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Strife's October 2015 TT Breedings [Winners!] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [>] [»|]

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Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:08 am

Username: Lestragne

I Only Have Edited Pairs!

1: Vervada x Kaiser Knochen

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure
Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!

Entry Code:
Vervada ( Faithofthefallen) x Kaiser Knochen( Lestragne )

Image of mother:
User Image
Image of father:
User Image
Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: No
Lifemate? No
Co Ownership?: NA
RP Qualified?: No
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations:
Breeding Agreement:Breeding Agreement

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid:
Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations:N/A

2: Hisako x Titan

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Sure

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Hisako ( Tirokio) x Titan ( Lestragne )

User Image
pregnant stage: Im guessing yes..

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A


Link to Breeding Agreement: X
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid:

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations:

Parents- Amaya X Shyam

3: Umbra x Kamau

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: No pref
-- Genders if three are rolled: No pref
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Umbra (Strait Jacket Girl)
User ImageUncert

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Kamau (Lestragne)
User ImageUncert No Booties

Undited?: No
Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Y
Link to Breeding Agreement: X

Teepees: STG Lestragne

Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Umbra's Father Umbra's Mother
Low Luck?: No

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Marnie Dorei/ladyfirefox89)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Edmund Sylvilagus/ Lestragne)
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.UNCERT

Co Ownership?: None
Lifemate?: Nope
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: ladyfirefox89, Techno rocket
Throwbacks?: Yes =D!
Link to previous Generations:
Marnie lineage:
Mother x Father
Grandmother x Grandfather


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Gore,Bees
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:12 am

Username: Celestial Requiem

I Have Both Edited & Unedited Pairs!

1: Celeste T. L. Requiem x Mar

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: 1 boy, 1 girl
Three-basket gender ratio?: 1 boy, 1 girl, 1 surprise

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Celeste T L Requiem ( Celestial Requiem ) x Mar ( Gl!tch~ )

User Image
pregnant stage: I have one already

User Image

Co Ownership?: Nope
Teepees: Here and here

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: Orca tail, Gliding fins, Warhorse, Female leg up

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Exposed bones/organs

2: Mystic Lyric x Rosiotti

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: Surprise
Three-basket gender ratio?: Surprise

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Mystic Lyric ( Lunadriel ) x Rosiotti ( Celestial Requiem )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: LunaD's || Cel's

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No thanks
---Templates to Avoid: -

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:

Mystic Lyric
- Mother x Father
- Grandmother x Grandfather

- Mother x Father
- Grandmother x Grandfather


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Exposed bones/organs, tentacles, occult stuff, rotting flesh, CLOWNS, chicken feet, or bugs (spiders are okay)

3: Setareh x Clutch

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: Surprise
Three-basket gender ratio?: Surprise

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Setareh ( Nyhility ) x Clutch ( Celestial Requiem )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Nyh's || Cel's

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: Warhorse, Sturdy hooves without fetlocks

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: Both are technically 1st Gens, but Setareh is a mockbreeding sooo...
Mother x Father
Grandmother x Grandfather


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Exposed bones/organs, random eyes

4: Serenity Heart x Devasrigarbha

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: No

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: Surprise
Three-basket gender ratio?: Surprise

Unedited?: Yes

Serenity Heart ( Natelie ) x Devasrigarbha ( Celestial Requiem )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Nat's || Cel's

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: Warhorse

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Mother x Father
Grandmother x Grandfather


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes/No
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: No
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: No
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Extra eyes, plants grown on/out of body, extra mouths

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes (prefer just accessories)
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes!
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: No
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: No
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Spiderweb, Spiders, tenticles, thorns/spikes, exposed bone/organs

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Creepy

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Spiders, Clowns, Aliens (especially the movies titled Aliens), bugs (cept butterflies & lady bugs)

Celestial Requiem

Wilderness Witch


Sparkly Genius

12,615 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Wall Street 200
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:16 am

Username: pippi18848
I Only Have Edited Pairs!

1: Adelle x Shihab
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: 1 Boy/1 Girl
Three-basket gender ratio?: At least one of each, surprise with the third

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Adelle (pippi18848/Elfstar89) x Shihab (Kesmi)

Oldbie?: Yes!

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings | Feral (purewalker only) )
pregnant stage: I want one [I had one at one time but it's been so long that I don't know if I still have it. D: ]

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings | Feral (purewalker only) )

Co Ownership?: We'll both be getting baskets, or have say in the baskets. xXx
Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: Yes [I think so, their name is in the thread but it was so long ago I don't know if it still qualifies. @_@]

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:Both first gen. 8D

Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: No

2: Glain x Shuckles

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: Any
Three-basket gender ratio?: Any

Parents and Owners Glain [Sweeny's Revenge] x Shuckles [pippi18848]
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Glain | Sweenys_Revenge
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) father Shuckles | Pippi18848
User Image
Low Luck?: N / A
Minor/Unedited?: N / A
Co Ownership?: N / A
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
Teepees: Pippi and Sweeny]http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=20661241]Sweeny
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Both First Gen

I Have a Bald Pony and DON'T want random hair mixed in!

Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: No

3: Calypso x Shyamal

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: Any
Three-basket gender ratio?: Any

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Calypso[Kamiki]
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Shyamal[pippi18848]
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: Fling

Low Luck?: N/A

Link to Breeding Agreement: xXx

Teepees: Kamiki Pip
Throwbacks?: Sure <3
Link to previous Generations: Both 1st Gens


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: No

4: Esmerelda x Flavius

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: Any
Three-basket gender ratio?: Any

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Esmerelda[Elfeh/Heart]
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Flavius[pippi18848]
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: Lifemate

Low Luck?: N/A

Link to Breeding Agreement: xXx

Teepees: ElfsPip
Throwbacks?: Sure <3
Link to previous Generations: Mother



Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: No

5: Mitra x Tiylr

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Any
-- Genders if three are rolled: Any
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: Any
Three-basket gender ratio?: Any
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:Mitra/pippi18848
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Tilyr/Kamiki
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: xXx

Teepees: Pips Kamiki
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Mitra's Mother


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: No

6: Shikoba x Sulo

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes!

Twins okay?: No thanks
Triplets okay?: No thanks

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Shikoba (pippi18848) x Sulo (Roniel Targaryen)

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Pippi's teepee, Roniel's teepee

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

Same Breed Variants: No thanks
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations:
Mother | Father
Grandmother | -Grand Father
Great Grandmother | Great Grandfather
Great-Great Grandmother(customed) x Great-Great Grandfather (customed)

Great Great-Great Grandfather (customed)


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Sure

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Exposed internal organs

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:25 am

Username: Nisshou H

I Only Have Edited Pairs!

1: Sabella x Torao

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Sabella (Nisshou H) x Torao (Nisshou H)

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid )

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Mine

Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A both mine (been entering on and off since May 2011)
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No thank you
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No thank you
---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Zombies (you seem to have similar taste in design as me but I can’t quite bring myself to leave this off)


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: No
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes=
~~~ Mutant heads?: No
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes (I’ve got several of these ponies anyway)
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Wooden antlers would be amazing also yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: You seem like me, so just stick to the pretty stuff that you say you like and we’re golden~!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes (for accessories and markings this is fine, just no horse skull face please, it freaks me out (sugar skull is fine))
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes (no molars though)
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes to any and all of those listed oh my god please!
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Hellish is probably better but yes to both!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: I think we’ve covered everything

Style Preferences?: Elegant, spooky/creepy, cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: just the zombie thing but I’m pretty sure you’re sick of me saying that by now

2: Mi Ren Ko x Roarke

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Mi Ren Ko (Roniel Targaryen) x Roarke (Nisshou H)

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Niss

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No thank you
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No thank you
---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Zombies (you seem to have similar taste in design as me but I can’t quite bring myself to leave this off)


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: No
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: No
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes (I’ve got several of these ponies anyway)
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Wooden antlers would be amazing also yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: You seem like me, so just stick to the pretty stuff that you say you like and we’re golden~!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes (for accessories and markings this is fine, just no horse skull face please, it freaks me out (sugar skull is fine))
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes (no molars though)
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes to any and all of those listed oh my god please!
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Hellish is probably better but yes to both!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: I think we’ve covered everything

Style Preferences?: Elegant, spooky/creepy, cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: just the zombie thing but I’m pretty sure you’re sick of me saying that by now

3: Alyse x Harrison

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Alyse (Nisshou H) x Harrison (Nisshou H)

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid)

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Nissland

Link to Breeding Agreement: N/A both mine (Entered into Maths’ October breedings)
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No thank you
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No thank you
---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Zombies (you seem to have similar taste in design as me but I can’t quite bring myself to leave this off)


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: No
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: No
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes (I’ve got several of these ponies anyway)
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Wooden antlers would be amazing also yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: You seem like me, so just stick to the pretty stuff that you say you like and we’re golden~!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes (for accessories and markings this is fine, just no horse skull face please, it freaks me out (sugar skull is fine))
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes (no molars though)
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes to any and all of those listed oh my god please!
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Hellish is probably better but yes to both!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: I think we’ve covered everything

Style Preferences?: Elegant, spooky/creepy, cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: just the zombie thing but I’m pretty sure you’re sick of me saying that by now

4: Quri Pacha x Jurou

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Quri Pacha ( one over three ) x Jurou ( Nisshou H )

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid)
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Niss

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No thank you
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No thank you
---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: No

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Zombies (you seem to have similar taste in design as me but I can’t quite bring myself to leave this off)


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: No
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: No
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes (I’ve got several of these ponies anyway)
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Wooden antlers would be amazing also yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: You seem like me, so just stick to the pretty stuff that you say you like and we’re golden~!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes (for accessories and markings this is fine, just no horse skull face please, it freaks me out (sugar skull is fine))
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes (no molars though)
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes to any and all of those listed oh my god please!
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Hellish is probably better but yes to both!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: I think we’ve covered everything

Style Preferences?: Elegant, spooky/creepy, cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: just the zombie thing but I’m pretty sure you’re sick of me saying that by now

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter


PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:29 am

Username: Kettyn

I Only Have Edited Pairs!

1: Jessamine x Relic

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: M, M
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
(Jessamine/Faithofthefallen and [strike]-[The Spoof]-[/strike]) x (Relic/Kettyn)

User Image
pregnant stage: I have one already

User Image

Co Ownership?: Faith and Spoof (Faith has full rights to this breeding)

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: none

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: both are 1st gen but Jessamine does have an ooc father, Vincento Sinclair

2: Sangria x Naraku

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: F, M, CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Sangria (Kettyn) x Naraku ( [+Katch+] )

User Image
pregnant stage: I have one already

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid

Co Ownership?: ---


Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: Yes

Same Breed Variants: n/a
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

---Link to previous Generations:
Mother / Father

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:49 am

Username: JetAlmeara

I Have Both Edited & Unedited Pairs!

1: Drifa x Bruadair

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Drifa ( JetAlmeara ) x Bruadair ( JetAlmeara )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: n/A
Teepees: Link
Link to Breeding Agreement:I Own Both - Linkto a previous try so you know they aren't just a slapped together couple.

---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

---Link to previous Generations:N/A


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?:Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:N/A

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:Clowns

2: Kalen'dri x Zhevra

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Kalen'dri ( Reeve Tuesti ) x Zhevra ( JetAlmeara )

User Image
pregnant stage:I want one

User Image
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Jet, reeve

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: Yes

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid:N/A

---Link to previous Generations: Ironforge


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?:/No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: No
~~~ Mutant wings?: No
~~~ Mutant tails?: No
~~~ Mutant feet?: No
~~~ Mutant heads?: No
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: No
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: No (ex. hellfire, autumn wood, etc.; I will be considering this a mutation for these slots, not a 'suti trait)
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?:No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Reeve wanted a straight up breeding between this pair so I'm opting out of additional body edits. I'm going to say yes to items/critters below though and ask that itemless uncerts are provided for her to use if she so desires.

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: No
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: I am good with all items, however can I ask for a set of Itemless uncerts for reeve to use please? Thank you!

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:Nada

3: Alti x Jormungander

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Alti( She-ra of Etheria ) x Jormungander ( JetAlmeara )

User Image
pregnant stage: I Want one

User Image

Co Ownership?:N/A
Teepees: Jet & She-ra

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid:See through Kalona Wings

Throwbacks?: N/A
---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes, but please keep them Kalona inspired
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes but please keep them Kalona Inspired
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes but please keep them Kalona inspired
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes/
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes - But please keep them Kalona inspired
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Anything that would not make them pure Kalona - Mutant Kalona is awesome..but flutter Kalona hybrid will equal dead kids and a massive breakup between the pair. They're purists.

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yesincluded here)
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?:Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?:Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?:Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing

Style Preferences?:Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey Elegant, Cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns

4: Poe x Cassava Noctis

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Poe ( JetAlmeara ) x Cassava Noctis ( She-ra of Etheria )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?:N/A
Teepees:Jet & She-ra

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: (sure
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Na
---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing these guys are a free for all. You can do whatever you want!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing

Style Preferences?: Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey ,Elegant, Cute,

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns

5: Kaliri x Derecho

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: yes
Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?:cc

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Kaliri ( JetAlmeara ) x Derecho ( She-ra of Etheria )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees:Jet & She-ra

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?:No

Low Luck?:[/bNo

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

---Link to previous Generations:N/A


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing these guys are a free for all. You can do whatever you want!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing

Style Preferences?: Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey ,Elegant, Cute,

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns

6: Atlantis x Cergan Telbran

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Atlantis ( JetAlmeara ) x Cergan Telbran (She-ra of Etheria )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?:N/A
Teepees: Jet & She-ra

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: (sure
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

---Link to previous Generations:N/A


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing these guys are a free for all. You can do whatever you want!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing

Style Preferences?: Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey ,Elegant, Cute,

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns

7: Regret x Thanos

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: yes
Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Regret ( JetAlmeara ) x Thanos ( she-ra of Etheria )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/a
Teepees:Jet & She-ra

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: /No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid:NA

Throwbacks?: N/A
---Link to previous Generations:N/A


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing these guys are a free for all. You can do whatever you want!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing

Style Preferences?: Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey ,Elegant, Cute,

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns

8: Phasianidae x Ramiel

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Phasianidae( She-ra of Etheria ) x Ramiel ( JetAlmeara )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?:N/A
Teepees:Jet & She-ra

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid:N/A

Throwbacks?: N/A
---Link to previous Generations:N/A

Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing these guys are a free for all. You can do whatever you want!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing

Style Preferences?: Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey ,Elegant, Cute,

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns

9: Mwitu Maua x Kuvunjwa Kivuli

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Mwitu Maua ( Jetalmeara ) x Kuvunjwa Kivuli (she-ra of Etheria )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?:N/A
Teepees:Jet & She-ra

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid:n/a

---Link to previous Generations:n/a


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing these guys are a free for all. You can do whatever you want!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing

Style Preferences?: Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey ,Elegant, Cute,

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns

10: Shylah x Maponus

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Shylah ( JetAlmeara ) x Maponus ( She-ra of Etheria )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
Co Ownership?:N/A
Teepees: Jet & She-ra

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: /No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid:medium templated mane and tail

---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing these guys are a free for all. You can do whatever you want!

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing

Style Preferences?: Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey, Elegant, Cute,

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns


Eloquent Raider

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:52 am


If you have at least one couple that is unedited checked off on their list then you need to put both edited and unedited pairs in your header. THIS HOWEVER, does not mean that you are ok with having an unedited kids for and edited pair it just means that one of your couples has no edits. Please edit if your not on the list or repost!

Thank you!
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:27 am

Username: Cheyriddle4

I Have Both Edited & Unedited Pairs!

1: Nyx Valkyrie x Kaitou

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: 1 boy, CC the other
Three-basket gender ratio?: 1 boy, CC the rest

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Nyx Valkyrie ( Cheyriddle4 ) x Kaitou ( Kyaishi )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: None
Teepees: Cheyriddle4 Teepee,Kyaishi's teepee
Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: No Baldness

---Link to previous Generations: N/a


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?:No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: No Zombie

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Bizarre,Creepy,Cute,Gorey

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:No bugs please.

2: Eyota x Zephyr

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Eyota ( Cheyriddle4) x Zephyr ( A THeart )

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid )
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: None
Teepees: Chey's TeepeeA TH e a r t Teepee

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: None

Throwbacks?: No thanks
---Link to previous Generations: No thanks


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes - No bugs
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes - See matching feet below
~~~ Mutant heads?: No
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Mixed hooves (not a fan of regular gryph where front legs are talons and back are hooves... same applies to any mix -- prefer all are talons, hooves, etc).

~~~ Blood?: Yes - Minor
~~~ Bones?: Yes - Minor
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: No
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Moths and butterflies okay <3;
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Bugs, mostly x.x Excessive bone/gore/blood

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Creepy

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Mostly 'creepy crawlies', too much bone/gore/blood, the mismatched feet thing XD; (not phobia, but dislike them >.<)

3: Nalani x Uturuncu'Aya

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Nalani ( Cheyriddle4) x Uturuncu'Aya ( Tara de Draiocht )

User Image uncert
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image - uncert
Co Ownership?:None
Teepees: Tara's
Chey's Teepee
Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. None that count yet

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid:None

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: Utu's Family:
His mom; Shaman His dad: Enqueri
Sibs found here:


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes!
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?:Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: bugs, spiders, neon mixed with puke colours, gore (like insides on the outside), tentacles, mer-tails/fishy soquili

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?:Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?:NO
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:bugs, spiders, neon mixed with puke colours, gore (like insides on the outside), tentacles, mer-tails/fishy soquili

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Bizarre. No to the rest
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:Bugs!

4: Shadena x Ziriel

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: 1 boy, 1 girl
Three-basket gender ratio?: 1 boy, 1 girl, CC the third

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Shadena ( Mewsings of an Angel) x Ziriel ( Cheyriddle4 )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: None
Teepees: Chey's, Mew's

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: No baldness please!

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:None


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: No Bugs.

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?:No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: None

Style Preferences?: Elegant,Gorey, Creepy, Cute, Bizarre,

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:Bugs. But spider web wings would be fine.

5: Kipenzi x Asar

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?:Yes
Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: 1.1
Three-basket gender ratio?: 1 boy, 1 girl, CC the third

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Kipenzi ( Ruler of Everything x [strike]Kamiki[/strike] ) x Asar ( Cheyriddle4 )

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
UNCERT | Nekkid

Co Ownership?: [x] Kamiki will not be getting a basket, as this is one of the two breedings controlled by Ruler of Everything.
Teepees: Ruler of Everything | Cheyriddle4

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants:Yes
---Templates to Avoid: None

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations: None


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? : Yes
~~~ Tentacles, No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:None

6: Adelia x Kheelan Iza

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: 1 boy, 1 girl
Three-basket gender ratio?: 1 boy, 2 girls

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Adelia (~MoomoolatteCha~ ) x Kheelan Iza ( Cheyriddle4 )

User Image
pregnant stage:I have one already

User Image

Co Ownership?: None
Teepees: Cheyriddle4 teepee , Moo's Teepee

Link to Breeding Agreement: [X]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. None at the moment

Same Breed Variants: Yes
---Templates to Avoid: None

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: No thanks


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? : Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:No bugs, Clowns or dolls


Shameless Kitten

Death Resurrected

Tipsy Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:45 am

Username: Death Resurrected

I Only Have Edited Pairs!

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!

1: Lynae x Asher

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes!

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: 1 boy, 1 girl
Three-basket gender ratio?: 2 girls, 1 boy

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Lynae ( dolphingurl ) x Asher ( Death Resurrected )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Dolphin

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Not this time
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: No
---Link to previous Generations: N/A
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:46 am

Username: ~Twilight...Angel~

I Have Both Edited & Unedited Pairs!

1: Amritamalini Jyesthila x Keilani

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure!

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: One each
Three-basket gender ratio?: Surprise

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Amritamalini Jyesthila (~Twilight...Angel~ | [strike]dawns_aura[/strike]) x Keilani (~Twilight...Angel~ | [strike]dawns_aura[/strike])

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: Co-own of one full breeding from this couple dawns_aura is not getting a basket.
Teepees: ~Twilight...Angel~ | dawns_aura

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations:
Amritamalini Jyesthila:
Padmasundara Anasuya (Mother) | Skeleld (Father)


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Sure!
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Nothing "hellish" but otherwise fine!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey, Cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns, but as long as it doesn't go into IT territory, I'm fine.

2: Lilltih x Arcadeamiss

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure!

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: One of each
Three-basket gender ratio?: Surprise!

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Lillith ( ~Twilight...Angel~ ) x Arcadeamiss ( AllSummedUpNJazz )

User Image
UNCERT ( Nekkid )
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: Arcadeamiss Agreement - AllSummedUpNJazz & Ladyfirefox will co-own basket
Teepees: ~Twilight...Angel~ & AllSummedUpNJazz

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations: N/A

These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Arcadeamiss)


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Sure!
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Nothing "hellish" but otherwise fine!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey, Cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns, but as long as it doesn't go into IT territory, I'm fine.

3: Naja Pallida x Makoto

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure!

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: One of each
Three-basket gender ratio?: Surprise!

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Naja Pallida ( techabyte ) x Makoto ( ~Twilight...Angel~ )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: ~Twilight...Angel~ | techabyte

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations:
Kadentsu (Mother) | Moto Maji (Father)
Kakuei Tenjou (Uncle) | Kouichi Tenjou (Uncle) | Baron Ogoun (Uncle) | Algrenon (Uncle)
Utena Tenjou (Grandmother) | Capriccia (Grandmother - Adoptive) | Akio Ohtori (Grandfather) | Forza (Grandmother) | Baron Samedi (Grandfather)

Naja Pallida:
Chepi (Mother) | Aras (Father)
Lukou (Aunt) | Amani (Uncle) | Rona (Aunt)
Mar'li (Grandmother) | Tavshed (Grandfather)
Guedes (Great-Grandmother) | Ahriman (Great-Grandfather)

I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!!
---Even pants/skirts?: No


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Sure!
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Nothing "hellish" but otherwise fine!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey, Cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns, but as long as it doesn't go into IT territory, I'm fine.

4: The Infinite Hunt x Kitsunebi

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure!

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: One of each
Three-basket gender ratio?: Surprise!

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
The Infinite Hunt (Novablu/[strike]Kamiki[/strike]) x Kitsunebi (~Twilight...Angel~)

User Image
UNCERT (Feral | Itemless | UnPelted)
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
UNCERT (Feral | Feral Itemless | Itemless | UnPelted)

Co Ownership?: Novablu is getting a basket, Kamiki is not
Teepees: ~Twilight...Angel~ | Novablu

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations: N/A


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Sure!
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Nothing "hellish" but otherwise fine!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey, Cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns, but as long as it doesn't go into IT territory, I'm fine.

5: Yiska & Veraç Lili Protecció

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure!

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: One of each
Three-basket gender ratio?: Surprise!

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Yiska ( techabyte ) x Veraç Lili Protecció ( ~Twilight...Angel~ )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
UNCERT (Wingless)

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: ~Twilight...Angel~ | techabyte

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: Kelpie Orca Tail | Kalona Demontail | Kalona Wing Style 2 | Kalona Demonhorns 2

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations:
Veraç Lili Protecció:
Astúcia Protecció (Father) | Batibat Lili (Mother)

Kenji (Father) | Aditi (Mother) | Shiori (Grandmother) | Verloren


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Sure!
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Nothing "hellish" but otherwise fine!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey, Cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns, but as long as it doesn't go into IT territory, I'm fine.

6: Altiu x Grayson Pierce

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure!

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: One of each
Three-basket gender ratio?: Surprise!

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Altiu ( ~Twilight...Angel~ ) x Grayson Pierce ( Marzipanz )

User Image
UNCERT (Nekkid | Items 1 )
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: ~Twilight...Angel~ | Marzipanz

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations:
Blight (Mother) | Svanbjorn (Father)

I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!!
---Even pants/skirts?: No


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Sure!
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Nothing "hellish" but otherwise fine!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey, Cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns, but as long as it doesn't go into IT territory, I'm fine.

7: Desta x Sounansha

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure!

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: One of each
Three-basket gender ratio?: Surprise!

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Desta ( ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ ) x Sounansha ( ~Twilight...Angel~ )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
UNCERT ( Nekkid )

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: ~Twilight...Angel~ & ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: N/A

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations:

---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Yes
---Just on Males? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): Yes
---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: I LOVE fluff!


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Sure!
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Nothing "hellish" but otherwise fine!
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Sure!
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: N/A

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Gorey, Cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Clowns, but as long as it doesn't go into IT territory, I'm fine.


Celebrating Giver

26,275 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Hero 100
  • Supreme Supporter 500

Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

16,950 Points
  • Happy 13th, Gaia Online! 50
  • Timid 100
  • Partygoer 500
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:51 am

Username: Niyaru Delacroix

I Have Both Edited & Unedited Pairs!

1: Vanya Caladwen x Caym Quinn Dupre

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: No

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: Male, Female
Three-basket gender ratio?: Male, Male, Female

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Vanya Caladwen ( Niyaru Delacroix ) x Caym Quinn Dupre ( Candle Wick Ghost & Niyaru Delacroix )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: Agreement
Teepees: Niyaru Delacroix & Candle Wick Ghost

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid: (If there are breed templates you'd like to avoid, post here. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY LIST TRAITS THE PARENTS THEMSELVES DO NOT HAVE.)

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Amira x Amenophis
Chayse x Arctic
Kallisti &Jehzara

Dice Eliza Quinn x Blood Dupre
Dante Quinn Dupre & Vergil Quinn Dupre


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: No
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: No

~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: No
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: (If you do not want any body mutations, ex. custom scales, you need to state this here. Anything related that is not covered above and not mentioned here is fair game.)

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: No
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: No
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: No
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?:No
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: sugar skull markings, bone markings, things that don't have a creepy shadowesque nature.

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: no

2: Zahara x Keary Oralee

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: No

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: Female, Male
Three-basket gender ratio?: Female, Female, Male

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Zahara ( Niyaru Delacroix ) x Keary Oralee ( Rinial Sisterdragon )

User Image
UNCERT ( Markings )
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/a
Teepees: [Niyaru's Teepee]
[Rinial's Teepee]

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid: N/a

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Mother- Haven
Father-Deanneth Chamberland

Father- Rakshi
Haven's Mother- Briallan

Deanneth's Father- Terrance Chamberland
Deanneth's Mother- Angeetia

Great grandparents:
Rakshi's Father: Sena
Rakshi's Mother: Merashik

Briallan's Mother: Shoshana
Briallan's Father: Oracle

Great Great Grandparents:
Rakshi's Mother's Side:
Rakshi's Father's Side:


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: No
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: No
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: No

~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: No
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing comes to mind

~~~ Blood?: No
~~~ Bones?: No
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: No
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No

~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing comes to mind

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Creepy

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:None

3: Antiquity x Kismet

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: No

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: Yes

Two-basket gender ratio?: Male, Female
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Antiquity ( GrnGriff ) x Kismet ( Niyaru Delacroix )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/a
Teepees: Niyaru Delacroix / GrnGriff

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid: (If there are breed templates you'd like to avoid, post here. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY LIST TRAITS THE PARENTS THEMSELVES DO NOT HAVE.)

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Polaris x Stirling
Forbidden x Nivuxys
Great Grandparents::
Phaedra and Khet
Great Great Grandparents::
Disconium and Midori
Great Great Great Grandparents::
Atum x Ignacia
Great Great Great Great Grandparents::
Sekhmet x Erik


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: No
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: No

~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Crickets

~~~ Blood?: No
~~~ Bones?: No
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: No
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No

~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Crickets

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Creepy,

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:Crickets

4: Bella x Bhim

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: No

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: Male, Female
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Bella ( Niyaru Delacroix ) x Bhim ( Wyntre IceBlade )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: None

Teepees: Niyaru Delacroix & Wyntre IceBlade

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid: (If there are breed templates you'd like to avoid, post here. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY LIST TRAITS THE PARENTS THEMSELVES DO NOT HAVE.)

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Siro Banniarnith x Lao Hu

Jacqueline and Lorcan


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: No
~~~ Mutant wings?: No
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: No

~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: No
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing comes to mind

~~~ Blood?: No
~~~ Bones?: No
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: No
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: No
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: No
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Non natural markings

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Bizarre

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:none

5: Naerdiel x Noah Relandori

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: No

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: Male, Female
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Naerdiel ( Niyaru Delacroix ) x Noah Relandori ( Revel1984 )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/a
Teepees: Niyaru Delacroix & Revel1984

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: No
---Templates to Avoid: (If there are breed templates you'd like to avoid, post here. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY LIST TRAITS THE PARENTS THEMSELVES DO NOT HAVE.)

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
Elara x Amuru Relandori
Muna Relandori & Luke Relandori


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: No
~~~ Mutant feet?: No
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes

~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: No
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing comes to mind

~~~ Blood?: No
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: No
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: No
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No

~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing comes to mind

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Creepy

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: N/a

6: Yvona x Sparrow

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: Male, Female
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Yvona ( Niyaru Delacroix ) x Sparrow ( Laroawan )

User Image
UNCERT (Nekkid )
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/a
Teepees: Niyaru Delacroix & Laroawan

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: None

Throwbacks?: N/a
---Link to previous Generations: N/a


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: No
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: No
~~~ Mutant heads?: No

~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: No
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing comes to mind

~~~ Blood?: No
~~~ Bones?: No
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: No

~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Nothing comes to mind

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Nothing comes to mind

7: Amu x Kuro-Yume

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: Males
Three-basket gender ratio?: Male, Male, Female

Unedited?: Yes

Entry Code:
Amu ( Niyaru Delacroix ) x Kuro-Yume ( Kara Asumie )

User Image
pregnant stage: I have one already

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/a
Teepees: Kara || Niya

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: Yes

Low Luck?: Yes

Same Breed Variants: Sure
---Templates to Avoid: Unicorn Tail style 2

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:
~♥Parents:♥~ Zei x Mireille
~♥Grandparents:♥~ Yoruki x Eiric
~♥Siblings:♥~ Canon, Zeke, Ayita, and Zacharias


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: No
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Sure
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Zombies and Tentacles as well as random mouths and eyes on ponies please

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: Zombies and Tentacles as well as random mouths and eyes on ponies please

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Creepy

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Zombies and Tentacles

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:20 am

Username: Sesshiyasha

I Only Have Edited Pairs!

1: Demeira x Zanzibar

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes! <3 If you get the urge, Follow it!! <3

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: Boys
Three-basket gender ratio?: Girl and Boys?

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Demeira ( Fatal Irony ) x Zanzibar ( Seshiyasha )

User Image
UNCERT | Markings
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
UNCERT Nekkid | Markings | No Wing W/Items

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Fatal & Sesshi

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: Not yet, working on it slowly.

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure!

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations: Both Gen 1 <3


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes!!
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes!!
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes!!
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes!
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes!
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes!
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Bugs and EXTREME EXTREME GORE (Like falling organs and such, blood and wounds are perfectly fine!)

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes!! <3
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Moths and Butterflies ok, Other bugs Please no.
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: None?

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Cute, Gorey

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Bugs

2: Heliotrope x Andromeidis

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes! If you get the urge to! <3

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Heliotrope ( Kyrieko ) x Andromeidis ( Sesshiyasha )

User Image
UNCERT | Markings
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Kyrie & Sessh

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure!

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations:
Heliotrope's Side:
Parents- Dark Side x Sanguine

Sanguine's Side:
Mother, Grandmother, Grandfather
Father, Grandfather,Grandmother, Great-Grandmother, Great-Grandfather


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes!!
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes!!
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes!!
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes!
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes!
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes!
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Bugs and EXTREME EXTREME GORE (Like falling organs and such, blood and wounds are perfectly fine!)

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes!! <3
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Moths and Butterflies ok, Other bugs Please no.
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: None?

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Cute, Gorey

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Bugs

3: Artemisia x Neirano Ashino

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes! <3 If you get the urge to! <3

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Artemisia ( Catmagick ) x Neirano Ashino ( Sesshiyasha )

User Image
UNCERT (optional: Nekkid | Markings )
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: N/a
Teepees: catmagick sesshiyasha

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

RP Approved?: Yes/No

Low Luck?: Yes/No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure!
---Templates to Avoid: Up wind wings, the new uni horns

Throwbacks?: Sure!
---Link to previous Generations: Both Gen 1

Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes!!
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes!!
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes!!
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes!
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes!
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes!
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Bugs and EXTREME EXTREME GORE (Like falling organs and such, blood and wounds are perfectly fine!)

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes!! <3
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Moths and Butterflies ok, Other bugs Please no.
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: None?

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Cute, Gorey

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Bugs

4: Cascata x Shiroshi Takashi

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes! <3 If you have the urge to!

Twins okay?: Yes
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: CC
Three-basket gender ratio?: CC

Unedited?: Yes/No

Entry Code:
Cascata ( RadiantRose Midnight ) x Shiroshi Takashi ( Sesshiyasha )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image
UNCERT Markings

Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Sesshi Rose Last Post For Cassie's Stats

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: Not yet

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: Sure!!
---Templates to Avoid: None

Throwbacks?: Sure! <3
---Link to previous Generations: Both Gen 1 ^.^


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: Yes!!
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes!!
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes!!
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes!
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes!
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes!
~~~ Tentacles?: Yes
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: Bugs and EXTREME EXTREME GORE (Like falling organs and such, blood and wounds are perfectly fine!)

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes!! <3
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Moths and Butterflies ok, Other bugs Please no.
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: None?

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Bizarre, Cute, Gorey

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Bugs


Deadly Werewolf

14,425 Points
  • Battle Hardened 150
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Treasure Hunter 100


Romantic Man-Lover

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:22 am

Username: musicaloner7

I Only Have Edited Pairs!

1: Emichou x Jeremiah

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: no thank you

Twins okay?: no
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: 2M
Three-basket gender ratio?: 2M 1F

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Emichou ( Deejaye ) x Jeremiah ( musicaloner7 )

User Image
pregnant stage: CC, i don't care either way

User Image

Co Ownership?: --
Teepees: Deejaye (mubby doesn't have him added to teepee so just use base stats)

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: yes
---Templates to Avoid: female leg up template,

Throwbacks?: yes!
---Link to previous Generations: both gen 1


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes maybe? not sure what you mean by mutant feet
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: No
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: --

~~~ Blood?: Yes, but not excessive to the point of gorey
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes /whispers softly p-pokemon r qt. . ... (ignore me if i'm g-going too far wah)
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: Yes whispers p-pokemon buggies r qt. ..
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: --

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Creepy, Cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: i'm just copy/pasting this generic list of stuff me and mu hate: clowns, zombie stuff, tentacles, backwards body bits, monkey features, voodoo stuff, nothing goofy/silly, disease, slime

2: Vitaliya x Perth

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: sure

Twins okay?: no
Triplets okay?: no

Two-basket gender ratio?: at least one on male lines
Three-basket gender ratio?: at least one on male lines

Unedited?: no

Entry Code:
Vitaliya ( musicaloner ) x Perth ( -Yasha Alchemist )

User Image
UNCERT (optional: ]Nekkid
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: ---
Teepees: Yashas's, Musica's

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: no

Low Luck?: no

    1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid: naked cerynei legs, moose antlers... most antlers stock antlers in general.

Throwbacks?: sure
---Link to previous Generations: --


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: no

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: ---


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: zombies, no. gore, sure.
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: awyes, bone heads
~~~ Tentacles?: no
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: sure
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: no
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: beak faces/noses/mouths. just no beaks lease. clowns, zombie stuff, tentacles, backwards body bits, monkey features, nothing goofy/silly, disease, slime

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yeseseses
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: yes
~~~ Vampiric?: no
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: no
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: foliage/leaves. clowns, zombie stuff, tentacles, backwards body bits, monkey features, voodoo stuff, nothing goofy/silly, disease, slime

Style Preferences?: creepy, bizarre, gorey (

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: ---

3: Ivette Sorko x Zahid

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: sure

Twins okay?: no
Triplets okay?: no

Two-basket gender ratio?: at least one on male lines
Three-basket gender ratio?: at least one on male lines

Unedited?: no

Entry Code:
Ivette Sorko( musicaloner7 ) x Zahid( Lunadriel )

User Image UNCERT
pregnant stage: I want one

User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: ---

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: no

Low Luck?: no

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid:

---Link to previous Generations:

These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)


Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: clowns, and roaches


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: no undead, yes gore
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: no
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: no
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: beak faces/noses/mouths. just no beaks lease. clowns, zombie stuff, tentacles, backwards body bits, monkey features, nothing goofy/silly, slime, pentagrams, upside down crosses, and guts.

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: no
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: no
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: no
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: beak faces/noses/mouths. just no beaks lease. clowns, zombie stuff, tentacles, backwards body bits, monkey features, nothing goofy/silly, slime, pentagrams, upside down crosses, and guts.

Style Preferences?: elegant, creepy, cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: nothing roach or clown related.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:35 am

Username: xxx Yuki Bear xxx

I Only Have Edited Pairs!

1: Death To My Foes 'Jellyfish' x Rhode

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck!
Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: At least one dude, otherwise CC
-- Genders if three are rolled: At least one dude, otherwise CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes! <3
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yep~

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Death To My Foes "Jellyfish" (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rhode (Phail Ninja)
User Image
Co Ownership?: -

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]

Teepees: Phail, Yuki
Throwbacks?: Yes <3
Link to previous Generations:
Jellyfish's (mock) parents: Mest x Lazarus

2: Alucia x Vernandi

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: all of one gender (you CC the gender)
-- Genders if three are rolled: see 2
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: shore
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: shore

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Alucia || xxx Yuki Bear xxx
User Image UNCERT - without items
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Vernandi - Deejaye
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: --

Lifemate?: no

Low Luck?: no

Link to Breeding Agreement: xxx

Teepees: Deejaye - Yuki
Throwbacks?: yES
Link to previous Generations: Gen 1

4: Lithrhovanel x Rum

These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC
-- Genders if three are rolled: At least one dude, otherwise CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: CC
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yep

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Lithrhovanel (Fea Line)
User Image
UNCERT w/o items
pregnant stage: I want one

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rum (xxx Yuki Bear xxx)
User Image
UNCERT w/o items
Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]

Teepees: Feal, Yuki
Throwbacks?: Yes <3
Link to previous Generations:
Rum's Parents Mest x Whiskey



Are you willing to risk getting Halloween & Autumn Inspired Mutations/Traits? (NOTE: VERY RARE): Yes
~~~ Tentacles, Yes or No? 8V: Yes

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: Bugs and lots of little clustered holes

xxx Yuki Bear xxx

Rampaging Bear

Tara de Draiocht

Naughty Man-Lover

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 12:07 pm

Username: Tara de Draiocht

I Only Have Edited Pairs!

1: Thalatte Cullen x Paris Cullen

Entry Code:
Thalatte Cullen (Tiger_kisa699) x Paris Cullen (Tara de Draiocht)

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: y

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: no

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: No

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Thalatte/Tiger_kisa699
User Image - Uncert
Preg stage: want one
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Paris Cullen/Tara de Draiocht
User Image

Co Ownership?: no

Teepees: Kisa's//Tara's

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: yes, though the other set of angeni wings (long ones/edited as paris/paris father is edited.

Throwbacks?: y
---Link to previous Generations: Thals mom//Thals dad//Paris dad//Paris mom//Paris Grand father//Paris Great-Grandfather


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: cc
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: anything bug / spider inspired. No gore/blood. tentacles, mer-tails/fishy soquili

~~~ Blood?: no
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: No
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: no
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: trees, bonfire
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: pumpkins
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: nope
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: bugs, butterflies, spiders

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, creepy

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: bugs, spiders, gore

2: Nalani x Uturuncu'Aya

We're pretty unlucky. Count us in for Low Luck! <=== MIGHT CHANGE to Paris x Thalette
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: y

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: no

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Nalani / Cheyriddle4 x Uturuncu'Aya /Tara de Draiocht )

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Nalani / Cheyriddle4
User Image uncert
preg stage; yes
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Uturuncu'Aya /Tara de Draiocht
User Image - uncert

Co Ownership?: n
Teepees: Tara's

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: yes! paws are love too!

Throwbacks?: y
---Link to previous Generations:
Utu's Family:
His mom; Shaman His dad: Enqueri
Sibs found here:

Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes!
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?:Yes
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: bugs, spiders, neon mixed with puke colours, gore (like insides on the outside), tentacles, mer-tails/fishy soquili

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: Yes
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: No
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?:Yes
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?:NO
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get:bugs, spiders, neon mixed with puke colours, gore (like insides on the outside), tentacles, mer-tails/fishy soquili

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, Bizarre. No to the rest
Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?:Bugs!

3: AncientSpark x Strife

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: y

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: no

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: no

Entry Code:
AncientSpark - Tara de Draiocht) x Strife - Depawsit

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: AncientSpark - Tara de Draiocht
User Image - UNCERT
Preg stage: want one
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Strife - Depawsit
User Image

Co Ownership?: no
Teepees: Tara: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=15564315

Link to Breeding Agreement: here
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Same Breed Variants: yes

Throwbacks?: n
---Link to previous Generations:

4: Svanna x Alc'ander

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: y

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Svanna [+Katch+] x Alc'ander - Tara de Draiocht

Mother: Svanna - [+Katch+]
User Image- Uncert-- Unveiled uncert

Father: Alc'ander - Tara de Draiocht
User Image-- UNCERT

Co Ownership?: n
Teepees: Tara, Katch

Link to Breeding Agreement: -x-
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: yes

Throwbacks?: y
---Link to previous Generations: Mother x Father
Sister--Child 1 and Child 2
Blair- baby 1 x Baby 2

5: Shaman x Enqueri

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: y

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: boy / girl
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Shaman x Enqueri - Tara de Draiocht

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Shaman- Tara de Draiocht
User Image Shamans Preggo uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Enqueri/Tara de Draiocht
User Image

Co Ownership?: n
Teepees: Tara's

Link to Breeding Agreement: here
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: cc

---Link to previous Generations:


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: no
~~~ Mutant wings?: no
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: cc
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: bugs, butterflies, spiders, tentacles, mer-tails/fishy soquili

~~~ Blood?: no
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: no
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: No
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: no
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: trees, bonfire
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: pumpkins
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: nope
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: bugs, butterflies, spiders, tentacles, mer-tails/fishy soquili

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: bugs, spiders, gore

6: Astraia x Inkkel Shadow-Strider

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: y

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Two-basket gender ratio?: cc
Three-basket gender ratio?: cc

Unedited?: No

Entry Code:
Astraia - Tara de Draiocht x Inkkel Shadow-Strider - RockerWolfie1616

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Astraia - Tara de Draiocht
User Image - Preggo Uncert

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Inkkel Shadow-Strider - RockerWolfie1616
User Image

Co Ownership?:n
Teepees: Tara, Wolfie

Link to Breeding Agreement: agreement
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: yessssss the shadowsssss

---Link to previous Generations:


Mutant/Breed/Body Traits:
~~~ Undead/gore mutations?: No
~~~ Clean bone mutations?: Yes
~~~ Mutant wings?: Yes
~~~ Mutant tails?: Yes
~~~ Mutant feet?: Yes
~~~ Mutant heads?: Yes
~~~ Tentacles?: No
~~~ Solid-color eyes (on body)?: Yes
~~~ Season-appropriate elements?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired traits?: cc
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: bug/spider edits or items, tentacles, mer-tails/fishy soquili

~~~ Blood?: Yes
~~~ Bones?: Yes
~~~ Other "Trophies"?: Yes
~~~ Vampiric?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal lanterns?: Yes
~~~ Seasonal weapons?: No
~~~ Witchy Companions?: Yes
~~~ Demonic/Occult/Sigils?: Yes
~~~ Autumn-inspired themes?: trees, bonfire
~~~ Harvest-inspired themes?: pumpkins
~~~ Autumn-inspired insects?: nope
~~~ Additional things you do not want to get: bugs, butterflies, spiders

Style Preferences?: Elegant, Cute, creepy

Are there any phobias you personally have and thus do not want added to the children?: bugs, spiders, gore

Breeding Thickets

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