Image of Soquili:

Describe your soq's personality/interests: While a little spacey at times, Gale is very strong-minded and intelligent. She's stubborn, so she sticks with what she believes to be right, even if no one else does. She's reluctant to open her heart to another because she's always had this irrational fear of being abandoned sooner or later. She's sort of klutzy, but she's proud, and prefers to do things by herself than to have someone help her.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? An ideal lifemate would be either someone strong-minded and strong-willed who's wants to protect and care for her, who's also pretty calm and collected most of the time. I'd like non-clashing colors as well; someone that will complement her nicely and vice-versa
Breeding slots left: 3/3 (I've never had a breeding).
Fling or Lifemate?: Preferably lifemate, but I don't mind flings as well.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM, please. =)