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Romantic Spotter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:00 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of Soquili: Hermes (Ishtanballa)
User Image UNCERT
Co-ownership Agreement: None

Personality: An egotistical stallion who thinks that he's truly the epitome of male society. He enjoys using his words to gain attention of the female variety, and for occasionally stirring up trouble. When bored, he'll actively seek out the company of a mare, and tends to avoid other stallions.

Possible In Character/Plot preferences?: Hermes likes women simple as that. Tom boy, girly girls, strong women, the list goes on. If they'll listen to his flirting, then he'll hang there. For a while anyways. As expected with the average player, he has a deep seeded fear of commitment and probably wouldn't be sticking around.

He won't go near Skinwalkers or Kalona that might want to take a piece of him.


Teepees: Here
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: None
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:00 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Fjola Lightbane / LadyNekoya)
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Sir Siegfried / LadyNekoya)
User Image
*I do not have his cert yet but he was obtained on the 28th of may and should be old enough.

Co Ownership?: I own both of them fully.
Lifemate?: Nope
Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A I own both.

Teepees: Link
Throwbacks?: Sure.
Link to previous Generations: N/A they are first gen.


Shirtless Genius

8,150 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Forum Regular 100
  • Friendly 100

Renegade Athena

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:03 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Stripe, Yumitoko II
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Moam, Hyper Falcon
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: None
Lifemate?: Nope
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees:Mother's , Father's
Throwbacks?: Yep
Link to previous Generations: Stripe's Mother, Stripe's Father
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:07 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: {Carolina / Shikon Miko}
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: {Háidēs / Thalea}
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?:N/A
Lifemate?: Yes! <3
Link to Breeding Agreement: [x]

Shikon Miko
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: N/A {Both are first Gen}


Devoted Mage


Dapper Bloodsucker

33,075 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Brilliant Light 450
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:07 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of Soquili: Hina'ea/sage_the_vampirc_angel
User Image UNCERT
Co-ownership Agreement: n/a

Personality: Hina'ea is what I would refer to as an obscure male model. (Think zoolander male model) He is for the most part rather stupid seeming constantly obsessing with his on beauty. Having to have his hair perfect, his coat always gleeming. He freaks on any one who messes up his hair and he constantly likes to judge others on there looks. So for the most part he's a stuck up male model it would seem, pretty but stupid. At the same time there is a part of Hina'ea that is very obscure and lock away. He won't speak a word about his past and he becomes very well obscure and theoritical around sunsets and sunrises which he loves to watch for the most part alone.
Possible In Character/Plot preferences?:Plot wise Hina'ea is lined up to have babies with my girly Kezia sooner or later as well, then he's going to go off on his own little quest to find he perfect mate. A mare 99% as pretty as he is cause no mare is as pretty or prettier than him.

Teepees: don't have one
Throwbacks?: nope
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:11 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Star Ocean (Feathered Lunra)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Blink (Etherial Requiem)
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Uncert

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: Lunra's N/A - Kita's
Throwbacks?: No thank you
Link to previous Generations: N/A

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Pandora (Etherial Requiem)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Overkill (iStoleYurVamps)
User ImageUncert

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: iStole's N/A - Kita's
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations:
Pandora's Parents

Aylen x Kaim




Floppy Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:23 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Marsiela Elric, owned by [X]Natty-Chan[X]
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Isen Inferno, owned by Libby Libra
User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: Nattys Libbys
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Marsiela's parents:
Charlamagne: <3
Edward Elric: <3

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Juliet, owned by [X]Natty-Chan[X]
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Balgen, owned by Graceangel and Djnn [Djnn won't be getting a basket]
User Image

Co Ownership?: It was never agreed to, but Grace had PMed the mule and got the reply that Djnn only has sig rights
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: Nattys, Graces
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Balgen's parents-
Dante Sparda

Mother: Suiseiseki

Juliet's parents-
Father: Tohopka
Mother: Imogen

Name, image, and owner(s) of Soquili: Nukpani, owned by [X]Natty-Chan[X]
User Image UNCERT
Co-ownership Agreement: N/A

Personality: It's hard to describe Nukpani because her personality can be dramatically different from the last minute. Much like a pendulum, her moods will swing, but... unlike a pendulum, theses "fluxes" happen sporadically and usually, without warning. At times, her mood will be "normal" and something insulting will result in an appropriate change of demeanor, but on most occasions her shifts need no provocation to occur.
Normally, she's a kind mare, thought slightly brash. But that's just the start of the collection of what could possibly describe her. She can be hardworking and highly ethical, then lazy and unmotivated. Nukpani can say aggressively and precisely what's on her mind or reserved and keep things to herself. She's always adventurous, where she combines a girlish heart with an adult's composure. She can be cold and arrogant, or be really upfront with her feelings. This mare can be pleasant, who loves calm, peaceful things and then suddenly want noise, chaos, and, well... be a b***h. A lot of the times, she can be quite tomboy-ish, but that doesn't really mean she'll stay like that for too long.
As for interests, she doesn't have too many. Because of her shifting moods, she can't seem to keep her attention on anything or find anything that appeases a particular mood. It doesn't stop her from trying to find at least one thing to be interested in. Because of this, she often wanders far and wide in her search.
Possible In Character/Plot preferences?: None really. They can be kind, they can be 'dark'. They have to be interesting though. Maybe a 'Bad Boy'. Any species is fine.


Teepees: <3
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Mother: Thorn
Father: Krad
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:33 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of Soquili: Estrello, mew-neko
User Image UNCERT
Co-ownership Agreement: none

Possible In Character/Plot preferences?: dark colors, she loves horns, spikes, fangs, exc..


Teepees: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13383807
Throwbacks?: YES!
Link to previous Generations:


Familiar Fatcat

7,700 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Tipsy 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50


Anxious Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:41 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Azn, Rita Zyon
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Gaspard, decision lobster
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: Nope!
Lifemate?: Nope!
Link to Breeding Agreement: Breeding Agreement

Teepees: Rita Zyon and decision lobster
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations: Gaspard's father (customed in, not sure if that counts)

Name, image, and owner(s) of Soquili: Isriel, decision lobster
User Image UNCERT
Co-ownership Agreement: Nope!

Personality: Isriel is outgoing, headstrong, cheerful, and very confident. She's friendly until you give her a reason not to be, but she won't put up with anyone's crap. She's raised her children without their father, understanding that his place was back with his herd and his real love, and she was mostly all right with that. She wasn't thrilled that the kids were split up, but her only son chose to go with him, and she feels the ache where she never really got to know him. Still, Isriel is private, and she keeps these things to herself. She's a lover and a fighter, but she'd rather love you than fight you if you let her. She's fiercely protective of her family, but is not above taunting or teasing them to get them to do what she thinks is best for them.
Possible In Character/Plot preferences?:No Kalona or skinwalkers, and only the latter is due to prejudice. Isriel has this thing where she doesn't want to bring mentally unstable children in the world, so she wouldn't breed with someone with Kalona blood. She has some very good friends who are Kalona, so she'll be buddies with them no problem, she just doesn't want to give a kid no chance before they even get started.

Just someone she could be friends with, maybe someone who needs a little TLC and she can be there for them. Isriel likes to take care of people. She wouldn't require him to stick around, since she's raised children with the help of her little herd/collection of friends before, but if he wanted to, she'd be open to it. She's just not really looking for anything long term right now.


Teepees: decision lobster
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations: N/A
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:01 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of Soquili: Nirvana, owned by Revolutionary Roniel
User Image UNCERT
Co-ownership Agreement: n/a

Personality: Nirvana is free spirited at heart. He tends not to let things bother him unless they are a danger to himself or the ones that he cares about. He gives his heart freely but doesn't let those feelings bind him. He can be a little spacey and distant at times, sometimes even nonsensical. He has a very amiable bearing to those that he meets, even the ones that are less than friendly.
Possible In Character/Plot preferences?: The owner of Nirvana's mate has disappeared... so I'm close to saying that his mate has disappeared. This would lead Nirvana to great sadness and loneliness. He would look to another soquili to try to alleviate that loneliness. He's very open and accepting though, so just about any soq would work!


Teepees: Here!
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations:
Mother, Father
Grandfather, Grandmother

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon


Benevolent Phantom

17,750 Points
  • Bunny Hoarder 150
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Person of Interest 200
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:13 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of Soquili: (WRITE FULL SOQ/OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE)
[imghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/graceangel/Breedables stuff/SOQUILI/FabreZe.jpg][/img] UNCERT
Co-ownership Agreement: n/a

Personality:Haven't really hammered one out for him yet; but, my original idea for him was to be resilient like the earth that finds a way to be reborn every spring. like the flowers who are first to pop up on the forest floor when the snow begins to melt.
Possible In Character/Plot preferences?:n/a he can be paired with anyone.


Teepees: teepee
Throwbacks?: technically, he's a 1st gen and doesn't have "throwbacks", but I am totally ok and fine with random markings coming in
Link to previous Generations: n/a
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:16 pm


Name, image, and owner(s) of Soquili: (Fabre'Ze/Graceangel)
User Image UNCERT
Co-ownership Agreement: n/a

Personality:Haven't really hammered one out for him yet; but, my original idea for him was to be resilient like the earth that finds a way to be reborn every spring. like the flowers who are first to pop up on the forest floor when the snow begins to melt.
Possible In Character/Plot preferences?:n/a he can be paired with anyone.


Teepees: teepee
Throwbacks?: technically, he's a 1st gen and doesn't have "throwbacks", but I am totally ok and fine with random markings coming in
Link to previous Generations: n/a


Benevolent Phantom

17,750 Points
  • Bunny Hoarder 150
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Person of Interest 200



PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:27 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Drift (lylstarryazngurl)
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Cassien (ShinosBee/Katjive)
User Image
Unedited?: No


Co Ownership?: Katjive is not receiving baskets. Agreement
Teepees: Katjive's Teepee
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations: Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother
Link to Breeding Agreement: pg. #201

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Magnificent/Graceangel)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Bmurglbrm/Shinosbee)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: no co-owners
Link to Breeding Agreement:AGREEMENT
Teepees: Grace's
Throwbacks?: no previous gens; ok with random colors tho
Link to previous Generations: n/a
PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:28 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of Soquili: Concordia Discors (Leez0rz)
User Image UNCERT
Co-ownership Agreement: N/A

Personality: Concordia Discors has a cat-like and fake personality, and tends to attempt to purr like one. She puts a front of being innocent, but she tries to manipulate the other to her own benefit, or meddle in things she has no business in. She assesses the other Soquili to see how they can be useful to her. She tends to like finding those who will compliment her beauty and her appearance. She also likes the company of 'amusing' Soquili. She can be quite cuddly and affectionate, or she can be pissy and angry. Concordia Discors is an attention whore, and absolutely hates it when she's upstaged by another mare.
Possible In Character/Plot preferences?: Concordia Discors would prefer the a stallion that would match her own beauty. Any species is fine, as long as they are as "gorgeous" as her. She tends to dislike anything with a good-nature, like her father.


Teepees: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=12785887
Throwbacks?: Yes.
Link to previous Generations: Father x Mother | Grandma x Grandpa.

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Iie Namae (hanging gallow)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Khajag (Leez0rz)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No.
Link to Breeding Agreement: Agreement~!

Teepees: Leez0rz & hanging gallow
Throwbacks?: Yes.
Link to previous Generations: N/A; 1st Gen.


Adorable Fairy


PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:45 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of Soquili: Svart / Agneza
User Image UNCERT
Co-ownership Agreement: none

Personality: Svart is a carefuller young stallion full of life. He has just started his exploring so everything new he encounters along the way looks like a small miracle to him. Because he loves adventures he won't stay long in one place. He is a bit full of himself and while he likes to flirt with young mares he isn't planing on binding himself to one just jet. He can be devilish from time to time playing pranks to those he doesn't like but he is a good boy always ready to help others. Mysterious things are appealing to him like light is to moths.

Possible In Character/Plot preferences?: Free spirited mare who loves adventures like him. Or a sweet simple mare around which he wouldn't have to do much. He is drawn strongest to dark or cold colors mares.


Teepees: teepee
Throwbacks?: yes
Link to previous Generations:
Turag (father) Eréndira (mother)
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