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PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:58 pm

Your Username: TormentedAngie

Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Araceli
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Fiesty. Independant. Assertive.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Not much to say here. Ara's willing to look for a good time anywhere, in any situation, be it good or bad.
unentered Relations: N/A

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Manovia
User Image Unsaddled Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Manovia's a bit naive when it comes to the new world. Growing up around humans she has a bit of a dependency on her 2 legger, James Boyd, but is also adventurous and curious about the new land.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: 'Via has met a handsome stallion named Kael who has taken to showing her around the new world. Their sight seeing and adventures take them further away from her 2 legged companion James, but everything she sees makes her even more curious to see everything Kael can show her.
unentered Relations: Kael - lifemate

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:09 pm

Your Username: Darkmoon Dancer
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Rainart
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: n/a (or any other hunter really)
Short Personality Blurb:
His name means 'strong judgement', or 'brave counsel' in German, and the first really well describes him.
He is a hunter, loves to track and chase and kill game. Prides himself very highly on the large kills that he has managed to attain, and will brandish his most memorable and most difficult kills in the way of either wearing a pelt or most often, it's skull as his prize. (just see the tiny, completely in-tact bird skull around his neck, or the crocodile skull on his rump, or his finest kill found in the mask he wears upon his muzzle).

He is very strong-minded, stubborn, and decisive. He will never falter and never hesitate, because to him, that is weakness. Would you hesitate to run when death stares you in the eye? Surely that would spell your doom. Rainart would do one of two things: lead it on a chase, or stand and fight, but either would be decided in a split second.

As for interactions with others... well he's very gruff. Not much of a social bee.
Short Blurb of Recent Events:
(he's brand new to me, so I haven't had a chance to hash out all of his plots yet)
- Hunting
- Meeting new soqs (however blunt and gruff he may be with others, or how uncomfortable he may be with it)
- Showing off his newest prize
unentered Relations: n/a

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Brackenhide
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Current Love Interest [ and her uncert ]
Short Personality Blurb: HIS FAMILIAR OWL, Soft-Spoken
A smooth-talking Casanova, to put it simply. He is very much like a knight in his morals (except for the whole you know, tying yourself to only one maiden), as he holds respect and honor very highly. Buuuuut he really can't help himself when it comes to the ladies. He will often fall for the ones who seem to need more attention, but truly is very caring and will never end a relationship on a bad name.
True to his word, and for the most part honest (omitting details isn't lying!), this slick-talker will try to swoon anything with a pair of ovaries, perhaps due to the inflated ego that has been brought about by his dashing good looks.
Short Blurb of Recent Events:
Always on the hunt for new lady-friends
- Has been pursuing relations with his current love interest, Repossession, whom he finds very endearing and stunningly beautiful.
unentered Relations: n/a

Darkmoon Dancer

Shameless Ladykiller


Familiar Fatcat

7,700 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Tipsy 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50
PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:10 pm

Your Username:mewneko
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name:Estrello
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:
Short Personality Blurb: likes to stick to shadows, love cute things, she almost always has a quizzical expression
Short Blurb of Recent Events:trying to take ririka's hat
unentered Relations: morigi, father
PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:28 pm

Your Username: Cricket2008
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Veldaron
User Image uncert
Entered Relations: none
Short Personality Blurb: He likes exploring old ship wrecks for treasure. He'll travel for days if he's heard a ship sinking. He'll happily rescue any stranded two-legs that need to go to shore, but he won't try to save their ship. He'd rather see it sink to the bottom so he can go explore it.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He's looking for a sidekick to hang out with. Not looking for a mate to settle down with, just a little buddy to hunt treasure with.
unentered Relations: none


Familiar Shapeshifter

8,425 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • First step to fame 200
  • Hero 100


Questionable Baby

24,800 Points
  • Interstellar Fixer 25
  • Normal Everyday Human 50
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:37 pm

Your Username:
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Rokhan Vitterfolk
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Malis(Mother) - Pg.3
Jumanji(Son) - Pg.1
Short Personality Blurb: Rokhan is different. In the broadest use of the word. He believes strongly in the spirits, particularly the wind and earth spirits, and will do as he feels they are telling him. This leads him to random wandering, risky behavior, and a seemingly short attention span("Oh that's very ni-- Oooh, there are those flowers I didn't know I needed until just now! BYE!"). He literally goes where the wind takes him and it is very hard to distract him from that. Aside from that he is deeply and unerringly in-love with his mate, Setsumi, and their three children. Nothing fills him with more pride and joy than the amount his family has grown through his children and grandchildren.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Having gone on his own "Spirit Journey" to the mountains, Rokhan was approached by his son Zul'Aolani. Zul' wanted to leave the Kawani Provence and visit their ancestral home of the southern Darkspear Tribe to learn to talk to the spirits as Rokhan does. Delighted; he agreed to help his son in his journey and is now eagerly awaiting the boy's return home.
unentered Relations:

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Loque'nahak
User Image Cat Form / Stallion Uncert
Entered Relations: "The one that got away" Lady Amirynth Delnaria - Pg.3 (He HATES that she escaped him.)
Short Personality Blurb: Evil and controlling to the core. He wants nothing more than to fill the lands with Purewalkers and destroy all happiness in the world but his own. Frustrated and angered by the chaotic natures of others of his kind, he is easily provoked to violence and bloodshed. Loque'nahak does not understand why other Walkers(Pure or Cursed) cannot teach themselves structure and discipline when he and Har'koa could and did. This fills him with a restlessness and need to bend all others to his will.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Loque'nahak and Har'koa are new to these lands, but instantly set about forming their own territory deep within the forests at the base of the mountains. Since doing so they have met a Flutter-Angeni which they nearly had, but she used her Angeni heritage to trick them get away.

Though Loque'nahak is busy training and protecting his newly born sons, he mind is constantly on "the one that got away" and it is slowly driving him mad.
unentered Relations: Har'koa
PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:13 pm

Your Username: Harperking
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name:Wambli ZiKala (Lakota for Sky Seeking Bird)
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:
Short Personality Blurb: Wambli was raised by a human - her basket was found by the huntress Anpo and she was believed to be a gift from the spirits to the wanderer. She is very maternal - her greatest joys have been raising her own foals and assisting in the raising of her many descendants. She was one of the first elders and younger soquili have often come to her for her wisdom. Wambli is a gentle, kind mare who always tries to find the best in things.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Lately, Wambli has been living peacefully at the edge of the forest. Her days are filled with telling stories to the youngsters who somehow always find her and in teaching her grandson Koz'ka the old traditions.
unentered Relations: Jewel (her mate), Hanhepi WiKala Kozka, son of Ksapa Chatan, son of Hanhepi WiKala
Ksapa, daughter of Hanhepi WiKala

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name:Dancer
User Image Uncert (please note - the colors on his hair should be darker tones like you see on his daughter Piper)
Entered Relations: son Ayidan & granddaughter Cloud Dance (p1)
Short Personality Blurb:Dancer is a wild stallion whose first family was killed in an avalanche while he was patrolling for kalona. He rarely speaks of them and is quite vehement about the fact that there is no such thing as a "good" kalona. He was found wandering by Wambli, who eventually introduced him to Ayita. While it wasn't love at first sight he gradually came to love the painted mare. They have had several foals together and now Dancer has once more found the peace that was taken from him.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Dancer is a warrior and has been spending his time teaching the younger soquili how to defend themselves. His prize pupil is his daughter, Piper.
unentered Relations: (up to 5) Ayita, his mate Piper



Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:56 pm

Your Username: Yayoi
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Roxanne
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Roxanne is feisty but also not above playing the damsel in distress. She can be a bit hyper and won't think twice about pouting or throwing a tantrum if she doesn't get her way.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: N/A
unentered Relations:
Nahuel - Mate
Olivia - Daughter
Delilah - Daughter
Kazuko - Son

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Hilda
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Hilda is a general worry wort. Though its usually worries about her mother who had a tendency to just wander off without any word as to where she is going or when she'll be back. In general she has a big heart and just cares about everyone.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: N/A
unentered Relations:
Priscilla - Mother
Sudha - Mate
PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:24 pm

Your Username:Graceangel
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name:Fera
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:n/a
Short Personality Blurb:Fera is a loyal horse. She has a great spirit about her. She is always willing to accompany anyone anywhere. She is very accepting and rarely dislikes anyone. Her greatest shortcoming is that she lacks the physical strength, size, and demeanor to actually get much done that she wishes she could do. As a result, she is often left behind on great adventures. Still, she harbors no resentment since she doesn't blame others for her shortcomings. She accepts herself as is and chooses to find joy in things she can do. She has great enjoyment of fishing trips. She loves meeting new soquili and making friends. She also likes the boys. She dreams of growing old with someone one day.
Short Blurb of Recent Events:i haven't decided exactly how i want her to fit into soq's rp environment. i'm not real great at adaption.
unentered Relations: no relations

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name:"Vohamanah
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:none atm
Short Personality Blurb:He is sickeningly optimistic. He always looks for the good in everyone, and he always keep the faith for a positive outcome. He hopes to make his father and grandfather proud of him.
Short Blurb of Recent Events:His mate recently returned from being away for a long time. She returned from taking care of private affairs. He was happy to havea reunion withher
unentered Relations: Sohalia (owned by sayuri nitta) this is vohamanah's mate. He was smitten with her the first time he met her, and that feeling is renewed whenever he is around her.


Benevolent Phantom

17,750 Points
  • Bunny Hoarder 150
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Person of Interest 200

xo maho

Dainty Dreamer

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:28 pm

Your Username: Mahogany Sunset
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Amitola
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Amitola has a rather varying personality - it all depends on her mood. Mostly, though, she can take almost any kind of stress and any kind of news, thanks to her parents. Not a lot surprises her for long, though new and different breeds of soq sometimes scare her.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Ami had a fling with Bonaventure, resulting in a son and daughter. She will raise the daughter, and I'm pretty sure Bonaventure will be raising the son. She's also been teaching a unicorn to swim.
unentered Relations:
Bonaventure - fling
Ilyrana - daughter
Pushmataha - son

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Calixte
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Kenton - best friend and future lifemate, pg. 7
Short Personality Blurb: Caring and defensive, Calixte has a distinct air of protectiveness and caution about her - she will protect her own at any price and will fight to defend them. Not much will get in her way when she is angry. She especially cares for those sick or hurt, and is impressed semi-easily. Also, as a Dryad, she believes that everything has a spirit, including rocks, trees, and other things. She talks with a formal edge on her voice.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Calixte has been busy getting together a herd with Kenton, her future lifemate and current best friend. They've been joined by his son Trovin in their hunt for other Cerynei to become members.
unentered Relations:
Celegras - flinging with
PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:28 pm

Your Username:Favulous
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name:Zaine
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:none
Short Personality Blurb:
Zaine is full of himself, and struts around like some kind of peacock. He thinks he's hot stuff, and that everyone else thinks that as well. He's a big flirt, but he hasn't had a lot of luck with the ladies, but he's not really sure why. "What's not to love?" is one of his favorite phrases.
Short Blurb of Recent Events:
Zaine has recently found a female who didn't run away from his advances. He and Sassa have a little fling going, but who knows how long that will last.
unentered Relations:
Sassa (current mate)

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name:Chayse
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:none
Short Personality Blurb:
Chayse is free spirited and kind of sassy. She knows what she wants and goes for it. She has a sweet side as well, especially towards her family. She is very protective, maybe to an obsessive amount, of her children.
Short Blurb of Recent Events:
N/A Chayse is just out having a fun right now, meeting new Soquili, and exploring with Preston.
unentered Relations:
Arctic (current mate)
Austin (son)
Aaricia (daughter)


Questionable Explorer


High-functioning Cultist

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:41 pm

Your Username: Kaitaia
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Auster
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Very cold and distant. He doesn't like others, and is often sarcastic if spoken to. He has a nasty temper, and will get angry easily. Bit of a jerk? Oh yeah. And he doesn't care. He does what he wants, when he wants, with no regard to what anyone else may think and he'll never explain why he does what he does. If you're going to be around Auster, you might as well get used to frustration. He's also stubborn as a mule.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He recently adopted an abandoned basket, and raised her. He's quite the protective daddy, and loves Suriel like she was his own.
Unentered Relations: N/A

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Denika Lynn
User Image Uncert Wingless
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Full of life, she likes to laugh and just have fun. She always sees the brighter side, and likes to make everyone happy.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: There are none so far, haha. She's brannnd new. <3
Unentered Relations: N/A
PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:43 pm

Your Username:
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Xeria
User Image uncert
Entered Relations: None so far
Short Personality Blurb: He grew up in darkness, listening to his father’s wild tales of the dead. Agares believes he can see the shadow world and the dead who have not yet passed to the next world. Xeria isn’t sure how much of his father’s stories are real, but he always listens patiently. Considering the shadow companion his mother, brother, and he himself has, he can’t pass his father’s stories off as complete fiction. The shadows are drawn to his family, it seems. Despite trying to lead normal lives, as some of his family members have, the shadows shall ever follow.
Xeria’s sister Nita is a prime example. She had gone out into the world, straying from the darkness, but she is a shadow herself. She can’t hide the darkness around her or the way she tends towards the darkness rather than the light. Still, she has found happiness in the light and has brought home a stallion that Xeria admired as a foal. Galahad was so brave and strong and was the shining ray of hope and salvation for all those he met. Xeria became fond of the idea of being a hero, but he knew the light was not his place. As he grew he became the King of the Shadows, a dark hero that protected those that found themselves in trouble while in his domain. He himself is a shadow, materializing from the shadows to save the day, then gone again into darkness before even a thank you can be uttered.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently he found a lifemate, Jinn
unentered Relations: Nita his beloved sister, brothers Xerxes and Xie, mother Ananke, father Agares

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Caitlin
User Image uncert
Entered Relations: n/a
Short Personality Blurb: Caitlin is a wicked thing. She lives to manipulate others. She can act sweet and innocent, helpless even to lure other soquili to do her bidding. She enjoys gaining the trust of any soquili, just to turn on them. She is afraid of nothing and has no problem fighting others. She prefers the company of more wicked soquili, but she trusts not even those she might count among her friends. She won't stay in one place long, not wishing to make any real attachments because deep down she is afraid to be hurt again like she was so long ago. The part of her that no one will see if a lost little girl who only wants her family back. She'd witnessed a horrible thing and felt her sister abandoned her in her time of need. Because of this she is full of anger and pain.

Caitlin is the younger sister of Inara. When the two were very young their family was attacked and their parents killed. The two foals managed to escape, but in the process both fell down a ravine and were separated. Caitlin searched frantically for her sister, but when she found her some weeks later, Inara was with a group of two-leggers and seemed not to care that her sister was still out in the dangerous world.

Caitlin never tried to contact her sister after that. She saw it as an abandonment and went out into the world on her own. She endured many hardships and grew more and more bitter as she grew. The lessons in the wild came swift and harsh and she learned that to survive in a world of monsters, she had to become one herself.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Caitlin is fuming about the appearance of Inara's two kids and is plotting a way to corrupt them or have kids of her own to outshine the two new spawn.
unentered Relations: Inara Serra (sister through plotting) and Anita ( niece through plotting)

Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Flatterer 200
  • Brandisher 100


PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:08 pm

Your Username: ShirouEn
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Zyanya
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: ---
Short Personality Blurb: Zyanya is a very quiet mare, calm, collected, and pretty intriguing. She's strong and confident, and very intelligent, but she lacks for certain, playfulness, fun and gusto. She can easily hold her own and is very independent, though enjoys company and can be social when need be.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Zyanya's only just entered the Kawani Lands after a long trek from her frosty homeland up north. She recently got attacked by a skinwalker, escaped with but a few nicks to her hide, and is currently travelling to meet others and become more familiar with the land (she'll later discover a cure for a disease that made her left eye blind, alongside her journey companion and mate, Rainbow Swirl)
unentered Relations: Rainbow Swirl [Mate]

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: LittleWind
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Zheadeos [Brother, Page 5]
Short Personality Blurb: LittleWind is everything cheerful, peppy and upbeat. She's hyper, very hard to get down, and outgoing as it can get. She's also insanely curious, which has put her in a few sticky spots, but has never dampened her spirits. She's always up and about and is very loud and chittery (to the extent where some people can't even understand her talk), though she can be abit thick headed and dense about emotions.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: She's only just recently left behind her family and meadow for something more of the world. She's busy exploring and meeting new Soqs and discovering her world is much bigger than she had imagined. She will return occasionally to visit her parents, but is currently travelling.
unentered Relations: Saeran [Father]
Riverfaith [Mother]
Rhydian [Brother]
PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:22 pm

Your Username:
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Calavero
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Adoree, Raffaele (sisters)

Short Personality Blurb: Calavero is a complete rake. Even at a young age he showed an interest in impressing the ladies, being quite the showy little stud, but never forgetting his manners around the ladies, save maybe his older sisters. He doesn't particularly like taking after his mother with those far too pretty and delicate wings and more often then not tries his best to keep them out of site and out of mind.

Short Blurb of Recent Events: Not much really. No official rp or anything but he's been raised by his wonderfully loving parents to be a refined gentleman.. to an extent. lol.

unentered Relations: (copy & pasted from Kaisanti’s entry)
Father: Don Juan the Lord Valentino. A court rouge who underneath is actually a caring, classical gentleman. He accidentally fell for one of his 'ladies' and is learning what it is to be father and mate.
Mother: Alaure, a refined, if slightly inexperienced mare who caught the eye of a rogue and despite the ups and downs, has pulled through and raised a loving family.

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Gvnega Tsuna
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: None
Short Personality Blurb: He's playful and cocky, something of a womanizer with an interesting sense of humor that is a little over the top. He's the Kawani Prince, being the Princess Soquili's close companion and having something like a sibling like relationship with her. Having grown up as a guardian as much as an icon as immature and irresponsible as he can seem, Nega would go out of his way to help anyone in any way possible.

Short Blurb of Recent Events: No rp really. Some basic ooc stuff of him tooling about with his mate. Technically.. IC.. I don't think they've met up yet. They were separated when they were young, but grew up in the same indian tribe together and were friends.
unentered Relations: Wadulesi Woya (mate)

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Nori Ishida

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:34 pm

Your Username: Nori Ishida
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Shen
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Ju (mother)
Short Personality Blurb: Shen is often lost in his own thoughts, and may seem spacey at times. Not ditsy or anything, just a little odd. When he talks, his voice is usually calm and distant. However, when you do have his attention, he is very kind and usually has good advice to offer.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Shen has mainly been a wanderer so far in his life and has just been meeting new people lately.
unentered Relations: Raksh (father), Jirani (brother), Jing Fei (sister), Jia Li (sister), Huojin (brother)

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Ju
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Shen (son)
Short Personality Blurb: Ju is completely unpredictable. She can seem very social and kind, but then turn cold and reclusive in a moment. She rarely asks for help from others, and almost always refuses to take help when offered. She thinks fairly highly of herself, and won't let anything bring her down to a level lower than she sees fit. Since having children and reuniting with her mate, Raksh, she had evened out a bit, but caution should still be exercised, because she's still quite moody.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Lately, Ju has been spending most of her time with her mate, Raksh. They mostly keep to themselves and live a rather quiet life for now.
unentered Relations: Raksh (lifemate), Jirani (son), Jing Fei (daughter), Jia Li (daughter), Huojin (son)

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