- Meet the Mare.... With raindrops on her derriere -
Name: Soraven
Nickname: Sora
Obtained: 2009 Plushie edition
Kind: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Stages: Sora Preggers/
uncert /
PlushieLikes: Rainclouds, Rain, Exploring, Playing in streams
Dislikes: Getting muddy, freezing, lack of green grass
Mate: AhmikChildren: Father: Ziazan :
NolaRP Color: Light BluePersonality: To find Soraven, you had better look for a storm. She is fascinated with the rain, and is just about anywhere she can be to find it.
Though she may be little, don't underestimate her. Eviotil did once, and ended up being bitten in the nose because Sora had enough of being picked on by her. That's why Evi has a thing about her nose now. So, she will let herself be pushed around and bullied for only so long, because suddenly, she's turned on you like leaving the eye of a hurricane.