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PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:49 am

Challenge 7: Along the Milky Way

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:56 am

Darkerdemons (Uma)
This is a great Venus.
Goddess of love and beauty- check
Very hot planet- check
This is well balanced and they put a lot of thought into it.
Good call to get in touch with Clot as this does not resemble mars in any way.
Kind of a cop out to make a warmer version of a previous entry.
Also wish the clothes were warmer. All the black is a little boring and I noticed they posted their rejects in the forum and I liked one of the other outfits better.

Pianette (Isabelle)
I like the fact that they included the planet as it does make Isabelle look like it's protector or it's embodiment.
The headwings work with her hair but then there is no other cream in the rest of the outfit. They are also so soft compared to the hard lines of the rest of the headdress.
The temperature thing is too subtle. I did not notice the flames or icicles until I zoomed in and then only because I was looking for them.
I wish it was more overt.
I do like all the speckles/orbs floating because Mercury has no atmosphere but it does have a lot of dust.

Sana Minatozaki (Jiang Li)
I like the whirlpool.
But, this is boring.
Using only one color is not interesting. There are so many variations of red/orange.
The outfit is simple.
The background is simple.
Mars has so much going for it and Sana just focused on it's color.
Oh jeez with the formatting. Enough with the spoilers and bolding already.

elphiethesane (April)
I dont really like how they have chosen to represent Jupiter.
I always think of Jupiter as being temperamental and stormy and massive!
Jupiter was god of the skys and of thunder!
I get why they went the regal route but making her a princess seems to diminish the grand-ness of it.
I would have loved to see something more stormy. Which is why the background works really well, but thats about all I like of the look.
Its a fine princess look though.

sufjan stebens (Rae)
Sad they didnt embrace Rae's paleness and instead covered her up much like Dread did with bryces hair.
I do like the crystals in the background but im not a fan of the fish tail as it makes this seem more mythological than celestial.

Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Ophelia)
No Entry. If they were going to drop out they should have done so before Toshi was sent home in their place.

RENstrawberry (Abby)
Hmm, I was hoping for something more celestial here. This seems too simple and easy. I do think they did a great job of using a lot of small items together to make an outfit. It definitely screams mother earth. I wish she did not look so unsure. There is a better armmod out there. I hate that deer.
Also, I think I just really don't like Abby. Her hair and face rub me the wrong way.

Haji Demon (Robin)
This is a mess.
All of the different sashes with their different pixel styles and colors.
What are those purple stars for?
To cover Robin up and make her so bulky, not a good choice.
I do like the background, mainly the top part as it seems the most Saturn part of this whole thing.
Just like Darkerdemons, he posted his earlier renditions in the comment thread and I like the first one way better than what he submitted.

The Dread Wolf (Bryce)
This definitely feels grand and fits with the idea of the god of the sky. The big skirt, the wide spread arms, the giant halo, it all works to give a regal feel and its all in the right color choice.
I see Uranus in this.
I just wish there was more... I feel like a background would have helped to give more but I totally understand the choice not to. Some outfits get lost in backgrounds, especially with light colored veils.
Also, I do wish they had tried to incorporate poor Bryce's head of hair.


bad wolf bae

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 8:45 am

Darkerdemons (Uma - Venus)
I really like this look, and it is definitely Venus. Love that they went for a look that wasn't human to add to the celestial nature of things and being larger than life. Arm mod is a little odd the longer I look at it, little bit different pixels I think. I don't really like when contests post alternative looks and things because I almost always like them more than the submission. There is a lot of black.

Pianette (Isabelle - Mercury)
I'm really glad to see Pianette can make such a great look with a different model. There are a few different colors that don't match anywhere else, and it's a very soft look. Would have like some more oomph somewhere. Like the planet, feels very celestial, and it does say Mercury to me.

Sana Minatozaki (Jiang Li - Mars)
At first glance I would have assumed this was Saturn because of the ring around the head, and I rather would have liked that. As it is I'm kind of disappointed that it isn't. The red does say Mars. Celestial background is good. It's just..boring. The red color is a very dull shade of things too. If nothing else I wish the swirl/flame around her was any other color. Meh.

elphiethesane (April - Jupiter)
I am incredibly aware of April's hair, but I'm not sure if it's really a bad thing. April is very soft though, which isn't terrible but it just..I don't know. This is lacking something for me. I like the regality and the background, the outfit itself is gorgeous and it's far from a bad look or the worst look. I really like it, just a touch off.

sufjan stebens (Rae - Neptune)
I do not like the sheer veil over the face. I love the use of the mermaid tail not only for helping to sell Neptune but for just bringing something special to the look. It says celestial and I like the background quite a bit. I don't love the..crystals/wings/whatever it is that's creating a seat for Rae. Just looks a bit cluttered.

Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Ophelia - Pluto)
No entry, obviously eliminated, wish they had just dropped out.

RENstrawberry (Abby - Earth)
I really like this in the sense that it clearly says Earth to me, and Ren did a fantastic job of layering a lot of small items to create one cohesive look. It definitely wasn't a lazy route and the work is appreciated. It is lacking some spark though, feels very mundane compared to some of the other more celestial looks.

Haji Demon (Robin - Saturn)
Head band doesn't work with the hair, weird to have the kind of head band and the little face veil, arms are extremely different pixels from everything else that leaves them looking kind of hideous. Purple stars are weird, the rings are too faint but I like that they're there and say Saturn. Background is kind of lackluster. Literally all of the alternatives were better than this for me, kind of love the first one. So frustrating.

The Dread Wolf (Bryce - Uranus)
This is...rough. I hate the way the hair is rather poorly hidden and utterly ignored. Something feels empty about this. Colors are well balanced I guess, and it is celestial. Fits Uranus well enough. I'm just underwhelmed and don't like it really.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 3:53 pm

Challenge 7

Darkerdemons (Uma-Venus)
Score: 8
Comments: This is nice! The colors are wonderful, the layering good. Easy to see thought and effort was put in. I especially love the dust to get that hazy look of Venus. There is a lot of black where I would have preferred browns or even creams to better evoke the planet, but it's not too bad. The dragon motif to elicit fieriness is a little trite, but it's not so uncreative that I dislike it.

Pianette (Isabelle-Mercury)
Score: 2
Comments: I honestly don't like this at all. I spent a few extra minutes trying to see what you two were seeing, but it just looks more and more like a mess. Just for starters, almost none of the pixels match. There are about four different pixel styles going on. There is red in the skirt but nowhere else. Cream on the head but nowhere else. The silver and the white aren't working well together, but that may be the fault of the extra accent colors floating around. The silhouette on this is blob-like and the weird way everything layers is just..bad. I also don't really know what they were going for just by looking at it. The background layering is good, but I feel like the whole outfit needed to be scrapped. To add insult to injury, the description is rambling. Pianette makes great avatars, this isn't one of them.

Sana Minatozaki (Jiang Li -Mars)
Score: 6
Comments: It looks fine, but I'm bored senseless. The one-note color is blase. Sick of Sana's descriptions and disclaimers...just done with them tbh. But this isn't the worst look of the week for me, so I'm grading a little on a curve. It's sorta pretty. Sorta unique. Just sorta.

elphiethesane (April-Jupiter)
Score: 7
Comments: The princess/regal themes in general are played out. Played dead. I'm sick of them. But that said, the outfit looks good. I love all the thought that went into each element. The background is stunning. I don't like the headpiece, it works poorly with the largeness of April's hair. I do wish the colors spoke more to the planet. But overall this is soft and nice and she does feel like she could be the ruler of Jupiter.

sufjan stebens (Rae - Neptune)
Score: 8
Comments: This is really pretty. The layering is good and I like the veil symbolically and in the look. I don't like the fish tail. It's bulky and diminishes the look. Plus it makes me think of water and Neptune is ice/heat. Might have liked to see some blue flames or something. I also think incorporating a second blue would have helped a lot, but I still think the look has a beauty and elegance to it evocative of Neptune.

Dangerous Tinfoil Shoes (Ophelia - Pluto)
Score: 0
Comments: Really disappointed in the missing entry.

RENstrawberry (Abby-Earth)
Score: 9
Comments: So I felt from the beginning that whoever got Earth was going to be at a disadvantage, because this is the planet we're familiar with so it lacks celestial energy. Unfortunately that is true of this look too, but I think REN worked well with the nature angle. It's very beautiful and layered, but not heavily cluttered. It has a spirit vibe, which is always good. That deer needed to go though, it looks like it's sniffing Abby's hair.

Haji Demon (Robin-Saturn)
Score: 3
Comments: This is bad. Not as bad as Isabelle for me, but bad. The red isn't evenly distributed, the pixels are too varied, arm mod almost identical to what Dread used. I like the background, but it's dull. I would like that the colors almost match, but then the accents don't. The originality is nice, the balance in silhouette is almost there, but there is just too much wrong.

The Dread Wolf (Bryce-Uranus)
Score: 5
Comments: Bryce's hair doesn't work for Uranus, so I'm glad they covered it. I also understand the regal angle, but it's just very dull. The huge skirt and big veil and large background piece all just make Bryce look shapeless. I feel like if they'd redone the entire bottom of the avatar I'd feel better about it.

Dante Dolly

Deathly Lover

40,475 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Fluff Rehab 200


PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 4:04 am

Wow, we really had some different thoughts this round!

It looks like Darkerdemons is first with Ren and Sufjan tying for second.
Of course, Tinfoil didnt enter but our other bottoms were Haji, Sana, and Dread.

Im good with following the numbers. We all agree that Darkerdemons did well this round and tinfoil is an automatic disqualification.

Im so bummed that we haven't really had the choice in who to send home as it seems every round, there is a no entry.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:04 pm

I'm always inclined to follow the numbers, happy to give Darker the win.

I'm also really happy to kind of see the variety of our opinions the round and the different looks. It can be easier when we all agree, but it's nice to see different opinions and things.

I'm super disappointed by yet another no entry though.

bad wolf bae


PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:29 am

Challenge 8: I See A Hero

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 11:57 am

Darkerdemons (April)
I like that they had her using her power in such an obvious way and by making the background darker, it helps really sell that the electric blast is currently happening.
I dont like that pink. The outfit is simple. It works as a superhero.
Kinda gimicky, almost like a power ranger.
They used the same armmod as REN.

Pianette (Jiang Li)
I really love the colors used, especially the seabreeze green/blue against that red/yellow background.
Great eye choice (I think its my favorite out of all of them) and the pose is strong.
They did not choose a superpower but I definitely see superhero here.
The outfit doesn't look like a full body suit to me, but I do like how it looks.
She is ready and willing to kick some butt.

Sana Minatozaki (Abby)
Where to begin...
This is cosplay for one.
This is cosplay of a Chinese moon goddess.
This is cosplay of a character based on the moon goddess in a video game???
This is not a superhero. Having magical powers does not a superhero make.
The description is wayyyy too long.
They said they used one spoiler, but then there is more than one so I dont understand that.
I just dont see how this works with the theme, and there is no creativity or originality as they just tried to copy a picture of a known character.
He might as well have chosen wonder woman instead to copy as that is an actual superhero.

elphiethesane (Ophelia)
Nice, a dark superhero.
Reminds me of Willow which makes sense if they took inspiration from the 90s.
I like that they also had her obviously using her powers. The background makes me think she gets her powers from a different dimension that she enters when she uses them.
The outfit is simple but it fits with the ideas.

sufjan stebens (Robin)
I'm torn.
Visually, I don't like this.
The colors are garish and the clothes are ugly. The legs are different pixels from the rest.
At the same time, I really appreciate that this would totally be found in a comic in the early 90s.

RENstrawberry (Rae)
6/10 (Points deducted for makeup and late description)
I am glad to see they wrote a description, but it was late. Unless they reached out and asked for an extension?
I really like this look. It is kinda nice that they embraced Rae's paleness and incorporated it into her superpower.
The pose makes me happy because its such a cliche superhero pose for ladies in comic books. The one where you need to see her chest and butt at the same time, no matter how spines actually work. Kudos for incorporating it.
At first I thought they had changed her hair as well but then realized it was a fur hood.
Not happy they used blue blush as makeup was not allowed this round.
It does help sell the idea that she is cold, but its not allowed.
Wish there was something blue on her body farther down as its all on her head.

Haji Demon (Uma)
I do like the background and the cape but what is going on here? What kind of outfit is that?
This is a really weird clash of ideas. The background and cape are comic-y and based on the powerpuff girls, but then the outfit is like a speedskater that became a ruler in an apocalyptic wasteland with a thunderdome.

The Dread Wolf (Isabelle)
Nice idea to use the heterochromia eyes.
Interesting superpower! Really well thought out.
The outfit is good. Nothing really stand out.
Feels like most of the thought went into the superpower and then they just pulled an outfit out of their dress up closet that matched the idea.
I think the thing that is not working here is that she just looks pretty. Its the same pose Dread always uses. I want to see some power stances. Some dynamic movement. Shes just standing.


bad wolf bae

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 5:31 pm

Hey guys! I’ll be able to get my judging done on Friday. And hopefully we’ll be ready to post the next challenge on Sunday.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 11:31 am

Darkerdemons (April)
De ja vu arm mod, and the over all silhouette is damn near identical.
I like the overt power blast though, and while I like that the pink in the outfit ties into the eyes I wish a different color had been chosen. I don't love the pink against the yellow, and the whole thing feels a little meh. Dark background was good. It meets the challenge.

Pianette (Jiang Li)
This is a great outside. It is strong, and the colors of the outfit and background play well together enough that both still stand out without clashing with or over powering the other. It's a balanced and composed outfit, every piece makes sense to me and it absolutely says superhero even without a definitive and obvious power. This girl is powerful. This is also my favourite eye mod I think, it gives Jiang Li more sass and personality without changing her.

Sana Minatozaki (Abby)
Jesus fudging Christ. Idk what else we can say.
This is a beautiful mimicry. Beautiful Halloween costume. This doesn't say superhero to me, and honestly since I gave Sana more time, I expected more. The description is microscopically better but telling us what we don't like and then saying you're still going to do aspects of it isn't good. I just want more than I think Sana can give at this point. Which is sad because this avatar is great. It just isn't for this challenge and that knocks it down despite being visually stronger than some of the other entries.

elphiethesane (Ophelia)
Those are not the easiest eyes to you, and I appreciate that elphie took them on. I think the colors here are well balanced, and while I would have liked to see the purple broken up a bit more to add depth to the piece it is all well placed and fits the story. Her arms disappear a bit much for me.

sufjan stebens (Robin)
I love this. It isn't the prettiest piece, the pixels are kind of garish and clashing, and the colors don't really match when they are clearly trying to. All of it costs this look points for me. But I love that it is different. Love that it is a strong woman. Love that this would absolutely be in a comic book. I just love that it stands out.

RENstrawberry (Rae)
There was no extension given, so it was late.
I like the pose and silhouette of this look more than when Darkerdemons used it later on. There is a great flow to the piece and the background ice helps sell everything. Wish there was something blue lower down, or less blue on her head. I do not like that she used make up, there are other ways to convey chill. But this is a solid look.

Haji Demon (Uma)
This is a mess. The background is clashing with itself and the look, most of this is clashing. I don't like the thing on her forehead. Pose feels messy. The cape is lost in the background it's one of the most super hero elements. The outfit just..man, this is just a mess that I don't understand.

The Dread Wolf (Isabelle)
Loooove the use of heterochromia. Speaking to my weird little heart. This is a very stagnant pose in a look that has movement in both the background and the cape. I would love to see things taken to the next level. And would have liked something that made Isabelle look a little less polished? But this is a really good look.

bad wolf bae


PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 1:16 pm

Dante Dolly
do you want to chime in?
If not, looks like the win goes to Pia and Sana is gone.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 8:57 am

Dante Dolly
do you want to chime in?
If not, looks like the win goes to Pia and Sana is gone.

I'll toss up my judgements in a few hours for the sake of feedback, but I'm fine with the winner/loser.

Dante Dolly

Deathly Lover

40,475 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Fluff Rehab 200

bad wolf bae

PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 2:48 pm

Dante Dolly
Dante Dolly
do you want to chime in?
If not, looks like the win goes to Pia and Sana is gone.

I'll toss up my judgements in a few hours for the sake of feedback, but I'm fine with the winner/loser.

Sounds good to me. I'll get things ready, post the next challenge today or tomorrow. I think the next challenge will be swimwear, then we'll have the challenge where everyone picks an animal companion item and dresses to match it channeling animated 101 Dalmations where everyone matches their animals.

Challenge after that will be the one where Dante picks the challenging item and helps us decide the final four. So if you want to think about that item Dante and let me know what it is in the next couple of weeks, that would be great.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 12:05 am

Challenge 9: Salt, Sand, and Sun

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 4:56 am

Darkerdemons (April)
I love that they went with roller skating to the beach.
However, I'm not a fan of this outfit.
It's summertime. Why is she wearing a fur-lined jacket?
This is also too matchy. If I saw someone skating towards me in this outfit I would have to wonder if they had any other clothes in different colors or if it was all green/blue/black. They could have kept the same leg mod and went retro with it and used a bunch of different colors.
The background does not really work here unfortunately which is a shame. I do wish they had used some sort of boardwalk item such as User Image.

Pianette (Jiang Li)
Why is this so dark? She's on the ocean and has a blue sky behind her.
I'd love it if Pia didn't rely so heavily on filters. I loved her last round because it was so different from the usual busy dark background.
They wanted to focus on yellow, but I only see a yellow hat and yellow sunglasses (which I really don't like. They remind me of the early 00s.)
I can't really see her outfit as her hand is covering the top and then the rest is just gauzy material.
I don't see her sitting on the chair. It looks like shes standing to me, which is fine.
Umm, overall I like the sarong/top, from what I can see, but I am not into the accessories.

elphiethesane (Ophelia)
This is the same idea behind Haji's but a little better done. However, I think they took the idea of her matching her background too far. She seems to sink into it instead of standing out from it. Also, same background as Ren and Pia
I really appreciate not using a color scheme or completely matching items.
She seems more realistic because of it.
The outfit is simple. I wish there was a little more like a bag or something.
The hat works. Not happy about those sunglasses as they are the same that Pia used and they also remind me of the early 00s though not as badly.

sufjan stebens (Robin)
Poor Robin.
I feel for her and her job. Seems dreadful.
Much like the shorts not layering correctly with the legs.
What is going on here? I feel like I'm the only one seeing this. The shorts look more like a really short skirt with all of her underwear on display. If anything, they seem more like an apron that is supposed to look like shorts and she has to wear a bikini bottom as her uniform.
He should not have been so obsessed with these shorts that he entered it like this.
The rest of the outfit is really cute though. The headband works. The top works. The sandals work. She looks depressed at her job so yeah, that works.
But damn, its a shame about the bottoms because the rest of it is a winning look to me.

RENstrawberry (Rae)
Late description again User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
So I actually much prefer their previous entry before they changed it which was mainly based on using the SPF5000 hat with the large veil.
It helped with some of the issues I see now, like why is her bust so dark?
The umbrella she has looks weird in her handmod. Those handmods are not great to use when holding items as the things just layer behind them.
Overall though, I like the idea and the tattoos were a great choice.
Ren really knows how to work with Rae.
Same background as Pia.

Haji Demon (Uma)
I like that she stands out from the background.
That armmod is cool, the way it looks like she is lowering her glasses.
Insufficient description.
This definitely feels rushed. The background doesn't work with the foreground.
The sarong is soaking in the water.
The hat is not good. The bow on it is way too big and there's green on it which is found nowhere else.
I think maybe if he had not added the hat I would like it more.
The pink is an easy choice.
As is, it is simple and not very well thought out.

The Dread Wolf (Isabelle)
I appreciate that they took the critique into mind while they built for this week.
However, I still feel like they could have taken it a bit farther. I wish they had actually had her on the surfboard not posing with it.
Good half wetsuit. I like that it is practical for a surfer.
The armmod definitely sells the idea of inviting people to try surfing.
I think her hair has gotten in the way of being able to do much here though. It's so beautiful and perfect, it would look out of place while actually doing something strenuous.

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