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Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:36 am

I agree completely. At this point, missing deadlines is nothing but foolish.
And it's a shame because she had some great entries.

I would love for Khionna to win this one.
This entry really stepped it up for her and it's bloody gorgeous.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:22 pm

                Couldn't agree more regarding non-entries. I think it's ridiculous that this is still a problem, and it's frustrating because designers that never would have made it into the top 10 otherwise are staying in as a result.

                Sounds like the majority are in favor of khionna, so I'm gonna call it as she's the winner! Working on feedback when I can at work, should be ready to post the next challenge tonight.

                Also, note to the judges!
                Goddess and I discussed things after her recent absence, and we decided to implement a deadline of sorts for the judging panel to finish their judging posts, and decided on four days past the end of challenge. At the end of the four days, scores will be tallied based on what's been judged, and things will be discussed accordingly. That way if one of us can't get one for a week or something, everyone else isn't stuck waiting with nothing really happening, you know?

bad wolf bae

bad wolf bae

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 8:20 am

Challenge 5: Eleganza Extravaganza

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 8:39 am

            Challenge 5: Eleganza Extravaganza

            DAVlD DUCHOVNY (Keran)
            Score: 5.5
            Comments: ...god. I think Keran has enough gold to her coloring that focusing on silver is a good decision. But...this isn't silver and gold. The 'gold' is straight up yellow, at best its goldenrod, but that is definitely not gold. The sleeves are white, and the 'silver' in the skirt is pretty darn grey. The black belt is just distracting, and again, pulls focus to an off putting spot. I love the regal idea though, and Keran suits the look of a queen. Crown is absolutely the wrong one. There is no shortage of crowns on Gaia, and this particular one looks good hardly ever. Certainly not here.

            x_suicide_is_inevitable_x (Ebony)
            Score: 6.5
            Comments: I like the creativity of a mermaid, and I like the title. Top looks more white than silver, the background is not one that I like. Mixed feelings on the crown/fins. This is just pretty middle of the road.

            khionna (Veronica)
            Score: 7
            Comments: What a pretty ballerina, gives me a fairly holiday vibe. Silver and gold Nutcracker kind of vibe. I like the movement and pose a lot. I think almost every bit of silver is a lot more white. But. I like it.

            Your Local Gay (Dita)
            Score: 0
            Comments: Nothing, I'm surprised.

            Princess of the Raindrops (Mia)
            Score: 5
            Comments: This is very simple, which emphasizes the black that doesn't need to be there. Gold behind the bed is bad, and it looks like the left foot fades into invisibility behind the right foot. And compared to Brooke's armor outfit, METT did a much better job than Princess.

            Tink_Bel (Zahara)
            Score: 8
            Comments: Angel idea is pretty amazing. Another wonderfully dynamic pose, I think things are greatly balanced. A lot of white that isn't silver at all.

            METTAT0N (Brooke)
            Score: 8
            Comments: The confliction is real. I love the idea of this. I like the gold in this a lot, and while the silver is mostly grey, it doesn't say dirty grey like the silver did in Keran's look? It's more balanced, and since the gold is muted it matches well with the muted silver. I don't like the brown glove, or that her arm is bending around and through her hair to rest a hand on her hip. I think the tiara/crown/sparkly head dress is a little off. Wish there was a weapon. I dunno, I definitely go back and forth on this.

            RENstrawberry (Madison)
            Score: 7
            Comments: This is silver and gold, which is nice. I dunno if I love the lacy back, and this is very simple, only a handful of items. But I don't hate it, and it's safe in my book. Has the colors, colors look good on Madison, is what it is.

            Kiwi Cannoli (Daphne)
            Score: 6
            Comments: Granted an extension and still got in by the original deadline, I like it. I do not like the veil. Whites and yellow, silver and gold, mix of them all. A lot going on, odd balance and layers of like rings of color. Eh.

            botticellus venus -> egggoat (Xoco)
            Score: 9
            Comments: The main underskirt is a bit yellow, some silver is very pale, but this is a silver and gold extravaganza. Really the only thing I don't like is the veil, and sadly it is taking up a lot of space and is hard to ignore. Xoco is regal and sparkling though, and I think this is the strongest look so far in my book.

bad wolf bae

Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 9:45 am

Challenge 5: Eleganza Extravaganza

Score: 5.5
Comments: I really appreciate David deciding to break away from the gold
theme, but ... I don't really like this. Keran is gorgeous and he made her
look kinda frumpy. The skirt makes for a layering disaster, the bulky earrings
deter from the model's face and that crown on top is nothing but gimmicky.

x_suicide_is_inevitable_x (Ebony)
Score: 7
Comments: I have a love/hate relationship with this design. At first look, it's
pretty decent, but considering that this is a fantasy character, I wish Suicide
had gone BIG with the design and added more underwater accessories.
Ebony could have been adorned with horns, a crown, scales, a scepter of
sorts, but wasn't. I do like the background though as it incorporates the light
of day breaking the water and seems to appear like bubbles around her.

khionna (Veronica)
Score: 6.5
Comments: Another look that's screaming 'white' and not 'silver' and it's yet another victim of
the design looking simple because of the dress/bustier. It is cute, but it's little more than that.
With the open bustier, there was a big opportunity to layer here, perhaps adding a sheer skirt
underneath, but all we get to see are bare legs. This could have also been a great chance to
use a background or at least background props if we are to believe Veronica as a dancer.

Your Local Gay (Dita)

Princess of the Raindrops (Mia)
Score: 6.5
Comments: I don't mind this look at all and it's the best I've seen from Princess in a long
time. The use of the mask is nice as it frames Mia's face nicely. I am also a fan of the
arm and leg mods used in this. However, the gold thing behind her head is unnecessary
and I would much rather have seen the gold executed on Mia's torso. A gold skirt would
have done her well instead of the black clump and accents could have been added to the
top half to make the chest look less white. There were also points lost for a missing title.

Tink_Bel (Zahara)
Score: 8
Comments: This is another concept I was hoping to see and Tink delivered on it!
The arm mod truly makes this look. It was the perfect piece to use to give Zahara
that delicate feminine ethereal look. The wings were also a nice choice. However,
I did take points away for her sad use of 'silver', which is clearly just 'white. If this
challenge were 'gold and white', Tink could have had a near perfect score.

METTAT0N (Brooke)
Score: 9
Comments: This is by far the best we've seen from Metta. This
outfit is fantastic. The concept was sound and came accompanied
by a good description. That leg mod gets an A+ from me and I like
the dainty pieces, including the cape. What I don't love is
Brooke's right arm. WTF is going on there? Is it a layering issue?
The black clump, which I'm fairly certain is her hair looks whack.

RENstrawberry (Madison)
Score: 5
Comments: Ren was smart to stick to gold as it compliments Madison's warm
tone. However, I have a huge is with the simplicity. Dresses take up too much
room, so it's up to the designer to add in every little detail possible, lest they look
lazy. Here, I see nothing but dress. Add a train, add some more sparkles, hell, give
her a puddle to stand in. Just add something onto the bottom half of the outfit!!

Kiwi Cannoli (Daphne)
Score: 7
Comments: I'm not the biggest fan of this design, but I gave it an extra mark just
because I appreciated that this looked silver rather than white (which I'm kinda
over at this point). The concept is awesome, though the design is a little on the
simple side. Though not as bad as some others, I really would have liked to see
more effort on the lower half to add in other items. I AM pleased she at least did so
with the top half. Description is a little lacking ... why this concept, Kiwi? I want to
know why you choose the themes you do so I can get insight into what drives you.

botticellus venus (Xoco)
Score: 7
Comments: I was hoping to get some themes involving royalty and Venus
delivered. First off, I want to commend her on the colour choices. Although
the silver hue is a bit lighter and blends into white, this is steal very clearly a
silver and gold theme. In this rare case, I am enjoying the big skirt as she's
made lots of effort to make it dynamic. I also think that the colour and item
choices work so perfectly with Xoco. Where I will disagree with her is on the
veil. I like the idea, but I don't like the cut of that one in particular because it
cuts off awkwardly, making Xoco's hair stand out in a weird way. Another veil
that could encompass her dark mass would have vastly improved this score.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 2:05 pm

Challenge 5: Eleganza Extravaganza

(posting with permission heart )

Score: 5
Comments: First off, I love the dress. The whole shape and the layers are nice and look good on Keran. The downsides here are that while the skirt is arguable, those sleeves are clearly white and the gold walks a little close to yellow. It makes METTA’s look more color-correct by comparison and that’s no good. I wish the earrings were gold and I despise the crown. It does look cartoonish and that’s very off-putting. I also wish DAVID had gone all in with the eye theme, maybe given us an evil queen? As it stands Keran looks pretty static.

x_suicide_is_inevitable_x (Ebony)
Score: 7.5
Comments: I'm impressed with suicide's description this round. Very nice and concise. So, I'm just going to say this now to avoid repeating it in every entry after, but taking in all of the looks I only see two people that really hit what I consider to be "gold" and even less nailed silver. So, that said, I'm going to be a little gentler on judging the yellowish factor in the entries (including this one) as I assume it's an item finding issue. The silver, however is white and I'm not being nice for that. Gray would have been closer, as is evident in the background. I don't know if that background looks oceanic to me, but it is a good balancer and I see the attempt. The rest is great. I love the mermaid concept, the fins look nice on the head without being overwhelming. I sort of wish there was more going on with the torso area, but at least there isn't anything distracting. Solid entry.

khionna (Veronica)
Score: 6
Comments: It took me entirely too long to realize this was a ballerina. The giant skirt and tiara just said, "Oh look another royal." So while I give creative points for trying something outside the box, she isn't really nailing it. I wish the whole look was just more dancer and less princess. I do think a background would have helped here. The gold is very yellow, and I do see a tiny bit of actual silver, but it is drowning in white. More than anything, this look is insanely dull: tiara, dress, ballet shoes. Shrug.

Your Local Gay (Dita)
Score: 0
Comments: An unusual and unfortunate missing entry.

Princess of the Raindrops (Mia)
Score: 4
Comments: My frustration with PoR escalates again this round. So she also chose armor but couldn't be bothered not to use the exact same arm mod as the only other person in armor? Didn't we warn against this after the martini fiasco? And in her description claims she looked over the other entries to try to be more original. The helm is too heavily pixeled against the rest of the outfit and looks darker as a result. It stands out like a sore thumb and beyond that I hate that she's covering her model's face for no reason. The legs do not have stockings, that is clearly skin tone F. The gold headpiece was tossed in to meet the minimum of having some gold and really doesn't work. The rest of the outfit is cute (if off color), but there are a lot of issues here.

Tink_Bel (Zahara)
Score: 8.5
Comments: I was worried about Tink last round, but she nailed it this time. It's beautiful and I'm shocked she's the only one that went for an angel theme. My only issues are that the silver is possibly the most white of all the whites entered this round, there is a teensy bit of blue in the background that is off theme, and after ALL THE GOLD we've seen on Zahara I was hoping for a silver focus. But to be honest this design is stunning so I found it hard not to love. It's so striking and balanced and I love a good background.

METTAT0N (Brooke)
Score: 7
Comments: My initial thoughts here are that I love the concept, but I’m less sure about the delivery. Armor was a clever choice, but Brooke doesn’t look at all like she’s about to fight. I really wish she had a weapon, instead she’s just sort of standing there, looking sexy. I think some of the pieces were really well chosen and I appreciate the process they went through. I like the silhouette and leaving the cape does make her look more complete. I also think the distribution of silver and gold is evenly spaced and not painful to the eye. But here are the problem areas for me: her head looks huge with nothing to balance out the shape of her hair or conceal it, her hip looks broken because all the other mods are forward facing but the legs are bent super weird. I just don’t know if the grayish color really says silver to me, mostly in the very white cape. Overall a good look, but not a great one. Redacted because this look has true gold and the closest thing to silver out of any entry. Points boosted.

RENstrawberry (Madison)
Score: 6
Comments: This one was hard for me because on the one hand Madison looks stunning and nothing is overbearing or unappealing. The problems are in two key zones: theme and originality. This challenge was silver AND gold and I just don't see enough silver. I wish there was some throughout and I barely noticed what was there because it vanishes in the gold. More importantly, when you get down to the structure of the avatar it's too simple, too few pieces, and among those pieces are lace head + long gown. Lace head/long gown is so tired and played out across Gaia, and without anything to amp it up it looks lackluster. But the look is still pretty, so I landed in the high middle.

Kiwi Cannoli (Daphne)
Score: 5.5
Comments: Mixed feelings about this one too. I think the look does a good job of drawing us to Daphne's face, overall it's pretty, and I appreciate the attempt to do more than just stick a dress on her. The silver still feels too white to me, and some of the item choices are odd (floating gems, why?). I really dislike the sash, but find the veil stylish. It's an okay look overall. Another aside, Kiwi's description made me realize something. I think the painful uses of silver and gold here are a direct result of depending on the avatar builder and tags over actual knowledge of the item database. Most of the true gold/silver items are hidden in schemes and under tricky labels that require some information about what's available on site. Depending solely on the builder is both lazy, and how so many entrants wound up off-theme on color.

botticellus venus egggoat (Xoco)
Score: 7.5
Comments: A lot of queens this round, but I like this one the best. She does have a very regal look, I like the layers in the skirt. The veil is fine for me, but I dislike that the crown has a strong bit of silver that isn't echoed elsewhere. This could have been more inspired, but for what is here the look is good.

Dante Dolly

Deathly Lover

40,475 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Fluff Rehab 200


Star-Crossed Memory

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 5:21 pm

challenge: cinco

Kiwi – Daphne - 6
Pretty but I feel like this mostly white and gold? I guess the shall is kinda light gray? But maybe I don’t know what I love the shawl and dress together – the straight lines mixed with the curves and that starry sparkly motif repeated. The earrings and veil are nice but I’d rather have more built around them rather than the stars and moon in the background (which seems much to me with the crystals). Overall I’m meh.

Khionna – Veronica – 8
I love the gown and ballet theme!! The movement of the arms, the overskirt and ruffles on the bottom on the skirt, the puff sleeves. And the necklace that rests against the neckline of the bodice was a great touch. Veronica is gorgeous in these colors. I see more white than silver again, so I am guessing I just don’t recognize what silver is on Gaia. I don’t like the little balls/ears on the headpiece, but I do love the layering of the tiara and how these hues work together here.

Suicide – Ebony - 6

Love the tail! And how the fire and light beam really make the gold glow. And the long tiered necklace trailing down her body. I wish there was more silver on her bottom half though? The silver top and the rest being gold looks kinda predictable and eh. I was confused by the head fins at first – I thought the head chain had spikes at the end of them. The background looks aquatic overall. Wish the brown floor/pyramids were masked tho.

POTR – Mia – 5
I respect the use of armor and it is the first item I have seen so fa that actually looks silver. But the helm and the background design are all I like. The rest of the outfit looks hasty, or sloppy overall. The bared shoulders and mixed sleeves are nice, but overall the outfit doesn’t look coordinated or memorable.

Tink – Zahara – 9

Hands down this is tied with Xoco for my fav look of this round, and from Tink this cycle. This is just perfection to me. The more I look at it the more I love it even. The only thing that lost any points on this design is there is a lot of white but I see very little silver. But that was it. Bravo, Tink, bravo.

Ren – Madison – 8.5
Evocative and elegant. I really like this outfit. I wish there was a teensy bit more silver in it, but the silver is more noticeable given how little of it there is. I rarely see the back collar work on designs, but her and with the headpiece, I do really like it. Gold is fabulous on Madison’s skin tone and against her dark hair.

Bott/eggoat – Xoco – 9
Stunning. That crown and that gown are incredible. The attitude of her face, the daring top, the flowing layers – it all works so well together. Reading the description made me love this warrior queen more. Bravo Bott, bravo.

David – Keran – 6.5

Is that an eyeball on her waist? Read the description, and yep. At least I am not crazy. I’m not a huge fan of the eye look, but I don’t dislike it. Maybe if the motif was brought in elsewhere? Kudos for all the silver pieces that look like silver, and that crown is fabulously fun. But it along with the eye make the look a little too cartoonish/over the top though to me, which doesn't ix with the regal gown. The queen look was very apparent, and I love the adage the description starts with. Interesting but also not very memorable shy of the weird eye.

METTAT0N - Brooke – 7.5
The arms and legs are baller. Love them. The bodice/belt is perfect with them. The dual hair chain almost works – the layering is a bit off which I know is a limitation of Gaia. I don’t like that cape tho. I think a cape was smart thinking, but that particular one is so blah. It doesn’t am up the drama and sheer style of this outfit. Keep tinkering with this design – it is a good one I’d love to see pushed further.

**No Dita I guess?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:02 pm

Okay, I get that silver can easily looks white, but some of these
just look plain white. Not even an attempt to make it look silver.

Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:17 am

And a head's up to Alesaan and Dante,
Kiwi Cannoli has been granted an extra day to submit.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:35 pm

                Hey everyone. I put up scores and some kind of comments for each look, will try to go back through and elaborate more in the coming days. My family and I had to put our dog down today, taking it pretty hard, don't know how much I'll be around for the next few days and things.

bad wolf bae


Star-Crossed Memory

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:53 pm

bad wolf bae
                Hey everyone. I put up scores and some kind of comments for each look, will try to go back through and elaborate more in the coming days. My family and I had to put our dog down today, taking it pretty hard, don't know how much I'll be around for the next few days and things.

oh my goodness I am so sorry crying

losing a pet is losing a member of the family. always so hard. my thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 7:51 pm

bad wolf bae

Very sorry to hear that. I'm also fearing the end of days for my baby girl.
It never gets easy. Take whatever time you need, love.

Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

Dante Dolly

Deathly Lover

40,475 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Fluff Rehab 200
PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:38 am

bad wolf bae
                Hey everyone. I put up scores and some kind of comments for each look, will try to go back through and elaborate more in the coming days. My family and I had to put our dog down today, taking it pretty hard, don't know how much I'll be around for the next few days and things.

That's awful. I'm so sorry you have to go through that. Loss can be so hard, I hope you and your family are holding up okay.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:15 pm

Here are the scores for this round:
84% Tink_Bel
81% egggoat
69% khionna
68% x_suicide_is_inevitable_x
66% RENstrawberry
61% Kiwi Cannoli
51% Princess of the Raindrops
0% Your Local Gay

I have talked to Wolf and we have decided to have a double
elimination. We need to send these guys a wake up call because
there's no reason to miss deadlines at this stage in the game!

That being said, obviously Your Local Gay is out. who will accompany him
will be up for debate. PotR had the lowest score, so I'm alright if she's
the one eliminated, although like I said in my panel post, I wasn't upset
with her design this challenge. David and Ren occupied my bottom two
this round, but both of them have a better body of work than PotR.

For our winner, I had really liked Metta's look, but am also perfectly fine with
Tink winning. Again, going to the body of work, Tink is much stronger than Metta.

Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

Dante Dolly

Deathly Lover

40,475 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Fluff Rehab 200
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:05 am

My vote is for the numbers. I’m glad you two decided on a double elim, because the prize pool is really much too high for this kind of flippancy.

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