Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:54 pm
dawns_aura Selective PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Anahi Asho and Nephilim, 'Keeper of the Stars'Owner(s): dawns_aura Permission granted to: Kyjoto, Kyribird, Zakiax, SkyDragono, Mythi Red Panda, HoneyTeaTree, Alanna the Pirate Queen, musicaloner7, AislingJuno Event: Until won Details: The above are permitted one offspring (based off their entries in the Dream of Stars basket contest, though male and female are permitted) of Anahi Asho x Nephilim, from wishing stars, mockbreedings or customs Restrictions:No evil personalities, or plots where the basket is abandoned / raised by wolves etc. Though I don't rp much anymore, the baskets will IC'ly be raised by their fathers, and neither would tolerate their offspring being outright evil – quirky and shades of grey are perfectly acceptable however, and neither would let anything happen to their baskets. Agreed! Thank you so much Dawns!
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:49 am
dawns_aura Selective PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Anahi Asho and Nephilim, 'Keeper of the Stars'Owner(s): dawns_aura Permission granted to: Kyjoto, Kyribird, Zakiax, SkyDragono, Mythi Red Panda, HoneyTeaTree, Alanna the Pirate Queen, musicaloner7, AislingJuno Event: Until won Details: The above are permitted one offspring (based off their entries in the Dream of Stars basket contest, though male and female are permitted) of Anahi Asho x Nephilim, from wishing stars, mockbreedings or customs Restrictions:No evil personalities, or plots where the basket is abandoned / raised by wolves etc. Though I don't rp much anymore, the baskets will IC'ly be raised by their fathers, and neither would tolerate their offspring being outright evil – quirky and shades of grey are perfectly acceptable however, and neither would let anything happen to their baskets. Super agree!
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 11:32 am
dawns_aura Selective PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Anahi Asho and Nephilim, 'Keeper of the Stars'Owner(s): dawns_aura Permission granted to: Kyjoto, Kyribird, Zakiax, SkyDragono, Mythi Red Panda, HoneyTeaTree, Alanna the Pirate Queen, musicaloner7, AislingJuno Event: Until won Details: The above are permitted one offspring (based off their entries in the Dream of Stars basket contest, though male and female are permitted) of Anahi Asho x Nephilim, from wishing stars, mockbreedings or customs Restrictions:No evil personalities, or plots where the basket is abandoned / raised by wolves etc. Though I don't rp much anymore, the baskets will IC'ly be raised by their fathers, and neither would tolerate their offspring being outright evil – quirky and shades of grey are perfectly acceptable however, and neither would let anything happen to their baskets. Agreed! ^_^ <3 Thanks again!
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:44 pm
Blanket PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Arya Stark x YorickOwner(s): Summer Raaven Permission granted to: xXxPandamoniumxXx Details: Panda has full permission to use Arya Stark & Yorick in any customs/mock breeding/any other event until a child has been obtained. Restrictions: The baby must be a boy -- Ethan Stark!
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:48 pm
Summer Raaven Blanket PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Arya Stark x YorickOwner(s): Summer Raaven Permission granted to: xXxPandamoniumxXx Details: Panda has full permission to use Arya Stark & Yorick in any customs/mock breeding/any other event until a child has been obtained. Restrictions: The baby must be a boy -- Ethan Stark! I accept! 8D Ethan~!
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 7:19 pm
dawns_aura Selective PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Anahi Asho and Nephilim, 'Keeper of the Stars'Owner(s): dawns_aura Permission granted to: Kyjoto, Kyribird, Zakiax, SkyDragono, Mythi Red Panda, HoneyTeaTree, Alanna the Pirate Queen, musicaloner7, AislingJuno Event: Until won Details: The above are permitted one offspring (based off their entries in the Dream of Stars basket contest, though male and female are permitted) of Anahi Asho x Nephilim, from wishing stars, mockbreedings or customs Restrictions:No evil personalities, or plots where the basket is abandoned / raised by wolves etc. Though I don't rp much anymore, the baskets will IC'ly be raised by their fathers, and neither would tolerate their offspring being outright evil – quirky and shades of grey are perfectly acceptable however, and neither would let anything happen to their baskets. I agree, and thank you!
Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:25 pm
Selective PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Nevena and HollieOwner(s): Rita Zyon Permission granted to: Teh Cheryl and junglerunner (if still interested) Event: Until won Details: The above are permitted one offspring from Hollie and Nevena - from mockbreedings, customs, or wishing stars. Restrictions: No evil personalities or plots where the basket/child is abandoned or raised by someone that is not Nevena and Hollie.
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:56 am
Rita Zyon Selective PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Nevena and HollieOwner(s): Rita Zyon Permission granted to: Teh Cheryl and junglerunner (if still interested) Event: Until won Details: The above are permitted one offspring from Hollie and Nevena - from mockbreedings, customs, or wishing stars. Restrictions: No evil personalities or plots where the basket/child is abandoned or raised by someone that is not Nevena and Hollie. I agree! Thank you!
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 2:38 pm
Selective PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Arya Stark x YorickOwner(s): Summer Raaven Permission granted to: Nyx Queen of Darkness & Kaya Wolf Moon Event: Until won Details: The above are granted permission for one offspring from Arya Stark & Yorick, for use in any wishing star, customs or any other event that permits a mock child! Restrictions: They can both quest for either gender, if they choose to switch their entries from a female to a male, but must stick with the names and (general) personalities that they had entered my GoT contest with!! (Torrhen and Arsa, respectively)
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:08 pm
Summer Raaven Selective PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Arya Stark x YorickOwner(s): Summer Raaven Permission granted to: Nyx Queen of Darkness & Kaya Wolf Moon Event: Until won Details: The above are granted permission for one offspring from Arya Stark & Yorick, for use in any wishing star, customs or any other event that permits a mock child! Restrictions: They can both quest for either gender, if they choose to switch their entries from a female to a male, but must stick with the names and (general) personalities that they had entered my GoT contest with!! (Torrhen and Arsa, respectively) So much agreed! Thank you so much! <3
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:10 pm
Selective PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: PrueOwner(s): Ryuukishin Permission granted to: HoneyTeaTree Event: Any. Details: Honey has permission to win one slot with Prue. No restriction on type of slot (any gender allowed, twins allowed, customs allowed, Wishing Stars allowed, etc.). Prue may be entered in any slot or contest where she is used as direct inspiration for the resulting pet. The pet may be related to her or not, based on Honey's preferences or type of slot.
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:13 pm
Ryuukishin Selective PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: PrueOwner(s): Ryuukishin Permission granted to: HoneyTeaTree Event: Any. Details: Honey has permission to win one slot with Prue. No restriction on type of slot (any gender allowed, twins allowed, customs allowed, Wishing Stars allowed, etc.). Prue may be entered in any slot or contest where she is used as direct inspiration for the resulting pet. The pet may be related to her or not, based on Honey's preferences or type of slot. *sobsgrossly* tyyyyyyyyyyy
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:12 pm
Blanket PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: ArwenOwner(s): Rein_Carnation Permission granted to: Kyjoto Details: Arwen may only be used in reference to Aragorn being remade Restrictions: None
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:14 pm
Blanket PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: Cesare Masters - ProphetOfProfit and Nadezhda - .Tortured. .Pumpkin. Owner(s): ProphetOfProfit and .Tortured. .Pumpkin. Permission granted to: ProphetOfProfit and .Tortured. .Pumpkin. Details: Permission to use each other in wishing stars and mock baby customs. <3 Restrictions: Just give each other a heads up when entering I guess? <3 ^___^
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:17 pm
Rein_Carnation Blanket PermissionName & cert(s) of soquili involved: ArwenOwner(s): Rein_Carnation Permission granted to: Kyjoto Details: Arwen may only be used in reference to Aragorn being remade Restrictions: None Thank you~