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Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:09 am
Raziel had expected the hug, but a kiss? He didn't think it'd be the same in their current bodies, but when the cowls came down and the uppermost parts of their jaws pressed, he realized it was just as good.

"Mhmm..." He made a noise of contentment, accepting the kiss full heartedly... that is until something he really hadn't expected came up and that something was now brushing against the roof of his mouth.

It wasn't a terrible sensation, it just surprised him and out of reflex, he pulled away... it was just a shame that the pond was right behind him.

With a cry of surprise, he fell in, the water splashing up all around him, and even though the pond was shallow enough for him to sit in it and only have it come up to he hips, he was now soaking wet.

Raziel sat there in the pond, too dumbfounded to even pull himself out yet. "What... was that?" He asked, looking up as Seth, his eyes still wide from surprise.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:59 am
Seth was horrified at his reaction. If she had know he would be repelled by her, in any way, she wouldn't have explained all of that to him. She brought up and felt her tongue which was now happily curled back into the base of her throat, in the hollow where her vocal cords once stood. "Um... I'm not entirely sure..." She felt the tongue, amazed to find it was a smooth and corded as her body, the taste buds and skin missing, gone. Muscle, that's what was left. Seth's mind worked through the idea, she still had most of her muscle mass, so it stood to reason that it could have survived, perhaps even had an echo of the protection that had gripped her heart.

She looked at him and her gaze turned both heartrendingly sad and meek. She misunderstood his shock as rejection, and on the border of breaking down, she quickly apologized, "Raziel... My Liege. Please forgive my impropriety. I did not mean to repel you so. I just... I forgot myself... oh. It seems my tongue survived, ya know, it's mainly muscle... so that sort of makes sense." She knew she was rambling, and she was so scared. She had assaulted her Apollo, and now he was in the water, far away from her. She had not pleased him. She curtsied for a moment, before turning and sprinting away; her eyes stinging from tears that would never come.  


Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:32 pm
"Well that explains it." Raziel said, giving a sigh to try and ward off the lingering shock. He was about to go on and assure Seth that it was fine... and that actually, he had kind of enjoyed the sensation her corded tongue had created. He thought they would then have a good laugh about this, but before he could say anything else, she was running away.

He felt as if something had shattered, like a picture on a wall - a painting that had been worked on so hard only to be destroyed; they both had worked so hard to get to this point, and now it was at risk of being all for nothing. Raziel wouldn't let that happen, and was all too quick to scramble out of the muddy pond and after Seth.

"Seth, wait! It's fine! You did nothing wrong!" He called out to her as he ran, trying to catch up to her but she had already put I pretty good distance between them.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:41 pm
Seth barely heard any of what Raziel had said as she ran. Her wings flapped, testing the air currents, wondering if she should fly off. And then just before she launched herself off into the air she heard him yell wait, and she turned his head back towards him.

"You did nothing wrong..."

She hadn't? It wasn't her fault? She wondered for a moment before her momentum carried her straight into a tree trunk in her path. She collided brutally with the mid sized Aspen. Her head smacked against it painfully and she crumpled to the ground. Her eyes blacked out slightly as she lay on the ground dazed. "I didn't... do anything wrong? But... I ran right into the tree..." Her mind refused to work properly as she stared through a light blanket of darkness, up at the leaves above.  


Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:55 pm
He winced when Seth smacked hard against a tree; Raziel knew that feeling all too well when he was gliding and found he couldn't turn fast enough, it wasn't a fun experience. But at least it finally gave him a chance to catch up with her.

He was now standing over Seth, he was caked with mud from climbing out of the pond and he wouldn't have been surprised if he had a frog stuck in his ribcage. They both looked quite the sight: Raziel, wet and muddy with his cowl just barely hanging off of him, and Seth who was splayed out on the grass and looking quite dazed. And at her words, Raziel couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Oh my, sorry about that, I couldn't help it - just look at the state of ourselves." He said once he was able to cease laughing, occasionally chuckling. "But speaking seriously for a moment, really Seth, you did nothing wrong, you just startled me and I lost my balance, that's all."  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:03 pm
Seth's vision slowly cleared, although occasional bursts of light and dark halos obscured her view. She looked up at Raziel and chuckled lightly. "A sight..." She slowly levered herself up onto her elbows and then leaned her back against the Aspen. Looking up at Raziel again, she found she now had to squint slightly against the first rays of the dawn. Outlined as he was, he looked even more like a god, brimming with beauty and majesty... never mind the mud. She laughed nervously, still unsure of what HAD happened, because obviously she hadn't understood it at all.

She took a deep breath, "So... you were just startled? You weren't... repelled or anything? And I didn't overstep my bounds?" From his demeanor, she gathered that the answers were yes, no, and no. She smiled and slowly got up, doing her best to ignore the slight woozy feeling she had. Once she was standing, she took a step forward, promptly lost her balance, and fell right into Raziel.  


Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:59 pm
Raziel shook his head, about to reassure Seth that it was more than fine, but he was interrupted when she feel forward against him, although he was quick to catch her up in his arms. He helped straighten her, though still held onto her firmly as if she might escape again. He smiled down at his general, no, his lover...

"No, you did nothing of the sort... I actually enjoyed it, while it lasted." Raziel said, looking a bit sheepish at his words, but it was the truth, perverse or not.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:22 pm
Seth noticed how his talons on her arms tightened, disallowing her any prospect of leaving. Her eyes widened, "You... you liked it?" She blushed furiously, the prospect of what he said literally blowing her mind. Finally she gather herself together enough to come up with a rational concept. "If you wanted... I wouldn't be averse to trying again..."  


Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:45 am
Raziel was taken aback by Seth's words, not that he was terribly opposed to her idea - far from it - it was just that in her vampiric life, Seth was as chaste as they come, and for her to be saying something like that... it was a rather surreal notion for Raziel.

However, he was about to take her up on her offer, leaning in to kiss her, but stopped when he realized that he was still filthy dirty. He irked. "After I have bathed, we will continue this conversation in a more private setting." Raziel replied, looking down and seeing that some of the grimy muck he carried had rubbed off onto Seth. "Perhaps you should join me."

Of course Raziel had realized the implications of his words, but really, they meant nothing in their current forms. And even if that weren't the case, it wasn't like he would jump on her now that she had accepted his love.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:03 am
Seth began to close her eyes as he leaned into her, fully expecting another kiss. However, when he pulled away she couldn't help but worry, insecurities breeding like rabbits. She squelched them as swiftly as she could, he had said he loved her and she had done nothing wrong, and yet.... It was too amazing to believe that he loved her back.

She looked him over, he was rather grimy, however it wasn't like it mattered much to them in the long run. However, if he wished to be clean, then she would wait patiently. "Go, feel free to..." She stopped when she heard his addendum. "I... with you.... bath?" She turned several becoming shades of deep blue before settling on Thoroughly Embarrassed. "Well, I..." She thought a moment about their bodies, they really had nothing to show for it. What was it about bathing together that made their unadorned bodies seem so much more intimate? The water... Finally she felt calm enough to respond, "If you feel you need someone to scrub your back..." She said quietly, with her eyes askance.  


Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:37 am
An amused smile settled on Raziel's features when Seth turned several shades of embarrassed and then some -- though it was about time he made her blush instead of the other way around.

He lightly butted his forehead against hers, stealing a chaste kiss in the process before threading his fingers in hers and leading her back to the mansion. "Luckily Vorador's age has made him immune to water, he's bound to have a bathtub somewhere." Raziel said, though he was kind of unnerved at the thought of seeing the older vampire's bathroom, knowing his reputation as a womanizer.

Though when they did find the bathroom... it was actually pretty wholesome and inviting. The floor and wall tiles were white marble, giving the room an air of purity, and as for the air itself, it was sweet smelling. There were many bottles of bath oils - among other things - that Raziel immediately found himself poking through, picking up any bottle he found interesting and smelling its contents. "Well this is unexpected - pleasant - but I never imagined the vampire Vorador's bathroom would look quite like this." He said, still half expecting that he would find some crude sex toy hidden amongst the towels or something.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:56 am
Seth followed him, quietly contemplating their actions. Being the empathic telepath that she was, her imagination began running wild with her, and she had to work hard to make sure that she wasn't broadcasting at all. She loved Raziel, but she was fairly certain he didn't need any help from her mind in working up his own perogative. Seth thought about her past life as they walked to the bath, of the countless men who had shared her bed, buying her for a night or more, and she shivered. She knew Raziel wasn't like that, but she had to be sure. Somewhere in the back of her mind, that small hurt voice cried out that he would be like the others, that he would use her and then leave. She closed her eyes and grappled with the voice, screaming that it was wrong, that he was different. Her pain showed across her face.

When they entered the bath, Seth had just opened her eyes after quieting her fears. And her breath was taken away. The bath was stunning in its pristine beauty. It felt so pure, so safe... She looked up at Raziel, and slowly worked on building her courage. She wasn't ready just yet, but she wanted to put it out in the open, HAD to ask him. She sat down on a bench as he explored the bath, slowly selecting which oils and essences he wanted. She watched him as he readied the bath, drawing the water, pouring in the oils, readying towels, and then he turned and beckoned to her. Seth stood and walked to the edge of the bath and then she stopped. "Raziel, I... I have one request of you. I promise this will be the only one I'll ever make."  


Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:13 am
Raziel found one bottle that he just couldn't resist leaving alone, and it wasn't like Vorador would notice it missing a few drops, it was pretty much full anyway. So taking it, he emptied a thimbleful into the still-filling bathtub, the water becoming frothy and turning a transparent pink. He then glanced up at Seth as he put the stopper back in the glass bottle and returned it to its propper place on the shelf.

"I already told you, you can ask anything you want of me, there's no limitation as long as it is within my power." Raziel replied with a smile, removing his cowl and hanging it on the side of the tub - he would have to wash that along with himself as it was just as dirty as he was.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:57 am
Seth nodded absently at his words, still trying to collect every last vestige of courage she had. Finally she felt ready, well, as ready as she'd ever be."Well, Raziel..." Her gaze drifted towards him from her feet. "I, as you know, was a whore as a human. Now, I understand that you're fine with that, but I'm not. I mean, every relationship I've ever had, was one where I performed for people who bought me..." She hadn't meant to, but her voice broke lightly over the work and the painful memories associated with it.

She took a breath and started again. "What I'm trying to say is, would you do this right? I'm tired of being a whore for everyone, and I know you are the only one for me... ever. But I want to know I'll be the only one for you, forever." Her voice had rushed towards the end, trying to get out her one request, and finding that it was one of the hardest things she had ever done. Finally she blurted out, "Would you marry me?" She stared straight into his eyes for a moment, pain and longing clearly showing through, before she became embarrassed and looked away.  


Reaver Of Souls Raziel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:45 pm
Raziel knew by what Seth spoke of and how she sounded, that this was difficult for her to say. He gave her encouraging looks as she continued, and when she finally was able to convey her question to him... Raziel found himself speechless for a moment or two.

Sure he was use to women proposing to him, being who he was when he was a vampire, but Seth was different. Everything inside Raziel told him to scream yes, though he considered his answer carefully before he said anything. Seth was important to him, they were alike in so many ways and Raziel knew she would never hurt or betray him. She also wasn't materialistic, because really, at this point all he had to offer her was himself... and he was over thinking things again. Raziel loved and trusted Seth, there was nothing to think about.

He smiled warmly, taking her hands in his and looking her in the eye. "Of course Seth, I said I would do anything for you... and it would make me very happy to have you as my wife." Raziel gave her his answer, trying not to look embarrassed like she was lest his actions betray his words; they really were very much alike!  
The Pillars of Nosgoth - LoK Role Playing Centeral

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