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Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:33 pm
He chuckled once again at what she said, but then listened intently on what she said. Sora was back? Good, he would look for her later. "Liren..." He murmured, remembering the Neko's name. He was never fond of her, you can tell by the way he said her name, but he also held respect for the Neko, ever since their duel, that was apparent in his voice as well. He shook his head, "No, nothing." He wouldn't tell her that he wouldn't be able to listen to any news, for he had grown rather vicious and wouldn't let any other wolves approached him. He waited to see if she would say anything else. "What about..." He hesitated for a moment, "What about Arkanna?"

He felt himself stiffen slightly at her name. Remembering he had, and still had, feelings for the fea.

Then he looked back at the other fea, remembering hearing all of a sudden that she was Seilene's new friend. He gave her a quick nod, if she was even paying attention, if she was a friend of Seilene's he would tolerate her. She didn't seem to talkative though, and he rather liked it. Then he flicked his eyes back to Seilene, growing anxious for her answer.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:55 pm
She clapped her hands together in remeberence of Liren, "Oh yea huh?!" She reminiced for a moment on all the times they had when she was around, "She really ruffled your fur didn't she?" She giggled. Seilene listened to Hero before she looked like she gasped, but no sound escaped her mouth as her eyes flitted from side to side then to the ground. Placing her hands behind her back as she shook her head and replied lightly, "I don't know about her." Seilene tried to remember the last time she saw her sister, but she didn't like the memory. There was a twinge of pain that rose up from her ankle so she sat down seeming to be casual, "Though if you do see her..tell her to come home all right?" She gave him a small smile.
Phir nodded back at Hero, but said nothing as she came closer to Seilene giving her an inspection glance. Staying in her wolf form she sat there now trying to listen in on the conversation. She decided to wait for an opportune moment to speak so she wouldn't interupt anything important if it was being said. Sneezing she kept her nose down as Seilene laughed softly patting Phir's head getting her to growl slightly in annoyance. The wind picked up for a moment making Seilene's hair blow every which way causing her to mumble and try to fix it, "So where have you been that you haven't heard any news??" she asked curiously wondering what he could be doing with his time other then fighting.


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:18 pm
He didn't like her answer.

"If I see her, I will." That was the the solid truth. Shoving his hands in his pockets he looked away for a moment. Seeming to get lost in his thoughts. He felt the wind pick up and it tousled his shaggy hair and his muscles seemed to tighten from the cold breeze. He looked down for a moment, remembering he was only in a under-shirt, he lost his good shirt in a fight. Shifting quickly he sat down in front of Seilene, feeling himself warm up slowly. Thank god he had a thick coat.

He heard her question and thought about it for a moment, wondering what she said. "I've been at the Lagoon and Lake a lot it seems. Swimming, trying to keep myself busy." Of course, this was the truth, if not, he would've been fighting a lot. A lot of the young males that came here tended to pick fights with him. He always tried to refuse, knowing he would hurt them. But they would say something, make him snap, and then would have to scamper off with a hurt pride and a couple of bleeding wounds.

They started it, he would just finish it.

Of course, he knew it was awfully childish, and maybe a bit cruel. But really, you just didn't mess with a wolf that was raised by fighting and got by most of his life by fighting, of course they didn't know that. But all common sense was pretty much gone when he got into it bad. He realized that he stopped talking and looked back at Seilene, "If not swimming, I'm just sleepin' or huntin', usually Sora keeps me busy." He rolled his shoulders again, "You?"

Of course, that was childish too. Not knowing what to do when his "baby-sitter" was away. But what could he really say? During the time that the gang was separated he and Sora's bond grew, to a point where they not only recognize each other as friends, but as kin and he then expected her to make up some crazy plan to keep them busy, which she usually did. He knew he had somewhat replaced the bitter memory of her brother, not completely healing the wound, but he got the job done and she did some healing on him too. He just didn't like to talk about it, made him irritable. Looking at the other fea he watched her again for a moment, she seemed to want to speak. Maybe to Seilene herself, or maybe to him, he didn't know, but he was allowing curiosity tug at his mind.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:41 pm
Seilene listened intently nodding every once and awhile. She let herself drift on into thought for her answer. What to say what to say she thought trying to pick things that wouldn't upset him. Like her actually fighting or getting into fights with her sister that would last days. She bit at her thumb for a moment soon returning to the moment, "Just been trying to keep the peace and help with Suyuri. It's been the same...just traveling alittle is all." She nodded to herself as she finished up, "Seeing new places to see what's out there ya know?" She forced a small smile to ease Hero's worries, that is...if he had any. She shook her negative thoughts away trying to think of more positive memories to speak of. It wasn't like her to be so negative which made her upset with herself when she realized what she was thinking of. Finally finding something to speak of, she played with Phir's fur as she put out, "You know, Suyuri has been looking for you...seeing as though you haven't been around. She even managed to get caught by another wolf pack." She paused to view his reaction before she continued, "We got her back of course...though she still speaks much about her..Nii-san" She said with a small coo as she repeated what Suyuri always called him before letting out a small grin that spread across her face.


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:14 pm
He nodded at her, understanding what she meant. He may have traveled around too, but he was stuck here. Not really, but he was attached to the land, and a few wolves into it. He couldn't leave. He would admit though, he did think about leaving several times. He shook his head, he wouldn't let anybody know that. It would probably upset that, and it was quite clear that this was a fragile moment, and if the wrong thing was said, it could break.

He was trying. He was rather pleased at himself for being civilized with Seilene, of course, her being his friend it wasn't this hard to do, but it also took the vicious side of his mind and seemed to tame it for a moment. He lost the urge, the lust, to pick a fight. To feel the thrill of closing his jaws on an others...

He shook his head again, and told himself to stop thinking so damn hard.

He heard Suyuri's name and perked up instantly. Looking at Seilene he listened to what he said and actually smiled. A pure, genuine smile. It lasted for a second, and disappeared, but the emotion was still quite evident in his golden eyes. He frowned when he heard she had been kidnapped and his eyes narrowed dangerously. Good thing he wasn't there, or he would show the real meaning of slaughter. But he erased that mood quickly, what was done was done. There was nothing for him to do but just meet up with the young fea. "I'll find her sometime." He replied, nodding. "What has she learned while I was uh... away?"
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:54 pm
Seilene watched Hero's reactions intently, happy that he hadn't forgotten the pup. Putting her hands in her lap she leaned forward abit, she wasn't used to staying in one spot for long after all the things that happened. She had gotten use to moving around a lot, so she swayed back and forth, "She's learned to control her power over plants so she has been happily playing around with that and then she's gotten better at defending herself." She let out a small laugh thinking of the times she trained with Sulkrai and Arkanna, "My sister and Sulkrai thought that after she got kidnapped she needed to learn something so they teamed up and tried to teach her, but I think she taught herself after all the fighting over arguments they had." She waved a hand in front of herself, "You know..cause they had different ideas on how some moves went."
Phir got tired of how she was sitting so she finally took on her hume form. Leaning against Seilene she patted down her dark blue kimono and stretched out the black pants underneath that. Then running her hand through her long black hair she pulled it into a high bun on her head while keeping an amber eye on both Hero and Seilene. When she had finished she laid her arm across Seilene's leg moving her long white nails in a circle on Seilene's knee making her squirm from how it tickled.


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:26 am
He chuckled softly at that, "Tumorias will probably take a liking to her, and try to help her with that power. Tumorias herself has never found anybody else with the ability to talk to plants." He shook his head, "I myself either did not know that the young fea had that power..." His brow seemed to furrow in thought, "Neither did I." He rolled his shoulders, "Good. Everybody should know how to defend themselves, I'm glad she learned."

He stood up and started to pace around the ruins, he himself was uncomfortable just sitting around like this. "Maybe I'll rough around with her - softly - myself and see if I can help in any spots of the... art." Of course, he has no doubt that Arkanna and Sulkrai taught young Suyuri well, but fighting and defense was his area of knowledge, and having such strong brotherly feelings for the young fea, he wanted to make sure she knew how to do almost everything. Of course, he knew defense and fighting were two different things. But no matter how people tried to talk about it, they were circled around each other. He wouldn't teach the young fea how to be a fighter, but teach her many moves, cheap shots and how to dodge or block them.

He frowned and found himself stopping, no, he wouldn't teach her. She didn't need to know all of that. His ears flickered back against his head, a young male would need to know the knowledge, such as if Hero had pups of his own and he wanted to make sure his boys would live and prosper. Not this one. Not her.

Looking back at Seilene he realized he left the circle and walked back to it, starting to pace once more. He eyed the unknown fea and watched her transform. He watched her quite a bit before stopping in front of her, and looked at her straight in the eye. "Who are you... exactly?" He wanted to know her name, his curiosity was killing him. He wasn't hovering over her in a intimidating way, but was rather close, taking a quick whiff of her and pulling his head away, trying to identify her.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:05 pm
Seilene watched Hero, wondering what he was thinking of, but decided to leave it be. If he wanted her to know what was on his mind then he would say. As she watched him, her thoughts began to wonder back to her sister causing her to desparatly think of where she could have gone off to. She began to miss her, but tried not to think of it much, knowing that she could take care of herself. Though, her mind was yelling at her to beg Hero to look for her,Seilene withheld herself as she notice him interacting with Phir.
Swatting at Hero's nose when he came close Phir replied, "I'm Phir, guardian of Seilene." She stated with some cocky pride in her tone. Allowing a small grin to cross her face as she tilted her head slightly, "So don't go messin' around with Seilene." She added in with a small challenge behind her statements. Still she casually leaned on Seilene who pulled at her ear for even thinking of fighting in her presence.

(sorry for it being short..watching my mom do some things ^^; )


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:57 pm
He snapped at the air close to her fingers, not roughly, actually playfully. He chuckled and looked at Seilene, noticing that she was thinking. His ears lowered for a moment, wondering what she was thinking about, but they perked up once again and growled, "Ohh, Seilene what did you do now to be... protected?" He was teasing her, for now he was in a playful mood. Of course, his muscles twitched when he heard the challenge in Phir's voice, almost wanting to accept it here and now, but he knew Seilene wouldn't like it, and he didn't want her mad at him here and now.

"Messin' around..." He sat down again, shaking his head and cracking his neck. He stared at Phir for a moment, she was a interesting character. Taking pride in taking care of Seilene, it was evident in her actions and her voice. He almost wanted to start getting cocky himself, but when he did, he usually turned out to be a p***k and then everybody didn't talk anymore. So, he left his mouth shut.

But the statement of protecting something actually got him thinking. Protecting something showed a high level of affection, and his ears lowered once more, showing he was in thought but listening as well. What did he protect? Himself. Yes, that was apparent, but did he have anybody else to protect? There was Sora, no, he didn't protect her, she could protect herself, he just gave her the brotherly love she needed and wanted. He never protected Suyuri, for even though their bond was strong, they had only known each other for a few months before disappearing. He did protect his sister when she was younger, but that was so long ago, and being as proud and stubborn as he, she took his protection as a slight insult {which he fully understood}.

There was always her.

He frowned, no, he never protected Arkanna had he? Growling softly at himself he erased those thoughts, he couldn't think of her right now. It only made him wonder where she was and if she was safe and he didn't want to be distracted talking to his friends. Raising his ears he looked back at Phir, his face and golden eyes cool and calm.

No problem~.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:24 pm
Seilene's blue eyes widened as she slammed her hands down in her lap, turned pink, and looked down, "I haven't done anything!" She calmed down as Phir began to play with her hair, "Just...Sulkrai asked her to watch over me while she was away." Before Seilene had a chance to finish what she wanted to say, Phir leaned forward towards Hero and added in,
"Sulkrai even mentioned you." She pointed at Hero with a slight chuckle before leaning back and continuing to play with Seilene's hair trying to find something to do as they sat there.
Seilene was evidently embarassed by the whole thing for it was written all over her face. She tried to retaliate (sp?) but found herself stumbling over her words and just shut up. Looking to Hero, she had a feeling they thought of the same thing though she didn't say anything. She was feeling unusually fragile today and didn't want any talk of sadness to arise. She tried to think of something to say to keep the conversation flowing, but thought that the whole protecting thing was something Hero might continue with, even if it was teasing her. She liked Hero's moods as strange as that was and loved it when he would tease someone or even try to pick a small fight cause it made Seilene feel like he was closer and not so distant. She tried to let out a small smile at Hero to see what he would do next.

(now I wanna bring in Arkanna T.T all this thoughts on her ish making me sad.....to the falls! ...I think >.< )


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:59 pm
"Mhm, I highly doubt that." A grin was now on his face, "Did you mess with some other pack? Almost fall off a cliff? Dear, there has to be something." He chuckled, thinking of everything that could have happened within the range of Seilene's limits. "Because you gave it away when you blushed."

He looked at Phir curiously and slightly tilted his head to the left, "Oh, really? What did she say about me now?" He was curious, and this was making him feel light-hearted and how he felt back in the day when the gang was all together. Sitting in front of them he licked his shoulder, thinking once again. He did remember Sulkrai, but never remembered if they got along or hated each other. Usually it was dislike but hey, if you didn't close to him he didn't give another thought about you when you left. He looked at Seilene again, she was still the same as she was so long ago. He felt as if he was the same but maybe not. Her mood was always quite predictable though, but their was times when he barely could read her.

But it was great. Just sitting here, talking with them. Looking back at Phir he awaited both of their answers.

Hehe, you did, you did!
Yay, Arkanna and Hero reunited.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:18 pm
Phir waved a hand in front of herself, "Falling from a cliff, messing with others, nearly dying in a lake...you named it and it almost happened." she teased at Seilene who tried to silence her by holding a hand over her mouth, but it did little avail. As Phir held Seilene's hands down to finish waht she was saying, "And as for the things Sulkrai said, you'll have to ask her when she comes back, I'm sure she would love to discuss it with you." She grinned and finally released Seilene's hands allowing her to wave them and nearly yell at Hero,
"It's not that bad I swear! I mean.." she scratched her head, "You know how I get when I .."
"Get something stuck in your head and you won't stop till you've finished or nearly killed yourself?" Phir cut in making Seilene push her over trying to get her to be quiet so Hero wouldn't have anything more to tease her for, but she knew the damage had been done and she thought she might not hear the end of it for awhile from any wolf that Phir decided to tell it to. Sighing she rubbed her right cheek trying to find somehting to say that would help her case out.


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:52 pm
He stood shocked for a second, and let barked a laugh. His body shaking. His laugh was unusually loud but he couldn't help it. He couldn't believe that Seilene did all of that. She was a accident magnet! Laughing for a little while longer he finally gained control of his fit. He felt slightly queasy and his head started to pound as a headache started to roll in. He hadn't laughed that hard in... he didn't even know if he laughed ever like that.

"Seilene..." He started, and couldn't stop a smile coming on his face, he was holding in another laugh, "I can not believe you can get yourself in so much trouble. Really, what is the matter with you?" He was teasing her again and he couldn't help it, this was just too much fun. Then he looked at Phir, hearing what she said, replying to his question. He slightly narrowed his eyes, "Mmm, it sounds like I have a date with her then." Then he turned his attention back to Seilene and chuckled, his golden eyes holding laughter and amusement. He saw her thinking, and waited to see what was going to come out that was going to try and help her case
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:06 pm
Seilene felt her face burning red as she away from Hero, seeing him laugh at her didn't help her train of thought. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, "Phir's just exagurating, I swear! I haven't done anything to crazy."
Phir leaned against the wall, pulling her legs closer to her body she chuckled at both Hero and Seilene before sarcasstically replying, "Oh, you're right..nearly falling off the cliff cause you were deep in thought and on the move wasn't too crazy at all."
Seilene pushed against Phir, "Will you be quiet! I don't want Hero to have any more stories to tell to the others!" She complained as Phir patted her head gently. Phir finally nodded to Hero in response,
"I do hope you have fun on that little date." She grinned from ear to ear as Seilene fell backwards onto her back and stared up at the sky,
"Why must everyone pick on me.." she mumbled under her breath as she sighed rubbing at her left eye. She finally looked to Hero and pointed at him, "You! No telling the others what you have heard! I don't need anyone else teasing me!"


Nutella Mocha

PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:27 pm
Hero amusingly watched the other two, chuckling here and there. He nodded at Phir, "I'll try. We'll see how it goes down, I forget if Sulkrai and I were on good or bad terms." He rolled his shoulders, then went back to teasing Seilene. Grinning he chuckled again, "What's in it for me, hmm?" Of course, he wouldn't tell anybody, he wanted to leave all the fun of teasing Seilene of this incident to Phir and him only. This was just too much fun, he didn't want to share it. "And if I do... what would you do to me, eh?" He asked, standing up, and starting to pace, his tail flickering playfully. Watching Phir and Seilene.


Blah, shortness.
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