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Infi's March Breeding Raffle~ (Winners post3) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 5 6 7 8 9 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:27 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Tequila 'N Lime Splash, owned by Dixie
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rave, owned by x_FauxAffliction_x
User Image
Unedited: No
Low Luck?: N/A
Co Ownership?: N/a
Teepees: Dixie, Faux
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:14 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Paeva (Necrona)
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Maeniel ([+Katch+])
User Image
Unedited?: Yup.
Low Luck?: Nope.
Co Ownership?: None.
Teepees: N/A
Throwbacks?: Uh. Sure!
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=190&t=11630811#236043583




Ice-Cold Wyvern

19,650 Points
  • Jack-pot 100
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
  • Spirit of the Smackdown! 100
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:29 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Lovebeam- Ice_Dragon_Demon
User Image

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Vibrant Shades of Death- Devil NightShade & ShtrDrNGry
User Image
Unedited?: Yes
Low Luck?: Not yet

Co Ownership?: VSoD's Co-own agreement (Last Post) All owners have breeding rights

Teepees:Lovebeam's teepee

Vib's Teepee
Throwbacks?: N/A Both G1
Link to Breeding Agreement: 4th post
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:16 pm

yoko lorako

eek I just checked the CC list and it's wrote I am maxed out for this month. But it's wrong, i have no right on Sakura and Shaolan breeding because it's their second, so all right goes to miss meami !

and sorry I mistook my entry, can you remove Ruby Moon and Hazard from the unedited list please ? or i need to post the form again ?, I didn't saw I put Y instead of N
Soquili Teepee Soquili quest

Removed them, no worries. :3



PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:53 pm

Rolling for winners will happens as soon as I have all lists compiled (I'll give some time for you guys to look over them, since I'm bound to have made mistakes). :V
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:35 pm


Page One
1.) Squishy (Sayuri_Nitta) x Porfirio (Yuuka Kurokawa/Nemesis Kenobi)
2.) Burryna (elvyralani) x Cheveyo (JetAlmeara)
3.) Rose (The Adorable Panda) x Benito (Lunarflowermaiden)
4.) Miwa (Owned by Nuclearity) x Keanu (Owned by cursedandwandering)
5.) Cleo (Roserain) x Aquilo (JadedTiger22)

Page Two
6.) Kiri (Upside.-.Down) x Perfect Panda (Rage Beat)

Page Three
7.) Beldam (Huni Pi) x Pokko (Huni Pi)
8.) Shirahime (Rein_Carnation) x Corann (Caitlyn Hellstorm)

Page Five
9.) Lovebug (Cowboy Peep) x Chewie (Eternal_Black-wolf)

Page Six
10.) Scarlet (Sweenys_Revenge) x Daytona (Kesmi)
11.) Giada (Hot Lolli) x Sweetpea (Sweenys_Revenge)

Page Seven
12.) Paeva (Necrona) x Maeniel ([+Katch+])


Page One
1.) Lyssa (Katjive) x Allan (Yuuka Kurokawa/YamiBakuraChan)
2.) Squishy (Sayuri_Nitta) x Porfirio (Yuuka Kurokawa/Nemesis Kenobi)
3.) Meifeng (Feathered Lunra) x Blue Moon (Nymphalidae)
4.) Whistle (~Latonia de la Courtel~) x Ballad (~Latonia de la Courtel~)
5.) Burryna (elvyralani) x Cheveyo (JetAlmeara)
6.) Rose (The Adorable Panda) x Benito (Lunarflowermaiden)
7.) Lucine (Lunarflowermaiden) x Sol (Lunarflowermaiden)
8.) Aglaia (Nuclearity/Dixie) x Setin (DawnieChan)
9.) Miwa (Owned by Nuclearity) x Keanu (Owned by cursedandwandering)
10.) Echo's Song (tefla) x Dradneos (Makette)
11.) Hazalinia Moongazer (Tygress Dream) x Stardust (tefla)
12.) Zeda (Tebiki) x Heha Nimsup (XxPrimevalPandaxX)

Page Two
13.) Parvati (elfstar89) x Poultry (Kurrudii)
14.) Aiane (Moon_Princess_Yuki) x Livius (Lunadriel)
15.) Cyrille (Rhyleigh) x Duncan (Thamin/Nekolulu)
16.) Kiri (Upside.-.Down) x Perfect Panda (Rage Beat)
17.) Makayla (Huroggmeten) x Tuari Tse (Huroggmeten)
18.) Crystalline (Rein_Carnation/Pink Pandah Bear) x Hugo (Inu-Mitsu)
19.) Kaelyn (oo DeD) x Sandelwood (Doodle p***s)

Page Three
20.) Kawoni Lillian (sbuggy166) x St. Augustine (Kaimi Kalani)
21.) Gale (Ranger Myst/k u r o - m i z u k i) x De Soto ([ vance ])
22.) October(Libby Libra) x Amane/ (_-Cheeky_Chobit-_)
23.) Eos (~Masamune~) x Erotes (Kireiryuu)
24.) Kredoe (Huni Pi) x Crevan (Nevayeh -formerly FallenMercury-)
25.) Glory (Rein_Carnation) x Kahaina (Mintaka)
26.) Eirian (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Chaz ( [ Mialee ])
27.) Shirahime (Rein_Carnation) x Corann (Caitlyn Hellstorm)
28.) Temperance (ChaosTheories) x Accalon (-MoomoolatteCha-)

Page Four
29.) Toxic Sludge (.Tortured. .Pumpkin./UniWingdFox) x Lyka Rockstar (Sylent Nyte)
32.) Sunriser (Rage Beat) x Rezum (Libby Libra)
33.) Jaloo (Retro Coffee/Raiu-Chan) x Vasu'raj (Lunadriel)
34.) Damara (Talencia) x Allouette (Cajmera)

Page Five
35.) Jeevita ([ Lady Kiya ]/Reeshie Hack) x Lonatos (Dolphingurl)
36.) Kacdaninymila ([ Lady Kiya ]) x Matiusu (~Masamune~)
37.) Zandali (Amirynth/Sirenz) x Súileabhán (Amirynth)
38.) Adela (Faid Shadowlight/mew-neko) x Trovin (nekolulu)
39.) Delphia (Talencia) x Sora (Takakun/Rapidashtrainer)
40.) Ishara (Andranis) x ShadowBlade Dragonkin (Tygress Dream)
41.) Lovebug (Cowboy Peep) x Chewie (Eternal_Black-wolf)
42.) Millicent (Leez0rz) x Razi (Ririka)

Page Six
43.) Lealia (Allie23/Vashtya) x Scryer (GunSniper/Kita Etheria Bloodmyth)
44.) Scarlet (Sweenys_Revenge) x Daytona (Kesmi)
45.) Giada (Hot Lolli) x Sweetpea (Sweenys_Revenge)
46.) Tika ([ mialee ]) x Apple-oosa (Cyhorse/SpunkyDasher)
47.) Lady Korrine (Meeki) x Chaos (Meeki)

Page Seven
48.) Paeva (Necrona) x Maeniel ([+Katch+])
49.) Lovebeam (Ice_Dragon_Demon) x Vibrant Shades of Death (Devil NightShade/ShtrDrNGry)


Page Three
1.) Eos (~Masamune~) x Erotes (Kireiryuu)
Page Four
2.) Hakumei (Kaisanti) x Duzi (Kijani/Uta)
Page Six
3.) Tika ([ mialee ]) x Apple-oosa (Cyhorse/SpunkyDasher)


Page One
1.) Lyssa (Katjive) x Allan (Yuuka Kurokawa/YamiBakuraChan)
2.) Lukou (ShtrDrNGry) x Zuilian (Lorako/Yuuka Kurokawa)
3.) Squishy (Sayuri_Nitta) x Porfirio (Yuuka Kurokawa/Nemesis Kenobi)
4.) Poppins (The Toadies Gal) x Dimitri (Alanna the Pirate Queen)
5.) An'Jeli (`Swirly) x Ashutosh (The_Toadies_gal)
6.) Meifeng (Feathered Lunra) x Blue Moon (Nymphalidae)
7.) Whistle (~Latonia de la Courtel~) x Ballad (~Latonia de la Courtel~)
8.) "Forest Pansy" Cercis Canadensis (Lita Rutherford) x Thackery (elvyralani)
9.) Burryna (elvyralani) x Cheveyo (JetAlmeara)
10.) Rose (The Adorable Panda) x Benito (Lunarflowermaiden)
11.) Lucine (Lunarflowermaiden) x Sol (Lunarflowermaiden)
12.) Aglaia (Nuclearity/Dixie) x Setin (DawnieChan)
13.) Miwa (Owned by Nuclearity) x Keanu (Owned by cursedandwandering)
14.) Fearthainn (XBlind-DarknessX) x Alexiel (Tamiko_kitten)
15.) Echo's Song (tefla) x Dradneos (Makette)
16.) Hazalinia Moongazer (Tygress Dream) x Stardust (tefla)
17.) Cleo (Roserain) x Aquilo (JadedTiger22)
18.) Zeda (Tebiki) x Heha Nimsup (XxPrimevalPandaxX)

Page Two
19.) Parvati (elfstar89) x Poultry (Kurrudii)
20.) Alienore (elfstar89) x Blake (vollyballrocks91)
21.) Eviotil Ver Spitfire (SkyDragono/Rinial Sisterdragon) x Richmon (Thamin)
22.) Aiane (Moon_Princess_Yuki) x Livius (Lunadriel)
23.) Cyrille (Rhyleigh) x Duncan (Thamin/Nekolulu)
24.) Kimera (Kiara Lime/Sabin Duvert) x Deception (Devil NightShade/xNephilim Queen)
25.) Aleksei (Novablu) x Oberon (`Swirly)
26.) Kailash (Andranis) x Zakkusu (o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o/Manda)
27.) Valkyrie (Upside.-.Down) x Gishoni (Syaoran-Puu)
28.) Kiri (Upside.-.Down) x Perfect Panda (Rage Beat)
29.) Lady Liliah (dawns_aura) x Sha Gojyo ([X]Natty-Chan[X])
30.) Izesha (Kishara) x Zayn (RavenFyre)
31.) Mi Ren Ko (Dixie) x Zaire (RavenFyre)
32.) Makayla (Huroggmeten) x Tuari Tse (Huroggmeten)
33.) Kaelyn (Huroggmeten) x Zamir (Lonewolf_Eyes & _-Cheeky_Chobit-_)
34.) Hyun-Ae (Apotropaics) x Padraig (Sparrows_poppet)
33.) Crystalline (Rein_Carnation/Pink Pandah Bear) x Hugo (Inu-Mitsu)
35.) Genoa ([ vance ]) x Marley (Pink Pandah Bear)
36.) Kuwanyauma ([X]Natty-Chan[X]) x Laures (Summer Raven/Dawns_aura)
37.) 19.) Kaelyn (oo DeD) x Sandelwood (Doodle p***s)

Page Three
38.) Renesme Carlie Cullen (Syaoran-Puu) x Rune (sparrows_poppet)
39.) Rain (Pukio and Kay Thx) x Sokka (Beat Fu)
40.) Meme (Kiara Lime) x Maral de Luxure (sage_the_vampirc_angel)
41.) Deneb (Lady Argentum Draconis) x Xelloss (Revolutionary Roniel)
42.) Parnasabari (Revolutionary Roniel) x Hisoka (Nisshou Hakuyaiba)
43.) Kawoni Lillian (sbuggy166) x St. Augustine (Kaimi Kalani)
44.) Gale (Ranger Myst/k u r o - m i z u k i) x De Soto ([ vance ])
45.) October(Libby Libra) x Amane/ (_-Cheeky_Chobit-_)
46.) Eos (~Masamune~) x Erotes (Kireiryuu)
47.) Shinoma (Sayuri_Nitta) x Firestorm (Sabin Duvert)
48.) Utsumo (Spunky Dasher) x Vervain (Sirenz)
49.) Beldam (Huni Pi) x Pokko (Huni Pi)
50.) Kredoe (Huni Pi) x Crevan (Nevayeh -formerly FallenMercury-)
51.) Eirene (`raze) x Ezekiel (oo DeD/Kaisanti)
52.) Glory (Rein_Carnation) x Kahaina (Mintaka)
53.) Eirian (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Chaz ( [ Mialee ])
54.) Shirahime (Rein_Carnation) x Corann (Caitlyn Hellstorm)
55.) Temperance (ChaosTheories) x Accalon (-MoomoolatteCha-)

Page Four
56.) Toxic Sludge (.Tortured. .Pumpkin./UniWingdFox) x Lyka Rockstar (Sylent Nyte)
57.) Ruby Moon (lorako and Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Hazard (Wyntre and Erisam)
58.) Sunriser (Rage Beat) x Rezum (Libby Libra)
59.) Jaloo (Retro Coffee/Raiu-Chan) x Vasu'raj (Lunadriel)
60.) Mixcatl (Sabin Duvert) x Einarr (Derivative)
61.) Lailah Nacht (LunaRei_SilverBlood) x Vatican (Sage_the_vampirc_angel)
62.) Mahdi (one over three) x Astrophel (LunaRei_SilverBlood and Getsurei)
63.) Astraaelyn (MarshMallowPanda) x Nikolai (Yayoi)
64.) Faer (Lonewolf_Eyes/Chi Sohma) x Sadiki Iah (Rhea Hyuga)
65.) Kiarasteri (Jinx Creed) x Tooki (Kaliskanny and Merci)
66.) Saiena (Cajmera) x Aramis (Cajmera)
67.) Damara (Talencia) x Allouette (Cajmera)
68.) Jessamine (-[The Spoof]-/FaithoftheFallen) x Devicius (Aniira)
69.) Riley Ta'rish'e (Ary Keeyara) x Sean (Ary Keeyara)
70.) Emilie (Remove) x Valtiel (Khryssie)
71.) Hakumei (Kaisanti) x Duzi (Kijani/Uta)
72.) Xiau-Li (Kaisanti) x Ouijaki (Dawniechan)

Page Five
73.) Jeevita ([ Lady Kiya ]/Reeshie Hack) x Lonatos (Dolphingurl)
74.) Kacdaninymila ([ Lady Kiya ]) x Matiusu (~Masamune~)
75.) Ysiel (Amirynth) x Sen'jin (Amirynth)
76.) Zandali (Amirynth/Sirenz) x Súileabhán (Amirynth)
77.) Azn (Rita Zyon) x Gaspard (Derivative)
78.) Adela (Faid Shadowlight/mew-neko) x Trovin (nekolulu)
79.) Feilea (Kyaishi) x Kuumo (Lilwolfpard)
80.) Aquene (Kyaishi) x Belial (`raze)
81.) Delphia (Talencia) x Sora (Takakun/Rapidashtrainer)
82.) Ishara (Andranis) x ShadowBlade Dragonkin (Tygress Dream)
83.) Lovebug (Cowboy Peep) x Chewie (Eternal_Black-wolf)
84.) Millicent (Leez0rz) x Razi (Ririka)
84.) Thorn (Nisshou Hakuyaiba) x Krad (Reeve_Tuesti)
85.) Manami (Zero Dream) x Luan Qi Sheng (Sosiqui)
86.) Inara Serra (Fatal Irony) x Adina (Daeril-Sama)

Page Six
86.) Iariana ( o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o ) x Mohkave ( Manda )
87.) Adalina (vollyballrocks91) x Hephaestos (Doodle p***s)
88.) Aethereal (Kirowyn Love) x Silvara (Sleet Tempest Snape)
89.) (Lady Evelyn Nyht & Sabin Duvert) x Auster (Kaitaia)
90.) Yuu Hakuto (Hot Lolli & Tefla) x Cross (Xaki)
91.) Lealia (Allie23/Vashtya) x Scryer (GunSniper/Kita Etheria Bloodmyth)
92.) Scarlet (Sweenys_Revenge) x Daytona (Kesmi)
93.) Giada (Hot Lolli) x Sweetpea (Sweenys_Revenge)
94.) Meru (x-Ivory_Feld-x) x Albert (Skydragono)
95.) Rayne (bella dea) x Wenopa (mindsend/Zephlis)
96.) Felicia (Iris_Virus) x Rokou Chou (EchoLimaFoxtrot)
97.) Tika ([ mialee ]) x Apple-oosa (Cyhorse/SpunkyDasher)
98.) Coraline (Nuclearity) x Alexander (Hypercandy Loli)
99.) Eilistraee (Meeki) x Death (Meeki)
100.) Lady Korrine (Meeki) x Chaos (Meeki)

Page Seven
101.) Tequila 'N Lime Splash (Dixie) x Rave (x_FauxAffliction_x)
102.) Paeva (Necrona) x Maeniel ([+Katch+])
103.) Lovebeam (Ice_Dragon_Demon) x Vibrant Shades of Death (Devil NightShade/ShtrDrNGry)

Someone please tell me if this is accurate or not. :>



PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:43 pm

I will look through now for ya XD
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:49 pm

seems good to me <333


~InfinityTrust~ generated a random number between 1 and 12 ... 5!


PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:11 pm

ilu :'>

Minis Winner: Cleo (Roserain) x Aquilo (JadedTiger22)


Page One
1.) Squishy (Sayuri_Nitta) x Porfirio (Yuuka Kurokawa/Nemesis Kenobi)
2.) Burryna (elvyralani) x Cheveyo (JetAlmeara)
3.) Rose (The Adorable Panda) x Benito (Lunarflowermaiden)
4.) Miwa (Owned by Nuclearity) x Keanu (Owned by cursedandwandering)
5.) Cleo (Roserain) x Aquilo (JadedTiger22)

Page Two
6.) Kiri (Upside.-.Down) x Perfect Panda (Rage Beat)

Page Three
7.) Beldam (Huni Pi) x Pokko (Huni Pi)
8.) Shirahime (Rein_Carnation) x Corann (Caitlyn Hellstorm)

Page Five
9.) Lovebug (Cowboy Peep) x Chewie (Eternal_Black-wolf)

Page Six
10.) Scarlet (Sweenys_Revenge) x Daytona (Kesmi)
11.) Giada (Hot Lolli) x Sweetpea (Sweenys_Revenge)

Page Seven
12.) Paeva (Necrona) x Maeniel ([+Katch+])
~InfinityTrust~ generated a random number between 1 and 49 ... 21!
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:13 pm

Unedited Winner: Gale (Ranger Myst/k u r o - m i z u k i) x De Soto ([ vance ])


Page One
1.) Lyssa (Katjive) x Allan (Yuuka Kurokawa/YamiBakuraChan)
2.) Squishy (Sayuri_Nitta) x Porfirio (Yuuka Kurokawa/Nemesis Kenobi)
3.) Meifeng (Feathered Lunra) x Blue Moon (Nymphalidae)
4.) Whistle (~Latonia de la Courtel~) x Ballad (~Latonia de la Courtel~)
5.) Burryna (elvyralani) x Cheveyo (JetAlmeara)
6.) Rose (The Adorable Panda) x Benito (Lunarflowermaiden)
7.) Lucine (Lunarflowermaiden) x Sol (Lunarflowermaiden)
8.) Aglaia (Nuclearity/Dixie) x Setin (DawnieChan)
9.) Miwa (Owned by Nuclearity) x Keanu (Owned by cursedandwandering)
10.) Echo's Song (tefla) x Dradneos (Makette)
11.) Hazalinia Moongazer (Tygress Dream) x Stardust (tefla)
12.) Zeda (Tebiki) x Heha Nimsup (XxPrimevalPandaxX)

Page Two
13.) Parvati (elfstar89) x Poultry (Kurrudii)
14.) Aiane (Moon_Princess_Yuki) x Livius (Lunadriel)
15.) Cyrille (Rhyleigh) x Duncan (Thamin/Nekolulu)
16.) Kiri (Upside.-.Down) x Perfect Panda (Rage Beat)
17.) Makayla (Huroggmeten) x Tuari Tse (Huroggmeten)
18.) Crystalline (Rein_Carnation/Pink Pandah Bear) x Hugo (Inu-Mitsu)
19.) Kaelyn (oo DeD) x Sandelwood (Doodle p***s)

Page Three
20.) Kawoni Lillian (sbuggy166) x St. Augustine (Kaimi Kalani)
21.) Gale (Ranger Myst/k u r o - m i z u k i) x De Soto ([ vance ])
22.) October(Libby Libra) x Amane/ (_-Cheeky_Chobit-_)
23.) Eos (~Masamune~) x Erotes (Kireiryuu)
24.) Kredoe (Huni Pi) x Crevan (Nevayeh -formerly FallenMercury-)
25.) Glory (Rein_Carnation) x Kahaina (Mintaka)
26.) Eirian (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Chaz ( [ Mialee ])
27.) Shirahime (Rein_Carnation) x Corann (Caitlyn Hellstorm)
28.) Temperance (ChaosTheories) x Accalon (-MoomoolatteCha-)

Page Four
29.) Toxic Sludge (.Tortured. .Pumpkin./UniWingdFox) x Lyka Rockstar (Sylent Nyte)
32.) Sunriser (Rage Beat) x Rezum (Libby Libra)
33.) Jaloo (Retro Coffee/Raiu-Chan) x Vasu'raj (Lunadriel)
34.) Damara (Talencia) x Allouette (Cajmera)

Page Five
35.) Jeevita ([ Lady Kiya ]/Reeshie Hack) x Lonatos (Dolphingurl)
36.) Kacdaninymila ([ Lady Kiya ]) x Matiusu (~Masamune~)
37.) Zandali (Amirynth/Sirenz) x Súileabhán (Amirynth)
38.) Adela (Faid Shadowlight/mew-neko) x Trovin (nekolulu)
39.) Delphia (Talencia) x Sora (Takakun/Rapidashtrainer)
40.) Ishara (Andranis) x ShadowBlade Dragonkin (Tygress Dream)
41.) Lovebug (Cowboy Peep) x Chewie (Eternal_Black-wolf)
42.) Millicent (Leez0rz) x Razi (Ririka)

Page Six
43.) Lealia (Allie23/Vashtya) x Scryer (GunSniper/Kita Etheria Bloodmyth)
44.) Scarlet (Sweenys_Revenge) x Daytona (Kesmi)
45.) Giada (Hot Lolli) x Sweetpea (Sweenys_Revenge)
46.) Tika ([ mialee ]) x Apple-oosa (Cyhorse/SpunkyDasher)
47.) Lady Korrine (Meeki) x Chaos (Meeki)

Page Seven
48.) Paeva (Necrona) x Maeniel ([+Katch+])
49.) Lovebeam (Ice_Dragon_Demon) x Vibrant Shades of Death (Devil NightShade/ShtrDrNGry)


~InfinityTrust~ generated a random number between 1 and 3 ... 3!


PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:15 pm

LL Winner: Tika ([ mialee ]) x Apple-oosa (Cyhorse/SpunkyDasher)


Page Three
1.) Eos (~Masamune~) x Erotes (Kireiryuu)
Page Four
2.) Hakumei (Kaisanti) x Duzi (Kijani/Uta)
Page Six
3.) Tika ([ mialee ]) x Apple-oosa (Cyhorse/SpunkyDasher)

-Prolly gonna mcc the other two if she has time.- > v>;;
~InfinityTrust~ generated a random number between 1 and 103 ... 22!
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:16 pm

Open Winner: Aiane (Moon_Princess_Yuki) x Livius (Lunadriel)


Page One
1.) Lyssa (Katjive) x Allan (Yuuka Kurokawa/YamiBakuraChan)
2.) Lukou (ShtrDrNGry) x Zuilian (Lorako/Yuuka Kurokawa)
3.) Squishy (Sayuri_Nitta) x Porfirio (Yuuka Kurokawa/Nemesis Kenobi)
4.) Poppins (The Toadies Gal) x Dimitri (Alanna the Pirate Queen)
5.) An'Jeli (`Swirly) x Ashutosh (The_Toadies_gal)
6.) Meifeng (Feathered Lunra) x Blue Moon (Nymphalidae)
7.) Whistle (~Latonia de la Courtel~) x Ballad (~Latonia de la Courtel~)
8.) "Forest Pansy" Cercis Canadensis (Lita Rutherford) x Thackery (elvyralani)
9.) Burryna (elvyralani) x Cheveyo (JetAlmeara)
10.) Rose (The Adorable Panda) x Benito (Lunarflowermaiden)
11.) Lucine (Lunarflowermaiden) x Sol (Lunarflowermaiden)
12.) Aglaia (Nuclearity/Dixie) x Setin (DawnieChan)
13.) Miwa (Owned by Nuclearity) x Keanu (Owned by cursedandwandering)
14.) Fearthainn (XBlind-DarknessX) x Alexiel (Tamiko_kitten)
15.) Echo's Song (tefla) x Dradneos (Makette)
16.) Hazalinia Moongazer (Tygress Dream) x Stardust (tefla)
17.) Cleo (Roserain) x Aquilo (JadedTiger22)
18.) Zeda (Tebiki) x Heha Nimsup (XxPrimevalPandaxX)

Page Two
19.) Parvati (elfstar89) x Poultry (Kurrudii)
20.) Alienore (elfstar89) x Blake (vollyballrocks91)
21.) Eviotil Ver Spitfire (SkyDragono/Rinial Sisterdragon) x Richmon (Thamin)
22.) Aiane (Moon_Princess_Yuki) x Livius (Lunadriel)
23.) Cyrille (Rhyleigh) x Duncan (Thamin/Nekolulu)
24.) Kimera (Kiara Lime/Sabin Duvert) x Deception (Devil NightShade/xNephilim Queen)
25.) Aleksei (Novablu) x Oberon (`Swirly)
26.) Kailash (Andranis) x Zakkusu (o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o/Manda)
27.) Valkyrie (Upside.-.Down) x Gishoni (Syaoran-Puu)
28.) Kiri (Upside.-.Down) x Perfect Panda (Rage Beat)
29.) Lady Liliah (dawns_aura) x Sha Gojyo ([X]Natty-Chan[X])
30.) Izesha (Kishara) x Zayn (RavenFyre)
31.) Mi Ren Ko (Dixie) x Zaire (RavenFyre)
32.) Makayla (Huroggmeten) x Tuari Tse (Huroggmeten)
33.) Kaelyn (Huroggmeten) x Zamir (Lonewolf_Eyes & _-Cheeky_Chobit-_)
34.) Hyun-Ae (Apotropaics) x Padraig (Sparrows_poppet)
33.) Crystalline (Rein_Carnation/Pink Pandah Bear) x Hugo (Inu-Mitsu)
35.) Genoa ([ vance ]) x Marley (Pink Pandah Bear)
36.) Kuwanyauma ([X]Natty-Chan[X]) x Laures (Summer Raven/Dawns_aura)
37.) 19.) Kaelyn (oo DeD) x Sandelwood (Doodle p***s)

Page Three
38.) Renesme Carlie Cullen (Syaoran-Puu) x Rune (sparrows_poppet)
39.) Rain (Pukio and Kay Thx) x Sokka (Beat Fu)
40.) Meme (Kiara Lime) x Maral de Luxure (sage_the_vampirc_angel)
41.) Deneb (Lady Argentum Draconis) x Xelloss (Revolutionary Roniel)
42.) Parnasabari (Revolutionary Roniel) x Hisoka (Nisshou Hakuyaiba)
43.) Kawoni Lillian (sbuggy166) x St. Augustine (Kaimi Kalani)
44.) Gale (Ranger Myst/k u r o - m i z u k i) x De Soto ([ vance ])
45.) October(Libby Libra) x Amane/ (_-Cheeky_Chobit-_)
46.) Eos (~Masamune~) x Erotes (Kireiryuu)
47.) Shinoma (Sayuri_Nitta) x Firestorm (Sabin Duvert)
48.) Utsumo (Spunky Dasher) x Vervain (Sirenz)
49.) Beldam (Huni Pi) x Pokko (Huni Pi)
50.) Kredoe (Huni Pi) x Crevan (Nevayeh -formerly FallenMercury-)
51.) Eirene (`raze) x Ezekiel (oo DeD/Kaisanti)
52.) Glory (Rein_Carnation) x Kahaina (Mintaka)
53.) Eirian (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Chaz ( [ Mialee ])
54.) Shirahime (Rein_Carnation) x Corann (Caitlyn Hellstorm)
55.) Temperance (ChaosTheories) x Accalon (-MoomoolatteCha-)

Page Four
56.) Toxic Sludge (.Tortured. .Pumpkin./UniWingdFox) x Lyka Rockstar (Sylent Nyte)
57.) Ruby Moon (lorako and Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Hazard (Wyntre and Erisam)
58.) Sunriser (Rage Beat) x Rezum (Libby Libra)
59.) Jaloo (Retro Coffee/Raiu-Chan) x Vasu'raj (Lunadriel)
60.) Mixcatl (Sabin Duvert) x Einarr (Derivative)
61.) Lailah Nacht (LunaRei_SilverBlood) x Vatican (Sage_the_vampirc_angel)
62.) Mahdi (one over three) x Astrophel (LunaRei_SilverBlood and Getsurei)
63.) Astraaelyn (MarshMallowPanda) x Nikolai (Yayoi)
64.) Faer (Lonewolf_Eyes/Chi Sohma) x Sadiki Iah (Rhea Hyuga)
65.) Kiarasteri (Jinx Creed) x Tooki (Kaliskanny and Merci)
66.) Saiena (Cajmera) x Aramis (Cajmera)
67.) Damara (Talencia) x Allouette (Cajmera)
68.) Jessamine (-[The Spoof]-/FaithoftheFallen) x Devicius (Aniira)
69.) Riley Ta'rish'e (Ary Keeyara) x Sean (Ary Keeyara)
70.) Emilie (Remove) x Valtiel (Khryssie)
71.) Hakumei (Kaisanti) x Duzi (Kijani/Uta)
72.) Xiau-Li (Kaisanti) x Ouijaki (Dawniechan)

Page Five
73.) Jeevita ([ Lady Kiya ]/Reeshie Hack) x Lonatos (Dolphingurl)
74.) Kacdaninymila ([ Lady Kiya ]) x Matiusu (~Masamune~)
75.) Ysiel (Amirynth) x Sen'jin (Amirynth)
76.) Zandali (Amirynth/Sirenz) x Súileabhán (Amirynth)
77.) Azn (Rita Zyon) x Gaspard (Derivative)
78.) Adela (Faid Shadowlight/mew-neko) x Trovin (nekolulu)
79.) Feilea (Kyaishi) x Kuumo (Lilwolfpard)
80.) Aquene (Kyaishi) x Belial (`raze)
81.) Delphia (Talencia) x Sora (Takakun/Rapidashtrainer)
82.) Ishara (Andranis) x ShadowBlade Dragonkin (Tygress Dream)
83.) Lovebug (Cowboy Peep) x Chewie (Eternal_Black-wolf)
84.) Millicent (Leez0rz) x Razi (Ririka)
84.) Thorn (Nisshou Hakuyaiba) x Krad (Reeve_Tuesti)
85.) Manami (Zero Dream) x Luan Qi Sheng (Sosiqui)
86.) Inara Serra (Fatal Irony) x Adina (Daeril-Sama)

Page Six
86.) Iariana ( o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o ) x Mohkave ( Manda )
87.) Adalina (vollyballrocks91) x Hephaestos (Doodle p***s)
88.) Aethereal (Kirowyn Love) x Silvara (Sleet Tempest Snape)
89.) (Lady Evelyn Nyht & Sabin Duvert) x Auster (Kaitaia)
90.) Yuu Hakuto (Hot Lolli & Tefla) x Cross (Xaki)
91.) Lealia (Allie23/Vashtya) x Scryer (GunSniper/Kita Etheria Bloodmyth)
92.) Scarlet (Sweenys_Revenge) x Daytona (Kesmi)
93.) Giada (Hot Lolli) x Sweetpea (Sweenys_Revenge)
94.) Meru (x-Ivory_Feld-x) x Albert (Skydragono)
95.) Rayne (bella dea) x Wenopa (mindsend/Zephlis)
96.) Felicia (Iris_Virus) x Rokou Chou (EchoLimaFoxtrot)
97.) Tika ([ mialee ]) x Apple-oosa (Cyhorse/SpunkyDasher)
98.) Coraline (Nuclearity) x Alexander (Hypercandy Loli)
99.) Eilistraee (Meeki) x Death (Meeki)
100.) Lady Korrine (Meeki) x Chaos (Meeki)

Page Seven
101.) Tequila 'N Lime Splash (Dixie) x Rave (x_FauxAffliction_x)
102.) Paeva (Necrona) x Maeniel ([+Katch+])
103.) Lovebeam (Ice_Dragon_Demon) x Vibrant Shades of Death (Devil NightShade/ShtrDrNGry)



PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:20 pm

NP Always willing to help <3

Oooh so close :') *adds to her low luck list*

congrats winners.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:21 pm

Yay! Congrats all other winners! ><


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