Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:27 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Anabelle - Graphophobia Name/owner + image of father: Relic - Lanthiriel (formerly Gelfin) Low Luck? No Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: N/A Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Yesplz WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? A pretty necklace from my boyfriend and a shitton of conswag from Bulls and Co. 8D ****************** Name/owner + image of soquili: Rush - Lanthiriel (formerly Gelfin) Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: N/A Please describe shortly your soquili's personality: He's a wee egotistical nutter, he is. What soquili colours/themes/species do YOU think match your handsome stallion/mare? Darker colors, anything with blues, greys, reds or white. Rush is quite easygoing as far as species. As long as they don't try to hurt his pretty face. :<
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:28 am
Name/owner + image of soquili: Elena, owned by Bennali Sundragyn and mouselet Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: Y. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=85&t=2643386#188895691Quote: Co-ownership of Elena is as follows: Both Sunny and mouse have sig rights. Both Sunny and mouse have input on life changing decisions (lifemating, etc.) Each will have full control of one of Elena's breedings without requiring permission from the other owner. The other owner does not need to give permission, will not be receiving any baskets, will not have her counting against their breeding entries. The third breeding will require discussion at that time, should it happen. Sunny has RP rights. Please describe shortly your soquili's personality: Sweet, good-natured, and even-tempered, Elena doesn't really have a bad word for anyone. She wants to help, and she wants to make the world a better place. What soquili colours/themes/species do YOU think match your handsome stallion/mare? Well, you know, anything goes with white. Reds and golds, probably. Delicate prettiness. Or the exact opposite is good too. Hum de dah.
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:09 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Mapiya, owned by Keantha Name/owner + image of father: Caelin, owned by Revolutionary Roniel Low Luck? Yep! JuneMayMarchFebruaryDecemberNovemberOctoberSeptember Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: No co-owners here! Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Yes please! WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? I got a hand woven shawl from the Renaissance Festival! It's soooooooo beautiful! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name/owner + image of soquili: Mittrei, owned by Revolutionary Roniel Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: No co-owner! Please describe shortly your soquili's personality:Mittrei is irreverent with a strong sense of humor and irony that often is at the expense of someone else. To those other than her family she can seem arrogant and self centered with a sharp tongue. Her sense of superiority tends to keep her emotionally distant from other soquili but she is capable of caring deeply for someone she feels is worthwhile.... not that achieving that status is an easy task. While she enjoys and guards her privacy she also gets bored after being alone for too long and will then seek out company. What soquili colours/themes/species do YOU think match your handsome stallion/mare?I tend to think that darker colors and personalities would match Mittrei best. Something bright, fluffy, and happy would drive her batty. She'd do best with darker minded soquili and breeds, even some of the more traditionally evil ones.
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:41 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Maui (Lady_Ivory_Feld) Name/owner + image of father: Starseeker (Lady_Ivory_Feld & Cut_Me_Coffee) Low Luck? Yes (they've entered multiple raffles per month, but I'm hoping it's okay to link just one from each month they've been being entered.) April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008August 2008September 2008 Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: Yes. Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Yes please. WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? $100, alcohol and told not to get drunk. And I kept to it <3 mrgreen (I turned 21, can't you tell? xd )
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:01 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Ceri (Safaia)
Name/owner + image of father: Nym (Dark Fire Angel)
Low Luck? No Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: Yep Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Regular open. 8DD WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? My debts forgiven. <3!
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:13 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Astraaelyn, owned by MarshMallowPanda Name/owner + image of father: Nikolai, owned by Yayoi Low Luck? No Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: N/A Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Yes WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? I don't remember D: but I got a metal DDR mat as an early b-day present this year and a graphics card 8D
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:13 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Zyria, Vashtya Name/owner + image of father: Pin, Agneza(formarly EvilMadness666)+NaiyaRose Low Luck? no Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: co-ownership agreement -> basket from this breeding goes to NaiyaRose Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? yes WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? clothes I never will wear and candies I ate long ago xd
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:16 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Roxy (owned by Tweekend) Name/owner + image of father: Klei (owned by Mobster Goose) Low Luck? Nope (lol I'm at 4 and this would be 5 lololol) Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: Nope! Lol read that wrong. Yes? >> Since there's no co-owners? XD Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Yup! If applicable~ c: WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? Nothing. :< Actually, I got the center of a coffee roll (cause I didn't finish the middle the night before) with a single musical candle on it presented to me like.. 7 times throughout the day. XD EDIT: Ah! 8D I found a picture of it!! *sorry for the crappy phone quality pic* When you twisted that little metal thing you turned the music on. c: click
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:05 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Mireille, Rita Zyon Name/owner + image of father: Zei, Rita Zyon Low Luck? No Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: N/A, both are owned fully by me Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Yes please WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? Oh wow, I can't really remember XD. I think mostly money, clothing and maybe a manga or two. Name/owner + image of soquili: Saeran, Rita Zyon Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: N/A, owned fully by me Please describe shortly your soquili's personality: Saeran highly thinks he is an intelligent stallion, to Saeran it is better to teach others as well as to learn more each and every day. He enoys traveling to new places, observing what he sees and then analyzing it. Saeran has no desire to have friends or interact with others but he knows he has to in order to succeed. But he prefers being on his own. What soquili colours/themes/species do YOU think match your handsome stallion/mare? Natural coloured ones probably.
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:10 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Dialga, owned by MarshMallowPanda Name/owner + image of father: 驃騎將軍 (Piaoji Jiangjun), owned by Asahi Kumoru Low Luck? Nope Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: n/a Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Yes, please~ WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? Kung Fu Panda on DVD, and ... pajamas xd ;
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:10 am
Name/owner + image of soquili: Temperance, owned by ChaosTheories Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: N/A Please describe shortly your soquili's personality: Friendly, curious and confident, but a little naive, stubborn, and too trusting of others. She is also extremely afraid of open spaces (fields, clearings, and the like). What soquili colours/themes/species do YOU think match your handsome stallion/mare? A stallion with a white or red base, or a fellow Christmas-themed Soquili. One with a conflicting personality would be awesome too. xD
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:21 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Cassandra Erinyes- Roxy Roxanna and Reeshie Hack Name/owner + image of father: Damian-Buffy the Bloody Low Luck? No Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: Yes<3 Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Y WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY?I got Motley Crue tickets. ;D
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:51 am
Name/owner + image of mother: Shinyun, owned by -Nessus-Euenos- Name/owner + image of father: Naoki, owned by Kirowyn Love Low Luck? No Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: N/A Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Yes please! WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? A plane ticket to visit my Grandma in Florida <3
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:14 pm
Name/owner + image of mother: Kintori//Ruler of Everything Name/owner + image of father: Helberd//Pixel-x-Bunny (Tech-no-Smexual on cert) Low Luck? Nope~ Co-ownership rights are a-ok?: N/A Enter me in the opens (when/if applicable)? Yes WHAT DID YOU GET ON YOUR LAST BDAY? Uh... Money for my Europe trip and lots of love? xD <3