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Reply ◕ Roleplay: Werewolves & Bastet
.:|The Realm of the Moon Pack|:. {-A few news updates.-} [F] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 [>] [»|]

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Tipsy Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 7:59 am
Rakaeba's ears perked suddenly and he shifted his head to view another sibling coming to join them. "Welcome." He said quietly, a smile etching his features before he shook his pelt to free it of the soft snowfall which had suddenly begun to rain down on them. It wasn't too thick currently and so wouldn't hinder their progress. But it was just enough that he needed to free himself of its hold. The snow beneath his paws shifted just so and the young male licked his sharp canines. His claws settling and his eyes scanning the forest. Perhaps tonight they could take down something big enough to feed the pack and perchance leave enough left over for another evenings meal. He could hope. They were young, still in need of experience. But this was how one learned. By doing.

The wind howled through the trees, casting everything in a wild, untamed light that made his heart soar and his eyes shine. The fur along his spine bristled and his heart beat a steady rhythm in his chest, this was the way of the wolf. Living in the wilds, free, untouched. The Werewolves, half mortal, half wolf. Changing shape both at will and by the will of the moon. A constant struggle and a sweet relief from the constraints of mere mortality. They had a freedom few understood or even knew about. It was both a blessing and a curse in many respects. Yet, given the choice, he'd choose nothing else. This was their existance, their heritage and their calling. To walk in the light of the moon.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 11:42 pm
Ya'kima's cool blue eyes rested on the female whom had wandered up to join her. A small smile crossed her face...this one was her sister..she faintly remembered that. A name played on the tip of her tongue but she couldnt remember it fully. Ya'kima herself had also fancied for become an elder, and had been doing a good job interpreting the stars as night as she had spent most of her pup hood basking in their silver glow. For this she wasnt the best hunter, but she could bring down enough game to keep her belly away from her ribs.

"You May Join if you like." she replyed, laughed in her voice. "However for now we're retrieving the game we brough down earlyer. I will need help in carrying some of it. I have a small cash of rabbits and a a few very small faun. Poor thing was close to death.. I did it a favor that one.. It wont be much but.." she glanced away to the west. "With ReKaeba's cash it should be enough while we hunt for larger Game." Her ears perked as she heard a distance elk call. "we must hurry..that heard is on the move and wont be around these woods for much longer." She Looked to ReKaeba and gave him a nod, running down the slope towards her cashe of food, frozen but freash.



PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:58 pm
OOC: Sorry its short, but I found only enough time to make a small entrance for Kaori. D=

Kaori wandered back into her pack area. She sat down amongst the tree lining, watching with her turquoise orbs from the shadows. Her pale yellow hair fell into her eyes, but it seemed to make little to no difference to her. Standing, she walked further into the area, eyes bouncing from one familiar face to another. At least their pack was together again... but the troubles of leadership were still amongst them.. or had she already missed the outcome? What would become of Gould? Who would take over? Would the new leader, if Gould was defeated, be mature enough or would she still pamper over them like a child? She had often looked after most of the them when they were pups, and therefore still thought of them just as that. Heaving a sigh, the gorgeous female layed down in the shadows, just out of reach from the sun. Her turquoise eyes held pain within them, pain for the packs suffering..  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:42 pm
Rakaeba scented the air, another female had re-joined them. He remembered this one and smiled warmly. Turning his head he listened to the call after Ya'kima had caught it. Indeed, they'd need to be swift. "Snowdrop, you go with Ya'kima, Selena come with me." With that said he shot off into the night, hurrying as fast as his paws could move against the frigid snow. He flew like a spirit, the wind ruffling his pelt and the heavy plumes from his breath stretching out before him in powerful bursts of pale white. The crunch of ice and snow underpaw with each step. His ears perked, listening. Hopefully they would make the hunt sucessful tonight.

Landing in a small area he nudged around in the snow. Shaking his head and almost sneezing as he found his kills. "Take the two Pheasants, I'll retrieve the boar. It's almost solid now." Dragging it out from under the brush by its snout he latched onto its neck. Cutting as deep as he could into the icy flesh and hoisting it upwards. Turning to begin the sprint back to the den. They should be able to gather enough. Matsi and his brother were two less mouths to feed, though he prayed they would be safe and find enough food along their journy. Knowing them, they'd have no trouble at all.


Tipsy Prophet

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 1:07 am
Snowdrop nodded softly, turning her gaze to Ya'kima she smiled and waited for ehr to lead the way to her kills. Her tail flickered her fur moving with the icey winds. Closing her eyes she gave a soft sigh, the scent of fresh prey was upon the air, she had longed to run with her pack again but it seemed strange to her still. Reopening her icey eyes she smiled softly "It is nice to run with the pack again" she whispers her tail wagging once, it would be even nicer once her belly was full she decided and they were off together after the carabou or deer which haunted the woods and were far too large for any one wolf to take down.  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:01 pm
The cyan eyes of the white wolf sparkled as she nodded to her brother. "Alright, we'll meet you back at the den" She called over her shoulder to him as her gaze feel upon snow drop. "This way" She said even as he feet started to move from under her, she ran down the hill as silent as the falling snow, her paws thundering below her as she ran. A look of determination set upon her face as she slid to a stop between two Yew trees. "Here!" she called to snow drop, and burried her nose in the snow. The fresh coat already begining to cover their tracks. with a snort she located the her small store of fowl. "You take these, and hurry to the den. The little ones can begin to get their fill. I'll take the dear.."

She burried her snout in the snow again, tracking along north from the cache of fowl. The dear had been small and near death from the cold, but it was still a bit more larger game to be had. She brought her nose up suddenly ad snorted. There it was. Digging her paw furiously into the snow she dug until she had uncovered it all. With a growl she sank her fangs into the neck of the beast and drug it along. It was a burden draging the beast up hill, but it wasnt as heavy as it was awkward.


Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:14 am
Snowdrop nodded taking the bundle of peafowl, pheasents and guinifowl that the otehr femme had caught lightly in her jaws, for she knew full well that their necks were liable to leave their bodies without much provocation, she headed back up the hill with her head held high. The beasts tubby boddies bounced against ehr chest as she went her ears cocked back and her eyes stareign as far forwards as she could. She had seen a wolf once fall in to a hole because they weren't looking where they were going., it was funny at the time but she had never seen that wolf again. Avoiding opening ehr mouth she kept her gaze firmly fixed upon the path she was walking her paws silent in the thick snow.

The den was swift xto come back in to view at her wolfs gait and she was soon slipping in to the dark shadows of the place away from the frost beaten earth of the outside. The den of course was a warm and exceedingly welcoming place, the smow seemingly far away amongst the buslte of warm bodies all snuggled together. For a moment she paused in contemplation laying the frozen fowl as close to the comfortable bodies as possible before she backed her way back out of the den, her butt getting the full force of the shocking icey wind first.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:54 pm
((Just so you know, Parvani is finally a teen. xd Her card on the front page should be updated. whee ))  

Kimie Kitty

Gracious Gekko


Tipsy Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:46 pm
Kimie Kitty
((Just so you know, Parvani is finally a teen. xd Her card on the front page should be updated. whee ))

{-Wonderful, congratulations! Thanks for letting me know. n-n -Will get on that right now- heart -}  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:05 pm
((No problem xd I figured it was high time for her to grow up, since she's almost a year old. xd ))  

Kimie Kitty

Gracious Gekko


PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:08 pm
(( *giggles and Hugs Kimie* indeed! ))

With one final grunt Ya'kima brought her awkward pray to rest in the mouth of the den. The snow and wing buffeted against her hind quarters as she moved around to grasp her prey by the throat ad darg it further inward. The den was much warmer than the near blizard conditions out side, and she was thankful for this breif break from the howling winds outside. Her Snow white fur was dusted with snow and she shook of a good inch onto the den floor.

Finally she left the carcas rest well within the safty of the den, her ears flicked lightly and she turned her cyan eyes upon the little pups, feasting upon the fowl. A slight chuckle escaped her as she watched two little ones fight over a wing and breast, pulling at the frozen meat with vigor as if in a tug of war.

With a Yip she signaled to the den mothers that their food had arrived, however this caused her a slight problem. A few of the pups turned their attention now to the lean dear. With paws full she kept the children at bay, nipping at them and issuing grunts of warning and sending them back to the fowl. What little meat there was on this dear was for the Den mothers alone. The children could make due with what they had until the bigger game could be brough home, then all would feast.

Glancing back at the mouth of the cave, she watched the torrets of snow fall against the foot prints she had let outside. All mark of her passing would soon be no more. With a quick look she soon established that Rekaeba had not returned with his cache.

"Snow drop?" she called and looked around the cave, Obviously the female had made it back, as the children, mouths dusted crimson and fur lightly suck with feathers, had gotten their share. Her brow lightly furrowed as she peered into the warmth of the den and then out into the snow once more. She was debating going on to help Rekaeba and his load... or taking the female with her and going in search of the bigger game. The Elk would not be out there long, and in this condictions.. it was favorable to bring one down. They would be snow blind.. however this was also a disadvantage to the pack as well. However... with a cunning manuver or two she had no doubt they could over come it.

Raising to her paws she trotted to the mouth of the cave and looked out, Tilting back her head she let out a long howl, music dancing over the snow and whispering through the tree branches. She had hopped that is ReKaeba and the other female where having problems in this white oasis, that they could hear her howl and correct their corse. Yet only the near silence of the snow fall answered her.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:00 am
((Sorry I haven't been around to play...busy with the guild and I've had a case of Rper's block...similar to writers block, lol))

Nodding to her brothers orders she broke from her two sisters with a nod to Snowdrop and Ya'kima as she ran after Ralaeba. The snow which had collected in her fur either went flying off her fur while she ran of the few shakes she made while running but either way her soft cream colored fur was soon clean of snow, for the moment as it seemed to be snowing again.

Nodding to the words spoken by her brother as he uncovered the two birds he grabbed both about the neck with her tetth, sinking them in so he had a good hold on both while she stood waiting for him to get the boar. Shifting her weight from her right to her left the snow under her left front and back paw crunching a bit.

As he sprinted back to the den she turned tail and followed. Her tail up in the air like a flag as it wavered back and forth, left to right, with each turn and slight move of her body.

Sleet Tempest Snape

Noble Vampire


Tipsy Prophet

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:40 pm
Rakaebas ears perked momentairily and the male smirked, they were coming. It was nice to know they were worried at least. Finally balancing enough he lifted the boar and started a quick trot across the frozen earth. The wind and snow starting to mix scents but he locked his course and made sure he never lost sight of Selena. His icy gaze shifting every now and again to make sure they hadn't been seperated. Soon enough the mouth of the cave came into sight and he felt an extra burst of energy fill his limbs. Yet he refrained from running. Once inside Rakaeba set down the boar and shook his thick pelt free of the weighty snow. Licking his canines and tilting his head at the pups in a curious manner.

"All right, excellent work. Forgive the lag. The winter is beginning to remind us of why it's to be respected." The fur at his nape stood on end for a moment, his nostrils flaring as he scented the wind. Testing it. The herd was moving. "Now, we must move if we want to catch them. We don't want Elk young and we don't need to take on a Bull. A female seems prime, injured if we can manage." He blinked his luminous eyes before turning. "We must move as one, making a mistake in this weather could cost us more than dinner." Having spoken he took off out of the den, heading after the scent of Elk.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:00 am
Snopwdrop was swiftly after Raekaba, she had caught fairly large game before, wild boars, small antilope and deer, she wasn't new to this hunting lark, however hunting in a group was a new thing but she picked it up easily enough. The herd was indeed moving but they would get there in time, herds were slow they seemed to stick together, that could be a problem, but with four fully grown wolves on their heels they could pull down soemthing large enought o feed the whole pack for days. Their warm scents filled her nostrils as they slowly came tot he copse where they were slowly herding together to make a move. Her tail flickered, she wondered if Raekaba would break them in to two. Even now she had her eye on an older female, her coat much more raggedy than the others though she still had alot of meat on her, she wasn't injured just an older femme, probably in ehr last season. Snowdrop licked her lips, she knew not to call out now, she had to wait, they could round off this femme easily enough, there were four of them after all, even with the snow, they were still proficient hunters, or at least,s he hoped the otehrs were too, seh certainyl was a good huntress and she was dying to proove it.  

Syrius Lionwing


PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:04 pm
Snow white ears flicked a bit, and she glanced back into the den with a smile before tearing out once more into the snow. The cold air nearly took her breath away as she charged into the night. It sent a chilling wave down into her bones but she soon recovered from its shock. She Flanked off to the right as they neared the heard, hunching down behind a groved of trees as she wacthed the large elk move on. They where becoming snow blind, pressing in against eachother from all sides. Huddling for warmth as the moved on. The gsts of wing buffeted them from the west, causing them to occasionally becom offballance at the far edges of the pack. If they coulld time it right with the wind that would be a prime time to strike.

her pink tonge slowly licked against her maw, she'd hadnt known just how hungery she was until now. Carying the frozen meat had been one thing..but the scent of game in the air was strong and she could feel her staomch growling.

She forced herself not to whimper a** he wacthed the older female, the same one that snow drops eyes had found. Quickly she galced off towards the rest of the scattered pack, waiting for the signal to strike.
◕ Roleplay: Werewolves & Bastet

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