Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:38 pm
Beau meets Dharmesh 1/10/07 samus x Dharmesh leaped over a fallen log and land on the other side, almost fallingflat on his face though. huffing a bit as he recoved, he had slipped away from his mother for the moment and was out trying to get stronger to be like his father. pawing the ground, he backed up so that he could give another attempt at the log. Shariea Beau has slipped away from his family, though not wandering too far away. He had crept into the tree line and had been exploring. His little hooves seemed to prance along the ground as he danced to a tune in his head only he could hear. His tail flicked softly behind him as he went. Hearing hooves along the ground he turned expecting to see his brother or sister. Yet his eyes fell upon a dark colt with marbled white.
Waisting no time at all the young coat scampered up to meet what he hoped would be a new friend. He held his head high and did his best immitation of his father. "'lo there." samus x ] Dharmesh was lucky he hadn't ran off just yet because he would have smacked into the log but instead practicly jumped in surprise when a colt his age had scampered up to meet him after the shock was over with, she grinned at the other colt. " im Dharmesh, who are you?" really he hadn't met any other colts his age and only knew another filly his age that wasn't his sister.Shariea Beau shook his head sending his mane of fire bouncing over his light choclate neak. "Im Beau." he said puffing out his chest a little bit as if this was one of the most important facts in the world. After a moment of that he droped his head and grinned at the other colt. "who are you?" he asked curiously, his hooves lightly prancing in the soil. samus x Dharmesh noticed Beau puffed his chest out as he said his name and so Dharmesh did so. " well i did say im Dharmesh but just call me Dhar for short." he still had a grin on his face and attempted to mimic Beua for the fun of it. Shariea Beau had been too self intraced to have heard the colts name the first time around. "Nice to meet Ya." He said, rearing back on his hind legs for a moment, letting his front hooves paw at the air. He had noticed that the colt was copying him, and he found this to be most flattering, It was like having a little follower or minion. Beau thought himself rather like a king. samus x Dharmesh stopped mimicing and tossed his short little mane when Beau reared up. " nice to meet you to." pawing at the ground, he hadn't mimiced Beua to flatter him, just to try out the way hehad pranced in place. " so know anythign fun to do?" Shariea Beau placed his hooves back on the ground and shruged his shoulders a bit. "exploring is always fun..." he said with a nod of his head. Exploring is what had brought him so far in the first place, although he really wasnt that far from his parents to begin with. He smiled brightly, thinking still that the colt had immitated him because Beau was cool. How easily the colt had an ego. "Or we could play a Game... Like follow the leader? Or Tag?" he offered as a second suggestion, it might be fun to play with someone he wasnt related to.samus x Dharmesh nodded and he felt playign with others was more fun than jsut playing with his sister. " exploring is fun but gets dull." he then wrinkled his nose a bitas he thought a moment. " how aobut we explore while playing follow the leader?" it was all he could come up with to make explorign fun cause he did like to explore which was why he got away from his parents. Shariea The colt nodded his head and his hooves pranced against the ground once more. "Sounds like fun... who is going to be leader" he asked with a tilt of his head, He wanted to be leader but it would be rude to just assume the role. His tail flicked behind him fanning back and forth against his light choclate coat. His one red hoof which almost seemed to glow continued to paw at the ground. "Im read when you are!"
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:37 pm
Dharmesh wanted to be leader but his mother told him to have mannors when it came to meeting anyone or playing with someone. " i guess you since you suggested the games." giving a nod, he would let Beau his new frined take th elead though it put a dent in his pride. " i'm ready also." waitign for Beau to take the lead, he pawed at the ground more.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:37 pm
Beau was elated! He had gotten his wish with out being pushy. He grined and sprang forward, the colt chuckled softly and began prancing about, dipping to one side or another and crow hopping over a fallen branch. "haha, You're turn." he said, puffing out his chest as he turned to face his new friend.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:35 am
Dharmesh tossed his short mane and followed suit even mimcing Beau again since he never really played any games except tag or running. now beside Beau, he grin and puffed his own chest. " go to do better than that to lose me!" still grinning, he awaited what beau would do next and he found it was quiet fun being the follower in the game.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:29 pm
Beau grinned and took those words as a challenge. "hahaha, So be it!" he exclaimed as he took of running, but the manner in which he did it made it fun. He hopped three times on his book hooves and pawed at the air, ran three steps forward, spun in a circle five times and circled back to jump over the log once more. The colt doubled back over the log and stalled on it, perched quick happily there. "Try that On for size!" he said laughing all the while.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:38 pm
Dharmesh tossed his mane again and watched what Beau did and blink in surprise at how he made the run but at Beau's words he wouldn't back down. " oh its on Beau!." he ran and atteped to same thing Beau did, which really made him look foolish since he had no grace to how he did it but no matter he wanted to beable to keep up with Beau. after finishing and now next to beau again, he grinned. " that was hard but you'll have to make it even harder!!" laughing, he his hofs danced in place, while waitign for the next thing Beua could come up with.
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:58 am
Beau laughed and grined at his new friend. "You're asking for it." he said and laughed as he jumped off the log and headed deeper into the woods at a full trot, occasionally hopping to keep the game interesting while he got to his destination. He arrived at a stream, part of which fell down into some rappids and then a shallow waterfall that dipped down over the hills. Beau, either bravely or stupidly began to jump the rocks and cross the stream.
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:40 am
Dharmesh laughed " of course i'am." he followed suit shortly after Beau took off and jumped the log like he did just barely. as he ran after Beau, he mimiced the occasional hopping Beau did. when they arrived to the stream the fell to some rappids then a whallow waterfall. now wide eye as he watched Beau start jumping the rock, he hesitaded to follow what Beau was doing but that pride of his wouldn't let him just not follow cause then he mmight be called a scared cat. snorting and shaking his head, he started to jump the rocks.
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:06 am
The Trouble with Flying. Vuja and Deja 01/18/07 Syrynx Meadow
Vuja flexed her wings almost tentatively. She was not as strong a flier as some foals her age, and she took off like a start, running across the cold ground and flapped her wings furiously. She lept into the air, and hung for a few seconds, and still pumping her wings, up ended herself and crashed into a snowbank below.
Annoyed, she stood and shook out her mane and tail, glaring at the ground angrily. She had been trying so hard too. Although she had wings, behaps it was her nature that kept her firmly set on the ground. How annoying. Shariea Deja had been chasing a snow hare that he had come across, he laughed as she cashed the white rabbit around until he saw his sister crash into the snow bank. The colt winced a bit in sympathy and slowly trotted up to meet her. "Vuja? what are you doing? The purpose of flying is to stay in the air..." he shook his head and sighed at her, he was still having problems with it himself, but Vudeux had been drilling him on how to strengthen his wings so he could fly.
"has dad been teaching you how to fly?" he asked her with a raised brow, he doubted it by the way she had just fallen. Deja had had some bad spills himself, but he'd only gotten a few feet off the ground. Syrynx Fighting back the urge to say something snippy, she simply resorted to a foul little glare and snorted, "I'd stay in the air if the world wasn't so heavy." She siddled away from the snowbank, wincing and gingerly flexing her legs as she stepped, replying "And I can do it myself. I want to do it on my own." She seemed defiant, her pride had been wounded by her brother watching that, she avoided letting anyone see her. It was so unfair! Dad could fly beautifully, and Momma too, but she was little, and her wingers were stubby, and, and!...
She sighed. Shariea "You know momma doesnt fly that often.. I wonder if its because she cant fly long... She said she didnt fly at all when she was a filly, Maybe its a girl thing?" Maybe girls couldnt get their wings strong enough until they where adults, he woundered this and tilted his head at her. Why was she giving him such a sour look, it wasnt his fault that she couldnt fly.
"Dad says you have to get your wings strong before you are really start flying. My wings hurt alot when we practice." he said with a nod of his head, it was the best thing he could think of to say to possably make her feel better. Syrynx Vuja laid her ears back and stamped one of her front hooves in annoyance, "Well, I'll just have to grow up and be BETTER than her then! I'll do it too!" She snorted, and flexing her wings, kicked up her hind heels and started to run again, little wings flapping as hard as she could. It felt pathetic, but she made small little hops of flight, like a startled chicken. Shariea Deja shook his head at her and sighed. "You're not going to be able to do it that way." he mummbled to himself. At lest he could sit here and watch her, make sure she didnt injure herself too badly.
The little colt laid down in the snow and watched his sister as she tried to get into the air. His fathers drilling suddenly seemed so clear to him as he watched her flail in the air. 'keep your wings strait' he could hear his father saying...and that was the hard part, not letting your wings fold in. Syrynx Bounding back to him, she finally flopped down beside him, ears laid back in annoyance, "Stupid girl wings..." She tucked in her wings primly and glared at them. They still had down stuck to them. It was embarassing. She looked over at her brother and nipped at his ear in mild jealousy. She could practically hear her father scolding her and telling her to be good...but she was in no mood to be nice or happy or anything, other than vaguely disgusted at her fluffy wings. Shariea "gahh!" Deja rolled over on his side to avoid being nipped at further, his ear stung with her n**. "dont take it out on me." he huffed and looked up at her with a mild scowl.
He hopped up, sending a flurry of snow on each side of him as he did so. "here...Just watch me, you'll still be doing it on your own and I wont give you any tips ok?"
The colt streched his wings out as far as he could and folded them, always better to strech them first he took a little run and began flapping furiously, finally he gained a foot in the air, and then again. He strained himself visably, but he was hovering. Keeping his wings strait, every stroke of his wings was deliberate and with effort. Syrynx She watched him quietly, slight frown worn. It was different than birds flying, which she had watched to great extent. For one, birds were proportionate to their wings, where as the wobbling figure of her brother defied physics valiantly. He hovered, albeit with efort, while bird's wings, unless they were humming birds moved in a circular motion, contantly propelling them forward, like swimming through the air... She continued to stare, thinking quietly until she stood near him and began pumping her wings, watching what he did. She wasn't try to leave the ground, simply practice the motion, her front hooves occationally lifted, but she remained firmly rooted to the snowy ground. Muscles she didn't know she had ached in mild protest as she picked and found her movements. Shariea Deja landed, a little out of breath and with a fine sheen of sweat on his brow. He smiled at her and nodded his head approvingly. "You'll get it in no time now. Just need to build strength." he said and he flopped down on the ground making a little drift in the snow as he pushed it out of his way. "I Hear Victor is doing pretty good with flying... But momma is scared he's gonna hurt himself like dad. " Syrynx Vuja padded over to him, curling up beside him placidly, "She shouldn't worry, What happened to Papa could have happened to any of us, or anyone else for that matter. She should count her lucky stars that he didn't break his legs, otherwise we probably wouldn't even be here." Broken bones were nasty business, a scary thought since bones left broken and untreated were usually a death sentance...
She sighed, "Have you met our Grand Dame yet?" she felt reluctant to mention it, she had heard rumors, and heard that her mother had been estranged from her own mother for some time, and other people said there was an understanding betwixt them now, and yet the filly rarely went out of her way to meet anyone, so she didn't really know. In honestly, she felt a twinge of guilt.
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:11 am
Beau made a game of jumping the slippery rocks, shouting out a chime as he went. "skiddle-de-doo Skiddle -dee-dee 1-2-3" He stood proudly on a rock in the middle of the stream to make sure his follower was still behind him. The colt reared with a whinny and spun in a circle. "come on slow poke, isnt this exciting?"
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:48 pm
Dharmesh snorted and huffed. " i'm no slow poke!!he didn't chime out the same thing Beau did while jumping since the rocks where so slippery he didn't want to fall at all so he was more concetrated on keeping his footing on the rocks and mimicingBeau's movements. snorting and tossing his mane he jumped onto the rocks at a faster pace to get over to Beau and once he was close he almost lost his footing which caused his feet the dace about. " ack!." was al he said while he regained his footing and snorted after he finaly did after almsot falling off.
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:12 pm
Beau laughed a bit as his new friend struggled to catch up with him. His smile quickly faded and he looked on with a horrified expression as the colt nearly slipped and went in the water. With some fancy footwork and balance he regained his composure, but that was too close for Beau's liking. "Are you ok?" he asked, clearly consurned. "....Maybe you should lead for awhile."
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:31 pm
Dharmesh huffed and shooked his head. " im fine and you can still lead." his pride wouldn't let himself ask for such help or even accept Beau's offer. tossing his mane, he then grinned at Beau. " don't worry i will jsut be more careful is all." now back t jumping the rocks, he was beign careful again rather than trying to keeppace or he might fall for real.
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:12 pm
Beau shrugged his shoulders lightly and then returned to the game at hand. The colt continued hopping the rocks until the came to the shallows at the bank of the river. He jumped into the water and splashed down the shoreline for awhile before runing up along the bank. He weaved in between trees and made a loop back to where the had started. Taking a sharp left he trotted inward and led them to a fallen log that was just a little father down the bank. He figured this would be a safer way to cross back over.
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:31 pm
Dharmesh followed suit and did exsactly what Beau did since the point of the game was to follow the leader. snorting, he kept up since he didn't want to seem slow like he did when they crossed over the rocks before. of course it never accured to him to really pay attention to where they where going or where they where since of course he was just following and mimicing Beau.