Username: .Tortured. .Pumpkin. I'm counting Saber x Valerian towards low luck! [Place your twist forms here if using one for all your couples or delete this and place them near the top of each individual form.]
Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Nope
Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes~ ---Templates to Avoid: Nada
Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Sure~ Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Sure!
Throwbacks?: Sure~ ---Link to previous Generations: Gen 1 throwback only razz Prepare for trouble . . .make that double! I want twins or triplets! Twins?: Yes Triplets if Applicable?: No
We are okay with any twist you can think of!
Pair 2
They Grow So Fast! Link(s) to Ponies/pairing Omission Form: They're both mine Omission style(s) I am/we are okay with: Express Delivery, Live Birth, Standard/Classic are my prefs.
Prepare for trouble . . .make that double! I want twins or triplets! Twins?: Yes Triplets if Applicable?: Yes
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
Entry Code:
Zeva Bloom (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.) x Haborym (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.)
Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Kalona wings #4 if stand-alone (but totally fine with them being in with multiples) Eagle Wings Roman Nose Warhorse templates
Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid:
Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):Yes
Throwbacks?: Yes ---Link to previous Generations: First Gens
We are okay with any twist you can think of!
Pair 3
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
Entry Code:
Viniq ( .Tortured..Pumpkin.) x Caveira (dolphingurl)
Pregnant Stage: N/A Co Ownership?: N/A Teepees:Fatal, Pumpkin
Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes!
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
list of attempts
Same Breed Variants: Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Eagle Wings Kalona wings #2 and #4
Throwbacks?: Sure! ---Link to previous Generations: N/A Speedy Delivery! Link(s) to Ponies/pairing Omission Form:Fatal, and I'm totes fine with it. XD Omission style(s) I am/we are okay with: All! Express Delivery/Live Birth preferred!
Pair 5
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: (If you say yes, it's possible you -- and other viewers -- will be able to see the adult stages ahead of time. Say no if you'd prefer they be kept a surprise.)
Entry Code:
Antlia (.Tortured. .Pumpkin) x Zeva Bloom (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.)
Parent 1:
Parent 2:
Co Ownership?: Single owner Teepees:
Link to Breeding Agreement: Self owned ---Lifemate?:No
Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Kalona wings #2, #4. Warhorse template
Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes
Throwbacks?: Yes ---Link to previous Generations:
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 11:46 am
Edited because trying to code on a phone is impossible
Username: ramenli
I'm counting Alexandria x Seiram towards low luck![/size
We are okay with any twist you can think of! (Except for eels, that’s a phobia, and eye gore)
Pair 1
Entry Code:
BW Wisp (nerpin) x Eol (ramenli)
Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC -- Genders if three are rolled: CC Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes -- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes (though we would love a quote if you think of it!)
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: BW Wisp/nerpin UNCERT Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Eol/ramenli UNCERT Co Ownership?: N/A Teepees:Ramenli and Nerpin (base stats)
Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both ---Lifemate?: No
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
Same Breed Variants: Sure ---Templates to Avoid: Lifted front leg for females
Throwbacks?: Yes! Alexandria is G1 though ---Link to previous Generations:Seiram's Mom and Seiram's Dadlow
Alarming Consumer
Wasteland Wyvern
Dangerous Demigod
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:07 pm
Username: Wasteland Wyvern I'm counting Kuraokami x Skaalbjorn towards low luck! The cold never bothered me anyway Pick top 3 descriptive words: Arctic, Sparkling, Cozy Pick top 3 descriptive words: Cute, Natural, Elegant Winter image for inspiration:
Your number 1 all time choice winter twist!!!: Snowfall I would like! List up to 5 things you really want from winter twists: Fluff, Lanterns, and Icicles I don't like! List up to 3 things you really don't want from winter twists: Kitschy/Commercial Christmas stuff (ex santa hats, gift boxes, etc), Nightmare Before Christmas themed, or frozen dead things I fear more then anything!!! List up to 3 phobias: Unclean bones (clean bones are fine if not in the face), cracks/small clustered holes, pustules/lesions.
Pair 1
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
Entry Code:
Dinari ( Kaya Wolf Moon ) x Ruam Almarcrux Nyx Nacht-Drekk ( Wasteland Wyvern )
Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: None
Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Stallion hairstyles to avoid: 1. Weaved 2. Knots 3. Knots with feathers 4. Knots with fringe 5. Tight braid without fringe
Mare hairstyles to avoid: 1. Short 2. Weaved 3. Slimhawk
Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): No Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): No
Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Dove and Original Wind Wings and any other Unicorn Horns but the one Blight has.
Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Roman Noses (the draft lines and warhorse lines are still okay!) Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes
Throwbacks?: Yes ---Link to previous Generations: N/A, 1st gens.
Pair 3
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
Entry Code:
Haniel Vessari "The Star Seeker" ( Kaya Wolf Moon ) x Tantris Nox ( Wasteland Wyvern )
Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: None
Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Stallion hairstyles to avoid: 1. Weaved 2. Knots 3. Knots with feathers 4. Knots with fringe 5. Tight braid without fringe
Mare hairstyles to avoid: 1. Short 2. Weaved 3. Slimhawk
Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): No Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): No
I'm counting (Thierry) x (Sanctuary) towards low luck!
Thierry x Sanctury
b]List of Connected Soquili
Soquili Name | Brother to Thierry Myca | Sister to Thierry (believed dead) "Rise" | Brother to Thierry (believed dead) Witness |Sister to Thierry Rigel Trinity |Brothere to Thierry
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?:Yes
Entry Code:
Thierry (Nyx Queen of Darkness) x Sanctuary (Nyx Queen of Darkness)
5:00 cut off time has passed. I'll be leaving this unlocked till after my son goes down for bed. Feel free to edit, or grab any codes you need until then heart
Leaving this up for a little bit before I roll. Luckily list making is really simple when there are no voided posts. 15 on each page, other then the first and last...
xxxPage 1 CitrusCupcake Yeonn Mewsings of An Angel techabyte nekoFayre Fayt_of_Redemption Ruler of Everything Revolutionary Roniel Andranis Calixita
Page 2 Phail Ninja Kiara Lime FrostyPeaches Fatal Irony OneWintersNite Bluedemonwolf Tara de Draiocht Artymus Manda LydaLynn Kaya Wolf Moon Fea Line Kivras Mia Lovasz Summer Raaven
Page 3 o-Elixir-o Nikkichomp Moxxiie magnadearel Leez0rz sage_the_vampric_angel Rinial Sisterdragon SkyDragono Keantha Whoan Cheyriddle4 AstoriaFallen (Can only win once) [X]Natty-Chan[X] Dea and #Teddy# (Can only win once) LunaRei_SilverBlood
Page 4 Shicala Lunadriel Mameha Otome xKOVAKtheWOLFx Ellanoire Kesmi HoneyTeaTree dawns_aura Epine de Rose Lady Argentum Draconis AislingJuno mistalina13 Kara Asumie Rita Zyon SylverStar
I'm counting Yoko Lyrae x N'Maeune towards low luck!
Lullaby x Alkiear
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
We are okay with any twist you can think of!
No Bald Children, please!
I'm seeing double 👀 (Reminder: This counts towards your monthly limit of 1 custom a month and you don't get to choose which child(ren) we twin for you.) Does owner of parent 1 want a mockchild?: Yes Does owner of parent 2 want a mockchild?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
list of attempts
Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Older Cerynei tails. ( I love the newer ones )
Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes to tasteful hair splices and body poses (neck, legs). As for expressions... I only like thick and long lashes and unsure on closed eyes but will only them with this pair. You may add paws because of twists. ---Templates to Avoid: all different body builds outside of adding paws because of twists.
Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): no Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): for things like paws yes
Throwbacks?: CC ---Link to previous Generations: I don't have all the links to Kamokito's bloodline. I did but they were all PB links.
I'm seeing double 👀 (Reminder: This counts towards your monthly limit of 1 custom a month and you don't get to choose which child(ren) we twin for you.) Does owner of parent 1 want a mockchild?: Yes Does owner of parent 2 want a mockchild?: Yes (( ^ applies to all pairs in this post! ))