Pff, comics.
Real life stuff is always better, you guys.
There are some things only art can do.
The funny thing is that, with probably the vast majority of images you may have seen (especially the pornographic variety), most photographs of "real life" have been ran through photoshop to make them look better. This is even outside of all the things that can be done with a camera to essentially lie to you.
I recall a clip shown in one of my classes, which had someone talking about photographs. I may be remembering it wrong, but I believe they said something along the lines of a photograph capturing the unobtainable and creating a desire in people to be just like the images they see, even if they may be impossible to achieve. It went beyond photoshop. This was about light and shadow and how in that moment the camera captures something that you can't have.
...Then I think it went on to something that make me a tad sick in thought and I forgot the details... Something about desires and probably marketing. Mad me somewhat sick feeling with how widely influential it really is and how it manipulates everyone.
sweatdrop Anyway! Yeah, art can do things real life never could. I've even experimented in photographing myself, and I can tell you that even without photoshop I wonder if that really is me sometimes since I never see myself that way in a mirror.
...I could also go on about how even "real life" (outside of photographs and purely in person with face-to-face contact) is influenced by a lot of things attempting to make it "better" than reality. It's very complex and even I don't understand it fully. I'd have an easier time telling you to just read a specific book instead.