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Project Catwalk is a guild dedicated to Gaia's fashion community, and those interested in designing avatar outfits. 

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Demonic Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:21 am

Model ; Seren
Description ;

✿ ♥ The Concrete Rose ♥ ✿
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A beautiful rose grows through the cracks of the big city's concrete sidewalks- a free spirit in the urban jungle. I wanted her to have this soft glowing look- A beacon of joy and contentment within the hardened walls of the local city. She dreams big- to travel when she's able but for the time being, she finds her own excitement with the little things in the city.

I wanted her outfit to be flowing and beautiful, but still practical- She's beautiful but dressed appropriately for her surroundings- The windchill in the city is brutal so her thick woven shawl keeps the wind at bay while her sunhat and glasses protect her from the sun's rays.

Her bag is large enough to carry a picnic in its confines, and her shoes, while having a slight heel, are undeniably comfortable; good for traversing the city without issue.

a big thank you to my mentor for your help ^u^
PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:49 pm

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Designer: Ultrabord
Model: Esther
Outfit Title: Natural Splendor
Status: Complete

The Bohemian aesthetic originally draws from the beauty of nature. Even a city girl like Esther occasionally wants to take a break from the stress of everyday life and and enjoy the beauty of the country, enveloping herself in a peaceful land untouched by human hands. Why not stop to admire the beautiful flowers, watch the elegant butterflies and moths and adorable animals? It is important to enjoy life all around, as eventually it will wither and fade away, but the memories and peaceful feeling will always remain.

I've always understood Boho as the simple beauty of Bohemian style combined with high-class Soho fashion trends. The outfit still shows some of the chic uptown design, like the sort of clothing you might find for sale at a vendor's stall in a street market. I started out with classic Boho clothing items that complemented the model well, like a sleeveless top and long, flowing dress, a headband complete with beads, lace and floral accents, and added a tasseled linen apron to complete the dress. A couple accessories with feathers and bird skulls represent how fleeting this natural beauty can be. The flower field on a hill with flowers blown by the breeze with mountains in the background are the perfect scenery for a relaxing getaway, and the bird, butterflies and moths evoke an airy and elegant beauty that reminds me of a thoughtful yet free-spirited Bohemian lifestyle.


Spicy Trash

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Backwoods Smoker

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:07 pm

s t a t u s: Ready for Judgement!

User ImageUser ImageDesigner: DickJoke

Model: Talia

Title: Festival Daze

Description: After months of cold weather I am feeling nostalgic to summer days and decided to channel that into my model this week! As a Californian boho wear always makes me think of the beach and early 2010's indie music so meshing the two together naturally lead me to a Coachella friendly festival look!

For the outfit I tried to stay with pieces that look like they're made of natural fibers ala the challenge description so Talia has matched a crocheted top with a pair of denim cutoffs and her comfiest soft leather fringe boots. This is paired with more fringe on her cow leather vest, some bracelets to complement her entry wristband, some stacked necklaces made of beads and feathers, a straw hat for the sunny day and a shawl for the chilly walk back to her cabana after the last set.

For the background I decided to choose a more beachy setting instead of a dancefloor in the mosh pit as I felt that fit her outfit more and felt like she was arriving to the nearby festival venue in style, and I couldn't help putting a couple of film filters over it to really push the 2012-instagram-indie-polish girl by neon indian-vibe that inspired the look in the first place.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:52 pm

"Spring Maypole"
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Designer - ICLite

Boho is honestly not something I have much knowledge of, however, it is pretty similar to the outfits I'd see during May Day festivals. So as a little nod to the maypole Lulu's wearing a yellow ribbon as a belt, like the colourful ribbons you dance with on the pole. something I do myself at the festival, even if I'm just there for the food.
during the process, I've flip-flopped from outfit to outfit, originally going with a more "traveling lady" type look. however, the pants just fit Lulu much more than I think the traditionally seen long skirts. Her outfit stays true to the colours of spring, staying light and natural. She would surely go for a more comfortable look rather than anything overly heavy.
barefoot, and enjoying herself with her lovely dog, I believe Lulu looks like a true natural gal during May Day. Of course, thank you mentor for the feedback during my process.


Greedy Lunatic


Beloved Noob

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:03 pm

may field frolick
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‣designer: cynicalsix
‣model: maria
‣description: After waiting all winter for the perfect time of year, May had finally came, Maria's favorite month. Donning her favorite flowy chic garb, she drives her truck out into the flower fields to stock up for the coming season of people buying flowers for their loved ones. It makes her happy to know she can share the gift of nature with others.

Despite my blockage for this theme, I knew maria was nearly made for this general idea. even though I personally don't vibe with this style myself doesn't mean it's not fun to explore new things.

It's always extremely satisfying to have a theme and remembering a specific item you already own that would be perfect for it. In this case, I had a version of the clip used from Your Heavensent Aria, knowing it was perfect for the look I went to find a fitting recolor. On the opposite end of this satisfaction is finding a perfect item you had no idea about, in this case this truck. Originally she was just going to be in the field, but the truck gave me a splendid story idea.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:06 am

Challenge #4
Bohemian Rhapsody

Top Designer: Dickjoke — Talia
• This was such a strong look, with boho and coachella coming through loud and clear without explanation needed. But it was an excellent description.
• A little more color saturation and depth of the background would have taken this to the next level. Coachella is also known for it's glitter and silver, so adding some shine would have been nice.

Ultrabord — Esther
• This was a great entry, memorable, and whimsical in a way that really added some extra flair to this boho challenge. Also props for softening Esther instead of leaning into her hair for an edgier boho look.
• The outfit got lost with everything floating around and the flowers and things at the forefront. The judges also want to challenge you to only submit one view of your look in the next challenge.

• With all the love, the judges thought Seren looked like a fabulous aunt we would love to hang out with at the beach. This color scheme was also particularly good on Seren.
• Bordered on being too matchy and put together, especially for free spirit boho, and also read as more beachy than boho.

BloodAngel95 — Bryce
• One of your strongest entries yet, this is a fully realized look with a well used background.
• This look was a tad predictable, we'd love to see you push your creativity farther. We also need to hear more about 'why' you did and chose things in your description.

mythological irony — Sumati
• A classic take on boho, Sumati looks great and this was exactly the kind of look the judges were expecting to see.
• This was just a little too simple, since it was so simple, the judges were acutely aware of every detail. The shoes are a little too dark, skirt is a little too light.

clowniing — Rhiannon
• Overall the vibe was definitely boho, and it was nice that your design stood out from the other designs.
• Too much detail got lost because the look just blended into the background. Needed more warm colors, especially brown and gold.

Haji Demon — Maritza
• Maritza looks absolutely gorgeous, and for not being well versed in boho, this hits the mark well.
• The shoes stand out in all the wrong ways, the color is just too vibrant and off from everything else. The little details just needed some finessing.

ShiroOkazaki — Aubrie
• Having Aubrie be barefoot was such a smart decision here, and loved by all the judges. This is a great motif and a refreshing take on boho.
• The dark colors all kind of blended together a bit too much and details ended up lost. If the guitar was a different color, or the chair and background different from Aubrie, it would have been a big benefit to your look.

Neapolitangirl — Ava
• This is the creativity we want to see, pushing yourself to go against expectation and do something unique.
• The judges were super mixed on the success of the look. Different glasses might have helped amp up the boho feel. Also be aware that if you use a word like witchy in your description, make sure the judges can see witchy in the look.

ICLite — Lulu
• Your theme and inspiration came through loud and clear, we love the barefeet and having a doggo is never a bad thing.
• May Day is not necessarily boho. We appreciate the difficulty of Lulu's hair and how you tried to cover it, but there needed to be something to connect the red into the rest of the look.

Princess Warfare — Summer
• Hi beachy boho Barbie! Summer looks like she is having a great time, the van in the back sells the hippie/boho vibe immediately.
• The line between beachy and boho is a fine one that many designers walked, and Summer ended up just a bit too much on the beachy side. It all blends together a bit much too, there needs to be better definition between Summer and the background.

smol bab — Amren
• This is a boho look that compliments Amren well, and it is a good concept with obvious thought put into it.
• The description dragged this down, and so did all the accessories. Boho is known for the abundance of accessories, but there was just too much going on so we couldn't appreciate the details. Also as mentioned to Nea, watch your description. Because you said Stevie Nicks, but the judges just didn't get enough of that in the look.

Detrimentum — Helena
• Color choice for Helena was great, paired with the shawl it just screamed boho, and we loved all the different textures you incorporated in the look.
• The background matches the crown a bit too much, and while the dark filter sets the tone and mood, it was just a little too dark and made it hard to see everything.

Eliminated: cynicalsix — Maria
• This was the ideal challenge and color scheme choice for Maria, and the van was a nice touch in the background. This was also an excellent description.
• We couldn't see the outfit. The grass, the pose, the flower basket all composed a beautiful avatar, but we simply could not see the outfit. And at the end of the day, this is a fashion competition.

bad wolf bae



Demonic Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:47 am

Model ; Seren
Description ;

User Image


The first thing I thought upon seeing this item was 'Grunny'!
With this look, I've decided to pay homage to Y2K- In both Gaia fashion and real world fashion; In the 2000's it was commonplace in 'edgier' fashion shows to present with bold colors, boxy layering and accessories- namely large, reflective sunglasses. I also challenged myself to only use items from early Gaia in this look, before all the designs were streamlined and perfectly gorgeous like they are now. This look brings a lot of nostalgia for me, and I hope it can for you as well! Layering with this item was a bit difficult but I had a good time trying out all the older items to see what would stick.

I wanted to give the vibe of someone waiting in the subway after coming home after a night clubbing in the 2000's, still hyped on the loud thumping music, but desperately needing a smoke! She's been out all night and is just trying to make it home in one piece with her companion in tow.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:00 am

mythological irony

Blessed Lunatic


Sparkly Friend

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:18 am

Status: Complete

User Image
Title: Garden Party
Designer: ShiroOkazaki
Model: Aubrie

        Description: A themed garden party? Aubrie has a unique opportunity to be one of the "Mad Hatters" at a Wonderland Tea Party taking place at a local conservatory. They stipulate that hats are a must, but you must make a character of your own. The day came on a chill, foggy morning, but she was prepared!

        This was a unique challenge. As soon as I saw the peacoat, my first thought was that it reminds me of a grunny. I wanted to go with that thought, but there really aren't enough items to make anything I liked. My next inspiration was the Suika color palette and this big beautiful hat. It felt odd, but no more odd than the coat to be fair.

        After the hat, I started to build an appropriate outfit to make something that felt like it all went together. The skirt had to layer properly, and then I found the fun tights and bag. The last bit I was stuck on. I needed something around her face to lighten things because that green did not look good against her skin, but I didn't want to cover the coat too much. The small green scarf added the perfect touch. I tried to take your advice on my last entry and have the background not compete with her outfit.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:13 am

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Model: Helena
Outift Title: Festive Frolic
Description: Helena stands out in a room adorned with Christmas lights and a towering tree. She wears a bright green peacoat over a red puffy skirt, with an ivory underskirt featuring stars. Her pine-colored boots have ivory fur, and she wears bright green and red striped stockings. Adorning her neck is a bright green bow, while her head is crowned with green, red, and ivory bows.
Beside her is a white dog adorned with a red ribbon and reindeer antler headband adding to the festive atmosphere.
As she stands beneath the mistletoe, her heart aflutters with anticipation, and she exudes holiday joy.

As my inspiration, I've chosen the fashion of Cindy Lou Who, especially the bows (and yes, the dog is a little nod to Max). I wanted Helena to look like a young girl awaiting her crush under the mistletoe! (I did plan on using a human companion, but alas none was fitting that wouldn't look weird with the coat's colours.)


Vice Captain




Sugary Lunatic

15,175 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:04 am

Status - Finished Entry
Fourth Challenge - Is This a Form of Torture?
Model - Rhiannon

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"Everlasting Holiday Spirit"
by clowniing


As Rhiannon walks through the woods, delicate snowflakes land on her cheeks.
The little bells on her boots jingle with every step and joy fills her heart. What do you mean,
it's not Christmas anymore? That won't stop her from spreading her Holiday Spirit, silly!


The pine-green material of the jacket and the red buttons immediately screamed 'Christmas' to me. The Holiday Spirit doesn't have to end just because winter is over, after all!

In order to pair this old item with newer ones and prevent jarring differences in styles, I needed to make the jacket not stand out negatively from the rest of the outfit. So I chose a few strong items that would compliment the jacket and balance out the look: an adorable scarf and a cute holiday cap. The cap initially looked a bit empty, so I combined it with a pair of cute headwings.

The dress seamlessly flows into the jacket, making it look like one cohesive piece. The main colors of the outfit are dark-red and pine-green, while white and gold serve as accent colors. Festive through and through! The background is a simple snowy landscape that lets Rhiannon stand out from her surroundings. In order to not make her look lost though, I framed it all with a border made from branches.

This item was truly difficult... I had to stop myself from covering it up too much. As I've learned over the competition, sometimes less is more!>:3

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:50 am

Status: Complete 3nodding

Title When Life Gives You Melons
Model Summer

Designed by Princess Warfare
User Image
D e s c r i p t i o n
Summer can't wait for warmer weather, which is the best time to enjoy some crisp, refreshing watermelon! However, it is not currently summertime, so this is the best she could do with what she had on hand -- I'm sure you're familiar with the allegory "when life gives you lemons..."
We love a thrifty queen, so instead of lemons, she took an ugly watermelon-colored peacoat and thus turned it into an ode to her favorite season, and to her favorite summertime treat.

I wanted to mix up the patterns/textures to make something visually interesting and detailed but simultaneously cohesive when viewed as a whole.

My first hurdle was breaking up the emerald green of the peacoat. To do that, I used a collar-cutting item (Refreshing Delinquit) and Rah Rah Rambutan was the perfect arm mod to layer over everything else. I'd like to imagine that perhaps Summer altered the sleeves of the peacoat herself. The texture of the coat/armmod helps to add contrast as well.

LAYERING was key in making sure the colors and composition were balanced and not too overwhelming (I took notes from the last challenge's feedback!)

The polka dots on her pants also keep things interesting while staying well within the color scheme/palette. I love being able to mix/match and make something eclectic out of something otherwise ordinary on its own.

OH, and the background saved this whole design btw. The overlay (which is part of the background and not a separate item) helps to bring everything in the foreground together without being distracting from the outfit itself. It's like applying a color wash when painting/drawing/etc.,

Princess Warfare


Edgiest Egg



Shy Cat

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:11 pm

Status: Complete
Designer: bloodangel95
Model: Bryce
Outfit Title: Rainy Day
User Image
The only reason why someone would wear an ugly coat is if they had weird taste to begin with or someone made them wear it! I know I would wear bright colored sweaters because my mother made me back in middle school and high school. I also remember her insisting I take an umbrella even if there was just a slight possibility it would rain on top of a thick coat. (I didn't mind getting rained on as I loved the rain.) Reminiscing about school days I wanted to create a school girl on her way to school or on her way back.

My scene is of Bryce arriving home after walking in the rain. She just finished up her classes for the day.

I went with a rainy day setting, and because I did I made sure Bryce was bundled up with a warm scarf and a beanie so she doesn't catch a cold. I was going to give her a good set of boots as well because of the rain, but I found these sneaker plus legging first and thought they worked well with the outfit. The best thing to pass the time as you walk home is listening to music so I gave her headphones, green ones to add more green other than the coat itself. I was going to give her a backpack not a guitar, but the guitar just seemed like a right fit for bryce, she gives spunky fun energy.

Originally I had a simple green rainy background, but it felt lacking. After several tries I finally remember the new item with a door frame! A way to make it outdoors and indoors! I changed it to a gray stormy cloud background too. Now I debated on removing the background that added faint raindrops. Technically she is in the house even though the door is wide open, but because the door is wide open it is possible for rain drops to come inside the house if there is wind and it's blowing inward so I left.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:42 pm

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Title: Spring Showers
Designer: Ultrabord
Model: Esther
Status: Complete


Just because a piece of clothing is unpopular doesn't mean it can't be stylish in the right setting and with the right outfit! Peacoats are a classic, durable style often used for winter fashion or rainwear. So this is a great coat to pair with an umbrella, cute skirt and matching rain boots to go for a walk with your best friend during a light drizzle to enjoy the fresh new greenery as spring begins. This warm coat evokes the warmth and brightness of friendship. A few cute accessories like an adorable bag, simple gloves and a few charms that may not keep you dry by themselves, but represent safety and shelter from the rain. Why not take a walk in a park that was once a magnificent estate, but looks even more beautiful overgrown by nature?


Spicy Trash

33,375 Points
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7,150 Points
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  • Signature Look 250
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:55 pm

Designer: neapolitangirl

User Image

Model: Ava
Outfit Title: A Verdant Frost
Equipped List:

Description: Okay, I think I'm done with this! Really wish I could've gotten it to look more cohesive but I guess this is as good as it gets (damn that coat is ugly). Fun Fact: I cycled through several different oranges before realizing I should turn the Night Light off on my screen to see if I was color matching the buttons correctly ( sweatdrop ).

Anyway, once I realized the buttons were melon red and not poppy orange, creating a look became much easier! I think it helps emphasize how bundled up and curious Ava's supposed to look in this outfit. The scarf helps soften the coat, you're drawn to it's fluffiness and the coat seems less attic-core and more childlike. Especially once you combine that with the hat and it's adorable little bear ears. Despite it's awkward appearance, the pea-coat does look something a child would've worn and I wanted to focus on that aspect in my design.

The story I was going for was a sudden frost. Spring is coming but Winter hasn't given up just yet! Surprised by the sudden snowfall, Ava wanders through a young forest with no goal but to sight-see. She's been out here a while, her cheeks have started turn red from the cold. The blush and red accents on her outfit allows her to mirror the living forest her adventure takes place in. She's still here and enjoying the snow, just like the forest remains alive no matter the weather.

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