Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:55 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:02 pm
-- The Pilgrim -- Name: Roman
Gender: Stallion
Breed: First Gen. Wind
Hair color: Red/White
Eye color: Blue Brown
Mate: Nutmeg Rum Rp color: Dodger Blue
Obtained from: CYO event
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:03 pm
-- Personality & History -- Personality: *Though on his temper it says he is ardent that is not how he will be played as of this moment. It is my hope that in the future he will meet the love of his life who will once again restore his passion and protective nature.
Roman is rather world weary at this particular juncture. The loss of his younger brother still hangs heavily around his neck and there isn't a day gone by that he does not feel a sliver of guilt over it. His father dragged both of them all over the place in search of their mother's killer and he feels as though he has seen everything and all of the "wonders" this world posesses. He finds it hard to be excited or passionate over things. He is a very blunt stallion, not really caring much what others think when it is the truth facing them. This is not to say he is intentionally rude or hurtful, he just doesn't know when to keep things in his mind. Love to him is a nightmare, he loved his brother and he was taken from him cruelly. He often felt his brother was all he had for he harbored a hatred for his father and vowed never to forgive him for his wrong doings. He is willing to help others when they are in need, sometimes, but he is rather indifferent about their success or failures and pretty much acts as though he is reciting something already written down. He lives a nomadic lifestyle, not really settling down anywhere or calling someplace home. I guess you could even venture to say that he is a stallion who has wandered off of the path and cannot find his way.
History: One could search all corners of the world and never find a mare and stallion who loved one another the way Roman’s mother and father had. Ardus knew Calixta was the one for him when he first saw her preening her wings by a slow running river. He spent much time courting her and desperately attempting to sync his heart with hers. Eventually his time with her paid off and they became Lifemates, both more than happy to spend eternity together. Ardus was very pleased when he heard the news that he was to be a father, vowing to raise his sons to be brave and compassionate as he himself had been. Calixta vowed to make real stallions out of them, teaching them the ways in which a mare is to be treated and how to be all around good males. When she gave birth and two foals were put into wicker both of them were excited for the future and what wonders it would bring for them and their children.
Three days after baskets were presented to them by the Native American tribe they had seeked assistance from something dreadful happened. Calixta was taken in the dead of night by a shadowy creature known only as a Skinwalker. Ardus wasn’t aware of his mate’s disappearance until the early morning when he awoke to find she was no longer at his side. Panic overcame him as he chastised himself for not knowing of her absence until now. Suddenly he felt very torn, go after his mate and leave the baskets unattended? Or let Calixta possibly slip from his grasp forever? His heart broke as he decided he could not leave the baskets alone. Other than Calixta, Ardus hadn’t spent much time socializing with others so he had no one to turn to. With a heavy heart he bade his mate farewell but hoped she would return to him one day.
When Roman and his brother Cottus emerged from their baskets their father was genuinely happy but heartbroken to see how much they resembled their mother. He attempted to act lovingly towards them but often found a block of ice separating himself from his sons. Mostly he allowed them to roam the land together, only setting a few boundaries for them. Roman and Cottus became very close in the days that followed, experiencing life together for the first time and discovering the mysteries of the world around them. When they were able bodied enough to walk for long distances without having to stop their father told them they were leaving. The boys bid their home farewell, thoughts of new adventures and happiness dancing around in their little minds. Little did they know the sorrow that would paint their lives and cause them to become even more separated from the stallion they called father.
Cottus hadn’t been well since the day he emerged from his basket but it was never as bad as when they walked all day and barely rested at night. Whenever Roman would call out to his father to stop and wait for Cottus his father would keep walking, telling them to stay behind and that he would return for them later. Roman was briefly taught by his father how to defend a position and to keep out of the open. The responsibility and caring for Cottus fell completely on him. He was forced to grow up really quickly in order to keep his brother alive and soon he found he hated his father. This stallion that dragged them around for no reason and then just dropped them without another word became a figure of contempt for the young colt. Cottus attempted to remain loyal to his absent father and often told Roman to do the same. Though Roman loved his little brother very much he could not forgive such a terrible father of his neglect.
This treatment continued on until the boys had just entered the stage of being stallions. Cottus’ illness had only gotten worse and they were lucky if their glorious father even spoke to them. They should have left but with Cottus being as weak as he was it was better to travel in a group, if one would call it that. One evening as their father took off and left them Cottus had a particularly nasty fit. Roman watched over him as his brother collapsed in a clearing. Thinking Cottus would bounce back as usual Roman curled up beside him and fell asleep. When morning came Roman looked down at his brother, thinking he was fine, and went off to get his morning drink. When he returned he discovered his beloved brother had passed from this world. At this point Roman’s life shattered into a million pieces, the one of his family who truly cared about him had passed. His hatred for his father grew, for he hadn’t even come back to witness the final moments of his son. He had all but killed Cottus with how he behaved. Unable to even perform funeral rites Roman was forced to leave with no one by his side. He figured his father would find him soon, but he never saw him again. Unaware that he had been killed by the very Skinwalker who had killed his mother Roman walked on, always slightly curious but never outrightly so. (To be continued...)
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:06 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:11 pm
-- Family -- Siblings: Cottus {Deceased}
Parents: Ardus and Calixta {Both Deceased}
Adoptive Parents: Háidēs & Carolina
Adoptive Siblings: Westrion and Erebes
Children: None at the Moment
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:11 pm
-- Breedings -- All breedings belong to his mate Nutmeg RumQuote: Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: No Entry Code: Roman (RegalRenegade) x Nutmeg Rum (stella cinere) Parent 1:UNCERT Parent 2:UNCERT Co Ownership?: N/A Teepees: Regal & CinLink to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]---Lifemate?: Yes RP Approved?: No Low Luck?: No Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): No ---Templates to Avoid: N/A Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Draft & War Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes Throwbacks?: Yes ---Link to previous Generations: For Nutmeg Rum:Parents:Brielle & Sunset SarsaparillaGrandparents:Honeycomb & AzuellGreat Grandparents:Lovey Dovey & BiscuitBella & AzumothGreat Great Grandparents:Esperanza & Otaikimmio'tokaan
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:13 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:15 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:18 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:19 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:20 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:21 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:22 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:23 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:24 pm