Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:49 pm
Wyndie azn_richte001 Wyndie azn_richte001 o: GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL! *throws pokeball at wyndie* *gets wacked upside the head* gonk W-w-w-wyndddddddddddieeeee Dammit! these cheap 1$ balls never catch the person I want! mad *throws a masterball* No one can escape the master ball! *gets hit again with a resounding thump* X.x ow.. DAMMIT! DAMN POKEBALLS! *runs aways crying*
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:50 pm
[Grape+Jelly] Dammit, I want another name change. Who votes for 1. -The Sushi Chef- 2. -Sushi Man- 3. -Master Sushi- I want it to have something to do with sushi. @Drunken: Don't be alarmed, I am not a clone of your avi. Seriously, I've had this planned since the OMFG quest, but couldn't get the gold, so don't blow up at me for the same hair, headband, and G blade as j00. [Grape+Sushi- :]
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:26 pm
azn_richte001 Wyndie azn_richte001 Wyndie azn_richte001 o: GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL! *throws pokeball at wyndie* *gets wacked upside the head* gonk W-w-w-wyndddddddddddieeeee Dammit! these cheap 1$ balls never catch the person I want! mad *throws a masterball* No one can escape the master ball! *gets hit again with a resounding thump* X.x ow.. DAMMIT! DAMN POKEBALLS! *runs aways crying* maybe... she's a DIGIMON domokun
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:41 pm
azn_richte001 [Grape+Jelly] Dammit, I want another name change. Who votes for 1. -The Sushi Chef- 2. -Sushi Man- 3. -Master Sushi- I want it to have something to do with sushi. @Drunken: Don't be alarmed, I am not a clone of your avi. Seriously, I've had this planned since the OMFG quest, but couldn't get the gold, so don't blow up at me for the same hair, headband, and G blade as j00. [Grape+Sushi- :] . . . Oooookay.
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:46 pm
Jishomi azn_richte001 Wyndie azn_richte001 Wyndie *gets wacked upside the head* gonk W-w-w-wyndddddddddddieeeee Dammit! these cheap 1$ balls never catch the person I want! mad *throws a masterball* No one can escape the master ball! *gets hit again with a resounding thump* X.x ow.. DAMMIT! DAMN POKEBALLS! *runs aways crying* maybe... she's a DIGIMON domokun *flops over* I'm Hu'mon _o_
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:02 pm
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:39 pm
Wyndie Jishomi azn_richte001 Wyndie azn_richte001 Wyndie *gets wacked upside the head* gonk W-w-w-wyndddddddddddieeeee Dammit! these cheap 1$ balls never catch the person I want! mad *throws a masterball* No one can escape the master ball! *gets hit again with a resounding thump* X.x ow.. DAMMIT! DAMN POKEBALLS! *runs aways crying* maybe... she's a DIGIMON domokun *flops over* I'm Hu'mon _o_ we need a frikin digivice here! ... (pulls one out of pants) (throws it at Wyndie) it dosnt work!
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:42 pm
hmm....maybe she's a card captur monster! *throws blank cards at wyndie*
(OMFG if we actually drew this, it would be awsome)
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:45 pm
Yeah, I'm late.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:50 am
A really.
DrunkenStyle Vice Captain
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:01 am
DrunkenStyle I FINISHED WATCHING EUREKA 7. That. Was. A really. REALLY. Good. Anime. I've only seen the first spisode. Is it that good?
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:05 am
-The Sushi Man- DrunkenStyle I FINISHED WATCHING EUREKA 7. That. Was. A really. REALLY. Good. Anime. I've only seen the first spisode. Is it that good? YES. At least for me it was. The plot and references to pop culture was pretty cool, and the storyline is very intense, and I got sucked into it. It gets really really intense at the end, and a big sigh of relief when the last episode is over. That's what makes it such a good anime to me. Hahaha
DrunkenStyle Vice Captain
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:08 am
DrunkenStyle -The Sushi Man- DrunkenStyle I FINISHED WATCHING EUREKA 7. That. Was. A really. REALLY. Good. Anime. I've only seen the first spisode. Is it that good? YES. At least for me it was. The plot and references to pop culture was pretty cool, and the storyline is very intense, and I got sucked into it. It gets really really intense at the end, and a big sigh of relief when the last episode is over. That's what makes it such a good anime to me. Hahaha A friend and I are going to attempt at a full length anime. I started daydreaming in Geometry and I came up with a huge, delibating, rockalicious anime/action/horror one-hit-wonder.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:11 am
-The Sushi Man- DrunkenStyle -The Sushi Man- DrunkenStyle I FINISHED WATCHING EUREKA 7. That. Was. A really. REALLY. Good. Anime. I've only seen the first spisode. Is it that good? YES. At least for me it was. The plot and references to pop culture was pretty cool, and the storyline is very intense, and I got sucked into it. It gets really really intense at the end, and a big sigh of relief when the last episode is over. That's what makes it such a good anime to me. Hahaha A friend and I are going to attempt at a full length anime. I started daydreaming in Geometry and I came up with a huge, delibating, rockalicious anime/action/horror one-hit-wonder. Animation? That's incredibly impossible unless you're a Master Animator with a studio and all that jazz. Unless you mean manga/comic/graphic novel.
DrunkenStyle Vice Captain
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:14 am
DrunkenStyle -The Sushi Man- DrunkenStyle -The Sushi Man- DrunkenStyle I FINISHED WATCHING EUREKA 7. That. Was. A really. REALLY. Good. Anime. I've only seen the first spisode. Is it that good? YES. At least for me it was. The plot and references to pop culture was pretty cool, and the storyline is very intense, and I got sucked into it. It gets really really intense at the end, and a big sigh of relief when the last episode is over. That's what makes it such a good anime to me. Hahaha A friend and I are going to attempt at a full length anime. I started daydreaming in Geometry and I came up with a huge, delibating, rockalicious anime/action/horror one-hit-wonder. Animation? That's incredibly impossible unless you're a Master Animator with a studio and all that jazz. Unless you mean manga/comic/graphic novel. Maybe he'll make it entirely out of flash. O: