...A little about the soquili...
Morana is a very confusing mare. She seems to have two personalities that constantly conflict with each other. One side is loving, motherly, and sensitive. This side of her enjoys meeting others and getting to know other soquili. She loves foals and will play games and happily watch out for young soquili. The downside is that this side of her is more emotional, empathetic and sensitive. She cinges at the sight of blood and will refuse to eat any sort of meat. Since this side is more vulnerable, it is usually overpowered by her other side.
The other side of Morana is cold hearted and untrusting. Her guard is up most of the time, unless she meets the right soquili that she feels comfortable around. She is slightly twisted and doesn't mind playing games with her meals before she attacks and devours it. Recently, this side of her has been looking for something new, something to keep her occupied while her son, Ahriman, finishes his personal training.
In both personalities, she will fight for her family and loved ones. They are her pride and joy and she will do whatever it takes to keep them safe and happy. Also, both sides are untrusting of stallions. Her kinder side fears stallions while her darker side simply hates them.
At times, she doesn't change personality for hours or days. She can meet one soquili and seem like a completely happy and motherly mare to them, but then after their meeting she could turn into a cold blooded beast. When she stays in one personality for too long, she often finds that she is lost and the memories she created are gone.