1. Darkerdemons (Rae) Positive: The colors of the outfit are really well done and look great on Rae. Negative: The judges struggled to concentrate on the positives of your look because the head looks so warped. We're unsure if the base was modified or wrong or if the glasses are just not doing Rae any favors. The arm mod was also notably disliked and possibly the wrong skintone.
2. Pianette (Jiang Li) Positive: This outfit is lovely and the concept was strong. The vintage look works wonders on your model! Negative: Judges were split on if the background elements were charming or clutter, but everyone agreed the legs on Jiang Li seemed to disappear and that her bright red corset didn't fit well with the rest of the look.
3. Sana Minatozaki (Abby) Positive: The outfit is on theme and some of the elements were very cute on Abby. Negative: Abby looks bundled up and it doesn't really match the background, travel photographers don't usually use camera phones, and the formatting in your description still needs to ease up. Mostly the judges felt underwhelmed.
4. elphiethesane (Ophelia) Positive: Good use of recurring themes and textures! The colors are mostly balanced. Ophelia looks very relaxed. Negative: You lost points for the hat, but not because it was a repeat. It's unappealing to some judges and for others the color just didn't work with an otherwise warm-toned mismatch scheme.
5. sufjan stebens (April) Positive: The outfit and pose are adorable, good description, and nice use of negative space! Negative: April is too pale for so much white and this was the number one complaint. The arm mod and crop top layer a bit odd with the top cutting through the upper arm.
6. Ultrabord (Ginny) Positive: It's nice to see Ginny's face and the clothing looks nice on her. Negative: Crop your entries! There is no cohesive story. Couch and gym bag and simple outfit make it seem like things were just sort of thrown on. Description barely exists. Judges were bored and underwhelmed.
7. METTAT0N (Lucia) Positive: Good job going a different route than everyone else with the challenge! Colors are soft and balanced. Negative: She looks like she's floating and the combination of mods and abs makes Lucia's body look squashed and awkward. In general, the judges wanted to see certain elements (the background, Lucia's personality) better fleshed out so we could get a feel of who she is.
8. Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Bryce) Positive: Those legs were a winner across the board! Despite a simple appearance, Bryce looks relaxed and stylish. Negative: That teal shirt is too saturated to match the earthy tones of your look. The hat was met with mixed results. Your description was a bit lacking.
9. RENstrawberry (Robin) Positive: Most of the colors really flow and look great on Robin. Several judges thought the look was wearable irl. Excellent choice of background. Negative: The red shoes don't work with the otherwise cool tones, and in general, the legs look too small to support the upper portion of the model. The sparkles take away from the natural look of this entry.
10. DAVlD DUCHOVNY (Tara) Positive: no entry Negative: no entry
11. Toshi Yukiko (Sienna) Positive: Sienna looks very relaxed and casual per the theme. Negative: The model fades against her background and her head looks overlarge with all the tiny mods. She's dressed in the "sweet" color scheme. Several repeat items from other designers this round, which is not going over well at this point in the contest.
12. Haji Demon (Uma) Positive: Your look has a lot of personality! You managed to use a background and a bubble without it damaging the look. Negative: The judges were split on the critique. Half felt the pose was lopsided and the look was cluttered, while the others saw the black and white scheme and mismatched hat as the prime issues. Everyone agrees you need to crop your entries.
13. The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) Positive: A really interesting and pretty entry! You surprised us with the theme in a good way and the colors are very rich on Isabelle. She matches perfectly without relying on a scheme. Negative: Feels more like farmer chic than actual farmer. The sheep is adorable, but looks a little out of place. A few small elements hurt your score, like the lack of color in the flower crown and the illusion she's topless under her vest.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 5:15 pm
The Hermit Designer: Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes Model: Bryce
This challenge was fun! The hardest part was picking just one card, there were 4 I was interested in before I decided on the Hermit. Bryce was my first choice of model coming into this competition because I love her expression; it's gentle and mysterious, like she knows something secret and she's delighting in that. The Hermit card fits her: "The Hermit tarot card refers to the level of spiritual knowledge that he attained, and that he is ready to impart that knowledge to everyone."
The colors of the Hermit cards I looked at were often bleak, a lot of gray and white, and the Hermit's robe was very simple; the focus of the card is the Hermit himself, atop a mountain peak (signifying accomplishment) holding a lantern aloft (signifying wisdom). I wanted to keep those soft, "dreary" colors, but I didn't want Bryce to fade into her mountain peak background, so I went with Seabreeze green. I wanted to replicate the Hermit's robe, but I wanted Bryce to retain some of her femininity, so I used sheer flowy fabrics. Still, she's been climbing a mountain and is supposed to symbolize wisdom, so I thought she ought to have some practical boots.
The lantern on the Hermit card is supposed to contain the the 6 pointed star, the Seal of Solomon, symbolizing the wisdom the Hermit imparts. I couldn't find a 6 pointed star, but it was important to me to have a star and not just a lantern; I chose this star because it looks like the light of wisdom is coming from within Bryce herself, just before she puts it into the lantern to shine out for others.
I will admit the one thing missing is the Hermit's staff of authority and power; I could not find a staff item that I liked; none of the ones I tried worked with any of the lantern items I liked, and for me the lantern's symbolism was more important because it fit Bryce. Ultimately, I am pleased with how this came together and it feels complete to me without the staff.
Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes
Sparkly Comrade
Sarcastic Ally
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:18 am
Designer :: Pianette Model :: Jiang Li Queen of Swords I'm doing my way, you do it your way Don't just follow your left, find the right way
I knew from the start that I wanted to do a Minor Arcana card. I'm not sure why exactly, but I just... felt a desire to do one I guess. So I scrolled through one of the sites, just looking at the quick lists to kind of narrow things down. I ended up with three that really caught my eye. With these, I went into their main pages for more info. One that I was kind of attached to I did have to ditch because of Jiang Li's base attributes, which left me with the two others (this and Nine of Cups). Queen of Swords felt more right, and, to be completely honest, more visually interesting.
The Suit of Swords is the suit associated with air, as well as with the values of intelligence, truth and conflict, among other things. The Queen of Swords herself is generally situated on a throne in the sky, with a sword traditionally pointing straight up with a hand outstretched. I very much wanted to copy this imagery in this look. Something I also found was that this was not a common pose for most swords on this site? So I was grateful to find a few that worked and most specifically this one (a gorgeous Halloween event sword that I need in my life immediately) that was the straightest.
Outfit-wise I wanted to go with the card, with a white dress. Throughout there's shades of blue incorporated to reflect the air element.
Now for the little touches. This Queen is all about the facts. Decisions can be made with emotions, yes, but that should not be the only thing driving those choices. The Queen of Swords stands for becoming independent on your choices, researching incidents for yourself to come to your own conclusions. For this reason I chose to go with a blindfold to mimic the saying of "justice is blind." Although it more stands for blocking out the emotional input of others.
Which leads me to the gloves. Queen of Swords reversed is thinking more with emotions than logic or reason. In this position the Queen is also very cold and cruel. So in addition to giving me an outstretched hand, the gloves allowed me to capture this part of the card in... well, in rather an Elsa way.
With much indecision, I chose to not go with a frame since the ones I normally go with for tarot cards both didn't fit in with the colors going on and cropped a bit too much off I felt for this design. Background-wise I wanted to capture the essence of the original reference card, which has the Queen sitting on a throne in the clouds, above anything that may impair her judgement.
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 5:08 pm
designer: sufjan stebens model: april
the devil
excess. materialism. playfulness. temptation. vices. sin.
I generated a random tarot card to see what I should do. I got The Devil.
The Dark Sky Terrarium legs were the first pose I added. There were no arm poses I could find that perfectly emulated Baphomet's hand sign, but the Bare Blessed arms came close and I liked the religious connotations in the name. Would have liked to have put an inverted pentagram on her forehead, but the Identifying Mark from Go To Hex had to do as a substitute. I had a ridiculously hard time finding demon wings that would suit, especially considering Gaia probably has a hundred different types, but April's ponytail didn't play well with most of them. I'm still not totally satisfied with the horns, since they blend a little too much, but adding the melon red halo helped them to stand out a little more.
The clothing choices are symbolic. April is wearing the Pentagram Harness from Graveyard Crasher, which, besides the obvious connection to the theme of The Devil, is also bondage wear. The Devil card is heavily associated with bondage -- usually of a symbolic nature. Addiction to substances or material possessions and a feeling of entrapment in personal or professional relationships are common interpretations of the Devil card. In the Rider Waite art The Devil is accompanied by two humans in physical chains. While I couldn't fit two companions into this avatar to represent April's slaves, she does have chains draped over her torso to represent this facet of the card. The chain pose is called "Burden of Sin," which is very fitting.
Despite the demonic outfit she's wearing, and her wings and horns, April still has the sweet innocent face she's always had. I decided to leave her as is, with a welcoming, wide-eyed look on her face that goes along with her outstretched hand. She represents temptation and false appearances. Trust her at your own expense.
I felt that a frame was necessary in this theme to recreate the appearance of a tarot card, but I couldn't do anything too fancy without making it look too cluttered. A plain colour and simple frame give it an elegance that would look at home in a fancy deck of cards.
sufjan stebens
Wilderness of Hearts
iiiFlames Vice Captain
Fashionable Master
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:07 pm
gaia_moonLa Luna (The Moon) Designer: Sana Minatozaki Model: Abby Description: Disclaimer: This is going to be my 1st ever submission, with an essay-long description, so I'm putting it in spoilers so that it won't take up space, and this is also my 2nd submission with links to references, so you kinda have to open them since you made us open links on tarot cards sorry if i sound very offensive
The Moon card in Tarot symbolizes that things might be amiss and that you can't trust your first impression. Things are not how they seem. The basic card symbols are a full moon (with a crescent within), twin pillars, a dog and a wolf howling, a stream that runs to the ocean, and a crayfish emerging from the water. When the Moon card is upright in a Tarot reading, it symbolizes deception, trickery, disillusionment, error, anxiety, danger, and double-dealing. The card means you may be going through a time of emotional or mental trials. Also pay attention to your dreams: What are they trying to tell you? Your subconscious is actively trying to get in touch. You also might be about to get your period! When the Moon card is reversed in a Tarot reading, it symbolizes discovering deception before damage can be done, trifling mistakes, and taking advantage of someone. It's the releasing of negativity and the letting go of fears. Your problems will lighten and you'll emerge with newfound confidence and clarity.
This outfit is inspired by an image that I got from one of the websites that you provided us for this challenge, along with the 1st paragraph of my essay description, from the image, you can see a beautiful woman with flowers on her hand, and on the back, there's a crescent moon with mirror-like background with flowers on top.
The moon I have for Abby was perfect since it looked the same as the card, and the background is close enough to the card. The outfit, however, I didn't find a similar item to match, instead, I looked up a color schemes that'll give out that beautiful night sky vibe, then I found saiphic, which has white and two tones of blue, and I saw this very elegant flowing gown that has star-like design, so I thought it was perfect, as the details and color matches the card. For the flower, the one in Abby's hand are actually poppies, which is the same as the one on the card, but the colors are different, and I couldn't find the same item with similar colors as the one on the card, so I went this the one that Abby is holding.
The flowers on top, though, I didn't find anything to match, but instead, I looked up flower crowns as alternative, since I also couldn't find these flower on the side that the woman on the card has on her head, so I looked up flower crowns since it felt like Abby's head was naked, then I found this lotus-like flower crowns, and it was similar to the flowers the woman has on her head, so I went with it.
The legs, I chose these legs where your tucking in, which you might say that it doesn't go with the flowing dress, and your right. But the reason I went with these legs, is that I feel that "breeze in your skirt while standing" vibe that you get on anime music intro with this legs + the dress
In conclusion, it's not my best work, nor it is the worst, but I will say this in behalf of everything, this is outfit is as beautiful as the night sky with a stunning crescent moon.
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:42 pm
The High Priestess Designer: RENstrawberry Model: Robin Description:
Going into this challenge I was unsure which Tarot card I wanted Robin to model as. I was torn between The Sun and The High Priestess. As I began adding some items to start off Robin’s look, I felt drawn to The High Priestess.
I started off with some items that one would never think a high priestess of all people would wear. I chose the golden “bikini” and sheer black high-waisted skirt to add a spin on the typical image of the High Priestess tarot card. The High Priestess is said to also communicate themes of sexuality, and if the card is played for love life, it can read as sensual or even lustful (hence the reason I decided to make Robin’s attire fairly sensual). The pattern at the top of her skirt also echoed the crosses the tarot card is associated with. Next I added Robin’s headdress, which was inspired from the Goddess Isis’ moon crown from the original tarot card. Another symbol of the high priestess is the crescent moon, which made the headdress all the more fitting for Robin’s look. After this, I added the full moon to start the construction of the background, as well as to emphasize High Priestess Robin’s association with the moon.
Returning to Robin’s attire, I wanted to add some type of veil (another symbol associated with the High Priestess card). However, I felt the earlier options obstructed too much of either Robin’s hair, face, or headdress, so I decided to use this arm mod instead. I interpreted Robin removed her veil, to reveal her hair. All the more to play on the Priestess’ sensual side. Wrapping up Robin’s attire, I added the cross earrings. The cross is another icon of the High Priestess.
Returning to the background, I added the pillars and water. The pillars are an iconography always seen with the High Priestess, used to symbolize Establishment (right) and Strength (left). Between the two, the High Priestess acts as the third pillar, seen to mediate between the two as she walks the middle path. The water is the elemental sign associated with the High Priestess (and the moon the astrological sign).
Lastly, a few more symbols of the card are the colors blue, white and black. However, at this point I only added white and black. Finally, to complete the last step I added a blue background. The initial background came with a bit too much purple for my liking at the top, so I decided to add a partial background that would layer over and add some stars.
Side Note:
I love symbolism and iconography, so this challenged turned out to be another fun "outfit-making" process. heart
Designer: Darkerdemons Model: Rae Process: See Spoiler
I was thrilled to find out the theme for challenge 5 was Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. I wouldn't say I'm an avid tarot reader; however, I do have a couple card sets and one of my OC's is a fortune teller. My original list of potential avatars for Rae had 8 different cards. Two ideas were clearest in my mind though: The Empress and The World. Both resulted in what I thought were gorgeous rough drafts; however, Rae's features seemed to fit The World better.
Most World cards feature a nude female in a round wreath, surrounded by symbolic birds and beasts. I did find several variations in which the woman was standing on or holding the planet though. I aimed to use a variation of Rae holding the planet and incorporate symbols used in the more common World cards.
In the rough draft for The World Rae was nude. This was a beautiful look for her, but there wasn't much avatar building involved. Transparent items enabled me to put clothes on Rae, but still show off a significant amount of her form and skin. For past entries, one of my key focus points was making sure Rae didn't get washed out in pale colors. For The World avatar, her pale features combined with a white outfit to give a spirit/ghost/goddess-like impression. Balance, elements coming together, dynamic unity are frequent descriptions of The World Card. Sometimes direct indications of Yin and Yang are also made. The balanced black and white components of the avatar are reminiscent of the black and white seen in the Yin-Yang symbol. I fancy that the black background and white avatar / Milky Way is actually swirling to form the symbol.
The hardest symbol to be satisfied with was the infinity symbol. The Timekeeper forehead mark was a hit. Even when I used the original Materra arm pose, I still wanted to use Timekeeper. Other infinity marks and halos came in colors that starkly contrasted with the rest of the outfit. I couldn't find a Timekeeper color that fit quite right though. It wasn't until I checked to see if there were Materra recolors that I found the Anubis blue fit better with several Timekeeper items. On The World card the infinity symbol represents humanity's immortal spirit. Other symbols involved in the outfit include: laurels, which represent victory; night sky constellations reflecting the zodiac signs and stars coming into alignment (although the background may feature Gaian horoscopes); and crossed legs symbolizing crossroads and diversity overcome. There is also some interpretation of the woman on The World card being a goddess and cosmic mother of souls. In addition to the ethereal forehead mark and pure white outfit, which make Rae appear divine, the way Rae holds the planet is very tender and motherly.
This feels like the first avatar where Rae's pale features strongly dictated the direction I took the avatar and also worked in her benefit. The result feels different from past avatars since it is a look unique to Rae. This is the third of Rae's avatars that I feel very satisfied with. Double checked that base skin, arm mods, and leg mods are Skin F.
Title inspired by William Blake's 'Auguries of Innocence':
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour
This is not part of the process. The links don't have to be clicked. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, IMG1, IMG2, IMG3
Destructive Daredevil
The Dread Wolf
Naughty Cranberry
Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:21 pm
The Empress
Designer: The Dread Wolf Model: Isabelle Description: For this theme, I decided to style Isabelle into the tarot card: The Empress. With so many cards to choose from, it was difficult trying to figure out which card to pick. I ultimately picked The Empress because I really wanted to try and pull off a look with pomegranates, stars, and high-femininity.
The Empress is described as the creator of life and represents motherhood, femininity, and fertility. While styling Isabelle, I really wanted her to come across as a mother goddess. The upright meaning of The Empress card can indicate motherhood/fertility, so I wanted Isabelle to give off vibes of fertility and an expecting mother.
The first thing I looked for was a pomegranate(s). The item I had in mind was obscured by Isabelle's hair, so I chose to use 'Our Underworld' as it offered me a couple of bright pomegranates. The way that Isabelle is holding the promgrantes gives off the appearance that Isabelle is holding her stomach, perhaps pregnant.This item also offered Isabelle a chance to hold flowers, which I think emphasizes the card's connection to the Earth. The pillows/cushions behind Isabelle is her throne. I could not find any good items connected to wheat, but I thought pairing Isabelle with a mountainous background further emphasizes the connection to nature, as well as the card's connection to the stars. The Empress card is depicted with a crown of 12 stars. While I could not find a precise count of of 12 stars, I did combine a few items to bring attention to the celestial aspect of The Empress.
Styling Isabelle as The Empress took many attempts. I initially had her in bright colors/schemes, such as sorbet, but I thought earthy-tones suited Isabelle better this round. The last two items I added were the green laurels and white flowing ribbon. I thought the green laurels helped balance the green found in her skirt, as well as represent the green found on the head in The Empress card. The white flowing ribbon is representative of a flowing river. I thought of using a blue ribbon, but it looked odd compared to the rest of the avatar. Overall, I am rather pleased with how I styled Isabelle.
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:28 pm
>But exceptional beasts like us cannot fall in love< Honor-bound Swordmaiden Model- Uma Designer- Haji Demon
This is one of my favorite themes, and quite hard ones for me at the same time. I so wish we could do more of these. Well, first challenge was picking a card, for which I thought myself clever and picked a tarot card online...turns out that 4 of wands is a hard one and mostly a scenic. The card I really wanted to do was Justice, but due to lack of proper scales item I couldnt do it justice emotion_awesome Then I went through few more and finally settled on Two of Swords. The very fact that it was a minor arcana and not major just made me like it more. However, while making it I added themes of Justice in it too. Its why I decided to make her look more dignified and aloof. Even as she is seemingly approaching you, it looks more like she intends to lead you.
I was working on quite a different card, but I had some issues with it and egggoat gave me a really good tip about setting accuracy aside in favor of fashion. So instead of building the scenery of traditional deck, I decided to give it a proper card look and rely more on symbolism. In the end the heart of the card is the most important thing!
It was fairly easy avi to make, white color has some really good items. I did crop the avi short to pertain to its narrower background, if thats not alright, I can post the complete pose too. The hardest part would be finding the right swords. I couldnt find one that held it in traditional pose, but I found right pose that conveyed balance, and furthermore it inspired other elements in the avi. The 2 of cards has a difficult choice to make, the water with rocky islands represents her emotions relating to the obstacles. No help would come from there. I chose to represent that idea with more solid chains. The heavy chains of gold, representing pure honor and law weighs her down and binds her within the dark ominous background. This is a troubled card to get, however, I went with action, she is moving forward in spite of that. Everything in light is helping her with that, even the blindfold encourages her to look inward, within her mind that is represented by moon. The swords of truthful heart and mind helps her keep her balance and breaks her chains. She understands that justice is more than law, fairness is more than a set of rules, which is why a book doesnt pass a judgement, a living breathing being with a beating heart and sound mind does.
Suit of swords is quite a great one to represent that moral. The double edged swords might cut both ways, but that duality it also means that what might seem like torment almost certainly is empowering, if you fight and take control of the situation. This card is walking out of darkness as a beacon of hope. A card from minor arcana has making of what the major arcana can really use- A Hero!
(Ok if hero already exists or same as fool's adventure, just excuse me, I dont know a lot on the matter XD )
So funny enough, I’ve actually done a fair bit of research into tarot cards and their symbolism in the past, wanting to make my own decks, so I was pretty excited to see this challenge. There’s so many opportunities for interesting symbolism using tarot as inspiration... I wish I had time to go more in depth about my choices, but I’m having to squeeze this in so I’ll have to keep my rambling to a minimum (which is probably for the best, honestly).
My first instinct was actually that I wanted to use a minor arcana card, figuring it would be more unusual, but unfortunately the timing of the challenge wasn’t the best for me so I didn’t have the time to dig through all those cards for the right one. But even narrowing down my choices to the major arcana wasn’t easy! I went through a number of ideas (I think my concept for Death was particularly good, but I couldn’t quite make it work) before I finally settled on The Star. Part of this was from my fondness for The Fool’s Journey, a particular way of interpreting or learning the major arcana which places the Fool as the protagonist of a journey that visits each card in order. The Star, in this, comes right after The Tower, which represents sudden, possibly destructive changes. This makes The Star the sort of “calm after the storm”, a period of reflection and calm rejuvenation. I loved how serene that made the card feel, and it thought that serenity would be a good match for Ophelia’s calm, stoic expression.
The Star’s imagery usually focuses on a woman, often nude, standing beside a pool of water and pouring water back in. The figure is usually pouring water from a jug, and sometimes has a second pouring onto the land beside her, but obviously find a item with that particular pose was likely to be impossible. I wasn’t even pleased with ones I found including a jug. Then I found these arms, which just looked perfect, with the water hitting the ground just right. It might be sacrificing the exact symbolism, but it works a lot better than trying to force it to be exactly right. I went through a similar conundrum with her gown... I considered making her near nude, with just a bit of fabric draped around her, but I thought that would be too simple and somewhat defeat the purpose of the challenge.
So instead I went with this gown... I hesitated to use such a pale color after previous complaints, but it’s silvery color and billowy shape (reminiscent of air, The Star card’s actual element) just screamed this card to me. She looks, to me, like the personification of a star, glowing in the night. It also took a few items to make it look like one single piece like that, so it’s not as overly simplistic as some of my other ideas. I also hesitated to use the background, with it’s extra prominent moon, but I doubted I could find another with such a serene nighttime setting that would allow for just the right placement of her feet and pouring water. I decided to compensate somewhat by giving her a bright crown of stars, which hopefully become at least an equal focus of the overall look.
One last bit of symbolism I wasn’t sure where else to fit in: on many versions of the card, the figure will be stepping into the pool of water, hence why I used that pose for her feet and made sure to pick a dress which showed them.
Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 12:16 am
The Heirophant Model: Lucia Designer: Mettat0n Description:
Sorry, I've been really sick. Hopefully this is getting in on time...
Even though I'd briefly thought about using a minor arcana for this, I decided to go with The Heirophant. In the upright position, The Heirophant represents tradition and convention. I saw it mentioned as representing an arranged marriage, so I thought I'd try to capture those kind of elements in the image as well as the religious ones. He is the masculine counterpart of the High Priestess, and given the menswear themeing I've been using for Lucia it made sense as a card I hadn't seen used yet. (Or maybe I missed?)
In the inverted position, the card represents rebellion and rejection of traditional values. I would have worked with this, but I feel that a lot of my designs for her have already done that by giving her more masculine designs. I love doing it but I don't wanna work the "butch queen" angle into the ground and bore you all to death.
I struggled with this, to say the least, and couldn't find a satisfactory background. Everything basically overpowered this design, which is already a little cluttered, so I just skipped it. I do feel like, compared to other entries, the design probably suffers a little for it. But I've chosen to submit it this way regardless for reasons that are irrelevant to the competition.
1. Darkerdemons (Rae) Positive: This was a well thought out design, you made the right call by not going with a nude model. Negative: Some more anubis somewhere might have elevated the look just that little bit more. It makes sense as is, but the anubis being so centralized does just draw the eye right to it quite a bit.
2. Pianette (Jiang Li) Positive: I commend you on using a minor arcana as inspiration! The arm pose suits the look nicely, and the sword was a great find. Negative: The entire piece feels a little bit unbalanced with the colors? The blindfold also seems a little off, could have been improved with a different shade perhaps. The arm mod is also a different pixelization than the rest of the look, and while the pose works, it does look a little odd and makes her arms look abnormally large. Just something to kind of keep an eye on.
4. Sana Minatozaki (Abby) Positive: It is so clear that you were inspired by that card and you did a marvelous job of imitating the card with your look. The pale shade of blue chosen is stunning on Abby as well. Negative: The poppies are a little bit out of place, some softer flowers to match the flowers in her hair would have worked better. Or having darker flowers in the hair.
5. elphiethesane (Ophelia) Positive: My god this is a beautiful look. The dress looks like one piece even though I know it isn't. The background is the perfect compliment, this is precisely the kind of look I was expecting to see for tarot. Negative: The halo is very bright. I can't say that this is necessarily a negative? It's just an observation.
6. sufjan stebens (April) Positive: This is really a great devil look, and great attention to symbolism and colors of things. The wings were a perfect choice, especially considering how many options there are. Love the legs. Negative: April has a very sweet face for being the devil, and it just stands out. The arm pose is also a little bit odd. Something also feels off with the background.
8. Ultrabord (Ginny) Positive: No entry. Negative: No entry.
9. METTAT0N (Lucia) Positive: I really like seeing your desire to choose a more masculine care for Lucia, I think that was a very good choice. Negative: Aside from the arm pose the inspiration of the card is missing quite a bit. We both know this isn't your best look though, which is understandable when you were so sick. I really hope you're feeling better now!
10. Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Bryce) Positive: The hermit look is a good look for Bryce, was a good decision to help with her hair. This is exceptionally well balanced as well. Negative: There needed to be some red or warm color somewhere else in the look to further help draw the focus away from her hair.
11. RENstrawberry (Robin) Positive: As great as the replica looks are, it is so refreshing to see you taking your own creativity with this inspiration though! Robin is stunning, and the look is incredibly flattering. This is different than most high priestess looks and that's lovely. Negative: I wish the blue was elsewhere in the look, not just in the background.
14. Toshi Yukiko (Sienna) Positive: This is brightly colored. Negative: I have no idea what this is. There is no description, there is nothing tarot about this really.
15. Haji Demon (Uma) Positive: This is a beautiful look, I love that this look has so many layers and dynamics. Beautiful color play. Negative: The center of the look is a little bit messy looking, I think it's just because there is so much going on. Also could have perhaps been a bit more creative.
16. The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) Positive: The base outfit is good, and this fits the empress theme. Negative: Honestly your current avatar is a little bit more fitting for the empress I think. I think it would also look good on the Isabelle base. That aside though, the red and ribbon are honestly a bit jarring. This is oddly messy.
Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 12:59 am
Microbiologist 🌿 Designer: The Dread Wolf Model: Isabelle Description:
It is the day of Isabelle's highly anticipated presentation: the importance of algae. Before rushing to the conference room, Isabelle collects a sample of algae from the lab to show off to her audience.
For this challenge, I knew I wanted to showcase Isabelle as some sort of scientist but I was unsure of the speciality. I thought of designing Isabelle as a scientist because I wanted her to be showcased doing a serious job. I settled on microbiologist, because biology is a fun and important subject. For Isabelle's look, I wanted to balance the importance of the job with the essential lab elements that the job asks for. This is why Isabelle is wearing a black dress under her lab coat and heels. She is getting ready to share her work at a science conference, but first she needs to check on her beautiful, green, algae.
I began my designing process by finding and equipping the lab coat. I then struggled with the idea of what shoes should Isabelle wear. I really wanted to stress how being a microbiologist is more than just lab work, so I settled on the heels. The heels helped Isabelle look strong and in charge! Isabelle is holding the algae specimen jar, along with a scalpel. This was another item choice that was difficult to settle on. There are not really any algae items on Gaia, so a microbiologist has to make due. The last item that I added was the background. I think it is easy to think that scientists work in boring white wall labs, so I wanted to put Isabelle around green plants. As a microbiologist, Isabelle has to sometimes work with plants to learn more about the benefits and setbacks of algae. Beyond the background, Isabelle's algae station is thriving!
Overall, I believe that my design is rather solid. I think that Isabelle is showcasing a job that is not often seen when discussing or dressing as a specific job. The design conveys my interpretation of the role of a microbiologist well, that of a scientist and a public advocate for science.