatano. "Do you want to risk the chance of them following us home? I vote we investigate. It isn't like scouting the borders takes one day, no one will worry if we don't return until tomorrow."

Umoja injected himself into the conversation once again, replying to Hisa. "Weather could be a possibility, but for so many? It's like they gather here to do something." A flock of vultures that big was impossible. Especially since they seemed more solitary.

"No, " Mapatano admitted, setting his paw onto the floor as Hisa was etting heavy. Without complain, Hisa settled on the floor, looking up to Umoja. "Just investigate, tho. If you go and poke all those vultures and get yerself killed it'll be on me. " Vultures were, after all, raptors like Hisa and Mfalme. They had their sharp beaks and talons; not the mention they were big. Four trees could kill a lion. Heck, one tree of them could kill a lion, if they were really bloodthirsty.

"Where do you want to start, then? " He stood up, and happy that his back was straight, making his shoulders available, Hisa perched on him.

"Let's get a bit closer to this first tree. Maybe they'll be foolish enough to be talking to one another and we'll get an idea of why they are here." It was a risky chance, but he was sure that it would work. He turned to lead them out, Mfalme quickly hopping onto his back. The eagle wasn't foolish enough to fly into the sky again, not after the amount of vultures that he had seen. "Let's get enough information to take back to the council tomorrow. They might have some ideas after we report to them."

Little did they know that tomorrow wouldn't come as they expected it.






Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:01 pm
Who I am applying for: Nyonda
Username of person RPing Nyonda: Felyn

Prompt: Nyonda, alone in the cavern, is feverish and in pain from her injuries; she drifts off into memory to a time when their pride's healer, a mandrill, had helped her recover from a nasty gouge when out hunting.

Her whole body felt as if it were on fire, burning from her core out, though chills danced up along her spine and teased her legs, causing her to shiver involuntarily despite the heat that threatened to suffocate her. Sweat rolled beneath her fur, dampening it and making it lay down in a slick coat against her flesh. The pain of her wounds throbbed, her whole body ached, and between that and the fever (which was ultimately caused by the pain itself) she was slipping in and out of consciousness. She was vaguely aware of the cold stone of the cave floor beneath her body, the cool, flat surface as she lay her cheek down against it. On the far wall, she could see the long shadows of daylight creeping in, dancing along the dark stone, teasing her as her mind fought reality and grasped at the corners of dreams and sleep in an attempt to slip away from the pain.

Somewhere between the world of the living and the realm of unconscious, she drifted in a mostly peaceful delusion, drawing shapes out of those shadows that moved more at the whim of her imagination than they truly did in reality. Where she had seen dancing and running figures, they melted into that of a memory of a herd – antelope fleeing in a frenzy. Slowly, as she stared at the far wall in silence, the beating sound of hooves drummed in her ears, sped up the rate of her heart until it beat against her chest, and the dark cold cave around her began to lighten considerably. The rocky surface beneath her sprouted tufts of grass, the walls melted away, and the growing light was suddenly shining bright like that of a brilliant, sunny afternoon.

The dark, shadowy figures that had been running along the far wall suddenly turned towards where she lay – no, where was hidden among the grass, ready to pounce. A large heard of antelope, led by a great buck, shed their shadowy coats in favor of bright, realistic brown ones the closer they got to her position. It was her first hunt, and her heart was beating harder and harder in her chest. As they crashed by her, she sprang, aiming for a healthy doe – just as she had been instructed by her mentors. Her footing tripped, her nerves got the best of her, and she went down beneath the end of the herd – something gouging her side in a flash of hooves and fur.

It was some time later that she had awoke, a blue and red snout in her face, hot breath fanning her cheek as a grunted, guttural voice spoke out to her. She had heard, but she was in too much pain to understand what it was that he had said.

“They said you tried to keep going,” came the words a second time, breaking through the barrier of her of pain. Nyonda tried so smile weakly at the words, but even that put a strain on her throbbing head. Had she hit that too? She pushed the thought away and rolled her eyes towards the old Mandrill. She was known to be stubborn when she wanted to be, and Nyonda had truly wanted to prove herself as a good huntress, a good asset to the pride. She couldn’t remember anything after the fall, but it wouldn’t surprise her if her subconscious had tried to push her onward.

“I,” she began, and cleared her throat as she realized just how dry it was. A snort caught her attention, and a large, strangely shaped paw defter than any lion’s pointed to the hollow gourd filled with water that was lying at her side. She nodded, appreciatively, and leaned to take a drink, filling herself with the cool water he had brought for her. “I wanted to prove myself,” she began again, once she had quenched her thirst. She was a quiet lioness, yes, but sometimes she simply wanted the acknowledgement of being just as strong as all the others.

The Mandrill almost seemed to laugh, his snout curling with some sort of strange smile, though her mind was torn away from that as he touched the gash in her side. It caused a low hiss from her maw and her head reeled so strongly that she couldn’t even turn to see what he was doing. She lay it down instead, her eyelids lowering, growing faint from the pain that was sweeping over her in increasing increments.

“Sometimes it is not always physical strength that proves how strong you are,” she heard him say as her mind drifted off again from the pain, back into a dream world where she was safe from the ache of her injury.

Just as she had promised herself as she drifted off then, she promised herself as she did now (even if she was mixing up the memory with reality) – she would recover, she would get well, she would beat this and prove that she was a determined, strong-willed lioness underneath her gentle demeanor. This injury couldn’t bring her down.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:46 pm
Who we are applying for: Msiba and Mchawi
Username of person RPing Msiba: Lithia_Brandon
Username of person RPing Mchawi: Kireiryuu

Prompt: Mchawi discovers that the earthquake has uncovered a rift in the valley wall, allowing the rogues access into the valley; she brings the news to a brooding Msiba.

The evening sun was low over the Great Rift Valley, the mountainous horizon stained purple as the evening waned into night. The last golden reaches of the sun were beginning to recede, leaving the savannah like terrain steeped in shadows. Taking shelter in a gorge within the rift, a proud lion prowled under the fairly lush trees.

There was a shallow lake nearby, the pristine water shimmering brightly under the clear diamond studded sky, its surface so luminescent it almost seemed to be giving off a light all its own. It was situated under the face of a steep rock face, its waters suddenly peaking after an unexpected earthquake destroyed a natural dam from above, a new waterfall flooding down in a white cascade that turned its usually sturdy banks into mud.

The muscular, sleek lion slowed his easy pace as he neared the edge of the waters, leaping gracefully atop a large, flat rock that was almost surrounded by an inch of water. Flicking his tail, he looked down into the water, his expression growing distant as he examined the image reflecting back at him.

At a distance the silhouetted lion looked pensive, his bowed head belying some deep reverie encompassing body and spirit. His face was turned away from the main path through the tall grass, so it looked at a distance like he was so far lost in his thoughts he was unaware of anyone approaching him. It also seemed, at a distance, that he was brooding over something substantial, something meaningful, or something prophetic.

At close range, however, the proud male was staring into his own eyes, his head bent close just to get a better look at his handsome visage. His head was turned to capture his best angle, his fang filled mouth pursed in something close to a kiss. His only thoughts were praises of his clean fur, his thick mane, his piercing eyes.

“You,” he said to himself, his voice no louder than a sultry growl, “are a stud.”

Once the earth had quit its fierce shaking, the lioness could only shake her head and cluck her tongue softly. Words were softly mumbled, but they were incoherent and meaningless to most. Mchawi had done her part, at least, in her mind she had done her part. The lioness had tried to tell the others that the earth was angry and its anger would be known, but they did not listen. They did not heed any of her words, they did nothing but whisper and stare at her. Her words merely rolled off their shoulders.

The distant sound of a bird’s calling sounded within the valley. The lioness raised her head slightly, tilted it to the right before nodding with her eyes half-closed. “Ah yes, I see….no, I understand.” The words were muttered under her breath as if she was speaking. As the bird’s call ended sharply, it still lingered in the air till its echoes died off. The lioness shifted through the information slowly, troublesome news. It was always troublesome news that she brought to her brother. He could help soothe the other lions, he had a way with them that even she was unable to achieve, not that she minded all too much deep down.

With the news fresh in her mind, the lioness picked her way cautiously to where her brother would be. Her ears flicked back and forth, taking in any and every sound that passed by her. It wasn’t uncommon for her to mutter something under her breath or stare at one of the other lions for a little longer than what was deemed necessary. It didn’t take her too long to pinpoint where her brother was located since she had help after all. Her Nondo wasn’t her companion for mere aesthetics, he was her eyes and ears in every sense of the words.

Her brother’s figure loomed overhead, his gaze lingering at the water. Silently, she made her way to his side. Her head shook gently from side to side as she spoke, “The earth is upset…it needs not be more upset by your words, Msiba.”

Msiba turned as he heard his sister approach, cocking his head to one side and grinning at her with lopsided charm as he hopped down from the rock. His heavy paws splashed in the gathering water, his pads sinking into the mud under the weight of his body. Swishing his tail behind him, the proud male snorted at her comment, never losing his mischievous smirk, “The earth should be thankful I’m even talking to it. As much as I was looking in that lake, that lake was staring up at me.”

He pulled one of his paws free from the muck, jerking as he realized his back legs were sinking faster than the fore. A flicker of a grimace grossed his face as he thought about his situation, a graceful extrication from the natural trap escaping his mind. It seemed as if karma was swift in its retribution, and Mchawi’s words had not been meaningless. They never were, Msiba knew that, and yet he had chosen to brush them off as casual once again. Now he was stuck in a sink hole, desperately seeking away to free himself without giving away the irony of it all, or without costing him a modicum of pride.

For the moment, he simply remained stationary, the one paw he had in the air now posing as a dismissive wave.

“Did you come to interrupt me from my musing, or do you actually have something important to tell me?”

At her brother's words, Mchawi's face was slowly etched with a grin as she tsked softly under her breath. Words did not need to be spoken as actions were much louder. A few glances were spared in her brother's directions as he was slowly sinking in the mud. Words were not spoken about the occurring event because none were required. The pair had grown up together and were well adapted to the other. The lioness knew her brother was just acting calm as to not prove her right and him wrong. Her brother should have listened to her, but her words were brushed carelessly away by him as they were by the others.

But enough of that, if she could her mind would have wandered once again on subjects that were more foreign to most. It was not uncommon of her to gaze off in the distance and get lost in her thoughts. Her brother's dismissive manner did not waver her resolve any. "Nondo brings news, Msiba," Her head lowered closer to him, "In the wake of the earth's shaking, a path has been created. It is large and wide enough for an adult lion to get through."

“Does he, now?” Msiba said with a growl, his eyes turning to the sky instinctively at the mention of her avian companion. His own counterpart was missing in action. Most likely off plotting the downfall of a jack rabbit or something of the like. He noticed Mchawi lean closer and, after a moment’s pause, he mirrored the movement, leaning almost uncomfortably close to her as she relayed the news. Blinking, cross eyed as he stared over the bridge of his nose at her, his ears perked forward at her words, “A path, you mean, into the Aka'mleli lands? And by adult lion, do you mean Kitisho? If that monster can fit, then we’re golden.”

He leapt from the mud suddenly, landing back up on the rock he had been admiring himself from. Looking down at his sister, his eyes blazed with confidence and a scheming eagerness that he did not bother to hide. He was in the company of the one person he truly trusted, and she knew more than all else what this information would mean to the debonair leader.

His mind was already racing, already unfolding confidence games and devious plots. It was his goal to join the pride. His first, most pressing goal, in any case. Always three moves ahead, he was in danger of losing himself to the promise of the future, before accomplishing the simple things that would sturdily set the foundation of his intent. Shaking his head, he focused on his sister, grounding himself with a grin and a nod of his head.

“We’ll gather the others. The Aka’mleli may very well be in disarray from the earthquake, and we, my sister, are going to offer them some help. Out of the goodness of our hearts, of course.”

Eyes narrowed slightly at her brother's comment about Kitisho. It would not do her brother justice if another were to hear such snide remarks coming from his mouth. Mchawi clucked her tongue sharply, "Nondo speaks the truth." As if that was obvious, she had high trust placed in her avian companion.

Once her brother was free and looking down at her, she could tell that he was dissecting the information. It was vital. It was crucial. And she knew her brother would use it well, even if he did not display it to her. The silence was broken by her brother's words as she looked up and let her face twist into a sneer, "Too late, you are. They have already fallen to disarray," Her eyes settled on her brother, "You will help help them, regardless."

Her head shook slightly from side to side, "Every action demands a consequence." The words were soft and whimsical, as if they held a meaning between them. But her brother would take them in any way that he wanted, because she knew her brother was already formulating a plan.

Msiba nodded at Mchawi, not in the mood to decode her enigmatic statements and stilted conversation. He was much too preoccupied with his own thoughts, pieces of his plot falling into place in a random, hectic order that even he was hard pressed to make sense of. His imagination was soaring, his head filled with glimpses of possibilities, of outcomes and paths to take. The decisions were his and, with them, the artistry of making this opportunity into something flawless, beneficial and, it’s own way, absolutely beautiful. Leaping from the rock, he landed on dry earth, as of yet untouched by the inexorably marching water. Looking down at the crawling liquid, he found himself with a sudden respect for the graceful, encroaching pool. It seemed to mirror his own motion, and he drew from the success of the water a new, bold conviction.

“Let’s go, Mchawi,” he said, adopting a subdued demeanor as he quickly cleaned his paws in the lake. It would not do to arrive in the Aka’mleli lands with mud on his paws. He needed to be presentable, respectable, and trustworthy. Dirt often gave opposite impressions, “Let’s gather the others. Show me where this path is, and we’ll make our grand entrance. Let’s go get into some new roles. I’ll debrief everyone once we’re gathered. Come on, sister, smile! If you’re not having fun, you’re not doing it right. And it is my intention, my absolute goal, to do this right.”

He flashed a big, toothy grin as his chest rumbled with pride. His silky smooth baritone was replaced suddenly by a burst of laughter, which gave way to a cacophonous roar. The trees and grass trembled at the sound, as if rising to clap and cheer him on with their excitement. Or, of course, out of terror. Either way, Msiba was fueled and more than ready to offer the Aka’mleli lions all the help they could ever want.



Dedicated Sweetheart

15,425 Points
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  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Somebody Likes You 100
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:50 pm
Who we are applying for: Dumu, Peke, and Kuruka
Username of person RPing Dumu: Summer Rain 07 (blue)
Username of person RPing Peke: Nuxaz (gray)
Username of person RPing Kuruka: Iris_virus (pink)

Prompt: The cubs are out adventuring as a group the day of the earthquake; what happens when it occurs, and how do they escape the landslides? At the end, they should manage to spot Ukweli fleeing down the mountainside, and follow in his pawsteps to where the rest of the group is gathered.

-Young ears slowly began to creep forward from the subconciously low and submissive hang that little Kuruka's ears always seemed to take. Even her tail began to flick about just a little as the excitement took over. Following closely behind her two big brothers, her eyes peered out at the avian that dotted the sky. This was wonderful.

Out trying to pick out their very own birds for the pride. It was such a good idea Dumu had had! She didn't mind that it'd dragged them away from mother for the afternoon, oh no, she could glue herself to her brothers just as easily.-

Peke grudgingly trotted after his siblings a yawn slipping from his maw as he attempted to shake the sleep from his body.

The young male was rather annoyed simply because he was partially dragged out on to this outing by his siblings when he had wanted to sleep. However he couldn't be too grumpy because this adventure they were about to embark on...it was something they needed to do soon and it couldn't hurt to start early.

A laugh escaped the eldest of the three as he bounded towards their destination. Sure he didn't know exactly where they were going, but that was half the fun. Their mother had just sent them off, and they had all day to do what ever they wanted. Dumu leaped at the thought of being alone with his siblings.

As he reached the top of a small hill, he looked back to his siblings. "Come on guys! I can't wait for you all day!" He laughed again as he started to run around in circles, his energy getting the best of him as he waited for his brother and sister

"C.. coming!" -Her tiny voice squeaked at the demand, paws obeying to quicken her pace as she imitated, though on a far smaller scale, Dumu's bounding. It wasn't like she was afraid of her brother, on the contrary she was feeling more and more bold every day in these new lands. Ecspecially when she was alone with her family instead of all those new strangers, nice as they seemed. That tiny voice and pausing step, it just seemed built into the solitary sister.

Again her eyes darted to the birds. Eagles, falcons, powerful raptors that soared through the breezes. Which one would partner with her she wondered? Would any of them?-

Peke rolled his eyes at his brother's impatience as he shook his head grudgingly picking up his pace. He hated to admit it but Dumu's idea to go looking for their birds was smart, of course he would never admit that out loud. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming." He called back his eyes flickering from the other male to his sister. He picked his pace up enough to trot along side her lightly nudging her as he came beside her. "See any you like?"

-Smile widening as the soft bit of affection touched her side, she rattled a soft sound of pleasure, trying harder to focus on the birds as his question sounded, wanting greatly to please Peke.- "Well..."

He looked over to his siblings and ushered them forward with a wave of his paw. "Come on guys! I found it!"
He peered over the side and looked at all the small birds. He spotted a small blackbird with some soft green shading. "Look at that one." He said as his siblings approached. "That one looks like my style. He said and puffed up his chest. "Small but bold."

-Turning to look at his find, she nodded quickly at his choice, small giggle escaping her.- "It's perfect for you!" -Eyeing the birds, who looked less then thrilled about having their nests disturbed, she noticed something tiny far behind the main nests. A tiny brown and red little sparrow shivered in the rocks above, and Kuruka's heart melted, girlish Awwwww slipping from her lips.

It wasn't a great predator like most, or even really a very swift bird in flight, but the little lioness' eyes grew as her small voice hushed more.- "I... I think that one. It'd be perfect."

The smile that had started to curl itself upon his lips dropped when Dumu interrupted Kurka. Glaring, only for a brief second, at the other, he shrugged. When he finished speaking the young male fought back the urge to reply with something...not savory. He was glad when his sister interjected. Following her gaze he spotted the bird he was talking about. Slowly he nodded. "It fits you." He agreed before his eyes scanned over the crowd of birds. Furrowing his brow he wrinkled his nose. "None of these birds fit me." His tone contained upsetment.

-Those ears began to fall once again as she noted the silent spat, it wasn't an uncommon happening, but nonetheless, her mood dampened a bit, ecspecially when Peke's displeasure sounded.- "I'm sorry Peke.." -From the look of her you'd almost believe it was her fault.-

Oblivious to his brother's looks, he looked over to see Kuruka looking at one that was a little higher up the face of the rock. "Go on Kuruka, I wanna see how it would look with your coat." He said as he urged her over to the small bird.

-Torn between the two, well THREE including the little bird, she crept forward, slowly weaving around the nest and other larger birds. Up and up the rocks, glancing back with incertainty at first, she finally seemed to shake the nervousness as she neared the tiny sparrow. Crouching she cooed sweetly to it.- "Helloooo there"

He shook his head and tried to smile for his sister. "It isn't your fault Kuruka, I'm just...different." He stated trying to choose his words wisely. "I'll find one that fits me soon enough." He tried to sound confident but the truth was that he wasn't, in fact he wasn't even sure if he wanted a bird companion. He wasn't sure if he could constantly deal with someone around him 24/7. Shaking himself he looked over to his brother the second he spoke. Arching a brow he tilted his head before looking from his sister to the bird. The bird was on the rocks. That wasn't safe. "I don't-" He didn't finish because she had already scampered off.

-The little bird seemed nearly as timid as Kuruka, and as it ducked back she took another wobbly step forward. The already unstable footing of the rocky outcropping however, soon began to vibrate, and as her paws began to shake, the little lioness froze trying hard not to fall as her breath caught in her chest.

What in the WORLD was going on? How in the world could the huge mountain even move and shiver like it was? As the frightened birds took flight and lifted themselves to the safety of the air, Kuruka's eyes followed, settling on a more perturbing sight even higher up the mountain. More than simply shiver and shake, large boulders had jolted free of the mountainside, and as she stood stone still dirt and rock careened down the mountainside. Terrified, confused, her body quivered as her eyes stayed glued to the fast approaching debris. Somehow though she managed to scream.-

Peke could feel the vibrations beneath his paws and his eyes grew wide with not panic but fear. Looking up from the ground he had just taken to staring out he caught the shrill scream of his sibling. Breath caught in his throat he instantly rushed forward only to be stopped by the fall of a rock just a foot or two away from him. "Kuruka!" He cried shifting to the side scrambling to get around failing with each attempt. Panic and fear began to whell up in the boy's heart as he looked at his all to scared sister. Suddenly everything switched to anger and he turned on his brother. "This is YOUR fault! You told her to go up there!" He shouted as he advanced on the other roughly pushing himself against the other in fury. "How could you be so stupid! Sending you up there when you knew it couldn't possibly be safe!" He continued on his rant bearing his teeth. "What were you THINKING?!"

Suddenly, he heard a strange noise. He couldn't pin point what it was. He had never heard a rumbling noise that loud before and for a moment he thought it was his stomach, but he wasn't hungry. . . His ears swerved to the source of the noise, and when his eyes looked onto it, he froze with fear.

His mind quickly swerved back to his siblings and he quickly looked for them. They weren't hard to find, and he growled instinctively as Peke barreled into him. He wanted to lash out at Peke, this wasn't his fault! But fear outweighed that need and instead he urged them, "Lets get out of here!" turning to lead the way.-

-Unable to deal with the situation, Kuruka's tail had curled beneath her, claws dug into the dirt, and instead of moving and running, she began to cry. Even Peke's attempt to save her only increased that fear as her heart jumped with each near miss that threatened her protective brother.

It wasn't until a small rock smashed against her back that she moved, driven by an instinctive jump and shreik of pain. Wanting to be with her brothers she skittered and slid clumsily down the rocks, avoiding injury only by luck and adreniline as tears clouded what little she could see from all the dust that was beginning to settle upon them.- "Peke! Dumu! Please!" -Please what... she didn't know. It wasn't like they could do anything to stop the quaking ground or the falling earth.-

Peke growled back at Dumu ready to full out attack him when Kuruka’s cry gathered his attention again. Quickly turning he could see the tears running down her face and he instantly moved towards her filled by this overwhelming need to protect and comfort her. “Kuruka!” He called to her moving to her side pressing his maw into her neck before pulling away, quickly, glancing back to his other brother who had already headed down a few paces anxiously waiting for them to catch up. “Stay close.” He whispered to his sister.

Dumu kept nervously looking back and forth from his siblings to their escape route. “Hurry!” He called almost dancing with nerves while still trying to be the ‘strong’ big brother. Once they were close enough he practically bolted down the path stopping every now and then to wait for the others to catch up. It wasn’t until his eyes landed upon the seer that his fear calmed even the slightest. “Ukweli!” He called capturing the males attention. Soon they all fell into step behind the seer.

Seems sooooo long XD But according to two different MS words it's 1802. And that was fun XD Thanks Dusty AND my partners
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:41 pm
Who I am applying for: Kitisho
Username of person RPing Kitisho: Bloody Anubis

Prompt: Kitisho goes out hunting; make up a story about what happens while he's out there.

There’s a place for everyone in a pride, a part that everyone has to fufill. If they want to stay in it, the interlopers must keep that in mind. Damn, though, at least he can do his part by actually doing something he likes to do. Too bad with the earthquake he couldn’t hunt like the way he usually did, the way he wants to. It would be hard to find anything but rot in this place- he can’t afford to pick and choose anymore.

But he remembered. When his restless mind began to threaten him, Kitisho recalled some of the finer times. No settlement for straggling deer, or vultures that got a little too cocky. Before this disaster, the hunt was good and vibrant, something they all, the interlopers, wanted to and did take advantage of even before they had been accepted.

Kitisho recalled the buffalo herd, great beasts with great, warped horns. And he, all muscle and sinew rippling through the tall grass, raw power tempered into supple motion by a sheer force of will. A violent tendency had always been a part of him, rage that pressed sharp claws into his mind and belly and scraped just beneath the surface, waiting to be released. Everyone that thought they knew him would think that this would be the time that he unleashed it all, stained the earth with the consequence of his brutality. It’s Ulinzi’s first hunt with him, and the eagle assumes a slaughter, either on the herd’s behalf or his own chosen. Buffalo aren’t anything to ******** around with- he tries to tell that to Kitisho by giving a reproachful n** to his ear. The lion doesn’t speak often, he knows how to convey himself otherwise. He tells his new partner, the only partner he’ll ever come to accept, that’s he’s about to show him just why it is Ulinzi really picked him.

Kitisho locates the head bull and throws himself from his hiding spot, roaring to announce himself. The sheer jolt sends the martial eagle from his back and airborne, and he can only hover for a moment while he watches the scarred lion barrel for the herd. It disperses accordingly, falling back behind the main bull a ways, running while he’ll stay to disuade the hunter. It’s good- it’s exactly what Kitisho wants. He stops meters from the bull, showing his teeth, baring himself in all his scarred glory. He lets himself be known and gives the bull time to decide whether he wants to engage in turn or flee. There are certain rules the lion has made for himself this way.

The bull is in his prime- he’s seen Kitisho’s kind before and gored and stomped the majority of them. He charges, and if the predator stays he plans to do the same. His own bellowing challenge is a strong note of brass, his horns a curved weapon which he’s nearly lowered all the way to the ground. The hunter moves against him in kind, running toward all six-hundred pounds moving in the opposite direction. At the last moment, he pounces, kicking up chunks of earth as he sails over the threat of horns. Kitisho won’t bother with the head; it’s only skin and skull and about as vulnerable as a rock. He latches onto the great back and holds on for his life, tearing through the leather-hard skin of its side with one paw. It bucks him as hard as it can, slamming ruthlessly into him with its spine. Kitisho’s lower half is flying into the air, about to send the rest of him with it. But he’s not worried- he lets it happen and twists about in the air, landing with his claws sunken into the haunches of the bull and the rest of him dangling off the edge of its rump.

It doesn’t stay that way for long. Ulinzi swoops down into the bull’s face, tearing at his eyes with talons as sharp as knives. He has panicked, just a bit, and is trying to distract it so his lion counterpart can run. However, judging by his scars Kitisho is not one to give up a fight even when he seems to have the short end of the stick. He’ll take this new advantage of the situation the only way he knows how. He lets go. The effect is monstrous.

Huge gashes rip themself into the bull’s sides and back as the behemoth of a lion claws his way back up. His eyes are on fire, there’s a snarl of pure ferocity in his throat as he pulls up skin and muscle and fragments of bone. The bull’s last effort is to shake him off by throwing itself side to side. The hunter sinks his jaws into the bull’s throat and lets gravity take him. Ulinzi has to gawk as his lion stumbles away quickly from the toppling body, chunk of flesh still hanging from his bloody maw. What are you waiting for? Kitisho seems to say to him- Ulinzi is invited to take his fill then go signal the others. Suddenly Kitisho seems so much himself again, restrained and proud and silent. He turns to the buffalo herd in the distance, paces himself in front of the body so they can see just what he’s made of their strongest. On fair terms, with all the oppertunity in the world to overcome him. Sometimes it’s not Kitisho’s size and strength that is the scariest thing about him- it’s his control.

Bloody Anubis


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:53 pm
Who I am applying for: Elea
Username of person RPing Elea: Krysin

Prompt: While out hunting, Elea discovers shortly after the earthquake how useless her leg is, as she can't catch anything. How does she feel?

She leaned gingerly on her injured foot, her face a stony mask to hide the sharp pain that was shooting up her limb. Maybe it was a fierce denial that she was injured greatly that strengthened her, that made the pain seem somewhat less. Elea could not bring herself to believe that she was now virtually useless as a hunter. Sure, there were other things she could do for the pride… if every member managed to find one another, but there was a certain pride she felt in being a huntress. It took great skill, strength, and even ingenuity. That was why Elea had striven to become the best huntress, and she had been so close to being the best.

Then the earthquake had hit.

Elea grimaced at the memory, and dispelled the memory by shaking her head. She could barely bring herself to look down at her injured limb, but she gathered her resolve and went to inspecting the injury. The skin had been torn, but the real damaged lied underneath the skin, where the bones of her lower leg had been fragmented. Stupid. It was very stupid of her to have gotten hurt so easily. Elea would have taken comfort of being felled by a great wildebeest in a battle for life, but this? No, this wound was disgraceful. Her lip curled in disdain, and she found she could no longer stare at it. She just kept limping forward. Elea had decided to relieve the pressure on her leg, fear of further injuring that leg prompting her to take extra precautions for its safety.

A shadow covered the earth in front of her, and Elea casually glanced up to see Nadra, her beak full of raw meat. The vulture had her own grace about her, and as Elea looked upon her she could feel fondness warming her heart. Nadra glided down to the ground, and took a few awkward steps up to Elea. The meat slid from her strong beak, and after taking a step (though it was more like a hop) back, the vulture spoke, “You should eat, for your strength.”

A look of disdain crossed onto Elea‘s face, “I do not eat the meat of those I do not myself kill.” She didn‘t say that she didn‘t scavenge, because she figured that Nadra would take some offense to the statement.

“Do you want to starve?”


“Can you hunt?”

“…No.” There was a hint of sadness in Elea’s voice, but Nadra carefully chose to ignore it.

“Then you scavenge.”

Impatiently Nadra pushed the piece of meat forward, and seemed minutely satisfied when Elea swallowed her pride and ate it. For a while they sat in a comfortable, companionable silence. It was broken when Elea‘s curiosity got the better of her. Nadra often did not have to go out and scavenge, because Elea was a sufficient enough hunter for the both of them. Elea was hoping that Nadra had hunted instead of scavenged, but some part of her doubted the vulture had.

“Where did you get the meat?”

“I am a vulture,” Nadra replied with a disdainful sniff.

“I don‘t want you flying up there with-”

“I am a vulture.” That was the end of that conversation.

Anxiously Elea observed Nadra, and after a few more moments of an increasingly uncomfortable silence, the young lioness stood up and began walking again. Nadra meanwhile took to the air, and seemed to guide Elea when the lioness delved too far into her own thoughts to be concerned with the material world.

It was disgraceful that now Nadra had to scavenge for her, that she could not even provide properly for herself any longer. Sure, she knew that Nadra was only doing it because she was caring for Elea‘s overall well-being, and not the well-being of these few moments when Elea despaired over not being able to hunt. But, it still hurt, it still made her heart ached. What else could she be that carried the same honor and pride as being a huntress? Elea could see nothing. She had been so focused on being a huntress ever since cub hood that she hadn‘t considered any other possibilities. Now it looked like she wouldn‘t be able to hunt ever again. Perhaps there was a miracle out there, waiting to work its magic on her.

Ah, she was getting desperate.


"Hmm?" The vulture seemed to carelessly tilt her left wing down, and sway down closer to her bonded.

"Do you think my leg will heal?" It was a question that Elea wasn't sure she wanted to ask, even after she had set it. It was also a question that Nadra did not want to answer, because she was sure there was no way to prhase it right.

"I... do not think so."


With dark eyes full of concern, Nadra glanced down to her companion, and secretly hoped that it was better to face the truth now instead of later. She was beginning to think that she had made the wrong decision, for Elea's shoulders drooped, and the lioness seemed to draw into herself once again to debate about what would happen in her future.

It seemed as if rough times were in store for the two of them.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:43 pm
Who I am applying for: Kitisho
Username of person RPing Kitisho: Amy D

Prompt: Kitisho goes out hunting; make up a story about what happens while he's out there.

One might be forgiven for questioning the relationship between Kitisho and Msiba. The level of devotion seemed to run as deep as blood, but that was far from truth - Kitisho’s devotion ran even deeper than that, to the very fibre of his being. It fell to pride and honour and loyalty. A great warrior is nothing without a cause to fight for, and Msiba was Kitisho’s cause. Practically at his every beck and call, he was muscle when he needed strength, bravery when he needed courage, and brutality when he needed power. Every need was answered by Kitisho’s paws. And today those paws were asked to hunt...

The great mass of a lion hauled himself up various rocky and craggy paths, ascending from the disastrous valley. The earthquake had made an awful mess of things, although in one respect, it had created a new opportunity for Msiba and his motley crew. Before truly immersing himself in the plains, he looked skyward. It wasn’t for Ulinzi however. His avian cohort (Kitisho often treated Ulinzi more as an equal than a companion) had been asked to stay firmly attached to the lion’s back, the reason making itself known.

The great stretched shadow of a vulture passed over them.

Kitisho watched it for a while, circle, wheel, glide. Had it seen them? Was it aware of them? He could not risk sending Ulinzi out as a scout just yet. The bird was as fierce as he, but would be no match for sadistic vultures. With a deep breath, Kitisho entered the savannah, choosing to track by foot rather than by air.

His great bulk was difficult to keep hidden for long, making successful tracking a pain in the neck. Growing more aggravated with each scarpered preybeast, Kitisho felt he had no other choice. Ulinzi would have to go airborne and scout for a herd that could be surprised. He clambered to the top of a large flat rock and scanned the skies. Nothing but cloud. No dark shadows, at least as far as he could see. He turned to Ulinzi, who peered from behind the immense mane. Minds acting as one, the eagle also scanned the skies, seeing farther and clearer than the lion could hope to. With not a word uttered between them, Ulinzi took off into the skies with a proud kreen. Kitisho could only watch and hope he would be alright. His maw was emotionless at the best of times, but a warrior’s spirit could not be quieted in the eyes. And right now, it was a warrior hoping for the safe return of a fellow warrior.

Ulinzi returned safely, with an inward and silent sigh from Kitisho, with news of a herd of zebra to the north. They were mulling around a watering hole, with a great stretch of scrubland to the east. Perfect. With a target set and route all planned out, Kitisho followed his friend’s shadow as he lead the way.

Crouched amidst the spiny thorns, whilst uncomfortable, was proving to be most fortuitous. Kitisho had a clear view of the zebra, obscured and his odour masked by the budding flowers. He spent a few moments more picking out his ideal target, seeing as he not only had to fell it, but then had to drag it back to the family. The effort would be worth it if he could find the right - ah, perfect...a pregnant mare. Very portly, most likely uncomfortable herself and unsure of how fast she could run. Excellent. Kitisho pressed his belly to the floor, felt his limbs, his very muscles, suddenly tense like pressured springs...and then...

With a mighty leap, he burst from the scrub and made a beeline for the mare, counting on his large size to confuse the herd into scattering towards the watering hole. They’d have even fewer choices there - watery death at the teeth of crocodiles or by drowning, or risk trying to pass Kitish. The mare was stuck by the water’s edge, catching the same hungry attention from the crocodiles. But Kitisho wasn’t about to let this prized meal go to ‘scaleys’. He made a leap for her only to miss! How?! He couldn’t let her escape! With a lightning fast swipe, he barely managed to hook onto her thigh. But from there, it was ‘by the books.’ His great weight and muscular power was starting to pull her back towards him. Towards his other paw, now latched firmly across her back. Towards his mouth, biting into her spine, into her major blood vessels. Until finally...she could pull no more.

Kitisho moved quickly for the finishing blow, clamping his jaws about her neck and squeezing until he could feel no life. In the adrenaline fuelled moments of the hunt, everything around him had blurred and become insignificant. Lifting his head now, he could see very little sign of the zebra herd he and Ulinzi had tracked. Behind him, crocodiles were antsy but he got the feeling they would leave him alone. He almost smiled at that. Almost. A warrior doesn’t boast of the fear they can inspire in others - they have no need for self gratification.

But it was now that he noticed something quite important was missing - Ulinzi. He looked straight up, nearly blinding himself in the sunlight, to search for his friend’s familiar shadow.

No sign.

This was most unusual, as Ulinzi was an avid fan of the hunt, and would often swoop down after the kill and then proceed to tease Kitisho with how he could have done better. With an unsettled lump in his stomach, there was a more pressing need to start dragging the carcass back towards the family at the moment. Orders above all else. Jaws wrapping around the zebra’s neck again, he began to tug and drag, ready for the scavengers to start trailing him. And they had already started to congregate - crows and other opportunistic birds. Ulinzi normally liked to chase them off too...where was he?

Kitisho made the decision to semi-hide the carcass in the scrub, out of reach for the crocodiles at least, to start a search for his avian cohort. It was against the part of him that normally fulfilled orders as quick and efficient as possible, but Ulinzi was much as part of this hunting party, this family, as anyone else and he was sure that Msiba would agree to search for anyone missing.

But Kitisho needn’t search long. Mere paces from the other side of the watering hole, beyond Kitisho’s intial sight whilst hunting, Ulinzi lay fallen and injured, struggling to hide from his attackers. Above, vultures circled, their shadows casting the avian into death-like darkness. The lion hurried to his friend’s side, breathing heavily, that uncomfortable lump in his stomach had started to churn and bubble. He glared upwards, his muzzle contorting into a disgusting, vicious snarl. It would do little to them, but at that point, he didn’t care.

He creeped to the ground and nudged Ulinzi. He slowly opened an eye and peered at his giant feline friend. This was good. At least he was alive. Urging the eagle, despite his ordeal, to latch onto his mane, Kitisho could then carry his friend home to rest and healing. But he was abruptly reminded of his orders.

Everything began to feel heavy now. Kitisho had borne orders for as long as he could remember in Msiba’s company and he had followed each and every one through without a problem, without a bad word from his family. He prided himself on putting his family’s faith in him into everything he did. But in recent days, in the wake of the disaster, things felt heavier. Orders felt more strained.

But...this was the measure of a good warrior, of a good pride member. Through it all, he could still do it. Even if he returned late, he was determined to return with food. And then do it all over again in order to insure his family’s health.

Another deep breath and he rolled his shoulders, helping Ulinzi get a better position on his back. To the tree...

Now imagine Kitisho’s rage to see the very vultures who had attacked Ulinzi to be dining on his kill. They were making such a raucous noise and merriment that a great mass of lion seemed to be the farthest thing from their mind. It wasn’t from Kitisho’s though. Nose flared to take in their scent, that foul smell of death. Paws flexed, claws tipped to start gripping the soft earth. It took all his remaining strength to restrain rage. This would not be senseless...this would be justice.

Waiting until the very last second to roar, Kitisho hurtled towards them, only a few of them taking flight before his mighty paws made contact. Two were squashed to the ground and a third met his teeth. This was a sign of how low vultures truly were - the others escaped and did not return to aid their fallen. Kitisho had gone back to find Ulinzi.

Blood stained and donning a few more scratches, his chest thumped wildly and his body ached. He looked down at the carcass, frustrated that the vultures had already made a start. But no matter. He would take this back and would do it all over again.

The earthquake would not change him. He would not be bested. For he was Kitisho.

((It looks a lot, but it about 1500 xD I got carried away <333))  

Amy D


King Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:54 pm
Who I am applying for: Nyonda
Username of person RPing Nyonda: Vesale

Prompt: Nyonda, alone in the cavern, is feverish and in pain from her injuries; she drifts off into memory to a time when their pride's healer, a mandrill, had helped her recover from a nasty gouge when out hunting.

She lay there, he head lolled to her side, her chest pounding with each beat of her quickened heart. Her breath was heavy, her eyes were dull. Nyonda, mate to the heir to the throne was ill to the core, the earthquake had shaken her, battered and bruised her, and now she was left, alone, to recover from her turmoil.

“Nyonda, don’t fade!” called her bird companion, the red-necked falcon Hakiki.

The lioness moaned in reply, assuring her friend that she had no intention of leaving this world, but she couldn’t bring herself to mutter the words, instead, she found herself losing energy at a rapid pace, if only she could just sleep for a moment, then she would be fine, then she would be okay…

The sun was high in the blazing afternoon sun, and Nyonda, like all the other lionesses were out on the hunt. Together, Nyonda and the other pride females would be a force of intense strength and agility, and would certainly be able to take down some form of prey beast for the days feast. Nyonda’s eyes scanned the horizon, and her nose carefully sought out the scent of prey. She was happy to be doing her part of the pride.

She searched with the others for some time before they finally came upon a pack of grazing wildebeest, there were and average amount of the hooved beings, and appeared to at the peak of their adulthood, but Nyonda could tell they were shielding their young and elderly, easy targets for a lioness on the hunt.

The group had not been spotted yet, and they fanned out in a semi-circle, using the shrubbery and trees as cover, being careful to stand down-wind from their prospective dinner. Nyonda hunched her shoulders and tensed the muscles in her legs, ready at any moment to spring into action.

The tension soared before the moments of release, and then the signal was given. The lionesses charged towards the beast, Nyonda not holding herself back. She was focusing on a young calf that had gotten one of its legs stuck in the hole of an African Hare. The lioness charged towards her prey, eager to make the kill, her legs moved rapidly as her speed increase.

As she was charging, the mother of the calf, lost in the havoc of the attack had now been able to spot its child. It also saw the form of Nyonda charging towards her child. The mother was enraged, and against her better judgement, she hurtled towards Nyonda. The mother ploughed into the side of Nyonda, jutting her away from her young.

Nyonda lay there for a moment, not sure as to what had happened. She blinked and tried to rise but as she did she felt a pain surge through her body. She looked down to the side where the wildebeest had hit her and noticed the large gashes that it had managed to leave behind. She looked around for help, but noticed that all the others were gone; sure that Nyonda would not be needing help in taking down an infant wildebeest, and had chased after the rest of the herd.

She sat alone, in severe pain, and angry with herself for letting herself be injured. What was she going to do? She could hardly walk, and she did not have the energy to call for help. The lioness was worried about what was to become of her.

“Aye, missy! Need a hand there?” called a voice.

“Wh-what?” she replied weakly, her head spinning to see the owner of the tone.

“I can tell, me eyes, they knows what’s wrong with yer.” The being thumped down on the ground beside her and began to palpate her body with his hands.

The lioness snarled, but then she realised it meant no harm. Her eyes scanned the body of her aid, and she realised it was a rather old, scrawny mandrill. A mandrill? She thought? Now there is something you don’t get help from everyday.

“Now you just lay there, and let me get to fixing yer.” He stated.

“Okay,” Nyonda acknowledged softly, feeling herself drift to sleep from the pain.

“That’s it missy, yer better off resting while I do me work.” He whispered as he began…

The red-crested hawk looked over her lioness companion with worry.

“Don’t fade, Nyonda, don’t fade, your children, your mate, they all need you... I need you...”

((Looks big but is only 729 words ))  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:00 pm
Who we are applying for: Umoja and Mapatano
Username of person RPing Umoja: Tier Omartiglio
Username of person RPing Mapatano: RaiMidori
Prompt: Prior to the earthquake, Umoja and Mapatano are
out scouting with their birds when they notice the sudden
upsurge in vulture numbers around the area. RP out their
conversation and thoughts about the situation.

A call to the heavens- feathered wings out-folded to glide on the current that beckoned them on their voyage. Glaring eyes moved from the heavens and the scorching orb in the distance to the dusty lands below; another caw from the sky in the moment's peace, to two small beings underneath. One in particular raised his head to the call. His mane swayed freely below his jaw. The humidity was bearable for the beast this day, and for his journey of the hour, almost advantageous.

"Nothing, Mfalme? Head west until you pass that ridge and circle back. Not a tailwind farther!" he roared up to the heavens, to be heard by his companion.

A call was then sent immediately in reply to the lion, whose face then fell back to the scenery at paw. He stood tall and proud with the sun gleaming on his face, his eyes shining to the stretch of land in front of him. Umoja smiled in the moment, letting it all sink it. He then turned back as he noticed another's paws finally making way.

"If you're going to come along, you could at least try to keep up, Mapatano. Ufunuo would be ahead of me, right now." He eyed his companion from the corner of his vision, getting a little humor out of the fellow male's stride.

Padding along quietly, Mapatano was starting to feel the irritation beating at his pelt. He shook his head again, wondering if there were more important jobs to be doing, other than a simple scouting mission. On his shoulder, right by his ear, Hisa preened her feathers, waiting for her turn to take to the skies, her cardinal red feathers stark against the desolate area right outside the valley.

The sun was battering and cruel in this time of day, and though it felt as though it was suppressing him, Umoja seemed just fine in the torrent of heat that Tano just wasn't used to. Giving a small grunt in reply, he picked up his feet, eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of trouble.

Still clear, as always.

In one corner of the landscape, the same sun that he had grown accustomed to blazed like a fiery token, lighting up everything in a brilliant bronze tone, flaring like a belligerent monster, pugnacious, clawing, crying. Snorting his annoyance, he flicked his mane backwards, stopping beside his cousin, whom looked relaxed in the weather, and though he, too tried to relax, the feeling wouldn't come.

He wanted to sound content, but his voice came too gruff as he spoke, betraying of the uneasiness he had attempted to lock in,

"Umoja, be careful around here. We’re very close to the borderline out of our territory, so anything could happen.”

Umoja's features pressed back with the brandishing of his smile, a roll of some laughter from his throat to soon follow.

"You can be at ease. We are in my father's domain, and there is not yet a sight of trouble. You really need to take in the landscape more, cousin, while you are here to enjoy it." He puffed out his chest to inhale more of the air, as dry as it would be. Feeling his neck constrict at the pressure, course to the insides, a cough followed as he tried to speak.

"The view is...breathtaking..." he exerted another hack from his throat and briefly looked outward to the hues of the horizon. Once more content, he looked back to Tano without losing the comforting expression.

"Come, we are not through, more just up here to explore."

Mfalme combed through the nimbus, wings piercing the layers. Fluffed out, white clouds marked his next path of observation. He was keen to the change of the formations and this veil's appearance at his altitude. Knowing he was not too far from his mark, Mfalme lifted his right wing to level out and circle the scope. There was nothing to be had. Tranquility still rested in this ocean he navigated, and the avian could return toward his companion, seeing no immediate threat. The prolonged flight would soon mark his requirement of rest.

Unknown to the eagle, the nimbus made visibility troublesome, but others did use it to their gain. Having feasted like royalty beyond the mountains, vultures were starting to venture back to their nesting grounds. Leeches of the skies, brooding over in their flock their latest triumph in the lands less inhabitable. Never to be satisfied completely with their insatiable hunger, a small herd of beasts were visible close by, devoid of motion, life. Members of the flock began to descend to their discovery, another banquet was about to be had.

At the restful comments that rolled like empty promises from his cousin’s mouth, Mapatano frowned. He wanted to believe it, that everything was safe, but was it not too much that the other lion seemed so lighthearted?'

'No. He would leave his father out of it. He was here, now- a totally different person, wasn’t he? Turning to his cousin, he lifted his gaze in time to catch the cough flurry and, taken aback with shock, stumbled forward to help him.

“A-are you okay, cousin?” he stuttered, pawing at the ground anxiously. But when the lion recovered, just fine, and beckoned them further, he laughed bitterly, putting up the same façade that he enjoyed the jokes, that he enjoyed his company, that every time he looked at his cousin wasn’t another thorn of guilt to his heart that his father had nearly brought it all to an end.

Nodding curtly, he followed along, the flash of wings above drawing his eyes to Mfalme, coming back from his rounds. There wouldn’t be anything to report, he was sure, but what sent a spark of worry to his heart was the large, looming nimbus cloud above, drawing shadows on the tundra like the fist of god. It would easily hide any real dangers, and to double check, he nodded to Hisa, giving her the signal to take flight and scan the area. As she took to the skies, her feathers shone brightly like a blood soaked flag, a warning to any intruders that they were on the watch.

Umoja would take several steps before a familiar shadow could be seen on the ground. His head would peer up and his eyes made contact with the eagle. "Do you have anything to report?" The smile faded as his current task rekindled to his mind.

Mfalme would bow his neck in greet, coming in distance to his liege as he descended to reside back upon Umoja and would whisper his findings into the lion's ear.

"I see. Good." Umoja turns back to his cousin as he catches glimpse of Hisa's departure. "What are you doing?"

Mapatano looked up at the harsh comment, meeting it with a hard face.

“Cousin, we need to be sure that there is nothing up there. That nimbus cloud could obscure the view of the greatest scout in the world. I sent Hisa to check beyond it, just in case,” he announced confidently, staring the other lion in the eye unwaveringly.

Umoja was unsure what to think of this. Mapatano held some merit to his logic, but right now he felt this method of scouting was too thorough. That cloud could hide from their partners' eyes but not theirs. Umoja preferred the heat of battle, full force head on if opposition arose. Now he was feeling on edge, losing that calm that was there only moments before.

"We could have advanced farther before sending another out. Even if Hisa has good sight, our eyes are just as keen to any obstacles within range. I'm starting to think you're a bit of a pessimistic, Mapatano."

At the wayward comments, the adult lion felt a pang of guilt in his chest, though his resolve did not fade. '

“Umoja, you may be the heir to the throne, but-“ the stern warning was cut off by a sharp cry above, and Tano snapped his head up to catch sight of a morbid scene- Hisa was being chased by what looked like a large bird of prey, its bald head and twisted feathers only aiding its ugliness. A sickening yell issued as it lagged behind at the skill of Hisa’s wingwork and petite frame, and after what seemed like a long, worry-filled eternity she had found her way to Tano again, to a sigh of relief.

Above, the distasteful creatures still reigned, circling in what looked like a band of marauders waiting to feed off the corpses, though as far as he could see, there were none.

Thoroughly disturbed and shaking at the thought of almost losing a close friend, he looked to Umoja, wondering if he would be the one to take the next step.

Umoja's stomach churned at what Mapatano started to say, eager to listen, but it was cut off abruptly by the ensuing commotion.

"Perhaps you were right, cousin...for the moment." He could feel his blood boiling at the sight of those creatures. "Mfalme, divert their attention to come this way. We'll handle it from there."

A surge of pride hit Mapatano as he gave a small acknowledging nod, the very hints of a smile painting his countenance. His lips shook as they tightened, still shocked at the notion that Hisa was inches from oblivion only a few minutes earlier. His voice trembled along with the rest of his body as his eyes grew wide from the shadow that Mfalme’s wingspan cast over the two of them.

“C-cousin, you know very well that it’s not safe to send any avian up there, at this point! I have Hisa now, and they’re not after her, anymore. What matters is to get all other pride members out of danger, not send them right into it,” he growled, taking a step forward to face the heir head on.

Umoja averted his attention from the skies to his cousin. The heir's eyes burned with an unsettled rage as he took an assertive stance to showcase his strength.

"My father was wise in all these matters of diplomacy. I feel we need to give these usurpers a fair warning. He always said, 'Courage is but the heart's exhibition of one's true might. Looking into one's eyes is a portal to the soul.' If we show cowardice in the eyes and hearts of any foe, we might as well just let these parasites consume our lands." Umoja moved his face up to Mapatano's, pushing him back, fixating his view to the heavens. "The blood in your veins almost ended us all, I'm not about to let history repeat itself."

Inside, Mapatano seethed at the words that brought strikes to his fervent heart, each one more accurate than before. In the end, he was following in the shadow of his father always, and that was what led them to see him as the twisted, broken man that brought him into the world. He was nothing like that, but it would take long for them to see, he was whole, he cared, he wanted the pride to flourish, and yet…

Biting back his words, he stared back into the eyes of his cousin with a hardness unrivaled, the words nipping at his chest like they, too, longed to mean something.

“I am nothing like that man, Umoja. I had trusted you to understand that.”

But in the hollowness that followed, there was only the silence that grew as his cousin was already readying himself for the first blows, and though Tano’s words were quiet, he was certain that they were heard.

Setting his jaw, Mapatano finally turned to face the same direction, and though his face showed no weakness to the shadows that slowly fell upon them, the darkness still stayed unsettling in his heart, to be cast away at a moment’s notice- in the chaos that trusted his strength.




PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:14 pm
Who I am applying for: Ukweli
Username of person RPing Ukweli: StrawberriLori

Prompt: Ukweli has visions of the earthquake - moments before it actually happens. He must flee down from the mountainside cavern where he's staying to warn Ubawa, but doesn't make it in time before the landslides begin.

Viza gave a harsh screech right in Ukweli’s ear, and he jumped a tail length into the air. The lanner falcon was pushing him onto his side. What for? Then Ukweli understood. He wasn’t the easier lion to wake up anymore. The female falcon had some way of knowing when his visions were coming on, and knew how Ukweli had been injured in the past from standing while having a vision. Ukweli complied, laying down and trying to calm himself before the vision hit.

Ukweli’s body began trembling, and he felt his eyes start to roll back in his head. He took slow deep breaths, with Visa looking on in concern. She knew she could do nothing for her old friend until the vision was over but protect him, because his body was not under his own control now.

The old lion felt like a rock had been smashed into his head. Though that wasn’t uncommon for how a vision came on, he saw rocks falling in his swimming vision. Falling, falling…Overwhelming panic grabbed at his heart as the emotions of what felt like the whole pride hit him. Death. Pain. Fear.

Ukweli tried his best to move up and out of the vision, but those dark emotions surrounded him, cornering him in his own mind. Viza moved restlessly in front of him, feeling in her feathers what Ukweli knew was coming.

“Viza…” He cried softly, struggling to stand even as the vision played itself out before his eyes. “Viza, find Ubawa…we must…” Finally the old lion’s vision was swept away, but he couldn’t tell the difference at first. Because now rocks were truly falling, and beginning to block the way out of the cave he called home.

“Viza! Fly! Ubawa must be warned!” Even though Ukweli knew it was too late, he forced his body through the rocks beginning to bury him alive, tumbling out of his cave running. If he could outrun the whole mountain falling down around his ears, lives could be saved.

Viza cried harshly above him, keeping a sharp eye on the old lion desperately putting one paw in front of the other, rocks dropping all round him. She prayed for Hestia’s protection for her bonded and pressed her wings further into the wind, hoping they weren’t too late.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:30 pm
Who I am applying for: Haja
Username of person RPing Haja: Werewolf of London

Prompt: Haja's just discovered a bit of juicy gossip: Unfortunately, nobody else is around except her avian companion, so she can only ramble on to him.

On one particularly humid afternoon a few days after the earthquake, Haja stood near the temporary shelter the group had put together and wondered where everybody was.

The lioness’s mind was all a buzz and it was both frustrating and puzzling that no one was around. It never occurred to Haja she should possibly be worried; that something may have happened. For one who had just survived a terrible disaster, Haja had a remarkable ability to move on quickly to new, and in her mind, more important things. Right now, her first priority was to find someone to talk to. She had news, and even the most important of information had little value if it had no one to be passed along to.

So Haja stood, her eyes impatiently scanning her surroundings for the rest of the group. A lifeless wilderness stared back. Disheartened, Haja sat on the ground with a thud.

Ah, but then, a glimmer of home flickered across the sky nearby in the shape of an eagle.

“Maboya!” Haja called out, her tail flickering across the ground with renewed fervor.

The eagle landed on a nearby branch with what sounded a lot like a sigh. Maboya recognized the look on Haja’s face. He was a patient soul, however, and decided to humor the lioness.

“You have news, I gather,” he said in his quiet, laid-back tone.

“You won’t belie....” Haja had started even before the bird had landed. She pouted at him for having stolen some of her thunder, but recovered quickly.

“Yes!” she said, her eyes bright with bottled excitement. “And it’s important too!” She paused, both for dramatic effect and to make sure she held the fish eagle’s attention. Again, Maboya obliged her.

“Truly? Do tell!” he stated as if enraptured by her words. Who knows, what Haja had heard may be of some import.

“Well, you know that lioness, Mchawi?” she asked, waiting for a nod from her companion to continue.
“I hear, from a very reliable source, mind you, that she’s a witch. An actual witch! Who can cast spells! And...and curses and stuff,” she stated in a grave whisper, her eyes wide.

“Oh really?” came Maboya’s reply. The eagle couldn’t help sound disinterested. Haja had a good heart and was a truly excellent fisher, among other things, but this obsession for idle gossip was her main downfall.
“And who is this reliable source of yours?”

“A good one!” she protested, disappointed and also somewhat hurt at his lack of ‘appropriate’ response to her words.

“Was it the cubs?” the eagle pushed, his sharp gaze meeting Haja’s.

“No!” she retorted, sounding like a rebellious youth. Maboya’s gaze remained on her, however, and he wouldn’t let it rest. She pouted again, her brows furrowed.
“Well, so what if it was?! They’re as good a source as any. It’s not as though there’s much to choose from out here.”

She gazed around her again, Maboya following suit. It was still quiet, an eery calm that made it difficult for one to imagine life continuing in the fashion it had before disaster had stricken. She turned back to her companion.

“And what if they’re right? What if she really is a witch? You’ve seen the way she slinks about, as if she’s determined to serve as everyone’s shadow. And then off she goes to talk to that charming brother of hers! He seems nice enough, but I do worry about her. It’s like she’s planning something. Something... devious. I worry that she’ll cast a curse on us while we sleep and we’ll all... I dunno, wake up with two heads or something.”

She ended her speech, her eyes now dark and brooding. The two sat silently for a moment before the eagle spoke.

“Well... I don’t know about the witch part. Mchawi does, however, seem to have something occupying her thoughts. These are tumultuous times, Haja. She really might just be concerned for the welfare of the group.”

Haja squirmed, as if finding it difficult to sit with that thought.
“I suppose.”


“I still think she’s a witch.”

The sound of the bird’s laughter echoed through the hills.

Basil Brett


PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:34 pm
Who I am applying for: Ukweli
Username of person RPing Ukweli: dragonfire_kaen

Prompt: Ukweli has visions of the earthquake - moments before it actually happens. He must flee down from the mountainside cavern where he's staying to warn Ubawa, but doesn't make it in time before the landslides begin.


Viza knew something was wrong the moment the vision hit him.

Though on second thought, perhaps she had known it all along. It was a bleak day, the bleary-eyed sky fogged around the edges with drifts of cloud that held the sun captive. The air felt heavy and pressurized, its winds and currents whispering, Storm's coming. But there was something odd about that, that she couldn't quite put her talon on...

Then she became aware of the sudden stillness in every muscle of the ancient seer, her constant companion. She turned from her favored perch near the mouth of their cave, where the wind ruffled dramatically through her feathers, and gazed into eyes that met hers and looked past as if she didn't exist. It always made her feel so, so small when Ukweli did that... The lanner falcon huffed and preened at an imaginary speck in her chest feathers, waiting for the vision to retreat.

But when it did, she almost wished that it hadn't. He gave a great gasp, eyes staring and sides heaving as if he had run a mile in the relentless late summer heat. The lion's claws extended and retracted jerkily, but he seemed not to even notice. Whatever the normally patient and self-composed lion had seen, it couldn't be good.

"What is it?" She sounded unusually subdued; Viza had never seen her feline companion look so shaken. He blinked as if clearing spots from his vision, opened his mouth to reply- and at that moment, the earth growled. Loose rocks clattered down from the walls and rolled lazily to a halt, then rolled away again and jostled each other toward the cave’s entrance.

"No time!" Ukweli was already leaping from the mouth of their cave with more speed than she'd seen him put on in years, albeit on limbs that clearly would not work as smoothly as they might have a few decades ago. "It's... already starting..."

"What's starting?" she squawked, trying to deny the obvious. He had no need to answer, as the tremors around them became more evident in trees that swayed drunkenly in the opposite direction of the wind, little shuddering jerks in what had just moments before been rock-steady ground. Like a giant just stomped his paw down in the valley...

No... She lifted into the air as her perch shifted beneath her and skimmed down to his side. "Surely it's not that bad. See, the shaking is already dying do..." Her voice trailed off as Ukweli shook his shaggy head grimly. Already he barely had the breath to elaborate; it made her heart ache to see how his paws tripped over the slightest unexpected dip in the ground.

Foreshocks. The worst is yet to come.

Ukweli's legs felt as if they were running through thick, clinging banks of mud and every muscle and tendon screeched in crotchety protest, but he could not stop. The more clear and real his visions were, the closer to their true happening it was, and this had been so clear that he shook with just the memory of it. There was no time until the real earthquake began. There was… no… time!

"Viza! Fly ahead... warn the king!" She gave a shrill screech in assent, then within the space of a few rapid wingbeats was a dark dot diving down the mountain's slope.

He knew it was too late - he could feel the shaking pick up speed once again. But what could he do? He was sworn to guide and protect, wasn't he? And the blood-flecked screams that had risen out of that vision... he tried not to think of the voices he had recognized among them.

The growl became a full-throated roar, and like a massive lion the earth shrugged its brawny shoulders, rippling outward. For a moment Ukweli thought he had stopped moving, then realized that the trees themselves were rushing past him with impossible speed. The soil at his paws shifted so that gnarled roots with clumps of dirt still clinging to them clutched fast to the ground one moment, then clawed uselessly at the dirty gray sky the next. Below him, great cracks opened in the earth, tossing up lakes, trees, ancestral dens with their occupants still inside, with great heaves and then gulping them down like a starving hyena. He tried to keep to what little open space there was, but branches still lashed out at him. A shallow gash across his flank left him gasping for breath with renewed pain.

Suddenly the ground beneath him gave way and he was sliding down the mountain along with everything else, paws scrabbling to keep some semblance of their footing. A boulder that could have crushed a buffalo soared just over his head and hit the ground in front to continue its crashing descent. The earth roared in his ears; he thought he roared back in defiance with what little breath remained in his lungs. And then...


"Viza..." he wheezed hoarsely, then broke into a fit of coughing. The dust-filled air flickered in and out of focus around him. Was he having another vision? Or was he simply passing out? Ukweli could see the great ragged-winged shapes of vultures lifting into the air, circling, calling to each other in their harsh voices.

Then a dark arrow stooped out of the skies, faster and more streamlined than any carrion bird. At the last moment Viza snapped out her wings and back-winged to a stop, delicately settling down to perch on his head and crane her neck around to peer more closely at him.

Her dark-pupiled eyes narrowed. "You're hurt." The falcon's voice was irritated, but she was lifting and settling her feathers in the way that meant she felt more agitation than she could say. "Can't you manage more than a few wingbeats without needing me to look after you?"

"Viza... You’re... You're all right..."

The ground still shuddered in leaps and starts under them, but for lion and avian, the world had narrowed to a blur of gray sky and dirt and rock, with them at the center.

Viza sighed. "I am your Curse, you old fool." She nibbled at the dust-caked strands of his mane with more affection than those who didn't know her well might expect. "I always come back. Always."

They sat there, lion and falcon, for a few long moments, watching the dust settle in lazy spirals around the ruins of their home. Then Ukweli got to his paws with a convulsive heave, making Viza screech and dig her talons into his thick fur as she was almost jerked off. "We cannot stay here. The Aka'mleli... My pride... Those who are left will need me more than ever."

His voice was calmer now, more sure - or at least he hoped it was. There had been something else in that vision, something that in the urgency of those first panicked moments Ukweli had almost forgotten: he had seen Nyonda and that promising young huntress, Elea, making their escape with the heir's two cubs in tow. The vision had not lasted for more than a heartbeat, barely long enough for him to make out the flash of their pelts amid the shaking and the swirling rock - but he thought he knew where it had taken place. No. He had to know. Just like he had to believe that they - and Ubawa, and Umoja, and all the rest - were somehow still alive.

"If a half-dead old geezer like you can survive, then the others are probably all right, too." Viza always could read his mind remarkably well, he thought, a crooked smile curving across his muzzle. "Come on, let's go." The lanner falcon took flight, perching just ahead on a spur of rock the earth had thrown up in its fury.

"One step at a time..."
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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