Edit Level: Edited
Soquili Species: - Unicorn Wind
Body Build: Regular
Leg Up?: CC
Bent Neck? CC
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: New Concept
(WIPs will be sent)
WIP Needed? I would like one, though, it's up to the Colorist.
-- Colors & Markings -- Body: Fur Color: Black (#000000)
Shoulders/Hips: Black (#000000) that gradually changes to white (#FFFFFF) the closer it gets to her Hooves.
(If you can't use black (#000000) for any reason once so ever you can use this really dark gray/grey (#191919) instead.)
(If you can't use white (#FFFFFF) for any reason once so ever you can use this really light gray/grey (#E5E5E5) instead.)
Horn Colors: Dark purple, purple, light purple.
Horn Pattern: Starting as dark purple and gradually lightening in color.
Mane Colors: Dark blue, dark purple, blue, purple, light blue, and light purple.
Blue (#4169E2)
Purple (#7852A9)
Pink (#CB2C92)
So a darker and lighter version of those colors.
Mane Patten: Dark blue, dark purple, blue, purple, light blue, light purple, and then repeat.
Markings: Similar to the markings on her Son's Plushie.
Similar to the markings on her Son.
They don't have to be the same, so be creative~!
Different sized dots/dot like markings.
Different sized curvy lines and lines.
The markings on the Plushie that can't be seen on her Son.
All while evenly enough spread out so that they don't overlap.
So they can be close, just not close enough to overlap.
Marking Colors: Dark blue, dark purple, blue, purple, light blue, and light purple.
Tail Colors: Dark blue, blue, and light blue.
Tail Markings: I want her to have similar tail markings as her Son's markings.
Tail Pattern. Dark blue, blue, and light blue.
Wing Colors: Black (#000000) with dark blue on the ends of the Feathers.
Gray/Grey (#808080) with blue on the ends of the Feathers.
White (#FFFFFF) with light blue on the ends of the Feathers.
Hoof Color: Blue
Face: Eye Color: Light blue on the outside and dark blue on the inside.
Eyebrow Color: Blue as long as it doesn't blend into her Mane, if it does use one of the other colors that she has.
Mane: Front of Mane: Windblown
Back of Mane: Edited Long Braid
Tail: Unicorn tail 1
Hooves/Fetlocks: Cloven Unicorn Hooves and Alternate Fetlocks
Reference Image(s):Blue MysteryBlue Mystery (Markings)-- Physical Breed Traits -- Horn(s): Loose curl style horn
Wings: Heron
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: A version without the One Wing.
-- Accessories & Edits --Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: N/A
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
-- Existing Pets --If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Sir Sleet Storm's Plushie to help to create his Mother, Lady Snow Storm.
— Angeni --Desired Domain: N/A
-- Ulun'suti --Element: N/A ||