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Black Abyss {Literate RP Bar} {Grand Opening!} Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 18 19 20 21 [>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 3:09 pm
Alainn Dearmad
At first, Alainn hadn't recognized her old friend, but as soon as he spoke, she knew it was him. His hair had gotten ridiculously long. She would have to bother him about that later. What am I doing here? It started raining, and while I love a light rain, this was way too much rain. This was the first place that I saw was open. You know how nocturnal I can be. What are you doing here? Doesn't seem like your bag at all." Before she could say anything else, Paracket hugged her tightly. She squeesed back, as hard as her wings would let her. That one moment of fur contact made her feel absolutly wonderful. It was as if she had been with Paracket forever. She leaned into him as he sat down to talk to the waitress behind the counter. She caught a few words here and there. Beer. Heavenly Beer. "Hun, you are a lifesaver. Isn't that your sketchbook on the floor? Alainn pointed to the forgotten book on the floor. As he bent down to pick it up, she sighed. " It really has been too long since we last saw each other. We really shouldn't loose touch like that again." Once he stood back up, she noticed that he was blushing, but decided against asking about it. Without warning,her old friend started rummaging through his bag like a madman. When he produced a cloth, she couldn't help but grin. "Anything else in that wonder bag of yours? Sometimes I worry about what you have in there. I swear, someday you are going to start pulling midgets out of that thing. Reaching her bright blue wing over, she took the cloth with gratitude and proceeded to take her camera apart. Carefully, she shook the water out peice by peice, and set them on the cloth. While she was doing that, Alainn heard Paracket talking to the Waitress once more. It appeared that her name was Maki. Maki extended her paw, and Alainn gingerly extended her wing and shook paws with her. Yeah, me and Paracket have known each other for what seems like life times. He's a great guy. And I will definetly let you know if I need anything.

It was amazing to be able to relax for once, migrating really takes it out of a bird. Sighing, she stretched her long irridecent blue wings to ease her aching muscles. Her black clawed toes curled tighly, helping to releive most, if not all of her tension. It was great to be back home.
Alainn stroked Paracket's cheek with her wing. His fur felt soft under her feathertips. She grinned the biggest grin her beak could make. She loved messing with him. So what have you been up to, love? I hear there has been some s**t going on around here.

(( OOC: I am so sorry that it took me so long to reply. D: I promise it won't happen again. ))
He laughed, patting his bag with a hand and nodding, brushing a bang out of his vision once more. "Hahah, It's quite the wonder bag, I know. I'm not so sure about the Midgets, but it sounds so... You." he grinned, a fang bearing off to the side of his mouth as he did. "And what have I been up to...? I don't know, I had been taking a nice walk in the town, and I figured instead of taking the rest of the walk home I'd find a nice place to revive myself. My boss has me working like a madman these past days... A beer or two isn't too bad at this point" With his paws folded in his lap, he let out a sigh. He leaned into Alainn's touch some, then once more to blush, and retracted nonchalantly.
He crossed his legs, still taking Maki into consideration. He unlatched the front pocket of his bag and took out some coins. "O-oh.. Yeah! How much will that be...?" He had a bit of poor posture after just one drink. Paracket had always been an extreme lightweight when it came to drinking. His back arched with his tail twitching with curiosity, looking up at her.

((Ed the bartender says he's not going to be in much, he's got school and stuff))

Maki made her way around the other side of the Bar, behind the counter as Paracket spoke. He was slumped a little bit, but he wasn't a big guy. The drinks had obviously run through him already .
"Oh, don't worry about it. Drinks are on me. I'm just glad to have made a friend around here" She said with a smile as she looked at both of them.
"Is there anything else you guys might need?"
She grabbed a couple of dirty glasses and began to wash them in the small sink, she dried them with another cloth and placed them upside down on a towel.
"So....where did you guys meet? You seem to be very good friends"  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 3:38 pm
Alainn eagerly sucked down her first beer in ages. Nothing had ever tasted better. It wasn't long before she could feel the affects of the alcohol in her system. It always mellowed her out. Some people smoked pot to mellow, Alainn drank. To her right, Paracket, after two beers he was showing signs of drunkeness. She hated being the almost sober one, so Alainn did the only thing she could. "Hey, Maki... Could you please throw another cold one my way, Hun?"

Everything in the bird's body was tired all of a sudden. Even her feathers felt tired. After moving her camera parts out of the way, she leaned on the bar for support. "So... Tired.", she sighed. Out of the corner of her eye, Alainn caught Paracket's tail twitching. And twitching... And twitching. It reminded her of the snakes she used to hunt as a fledgling. Good times, those were. The sound of a female voice woke her out of her trance-like remerance. Maki had asked her a question. "Hmm. I don't quite remember exactly how we met... But Paracket and I practically grew up together."She smiled at her slightly buzzed friend.

(( ooc: Sorry about how short and confusing this one is. D: I'm not all here, today. ))

Alainn Dearmad


PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 3:40 pm
*walks ove rto Maki and smiles*

Its about time for me to turn in can oyu watch the place for a while? Im goign up stairs to sleep after you lockup why dont ya come join me there are 2 bed up there. *he smiled sleepily*

*ed yawns and stretched as he begun to sleepingly stumble up the stairs hidden behind the bar leadin to the nicly decorated bedroom upstairs*  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:32 am
He looked pleased, ears perked with satisfaction. "How kind. Thank you so much. I'm glad to have met you!" he placed an arm upon the table and rested his chin on his paw, a little laughy after the alcohol still. "Mmmm, How did we meet.. Well, It's true, We did grow up together. When I was little she and I crossed paths as I was on my way to my old neighborhood to meet with an old friend, and we journied for years. It was if we clicked from then on... We parted after I decided to go to school, and now that i'm out and working I've had time to return around here." His tail lashed afterward as his head flung back a bit, laughing a bit to himself, "And she hasn't changed a god damn bit from the start!" He fixated his attention to the male who spoke of locking up, then looked at Maki with concern. "Oh, Are we here too late...? If you're gonna lock up.. Then.." he looked at Alainn, then back to his new friend.
He packed up, taking out his long forest green overcoat and placing it over his back, wearily slipping his arms into sleeves. "Maki, We should hang out once more... You seem like a sweet, charming young woman. I'd like to get to know more about you!" Paracket stood up and stumbled, then grabbed the edge of the bar, placing his paw to his head and rubbing his cheek, letting out a soft groan. "Damn it all. I should know how drinks settle with me..."  



PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:39 am
"Ok hon, go on and go to sleep. I'll take care of everything here" She responded to Ed, who seemed very tired. He rubbed his eyes and walked off.
After a bit, she smiled and looked at the couple in front of her again.
"I have no idea what he's talking about...he's just a little too sleepy. It's a bar dear...we take shifts to keep it open....I don't mind if you guys stay" She smiled sweetly. "There are extra rooms in the back if you need a place to stay. The rooms upstairs are for us."

She handed another beer to the young bird. This is the last one for the both of them tonight.... Said the young wolfess to herself.
After a slight pause, Paracket stood up, and stumbled around, reaching for his coat and grabbing onto the counter.
Yup, definately the last. She raised her eyebrow.
"Why don't you guys just stay here for the night. It will do you both some good. Both of you look tired as hell. And I don't want you two out there if you aren't sober."  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:00 am
After walking up the stairs Ed took off his shirt laying it over the chair sitting in the corner and stretches as he yawned. He moved the covers off the bed and sat down taking off his shoes with a slight sigh of happiness that his feet were free. He laid on the bed and stretched and yawned once again.

Well today was a great day i guess he though to himself. Maki seems like a sweet enough girl i just hope sooner or later i get to know her better. As a hundred thoughts zipped around in his head he feel asleep curled up in a slight ball under the soft covers of the feather bed.  


Alainn Dearmad

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:03 pm
Alainn's beak twitched into a smile as she heard the tails of her life with Paracket. "Nope, Haven't changed a damn thing. 'Fraid you wouldn't like me if I did." Sme smiled in her half smile and stared off into nothingness. Life had definetly been good before she and Paracket had lost touch. They had so much catching up to do. She heard talk of locking up. The bird locked her eyes on Maki's eyes. "Oh, s**t. Are we too late, love. Sorry to be an inconveniance." Her eyes gleamed. She was starting to feeling daring. Hopefully Alainn wouldn't get the pair kicked out of the bar. She didn't even notice Paracket's rustle to get his things together. After spending some time with Paracket, you learn that after a few drinks, he's not going anywhere. In their glory days, Alainn and Pracket spent many a night sleeping on various bar floors. Sure enough, Paracket couldn't leave. Maki graciously offered them a place to stay the night. "Thank's for the offer. We may just have to accept. Beats sleeping on the floor, just like old times, Eh?" She nudged Paracket with her wing.

As Alainn had visions of a soft bed for once, a frosty beer had magically appeared. "Thanks, love. Read my mind." Smiling, the bird downed her second beer. She could feel the amber liquid burning in her veins, and buzzing in her head. Yes, Alainn was pleasently buzzed, and couldn't wait to go out and do something...crazy. Instead, Maki was practically demanding that they stay the night in one of the back rooms. Looks like the craziness would have to happen here. Feline-like in her movements, Alainn crawled up onto the bar, her feathers glistening. Her brain was feeling the effects of the booze, and it was thrilling. The Bluejay had always been a daring and crazy drunk. She glanced over at Maki, and smiled. Like a dancer, Alainn went gracefully to her feet in a matter of seconds. She was, afterall, a bird. Being intoxicated did not change that fact. Her body moved to music that wasn't there. First slow, then speedy, the music in her head overwhelmed her. She felt like she was going to explode.

(( ooc: I am so so so so so sorry that I haven't been paying attention to the RP. D: I've been so busy with all of my end of the year work that I forgot that Gaia existed. Now that school is over, I'll try to stay more regular. <3 --Jay ))

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:26 pm
((You need a Head of Security?))  



PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:45 pm
((You need a Head of Security?))

((That would be cool....This Jay here is getting a little crazy....Heheh Just kidding. But if you want to join and be head of security that would be cool!))  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:51 pm
((You need a Head of Security?))

((That would be cool....This Jay here is getting a little crazy....Heheh Just kidding. But if you want to join and be head of security that would be cool!))

((Of course I'll be Head of Security! Just need to make a starting Post. ^.^))  



PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:54 pm
Alainn jumped onto the counter and danced.
Up above, she heard the thump of Ed falling into the bed.
"Um...Miss Alainn, you might want to get down from there...." Maki said nerviously. She reached up and tugged on her wing a little. She hoped she wouldn't break anything, it would come out of her pay check, and she didn't want any of the customers getting hurt especially.
"Yeah, that's the last beer for you dear...."
She was jumping up and down, trying to get the bird's attention, but Maki being so short (five foot, two), her attempts failed.

"Um....Paracket...do you think you could help a little?..." She pleaded, struggling to get her off the counter. The faster she moved, the worse it was. A martini glass that was left on the counter toppled, and fell to the ground on the other side of the counter.
"OH GEEZ" cried Maki, as she headed over to pick up the glass pieces quickly. She carried them in her apron and dumped them in the trash on the other side.
"Miss Alainn!" She cried out again.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:03 pm
Rayven was walking around the streets of his new town and home looking for a place to get a job. He'd noticed quite a few signs, and not many of them drew his attention. Silently he walked around, until he saw the sign for a tavern standing above him in the nearly deserted street. "Could check there..." He thought to himself while reaching for the handle to the door and pushing it open gently, but he stepped inside to hear people shouting somewhere from inside.  



PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:25 pm
Maki was still trying to get the bird from off of the counter. She noticed a young man walked into the bar.
"I-I'll be right with you sir.....Just...UGH...Just a moment!" She cried with a half smile, half grunted face. Maki didn't want to be rude to the customers.
Alainn was still dancing, Maki was still trying to get her attention...  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:28 pm
Rayven blinked and didn't know exactly what he was seeing. He just stood in the back with a slight smile on his face and continued to watch curiously. "You need some help?" He asked, and Rayven was close to seven feet tall in case she did.  



PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:14 am
"ACK! " eek Maki grunted and jumped up a bit, still trying to get the bird's attention.
"Um..." She looked sideways to the newcomer, "I guess so....Yeah"
The wolfess pulled away and stood aside, hoping the buzzed up bird wouldn't fall over. She looked at Rayven and wondered at his height. He was tall, for some reason though, she couldn't stop staring.  
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