Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:44 pm
Your Username: Kaju_Inu Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Price Uncert Entered Relations: Jouko (mate) (pg 7, see below) Short Personality Blurb: Very outgoing. If there is a party, Price will be there talking to everyone and trying to make new friends. He is not shy about throwing compliments out and making the other person feel very special. He loves to paint and so he stares at things a lot, which may be considered rude but its a subconscious problem he does. He also trusts way too easily, but that also leads to friends, and problems. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Price recently found the love of his life, Jouko. After meeting in the forest Price managed to complete his first drawing ever (he usually only does half finished drawings) and it was of her. It was the quickest love situation, but ended really well. unentered Relations: Clef (New Friend)Fyglia (Best Friend)Lt. Samual (Only male friend so far)
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:53 pm
Your Username: Leopleuradon Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Lior UncertEntered Relations: Mate; Quirrel (Pg. 4!) Short Personality Blurb: It's almost as if Orion and Lior have switched parts in your typical brother/sister duo. Orion tends to space out a lot, and can be easily distracted, living in his own world. Where as Lior is all about reality, and often sticks close to her brother to watch out for him. She pampers herself like crazy, and like her mother has a love of the stars. The only time she ever becomes spaced out like her brother would be on a clear starry night. She tends to not get along with others when she first meets them, and she'll hate anyone that makes fun of her petite size. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Has been traveling the world on her own since growing up. As a foal she ran into Quirrel and stuck to him like glue. As adults they've both fallen for each other in an odd way. Mostly Lior being possessive of him, and Quirrel being more...relaxed. <3 unentered Relations: Known family; Mother & Brother Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: UncertEntered Relations: Mate; Price Pg. 7! (See above!) Short Personality Blurb: Jouko is naturally sweet and trusting to anyone she meets. When it comes to meeting other she'd always upfront with them, not really caring if anyone likes what she has to saw, though she very rarely says anything bad about people. She's a wonderful conversation starter. In fact, the only real problem anyone has with her, is that fact she's awfully klutzy. She trips over just about anything. Most of the time, her own scarf. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Jouko traveled around the world to prove herself to her friends that she wasn't some silly klutz. Upon her return home she bumped into an artist by the name of Price. After a LOT of flirting, Jouko finally pulled him out of her shell and they fell in love instantly! Somehow, she managed not to trip at all during their first encounter! 8D unentered Relations: None
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:54 pm
Your Username: sbuggy166 Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Kenton uncertEntered Relations: Calixte - best friend/future lifemate Short Personality Blurb: he is kind and caring. really protective and always needs a sense of duty to keep him grounded. he is like a big friendly giant. Short Blurb of Recent Events: me is currently traveling with Calixte to the mountains. they have plans to creat a cerynei herd together. unentered Relations: Daughter son-trovinson-shiro Grandaughter Grandson Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Rishy uncert Entered Relations: none Short Personality Blurb: young. she was really young when she was summoned so she dosent have the build up of hatred that most pures do. she gets violent moods and has a tongue sharper than her claws. when hunting she is an unstoppable killing machine. she dosent really know what she wants out of life and has been trying her best to figure out why she is here, but it usually ends up in her going on another hunting fest. Short Blurb of Recent Events: she is trying to figure out why it is so bad to kill. she is on the fence about wether she will be a vicious killer, or a gentler creature that only hunts for food, nd not for fun. unentered Relations: none
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:07 pm
Your Username:Beejoux Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name:Habibi UncertEntered Relations:Short Personality Blurb: Serene and generally mellow natured, Habibi wanders through life with a surety and confidence that suggests a privileged, loving upbringing. She feels beauty and natural charm is enough to get her through life, and so far she's found nothing to sway her belief otherwise. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She is currently the prisoner of Mephistopheles. Trapped in is labyrinthine domain and at the mercy of moods. unentered Relations: Mephistopheles - Captor/Keeper Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Zahraa' Uncert NekkidEntered Relations: Aviania - Friend and Queen Short Personality Blurb: She is a haughty, judgmental individual suffering from a case of extreme vanity and moderate sadism, but where there is vanity there is envy, and what Raa' envies and cannot have she detests. Within her herd she adores her queen and respects her "sisters", forming few true friendships. The ones she has managed to forge are likely to carry on throughout her lifetime. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Momentarily settled into a temporary territory before moving again with her flock. Cabriole and her are getting along quite well, Hafwyn has followed her home, and Semuan-Ya has picked a fight with her and lost. unentered Relations: Cabriole - Her mate(Possession) Hafwyn - Her charge(Friend and protectee) Celaeno - Her rival, companion, and fellow commander.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:28 pm
Your Username: Reeve_Tuesti Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Zareen Uncert Entered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb: He's very proud of his family and nothing sets him off faster than insulting them. He's a loner and doesn't much care for the company of anyone at all. It's not so much that he dislikes others. He just doesn't care one way or another about them. At best, he views nearly everyone except his family as oddities to be studied from a distance if he has nothing better to do. Has the odd trait of being able to calm his sister Seraphia when she's in one of her violent moods. Short Blurb of Recent Events: None unentered Relations: Krad - His Father. Thorn - His lovely Mother. Seraphia - His lovely, if not more than a little bit crazy, sister. Dreyden - His 'brother' and friend, related by far distant blood. Yue - One of the few soquili he talks to that isn't family. Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Sunshine Uncert Entered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb: She is a very kind, understanding mare. While she has no illusions about the darker side of life, she takes it all in stride and accepts that the world she lives in does have its flaws. She treats everyone the same when she first meets them, with polite kindness and an open smile. She never judges by appearance, only by actions, though even there she'll give you some leeway. If she's faced with violence, she'd rather run than fight, but she can defend herself if absolutely necessary. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Until recently, she lived high up in the mountains with a small tribe of two leggers and two other soquili. But there was a great tragedy while she was away and her village was wiped out. When she returned, there was no one left alive there. She has travelled to the lowlands, wishing for a new start, and possibly any news of the friends she'd had to leave behind. unentered Relations: Godric - A skinwalker that she met on her first night in the lowlands, with whom she's become good friends. Kalen`dri & Trin - A herdmate, or so the wolpertinger claims, who comes to visit Sunshine when in the area. New friends.
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:54 am
Your Username: Summer Raven Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Bliss UncertEntered Relations: Blessita - below Short Personality Blurb: He is very playful and silly, most of what he does needs no explanation from him, he just does it. He loves to play games with the younger members of his family, regardless how old he is getting. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently he has just been spending a lot of time with this grandchildren, considering his own children think they are too old to be hanging out with their old man. Blessita, his youngest daughter also spends a lot of time near him. Bliss is just an old family man, now. unentered Relations: Tiramisu - Granddaughter Rainbow Sherbert - Granddaughter Emmett - Grandson Butter Pecan - Grandson Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Blessita UncertEntered Relations: Bliss - above Short Personality Blurb: Never one to fully settle down in one spot for the rest of her life, Blessita needs to be on the go. She loves discovering new things as the days and months pass by, with the help of her trusty Buffalo - pictured below - she is able to fulfill her daily adventures! Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently she has been trying to get her lifemate - pictured below - to travel the land with her and he doesn't want to. They've also begun to talk about starting a family. unentered Relations: Ian - Half-Brother Vanilla Swirl - Half-Sister Umojani Jeuri - Lifemate Decan - Familiar
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:01 am
Your Username: Sayuri_Nitta Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Chatura UncertEntered Relations: Cloud (her soon to be mate) (pg 3) Short Personality Blurb: Chatura is one of three siblings lately born to Marut (a sporty, tomboyish mare), and Raniero (a scholarly & straight speaking stallion). Chatura takes mostly after her father, she is interested in the whys and wherefores but tries not to sound too superior in her observations. She's semi-athletic but will never take as much pleasure in running or racing as her mother does. She's pretty easy to talk with, but does have a slight temper if she thinks you are wasting her time, by fooling around, and she really doesn't like rudeness. She has an ongoing research project currently; Although it is very diluted by now, Chatura does in fact have Kalona in her family, her grandmother is half-kalona. Because of how her grandmother turned out, and how some of her other relatives look and act, she will grow up wanting to know what exactly it is that makes half-bloods the way they are. She'll want to meet Kalona's to find out their opinions, and see their behaviour, and meet half-kalona's, those that have embraced their bad blood and those that have turned away from it. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently Chatura got herself in a sticky situation thanks to her research. She met a kalona mare who wasn't up for talking and just wanted to attack Chatura. She ran away, headlong into a stallion called Cloud who pretty much rescued her and now they are tentatively heading towards a relationship. unentered Relations: Raniero(father) Equinox(sister) Aod(brother) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Wisp UncertEntered Relations: None afaik Short Personality Blurb: Wisp is one of three much loved sons of Sevati & Rohannon. He's an outgoing fellow with his mother's joy of life, but less flaky than his mother can be. He enjoys flying ever since he grew and stopped falling out of the sky so much, and will happily show off his aerial acrobatic skills if asked. He has been brought up to believe that he has somewhat royal blood on his father's side, though he won't make mention of it offhand, and doesn't lord over anybody. He is a sweet gentleman, ever handy with a complimentary word. He is eager to see the best in everyone, and can be blind to other's faults. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Wisp has recently fallen in love and proposed lifemating to Terentia, an Angeni he met recently. They've spent much time together and he loves her greatly unentered Relations: Terentia(lifemate) (will add other relations later)
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:02 am
Your Username: HyperCandy Loli Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Boris Airay UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Boris is really lively and chirpy. He is always seen with a smile on his face or a chibi cat like grin. He loves to fish and play around, having company to entertain. The only thing is he gets jealous easy and becomes over protective about the ones he cares about. Short Blurb of Recent Events:He met a mare called Madoka who he instantly got along with and as their encounters increased so did their feelings towards each other. His past crush Dice however, who he had a hard time letting go found him searching for her in the Kawani lands, telling him that she missed him. He became confused and his feelings seperated two ways. When he returned back to the Heartland where his herd lives, Madoka confessed her feelings towards him and he knew who he was meant to be with. Especially when he found Dice admitting her love to his rival Blood, that left him heartbroken and now he has someone to mend it again. unentered Relations: Madoka Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Paavai UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb:Pavie is much like a motherly figure, always accepting others even if they're evil looking or have traits different to the normal breeds of soquili. She will take anyone under her wing and make sure that everyone has a place to stay even if it is just for a little while. She is sweet and considerate, observant and quiet; only speaking when she feels it is needed. Her attachment falls so far only with two-leggers. She loves to play with them and have their company, she also loves being around foals and anything really young because of scenes of neglect that she has come across in her life. Her lifes opinion revolves around the village and it's ways, almost robotic in a sense. she believes that who she is with will only be who her master decides her to be with because of the trade system and she has accepted and come to terms with that... That doesn't mean she is happy about it. Living in the Kawani village, she feels it is her duty to protect it and anyone who lives there from danger and help if injuries may happen by healing with her horn. Short Blurb of Recent Events:Nothing much yet apart from being told she doesn't have much choice in who she can love/be with. Lately she just takes long walks aside the river and collects her thoughts in the silence. unentered Relations: (up to 5) N/A
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:13 am
Your Username: Insane Butterfly Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Lorraine UncertEntered Relations:N/A Short Personality Blurb: Lorraine is a sweet heart through and through. She loves foals and being with her mate and is often too nice to even be respectfully mean to someone who purposely did something unkind to her. Often goes by Lorri Short Blurb of Recent Events: She had gone away for a while and came down horribly sick. Once better she reunited herself with her mate, who had been on the brink of leaving her. unentered Relations: Brian, her Mate Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Charlotte UncertEntered Relations:N/A Short Personality Blurb: Charlotte (Charlie) often has her head in the clouds thinking about things that normally wouldn't matter to other soquili. She is easily attracted to flashy things or soquili who greatly differ from herself. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She recently met a Stallion who has made her blush, but thats just because he proclaimed her to be "Too pretty to be squished" unentered Relations: Father Mother Sister Brother Older Brother
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:26 pm
Your Username: Nerpin Soquili Submission 1 - You expected this. Soquili's Full Name: Jack-B-Nimble UncertEntered Relations: IDK gotta check. Short Personality Blurb: A calm, collected father figure of nine children +, Jack is a nomad at heart, and has never been able to settle down. He's very musical and hums often. Carries a curse that doesn't completely detriment him, but has tarnished his name as a unicorn a bit. Usually has fireflies around him at night. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Always on the move, always wandering the lands of the soquili area. Happily watching his children find their ow niches and settling down. unentered Relations: Talullah-Kaimi (1st child, Daughter) Tesseract (4th child, Son) Kaimi Odol (Some sort of a Cousin (It's complicated.) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name:Halo of Neptune UncertEntered Relations: None. Short Personality Blurb: Pirate, through and through. She's rough and tumble, loud and brash. There's little that could ruin her perpetual good mood - but she does get bored, if not amused. Short Blurb of Recent Events: N/A, she's plundering around. unentered Relations: None. I haven't finished him yet >_>;;.
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:27 pm
Your Username: Ameh Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Kachina UncertEntered Relations: - Short Personality Blurb: Elusive, mysterious, quiet, alluring. Can see her eyes half lidded most of the time for added mystique effect! Serene, graceful, and loves flying with the butterflies and her mate! Short Blurb of Recent Events: - unentered Relations: Kage, lifemate Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Notos UncertEntered Relations: - Short Personality Blurb: Lofty, full of himself, yet charming to many others. He envisions himself being superior to most everyone, especially those not winged like himself. While arrogant, he is not intentionally mean at all, and more of the funny-conceited than nasty-conceited. Oh, and he knows he's hot. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He's just been flying around, showing others how awesome he is (and actually making them believe him!) unentered Relations: Zephyr is like a brother to Notos, and one of the only soquili he does not set at that much of a lesser level than him.
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:32 pm
Your Username: Wyntre IceBlade Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Amarantha UncertEntered Relations: NA Short Personality Blurb: The girl's name Amarantha is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Amarantha is "unfading". Also the name of both a mythical and a real plant. The mythical one was supposed to be immortal. Just like her namesake Ama is very unfading and full of life. She is one of two girls in her family. She has wings but never learned to use them because her sister and mother whom she loves dearly are both grounded. She is loyal and carefree, still very much a child in so many ways. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She has recently met Limdur who is slowly looking more and more like her mate regardless if they know it yet or not. He is a beautiful flutter that has taken it upon himself to teach her how to fly. And Ama's will to make him proud and her want to see how he views the world is slowly making her learn how to spread those wings. unentered Relations: Limdur ((Mate)), Cerylia ((Sister)), and Celendria ((Mother)) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Selenite UncertEntered Relations: NA Short Personality Blurb: Selenite is an alternate name for the mineral Gypsum. The word Selenite comes from the Greek “selenites”, meaning “moon stone” or “moon rock”, with the root word “Selene” meaning “Moon”, and for good reason - the mineral Selenite is the near transparent and colourless crystal form of Gypsum that exudes a pearly lustre which glows and can very much resemble the moon. Selene is also the name of the Greek Goddess of the Moon. She finds that this name suits her well since her coat glows and shimmers. Selenite is also very protective, she likes to help but its in her own way. Sometimes it's not how others might interpret as helping but she has her own little eccentricities. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She has recently met a grounded stallion that was afraid of Mares and is slowly helping him over come those fears in the only way she knows how...complete submission. She has also met a young wind stallion while wandering the forests, her heart slightly heavy since she has still not heard or seen her mate Heliolite since finding herself in these new lands. The only familiar face is Gypsum the small rabbit that has always been by her side. unentered Relations: Gypsum ((Familiar))
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:22 pm
Your Username: Bouncy_Pineapple Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Zillzee Uncert Entered Relations: None (I believe?) Short Personality Blurb: Cheerful, optimistic, and friendly to all she meets. She has a particular fondness for water and can be rather naive about things. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She had a fling with Casanova a while back, otherwise nothing too recent. She's probably not hanging around with Casanova anymore. unentered Relations: Casanova (one night stand partner), Prithee (son), Umeko (daughter), Hitodama (her familiar) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Kaito Aquila Uncert Entered Relations: None (I think?) Short Personality Blurb: He loves water and women, and has a strange attraction to Pokesoq. Like he'll try to collect them all. He doesn't regard Pokesoq and women as much of beings in their own right as much as he should. He also has dreams of taking over the world and filling it with water but nothing came out of that yet. Partially because he doesn't follow plans very well, but he's pretty dang persistent, Short Blurb of Recent Events: He had a fling with Ootachi, a Furret Pokesoq, and tried his hand at at parenting. Kinda failed though. unentered Relations: Ootachi (ONS partner), Rakko Aquila (son), Johto Aquila (daughter) Yes, I did change my second Soquili entry. Not like anyone cares though. XD
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:18 pm
Your Username: PhoenixGuardianMikazuki Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Windflame Bloodrider UncertEntered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: He's a manipulator, always precise and calculating his every move carefully. Before his issues with past mares, Windflame simply came off as distant and hard to talk to; these days he's become dark and brooding, and uses any Soquili (even his own blood offspring) to his own benefits. Short Blurb of Recent Events: The most recent thing he's done is encounter an alicorn by the name of Thera. He finds her amusing and somewhat interesting. unentered Relations: Blackfire - Daughter Eidan - "Pupil"/Apprentice/Student Shizuka Tsuyoi - "Pupil"/Special Student/Hania's Blood Kawaran - (Claimed) "Adopted" Son/Student Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Sinopah UncertEntered Relations: Bliss & Blessita (Distant Family Relations? Bliss is considered a brother by Hania's 2nd gen. offspring) Short Personality Blurb: She's an extremely hyper, go-for-it type--she's very open with her expressions and is, ah, very, very affectionate. Ask her mate Caius & best friend Ahote! She also loves to mess around with others' minds because she finds it simply funny. She's kind-hearted, however, so she knows when to stop being goofy. She looks up to the eldest sibling, Aruna. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Haven't had much chance to really RP her, but she's in the middle of messing with Ahote's mind. unentered Relations: Caius - Lifemate Ahotemachk Chittoachak - Best Friend Hania - Father Aruna - Admired Eldest Sister
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:36 pm
Your Username: Pink Pandah Bear Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Railee May UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Railee is a bit shy at first, but once you know her she can be one of the sweetest girls you'll meet. She thinks everyone is unique and she is very loyal to the ones who she really cares for. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Railee has recently fallen for GrnGriff and tefla's boy, Fantome. unentered Relations: Fantome - Current partner Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Drake Roosevelt UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Drake thinks he's a bit of a stud, and tends to charm his way into a girls life because of it. He is rather nice, and you can actually rely on him when needed, even if he thinks otherwise. He can get himself into a bit of trouble very easily though. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Not much, though he is looking for some luuuuuuurve. unentered Relations: N/A