Throwbacks?: Yes Please ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)
Short Summary of their plotline:
'E' is for EVEil: The mare he has met and promised to keep out of the darkness is not what she seems. Her name is Eve and she has a vendetta. She merely wants to use Lafiel so that she may become pregnant with his strong children in order to build an army. She fools him with her lost maiden routine and eventually gets what she wants. Though she wrinkles her nose in disgust at him when she speaks words of love, he is none the wiser and thinks that he may be saving someone. ** This plot has been in the works for quite some time. As a result of the breeding, Eve gets her Steel Angel children, but they are not what she wanted, they are too kind, too weak willed to be able to be the perfect spawn for her army. So before she gets a chance to kill her son (Flynnigan) and blind daughter (Evangeline), the two of them flee and search for their father. ** What are their parents' personalities? Mother: Eve is very manipulative, usually she pretends to be weaker than she is and slowly manipulates her mark by making them do what she wishes usually at the cost of something dear to them. She was crafty enough to trick her own twin sister’s mate that she was the real Gwenevere and he ended up giving her an heir which she twisted and made demented.
Ever since birth she has been like this, no good has ever shown through her beautiful exterior, her mother was the mistress of a King and was to wed him, but when the king discovered his own wife was pregnant he cast his mistress to the side. Pregnant and alone, Eve’s mother plotted her revenge and passed that revenge down to her daughter. As she grew up her heart turned black and all she wished was to destroy her sister and take back what she believed to be rightfully hers. She had almost accomplished this mission, but was discovered by one of her sister’s loyal knights. Although she did not leave without causing some damage and bore a large belly containing Arthur’s first born son.
Life after her failed attempt to destroy her sister consisted of her raising Vortigern and turning him against the world and giving him a thirst to kill those who are weaker than him. Now that her son is grown, and off spreading Mayhem, Eve feels that she needs something or someone new to take her mind off her past failures and perhaps revive the spark of revenge. Father: In the past Lafiel gave little thought to the thoughts and feelings of those around him. He was raised as a privileged and spoiled future heir that could obtain virtually everything his heart desired. Of course, he was and always shall be an Angeni so he was not cruel or manipulative toward others, he simply did not fully understand what being an Angeni really meant. He did not appreciate the power he was given or why it was given to him; he focused solely on how perfect he was and anything beyond that was an unexplored gray area.
He did not receive a domain or realize his full potential until he and a great number of other Soquili were captured and tortured by humans that allowed their curiosity to overrule their common sense and hearts. His ego slowly wore away and his instincts turned to the basics. He wanted to survive and as that thought sunk in he realized he wanted to help those around him do the same. His selfish, conceited ways fell away and he made it his duty to bear the brunt of the torment, finally deciding what to use his strength for.
He would attempt to keep their spirits up by reminding them of home and telling them that each day they survived was another day closer to freedom. He would fill their minds with hope and, for a moment, make them forget about the horrid circumstances looming above them. He would laugh and joke, no matter how much it would hurt him because he was unwilling to see the light leave their eyes as they gave into darkness.
Lafiel conceals the ordeal he went through pretty well, mainly because he sees it as a learning experience that made him who he is today. Even so, not all of the trauma has simply washed away under the light of optimism. He still experiences horrific night terrors that force him to relive those wretched days, to see the faces of those he was unable to free as he said he would, and to feel the almost crippling fear that was his constant for such a long time. He speaks of this to no one as he uses his own domain to work it through, but inwardly he knows that he is only bandaging a more serious problem.
He is a playful stallion who is soft spoken and gentle in his words and actions. He adores laughing and making others laugh, especially when they are feeling depressed or alone. He can make light of just about anything which can be both irritating and inspirational. He has a large heart and a strong will, something he attempts to utilize when helping others.
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Spurned Princess Who Wishes to be Queen Father: The Play Thing of Guinevere
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: N/A
What are their family dynamics? When Eve discovers that she is pregnant, she will leave the Angeni to raise the children herself. When her children are born, she prepares them for their future as the ones who would bring death to those who stand in her way (Thus the de Morte last name). But when she finds out that the kids are more like their dad, the Angeni, Eve will become enraged and wish to dispose of the failed offspring. Before she gets the chance, they flee. Traditions: All the children born of Eve are to have the last name de Morte. Herd/Family Culture: A very messed up family filled with murder, intrigue, manipulation, poison study, and torture. Religious Beliefs: Eve wishes for her children to see her as a Goddess of Vengeance and that she can do no wrong. {Even though she is not a Goddess, she will manipulate the children she has into believing it to be true.)
Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes! ~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: HECK YEAH!
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Nope! Go Crazy!
Devoted Mage
Devil NightShade Crew
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:00 pm
Elegy x Doyle
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Sure
Link to Breeding Permission:[ X ] - 6th n 7th posts. ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
Same Breed Variants: Yes ---Templates to Avoid: None
Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: -will find later-
Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes ~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: No
IT'S TOO SCARY MOMMY HOLD ME D8 Mutations ~~~ Would you mind undead/bone mutations?: Don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Mutant Wings?: Don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Non-existent species tails?: Don't mind ~~~ Would you mind mutant feet?: Don't mind ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Good with all
Themes ~~~ Would you mind the use of Blood?: Don't mind ~~~ Would you mind Bones as an accessory?: Don't mind ~~~ Would you mind demonic or occult imagery?: Don't mind ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing springs to mind XD
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:19 pm
I have a little question...If I co-own a Soquili, but the co-owner has 0 rights except sig rights, do I still need to get their permission for that Soq to be able to breed? 'cause it looks like that's what the Mates&Permissions thread says, but I'm not 100% sure...
Yes, you do! (And I hope you don't mind me quoting it here; I thought it relevant to the thread.)
Roarie Desu
Hello, Roarie! Apologies I haven't contacted you about this sooner; I had to ask other staff for clarification on the above rule. It turns out you do need an agreement for Suria x Hototo with your co-owner, even though full breeding rights for this breeding are yours, and the agreement would have to be edited in before the ending date. Sorry for the trouble!
Man-Hungry Fatcat
Rita Zyon
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:30 pm
Rain Curl x Ardin
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Sure
Same Breed Variants: Yes, that's fine ---Templates to Avoid: (If there are breed templates you'd like to avoid, post here. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY LIST TRAITS THE PARENTS THEMSELVES DO NOT HAVE.)
Throwbacks?: N/A
Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes ~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: No realistic Blood, No gore, no needles, and no clowns. Other then that, we're both ok with any sorts of themes/mutations.
Short Summary of their plotline:
What are their parents' personalities? Mother: Gentle, flirty and playful Father: Flirty, gentlemanly, playful
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Traveler Father: Entertainer
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: N/A as yet, plot is all in planning
What are their family dynamics? Sunsinger will be raising the kids, with the occasional visits from Haruk. This is not a love match, or a life mating. It's a situation where they thought they were right for one another, and then realized otherwise. They will be traveling as they grow, for a time, as Sunsinger is hunting for her family.
Traditions: N/A Herd/Family Culture: These kids will follow their mother to the White Leaf, where Sunsinger's remaining family lives. This herd is a farming, trading, and brewing herd, with traditions surrounding the creation of teas. Religious Beliefs: Haruk is agnostic. Sunsinger believes in a Greater Being, but doesn't see it as a very heavy force in the lives of the people.
Same Breed Variants: yes ---Templates to Avoid: the non-fetlocked cerynei feet. { the naked legs.}
Throwbacks?: yes ---Link to previous Generations: ---
Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): yes ~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: no
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children? clowns
IT'S TOO SCARY MOMMY HOLD ME D8 Mutations ~~~ Would you mind undead/bone mutations?: bones sure ~~~ Would you mind Mutant Wings?: thats fine ~~~ Would you mind Non-existent species tails?: sure that's fine ~~~ Would you mind mutant feet? that's fine ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: clowns, zombie stuff, tentacles, backwards body bits, monkey features, voodoo stuff, nothing goofy/silly, disease, slime
Themes ~~~ Would you mind the use of Blood?: thats fine ~~~ Would you mind Bones as an accessory?: YES PLEASE ~~~ Would you mind demonic or occult imagery?: that's fine ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: clowns, zombie stuff, tentacles, backwards body bits, monkey features, voodoo stuff, nothing goofy/silly, disease, slime
Short Summary of their plotline:
The two were enemies for the longest, always fighting and battling everytime they encountered one another. They lived in the same area, and as rebels, would brawl over territory and "prey". After being ganged up on by another rough and tumble bunch that consisted of kalona, little Vitaliya was left pretty scratched up and beat up. Perth, while he could have taken the chance to finish her upon finding her, ended up helping her get better. From there, the two slowly started to shift their views for one another, and built a friendship that blossomed into romance.
What are their parents' personalities? Mother: A fiesty, aggressive mare who won't hesitate to pick a fight with just about who ever she pleases. While she's rather nasty, and mean to most, she holds a softness for Perth, and is highly possessive of him. Father: More laidback, and chill, the fellow rebel is mischevious and can easily keep up with Viyaliya. While he's not as mean as she, he's still got a punch packed that you don't want to mess with.
Do the parents have professions? Mother: thief Father: rebel
What are their family dynamics? (Who will be raising them and how, do they spend time with their grandparents, what friends of the family will they be raised around, etc.) PLEASE link to people mentioned here/members who will be spending time with them on a positive note/gifting them, as how they shape up involves them as well.
Traditions: picking fights with who ever they please, and running wild along the lands Herd/Family Culture: --- Religious Beliefs: ---
Nidawi x Taranis
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: sure ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: sure
Same Breed Variants: sure ---Templates to Avoid: the non-fetlocked cerynei legs. Moose antlers.
Throwbacks?: yes ---Link to previous Generations: Father of Nidawi
Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): yes ~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: no
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children? clowns
IT'S TOO SCARY MOMMY HOLD ME D8 Mutations ~~~ Would you mind undead/bone mutations?: bones sure ~~~ Would you mind Mutant Wings?: thats fine ~~~ Would you mind Non-existent species tails?: sure that's fine ~~~ Would you mind mutant feet? that's fine ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: clowns, zombie stuff, tentacles, backwards body bits, monkey features, voodoo stuff, nothing goofy/silly, disease, slime, excessive gore, creepy dolls
Themes ~~~ Would you mind the use of Blood?: thats fine ~~~ Would you mind Bones as an accessory?: YES PLEASE ~~~ Would you mind demonic or occult imagery?: that's fine ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: clowns, zombie stuff, tentacles, backwards body bits, monkey features, voodoo stuff, nothing goofy/silly, disease, slime, excessive gore, creepy dolls
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:47 pm
Roarie Desu
Hello, Roarie! Apologies I haven't contacted you about this sooner; I had to ask other staff for clarification on the above rule. It turns out you do need an agreement for Suria x Hototo with your co-owner, even though full breeding rights for this breeding are yours, and the agreement would have to be edited in before the ending date. Sorry for the trouble!
Thank you. I have one. It appears it was just missed in the million some odd links it feels like need tracking down to enter a couple.
Hello, Roarie! Apologies I haven't contacted you about this sooner; I had to ask other staff for clarification on the above rule. It turns out you do need an agreement for Suria x Hototo with your co-owner, even though full breeding rights for this breeding are yours, and the agreement would have to be edited in before the ending date. Sorry for the trouble!
Thank you. I have one. It appears it was just missed in the million some odd links it feels like need tracking down to enter a couple.
That's great to hear! And I can definitely sympathize; I had a few people go over my forms for me before I posted them to make sure haha. (lays down) If it'll help, the staff voted that the entry code would be our uniform form, and we'll do our best to use it from here on out. You would be able to save the entire code (omitting any modifiers since that would be dependent on the colorist) and reuse it later, if you haven't already.
And thank you so much for taking care of it so quickly!
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:55 pm
Searlait x Ahotemachk Chittoachak
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes
Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Searilait (XBlind-DarknessX) x Ahotemachk Chittoachak (hanging gallow)
Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both so I agree ---Lifemate?: Yes RP Approved?: No Low Luck?: No Same Breed Variants: Yes ---Templates to Avoid: No long hair, braids, or medium hair. (I love the curls, ringlets, and ryuu’s). Throwbacks?: Yes ---Link to previous Generations: Mother x Father Grandmother x Grandfather Grandmother x Grandfather Great Grandmother x Great Grandather
Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes totally. ~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Hellz Yes
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: NONE GO CRAZY.
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure! ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes
Entry Code:
Chessur (Nyx Queen of Darkness) x Felise (Faid Shadowlight)
Mother: Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Felise (Faid Shadowlight) UNCERT Cat form Uncert Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Chessur (Nyx Queen of Darkness) Father: UNCERT
Co Ownership?: No Lifemate?: No Link to Breeding Agreement:Permission
Same Breed Variants: (Allows colorists to use templated wings/tails/horns other than the ones the parents have.) ---Templates to Avoid: (If there are breed templates you'd like to avoid, post here. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY LIST TRAITS THE PARENTS THEMSELVES DO NOT HAVE.)
Throwbacks?:Lifemate?: No Link to Breeding Agreement:Permission
Teepees:Faid - Nyx Throwbacks?: Yes Link to previous Generations: N/A - Both 1st Gen.
---Link to previous Generations:
Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes! ~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Spiders/ creepy crawlies (butterflies and moths are fine) Clowns (unlikely but yeah...)
Twisted Tunnel of Love Modifiers
IT'S TOO SCARY MOMMY HOLD ME D8 Mutations ~~~ Would you mind undead/bone mutations?: No thank you ~~~ Would you mind Mutant Wings?: This if fine ~~~ Would you mind Non-existent species tails?: This is fine ~~~ Would you mind mutant feet? This is fine ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Anything bug related, legs eyes etc. Melting/hanging off flesh. Exposed bones/organs. (not a zombie lover) No kelpie tail, aquatic things--they're cats, they do not like it XD Also no lizard tails
Themes ~~~ Would you mind the use of Blood?: Go for it ~~~ Would you mind Bones as an accessory?: Go for it ~~~ Would you mind demonic or occult imagery?: Love it ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Aditional: Scars are fine (if applicable) Battle Damage or not is fine am happy either way. Fluffy fur is awesome (Felise is supposed to be fluffy)
~*~ I want my Skinwalker pairing to have a chance to be CCed! ~*~
-------QUESTIONNAIRE------ It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. We WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.
Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all three breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms? Answer: While I would be unlikely to breed with anyone if they were that pushy about this, I would probably go with one of the following. Most likely with this particular skinwalker it would be a case of pride. She would never risk contaminating herself or her offspring with another’s seconds. So unless they had impressed her greatly or she had an ulterior motive for it she would only return to the same stallion for breeding because – (a) the young were strong and an asset – (b) as the only female he had bread with he was not someone else’s leavings.
Regardless of how this was plotted out icly it would never result in a lifemating IC it would be a series of flings.
Question: Do skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks? Answer: No. Skinwalkers are capricious by nature; their one true focus is the survival of themselves. Even family is far below personal need. After all its survival of the fittest and skinwalker parents will not allow you to live if you be weak, why should you show them any mercy?
Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?. Answer: You have the option of not roleplaying, which is the simplest way if things are such a struggle. You can ask for help from other skinwalker role-players or staff, practice in ooc non guild rp. It really comes down to if you want the stats or not.
Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type? Answer: No. Such evil would never be rewarded, besides as they lack even basic familial attachments what would they wish for?
Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups? Answer: Too many cooks. Each skinwalker will see themselves as the best and most powerful and should obviously be the leader. If they join such a venture it would most likely be for ulterior motives, they would manipulate things to get things their way, or as close to it as convenience allows. Or possibly boredom leading to bloodthirstiness and a desire to torment and inflict pain on others. They don’t care who they hurt as long as it’s fun doing it.
Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of skinwalkers. Answer:
Capricious, selfish, evil, twisted and depraved to list but a few words that come to mind.
A skinwalker cares only about itself. That is not to say it can’t give the appearance of any number of more tender feelings but it’s just an act, probably part of some twisted cruel game. That is not to say they don’t feel, negative emotions come out easily, rage, hate, envy. Positive emotions however are twisted; Love becomes lust or possessive jealousy. Friendship becomes torture, and while joy can be felt it is usually the result of something terrible. Skinwalkers are the worst kind of monster because while at nature they are evil they enjoy expressing just how truly terrible they can be.
Ethanol x Raphael
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes! And we DO want a pregnant stage!
Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Ethanol (RockerWolfie1616) x Raphael (Nyx Queen of Darkness & [strike]-[The Spoof]-[/strike] )
Mother: UNCERT pregnant stage: I want one Father: UNCERT
Same Breed Variants: We're okay with it for the most part. If by some weird twist you use another set of wings as a throwback, no Eagle Wings. ---Templates to Avoid: Said above Throwbacks?: Yes! Link to previous Generations:
Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations?Yes ~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Creepy Crawly bugs. Beetles, moths and butterflies and flies are okay. But yeah, the rest no. Also no clowns!
IT'S TOO SCARY MOMMY HOLD ME D8 Mutations ~~~ Would you mind undead/bone mutations?: We are fine with bones and blood, but no huge gaping wounds or zombie rot. ~~~ Would you mind Mutant Wings?: No, we'd love them! ~~~ Would you mind Non-existent species tails? Nope, we'd love them--wispier the better!: ~~~ Would you mind mutant feet? We're cool with that too. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: No Clowns.
Themes ~~~ Would you mind the use of Blood?: We adore blood ~~~ Would you mind Bones as an accessory?: Love it! ~~~ Would you mind demonic or occult imagery?: Fine with it! (Except anything to do with dead goats (they're adopted mini daughter thinks she is one) or dead bunnies (Raphael, Ethanol and their mini son really like bunnies so no dead bunnies etc). ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:
Short Summary of their plotline: Raphael and Ethanol met one day on a hunt. Finding that they enjoyed each other's company, they stayed together. Ethanol love to look at the insides of things while Raphael likes to eat meat and drink blood.
What are their parents' personalities? Mother: Curious beyond belief Ethanol is always out searching for something! Whether that something be from a curious scent or seeing something in the distant. She's always wandering..which is why her mate melds with her so perfectly. Ethanol has whole heartedly adopted the Romani life style. Traveling all over the kawani lands seeing things she had once upon a time only dreamed of! Family is life..when it comes to this mare she will use all her strength to protect those she loves. Raphael, Clover and Pali are her whole world..they keep Ethanol grounded. They help her remember that just because meat & blood are part of her does not mean she's a monster. On the contrary this silly mare..along with her adopted son has a strong affinity to bunnies. The family does not eat rabbits because of this, or goats because of their new daughter. Above all she's a quirky, kind mare who only wishes to be left to her travels with the stallion she loves. Father: Raphael is a roamer by heart, a Romani by birth. His family is always on the go and on the hunt. He has an inherited sensitivity to light and he has a moral conscious/imaginary friend. He's sweet and kind by nature, with a proficiency for knives. Family means everything to him, even if he hasn't met all of his yet. He calls Ethanol Miro ilo drita (my heart's light)
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Hunter/Mother Father: Hunter/Father
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: (please post a summary if able)
What are their family dynamics? They will be raised traditionally with the beliefs of the Romani culture. Family is paramount to the Cleaver (Sinclair) family. Loyalty is prized above all else. Ethanol doesn't have much family that she interacts with, so most of the family will be on Raphael's side.
They have two adopted children, Pali Zindelo and Clover.
On adulthood each child is given a blade weapon based on their own proficiency on a hunt. They are descendents of Kalona and many of the family either drink blood or eat meat or both. They believe in family, almost in a mafia like way.
(The family also suffers from light-sensitivity (some) and imaginery "friends".)
Herd/Family Culture: Romani. They believe in luck and spirits. Children will likely be named after poisons or Romani or both. Religious Beliefs: Still exploring
Same Breed Variants: Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Non fluffy angeni wings
Throwbacks?: Yes! ---Link to previous Generations:Here
Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes ~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: 100% YES!!!! We wants them *u*
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: Not a phobia exactly, but I don't like religious symbols. Or at least Christianity. Other religious influences are fine in moderation. Oh, Wicca is fine, especially for halloween lol. Feel free to use Wicca related things.
IT'S TOO SCARY MOMMY HOLD ME D8 Mutations ~~~ Would you mind undead/bone mutations?: Go for it! How could we say no when we are dealing with Kel' xD. ~~~ Would you mind Mutant Wings?: Yes please *u* ~~~ Would you mind Non-existent species tails?: Sure nwn ~~~ Would you mind mutant feet? Oooooooooo, sounds fun! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Go all out! We're up for pretty much everything!
Themes ~~~ Would you mind the use of Blood?: Go for it! ~~~ Would you mind Bones as an accessory?: Have you seen Kel xD? Go for it x3. ~~~ Would you mind demonic or occult imagery?: Fine with us! ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Just the Christianity stuff. We couldn't think of any thing besides that<3.
I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!! ---Even pants/skirts?: Yes! Though we don't mind the skirt being simplified/shortened =)
Hi LFF! It seems like, instead of copying the link address to your co-ownership post, you copied the image url (). If you could please edit in the link to the co-ownership agreement, that would be most appreciated!
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:34 am
Ayita x Yggdrasil
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yassssss ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yassss
Unedited?: No.
Entry Code:
Ayita (malhith) x Yggdrasil (LOLTERNATIVE & [strike]Theidren[/strike])
Co Ownership?:x Theidren has no rights to this breeding. Teepees:Lolly's | Malhith's
Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
list of attempts
Same Breed Variants: (Allows colorists to use templated wings/tails/horns other than the ones the parents have.) ---Templates to Avoid: the 'old' hair templates.
Throwbacks?: Sure! ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
Are you willing to risk getting Halloween Inspired Mutations? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes ~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the Children?: No extreme gore, please. Skeletal parts are okay but no entrails and such. o u o
IT'S TOO SCARY MOMMY HOLD ME D8 Mutations ~~~ Would you mind undead/bone mutations?: No, I would not mind. ~~~ Would you mind Mutant Wings?: No, I would not mind. ~~~ Would you mind Non-existent species tails?: No, I would not mind. ~~~ Would you mind mutant feet? No, I would not mind. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Centipedes and such. Any other bug is okay but no centipedes pls. ;;
Themes ~~~ Would you mind the use of Blood?: No, I would not mind. ~~~ Would you mind Bones as an accessory?: No, I would not mind. ~~~ Would you mind demonic or occult imagery?: Yes, I would mind. ~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: No super gore.
Super Trash
JetAlmeara Crew
Eloquent Raider
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:21 am
Yakut x Necromancer
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: (Yes ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?:yes
Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Yakut (She-ra of Etheria) x The Necromancer(JetAlmeara)