Soquili Name: Praetoria
Image of Soquili:
Describe your soq's personality/interests:While still Giddy in her mischievousness and as playful as she was in her youth, with experience outside of her father and the easily overwhelmed adopted sister Kaliska, Praetoria has finally learned where to stop with her games, having been taught right from wrong.
However, while the accidental maliciousness has been grown out of in her adulthood, she is still the ‘Frabjous’ merrymaker she had always been, energetic and boisterous, unabashed and unashamed of who she is. And yet, the young mare is Naive about a lot of the world, including what is ‘evil’. Now that she’s learned morals, she assumes everyone has and abides by them. Because of this, she’s easy to take advantage of.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? ( Even though I dont need RP or any major plots, I'd just like to know what your stallion would and wouldnt do so I could make up my own backstory for it. I already have her plot planned out, I just need a donor for it -- if you want a plot with it, however, I'm willing to change my mind if your idea is interesting :3)
I'd like a trickster to take advantage of her belief that everyone has morals as she had learned of them. Because of this, I would like a 'handsome' soquili with a darker/selfish heart. I'd like someone with colors that go well with hers and at LEAST hair edits.
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: Fling (Unless you have a good idea. Plots arent necessary, though I'm willing to accept them <3)
How do you want others to contact you?: Plot page preferably, but I will accept PMs.
Edit: Like for most people, this is mostly for the CC -- I currently have two breedings of higher importance, but I'm willing to let colorists decide -- I currently only have two slots filled up, so I have plenty of room even if you dont.