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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:48 pm
Erin saw the images, but they weren't processing. What she was seeing looked so familiar, and she felt deja vu, like she'd seen something like this before. But she couldn't quite place what or where. Then she remembered where- Ispara. It was like the training for the other prototypes like her, but used freely. "It looks like me..." she said numbly.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:20 pm
Seto, in the meantime, was watching this from above. He started drumming his fingers along a recliner chair, now garbed as a normal human to avoid suspicion... Afterall, Red Shield would likely investigate the hotel after this. "... Rage is doing excellently for his first rampage..." he admitted slyly, soon turning his rotating recliner--electrically operated, of course-- towards what seemed to be a holographic rendition of a chessboard. True, he used alchemy, but advanced technology was FAR from out of his reach. In fact, due to alchemy, it was easier to obtain such high-tech equipment. On the board were many pieces, including some dark silhouettes... Though all the pieces were not known in this game, it was quite obvious that he had a rough estimate of how many opponents he would have to face. He flipped open another board, showing more opponents. Rage's piece started dashing forward, met by a Red Shield Pawn, which he hacked in half rather violently. "... It's the bait to draw them both... I can kill two birds with one stone, thanks to you..." As he said this, two pieces (one on each board) illuminated, revealing a man's form. "... Hmmhmmhmm... Enigma."

Rage, in the meantime, continued his bloody rampage, fighting constantly... In the battle, a little girl dropped her stuffed animal near the carnage and rushed to retrieve it... As Rage turned around to attack his next victim, his knife stopped short of the little girl's neck, his eyes widening... He dropped the dagger and started to strafe backward, those crimson orbs staring down at her. "... M... Mar..." he started, lost in what seemed to be cowardace. In this state of shock, he turned tail and fled, seeking a path to evade persuers...

Seto, watching his television, frowned at seeing this. "... Ah, hesitation... I keep forgetting how emotionally unstable he is... No matter." With this, he stood, casually walking out to look at the damage... Blood bathed the streets, its sweet scent and metalic taste filling the air. A grin came to Seto's lips as he slowly licked them. "... My Queens will be pleased that I have done all of this for them... It is only a matter of time."

Sin Of Spite

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:05 am
Erin shook her head, coming back to the present, staring at the live feed being shown. No matter how similar the resemblence to the training, she wouldn't allow herself to get emotional. It would only make the situation worse if she got angry, even though the self-fury would be deserved. What she thought she'd destroyed in what would've been possibly the only good thing she'd done after learning that there was more to the story than what had been told to her was being demonstrated right before her eyes. Erin was only faintly aware that Enigma had finished his conversation on his cellphone. Standing up, she looked over to him, hoping that he might have a plan.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:11 am
Enigma frowned, biting his lips as he saw Erin stare at the T.V then back at him... Then another realization hit him... He can't just leave Erin... The situation was already dangerous as it is... He didn't want to involve her in this war of human and chiropterans... He left her staring at him as he went back to his room and began taking his gear... The last thing he took was the second vial... Knowing it was the right moment to use it. He went back to the living room, still thinking on what would he do... But then... A forgotten voice from his past spoke up...

"You don't do things alone... Always remember... The person you meet and know are the persons you can trust..." A certain blue haired girl told him once in his past...

He made up his mind... even though he thought it was selfish of him to ask this... He knew he can't handle this situation alone...

"Erin... Would you accompany me to the site of carnage? I know you don't have any part in this war and it's ok if you don't tag along. But it would be a great help I had someone taking care of my back..." Enigma said softly, gripping the ominous vial tightly...  

Vice Captain

Chariz Allison

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:55 am
"Sigh, its a week I ran away from home, could I possibly find him?"

Or maybe not. . .

As the noisy streets of the city, where she roams, searching for her childhood friend. . .

"Hey where are you?"
"Why did you even ran away without saying it to me?"

"I know you have reasons, but why, why. . ."

I noticed that someone is pulling my shirt, I turned around, and saw a rugged girl begging for food. . .

"Can you give me some food? I'm a bit hungry"

"Here, you can have this. . ." Handing a loaf of bread.

"Thank you" And runs away calling her mama.

"The world is sometimes unfair, but if I end like this, my traveling will be a waste."

As I continued walking, heading to a building for shelter. . .
PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:42 pm
Rodo eventually escaped his persuers, managing to outrun them to an extreme, hiding within a cavern at the base of Mount Fujii. "... Damn... Why did I... Hesitate?" he asked softly.

'Because you are weak... In the heart, that is.'


He spun around, searching for the sorce of the woman's whisper... He knew that Seto could sometimes communicate with him using a particular device, but this was nothing like that.

'... Well, you are not weak in any other way... Your master is.'

"... Chiropteran..." he hissed, drawing one of his knives... He did keep many on his person. "... Show yourself, damn you..."

'Talking awfully big... For someone whom was sent running by a little girl.' The holder of this voice was obviously grinning. '... Now, tell me... Why would you go and do that? And... While we're at it, who is this... Maria?'

"... Damn you... You shouldn't defile her name by knowing it! Get out here, you coward!!!"

'... Quiet... You'll draw the police, and then what fun would that be...? Besides, I just want to talk...' The voice stopped for a moment, and then there was total silence. '... Come further in, where we can have more of a... Private conversation... My old friend.'

((Take a guess on whom I'm going to be playing. Seeing as NEITHER of them have been taken yet... I'll take the musical one. ~<3))

Sin Of Spite

Chariz Allison

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:30 pm
"It's so cold..." As she stares at the floor while the rain pours down.

"Til' when will I find him? I cant stand this no more...My body isn't moving anymore, can I even go further?" She cried, because of the pain her body dwells.

As the cars pass by in a rainy night, they didn't knew what is happening to the world, only the ones who believes are the ones who are scared to go out.

But Resha didn't care about them, why would she be afraid of anything? Her best bud was her life and her company.

She breathes heavy, but still continues to walk to the city...

"Why does everybody fears the Cheroptera anyway? I don't get them...I want to know more about those creatures...what are they up to?.."

As Resha wanders by, she heard screams and cries under the subway.

"Someone needs help!"

She ran as fast as she could until she saw something...

Huge and scary.

"Is this what they call Cheroptera?"
PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:18 am
"... Now, you can stop walking, Rage... Or would it be more appropriate to call you... Rodo?"

He stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening... He finally recognized the voice. "... It's... You... You remember me?"

"... But of course... You were one of the few... Interesting people who didn't betray me..." she whispered, soon appearing directly in front of him... It was as if she came forth, peeling from the shadows. "... Hmmhmmhmm... Rodo..." she whispered, placing a hand on his cheek. Rage blushed intensely, and tried to say something, but before he could, that hand moved to his lips. "... You still won't betray me... Will you?" she asked in her soothing voice, and the inner self, Rodo, forced him to shake his head... No, he wouldn't betray her, not even in this form... But to think that she was one of the chiropterans... Seto wouldn't be pleased if he learned of this. The woman drew closer, then lowered his collar slightly, nibbling on the base of his neck before covering it up again. "... Good... Then you'll be my little agent..."

"... Rapsody, I..."

"Don't worry, you'll remain a homunculus until your master finds out... Or until we kill him. Besides... I need a little trump card against RED SHIELD." She giggled, and Rage could swear that he felt his heart beating again, just for a moment... His real heart. Rodo's heart. "... Let's meet again... In two days... I'll have orders for you then, my little spy..." She gently nipped him again, but it was more of a kiss than a n**. With this, she giggled again and made her way off... Rage just sort of stood there, absolutely dumbfounded.

Sin Of Spite

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:02 am
She was still standing, as if the sight in the t.v numbed her... Enigma couldn't wait much longer as he gently led Erin to a nearby chair. After he did it, he pop open the vial and left the house, hoping the scent will help Erin find him if she decided to come along... As he arrived near the site, he closed the vial and surveyed the wreckage.

''It's worse than I thought..." Enigma thought darkly as he saw carnage throughout the area, the site filled with scent of fresh blood. The smell of it aroused his chiropteran instincts, a deep feeling of maniacal glee coming over him. It lasted for a moment but when he realized what he was feeling, he felt sick and tried to focus on the mission. However, a familiar scent lingered over the area, one he knew very well.

"Damn it, what's the other princess doing here? Whatever she's up to, It isn't going to be pretty..." Enigma growled as he saw some chiropterans feeding of the corpses. He jumped of the building he was standing on and dive to the ground, like a raven sweeping over it's pray. And as he landed, a sick smile appeared on his face as he faced the crowd of monsters, his scythe at hand, and rushed into the fray...  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:47 pm
A grin came to the lips of Seto as he watched the scene below, eying the operative of his rival agency with murderous intent. "... Well, so he's here... Good. And I can sense her as well..." With that, he turned about and walked towards a laptop in his room, slowly starting to type, then quickly speeding up the process. "... Let's see... RED SHIELD database... Individual... Enigma... Ooh, this looks promising." With that sick line, he stood up again, dawning his mask and cape as well as his suit, chuckling. "... Well, well..."

Rage had knocked out a teenager that was near his hiding spot, likely doing some stupid dare for his friends, and quickly swapped out his clothes, tying his hair into a long ponytail and placing on the pair of shades the other had adorned. His new attire was rather odd for Mount Fuji, consisting of a sleeveless shirt and bedragged black pants. He quickly left the base of the mountain and advanced back into Tokyo, pulling a little trick to keep him safe from the cops... His normally crimson eyes returned to the sapphire orbs of a human. True, it was a stupid defense mechanism, but it was a pretty smart one. After all, they did not know of his tattoo as his long hair had kept it hidden in the fray.

Sin Of Spite

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:08 pm
Sorry for being absent so long! I slipped ( rolleyes clumsy me,) and fell down a flight of stairs. Had a hospital visit and was locked away from the computer... Gomen nasai.

Erin couldn't beleive that she'd been so petrified by mere images (and her own failure) that she hadn't followed Enigma. She'd regained her self control, and now she felt ready to face whatever would happen. Following the scent of the blood, only now noticing that there had been two vials, she closed in on Enigma, ready to apologize for her earlier behavior. Since she was close to the quarintine area where the fight had occured, Erin had to stay out of the sights of humans by going along the roofs and backstreets.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:20 am

The sickening sound of a blade piercing flesh echoed throughout the area as he cleared another monster. Muttering angrily, he faced the last one with an impassive face, his eyes coldly glaring at the chiropteran who was snarling at him, baring his fangs at him.The monster suddenly made a move and dived at him, knocking off Enigma's scythe and throwing him down to the ground...

"That does it, you rotten monster..." Enigma muttered angrily as he stood up, his eyes glowing blood red, as he angrily ripped the sleeve of his right arm, showing a chain binding his arm. Silently muttering words, the chain slowly slid of his arm, then dropped to the ground. His breathing was deep as his arm changed as it turned into a hand of a monster, ~or the devil's right hand as he distastefully calls it~ and quickly charge into the rampaging monster, slicing of it's head and quickly took the vial and poured some blood into it.

"Try rising from that..." Enigma savagely thought as he watched the chirptorerans body turn into stone...

"Somethings wrong with this picture... First, whoever that person that was shown in the television isn't here... then that blue eyed princess scent appeared out of nowhere..." Enigma whirled around, feeling as if someone was watching him from the building... "And now someone's observing me. What the hells going on around here?" Enigma muttered angrily as he slowly coiled his chain back to the arm, picking up his fallen scythe as his arm returned back to normal. "At least, she arrived, although a bit late" He whispered as a soft smile appeared on his face, as he looked up the rooftop, and saw Erin staring at him...  

Vice Captain

Sin Of Spite

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:34 pm
Within moments, he had managed to slip to the rooftop, Seto's glare still picking out details of Enigma... His weakness seemed obvious. "... There's no need for a conscience..." he hissed, soon leaping from the building... But, alas, he was human, so, instead of slamming into the earth below as Rage did, he used his cape as a parachute, slowly gliding downwards after falling for a distance. A cruel smirk was on his lips as his feet met the ground, and he slowly advanced towards the other, clicking a device in his right hand and releasing a high-pitched, horrible sound that was seemingly audible only to the chiropterans, stopping those monsters that remained in their tracks and forcing them back. He clicked the small device off once they were properly sedate and distanced from him and Enigma. "... Sorry if you had to hear that..." he started in a sarcastic tone. "... How careless of me. After all, you're a chevalier... One of her favorite little pawns..." His grin slowly became more sinister as he came a few steps forward. "... Rin's chevalier... You're the first one of her followers I've actually seen... Rhapsody definitely has the upper hand with her operatives in Paris..." With that, he stopped, only a few feet from the other. "... Now, tell me... Why hasn't your leader left this country?"

Rage, in the meantime, had leapt up to a rooftop from a nearby alley, watching the scene unfold before glancing to the girl that stood adjacent to him. Her prescence was similar to that of those creatures he had summoned and the man below... Yet she also held that aura that his master held... Well, his former master, anyway. "... Is she... From the other side?" he asked softly, then slowly started towards her.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:01 am
"What the heck..." Enigma suddenly kneeled to the ground, trying to shut off the piercing sound... It was making his mind burst and he tried his best to shut it off... But as soon as it started, it disappeared... Enigma just stayed still, gasping for air, his eyes wide with shock as tried to shake off the ringing sound in his mind... A man's chuckle could be heard... a sick chuckle as the man apologized to him about the sound...

"Who the heck is this guy? He doesn't have the scent of a human nor a chiropteran..." Enigma thought weakly as the man started talking... about him being a chevalier... then about Rin... but the words didn't sink in as he looked at the direction of Erin... To his horror, he saw the guy who was responsible for the massacre across the adjoining building... He painfully got up and whipped his chain at the man, who quickly avoided it... But the chain was a special item, as it grew longer and headed directly for it's target, the boy responsible for this mess...  

Vice Captain

Sin Of Spite

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:49 pm
The boy's eyes widened as he felt something dig into his chest, golden liquid pooring onto the roof around him as his feet locked into it. He seemed motionless for a few moments, then stared over the the chiropteran with what seemed to be sadness...

'... Help... Me...'

That weak whisper seemed to come from nowhere, as if the chain had linked to some inner conciousness inside of the homunculus... After that message, the boy's eyes shot to a crimson red and tore the chain from him. He discarded his shades and tore off his ruined shirt, staring down at the other.

"... Now you should be worried... I am indeed human, just not a normal one... He, on the other hand..." Seto clicked the transponder again, releasing a different series of terrifying sounds before dashing off... This reversed the effects of his last transponder, making the chiropterans fierce with hunger. "... Rage... See that our guest is properly entertained."

"... Yes, Master Seto."
[Joel's Diary]

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