Harukoo listened to Tamaki as he drove. It was fascinating to her how he was more and more like her. He had rebelled against his family after a tragic incident and yet it was able to hide it. The thing that Tamaki didn't know was that her tragic incident happened when she was small and with her brother. Harukoo was shocked to find out that he had known Roku and she never knew it. Roku was always the one to brag about knowing certain people whether he really knew them or not. She shrugged at Tamaki's question. "Rather boring. The nice thing is that you get to wear whatever you want to wear. So long as it's school appropriate and such. To me wearing uniforms are a little strange to me because I'm not used to it. The kids are a lot different. They're not stuck up like most of the people at Ouran Academy. Though some of them think they are hot shots."