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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:13 am

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Name: Kimya'moja
Meaning: Swahili - The Silent One
Species: Hyena
Gender: Male
Mate: In love with Daktari
Offspring: --
Pride: Illud Per Altus Sententia
Rank: (Bellator)
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #797979
Obtained: RP contest
Colourist: Blue

. razz ersonality:.
Always the silent, strong one, Kimya is more often found in the background, silently watching over his two companions. He is difficult to get to know, as he barely speaks unless spoken to first and even then his replies are short and to the point. It is not that he strives to be antisocial, he simply does not see the point in useless conversation when one or two words will get the pint across just as well. The finer points of social interaction escape him, but he is fiercely loyal and would do anything for Daktari and those he considers friends. He is deeply in love with Daktari, but knows that the red male loves Silvamord and the sudden knowledge that the pair are having a family has thrown Kimya for a loop. He still sticks close to them, but he has retreated from even 'Tari, becoming even more of a shadow as he watches over the pair from the fringe of the pack, but rarely includes himself in their lives.


Character Response:
He knew the pack were looking at him with suspicious eyes, that he was high on their list as the pup-napper. But how on earth was he going to prove otherwise? His single witness was about the only hyena who would never say anything.. could never say anything. Sighing heavily he let his muzzle drop onto his forepaws, crimson eyes closing. Daktari, what am I going to do? Letting his mind wander, he couldn't help but go back to that night...

The sickle moon was hidden by the darkest clouds, everyone was a-bed, deep in their caves or stretched out on the sun-warmed rocks closer to the entrances. But the only thing that mattered to Kimya was the fact that no one was currently around this particular area. The complete absence of a single scout should have worried him, but instead he was simply grateful that there was no one around to make this meeting any harder than it was already going to be.

So, silently, and with his heart in his throat, he snuck out of his own cave, pausing just long enough to glance up the path to the cave where Daktari and his mate Silva stayed with their cubs before he turned and swiftly crossed the cliff to the main path, trotting up the well-marked path on silent forepaws. It wasn't long before he reached the top and with a fugitive glance over his shoulder he slipped up among the large boulders, his dark black and grey coat blending well with the thick shadows the huge lumps of rock created. He couldn't settle, every moan of the wind made his hair stand on end, every tiny rustle and squeak made him jump. His heart was in his throat by the time heavier pawsteps caught his attention. Turning expectantly, he held his breath, both fear and excitement filled his chest as he hesitantly lifted one paw, crimson eyes straining into the shadows. Suddenly, out of the gloom, the fiery red and orange shape of his Daktari appeared, pacing between two boulders. A wide grin spread over Kimya's muzzle as he stood, taking a step forwards but then stopping, waiting for the red-coated male to join him in the sheltered lee of the stone pile.

"Daktari ... you came.."

Joy and amazement coloured his voice, the soft tentative flush of true emotion warming his eyes, eyes that were usually so cold and detached. Yet slowly, his smile faded as Daktari simply looked back at him, green eyes pained and full of regret."
Kimya" His low voice murmured, soothing, gentled, the tone one used to comfort wounded pups or offer condolances to a recently widowed mate. Kimya felt his heart sink like a large rock in a deep pool, a chill filling his body as denial began to whisper through his mind.

"I can't do this any more Kimya... I have Silvamord and the kids. You are like a brother to me, but that is all it is.. all it can be." The red hyena regarded his friend with sad, apologetic eyes as Kimya simply stood, jaw open in shock. When the father said no more, Kimya slowly shut his mouth, ears flicking back, forwards, then back again to flatten against his skull.

"I don't... I.. but ... " Crimson eyes stared at the other, unbelieving, then slowly, the truth of what the red-coloured male had said began to sink in. "I know you feel responsible Daktari, but the pups will grow fast... we have time.. after.." He was cut off by the slow, sad shake of Daktari's head and felt as if his heart had been dealt a death blow.

"No Kimya... I have a family now. I am sorry." With that, the red haired male turned and padded away, leaving Kimya standing alone in the dark shadows, red eyes open, unblinking, unseeing, as heavy tears rolled down his cheeks. It was not until dawn first started to lighten the sky before Kimya seemed to rouse, dulled crimson eyes blinking, looking around as if uncertain how he had got up among the massive boulders. Slowly, movements stiff and jerky, the dark-coloured hyena turned round and walked slowly back along the path and down to where his small den was still shrouded in shadows. Silent, ears low and paw steps laden, Kimya'moja made his way inside his den, retreating to the very back of the small cave and curling up, his back to the entrance. Tucking his muzzle under one foreleg he closed his eyes and let the despair that had filled him as he had watched Daktari walk away rip through his body, tear his heart apart and send his mind skittering away on waves of agony.

For two whole days Kimya stayed in his den, curled up at the very back, ignoring all visitors. It was only when whispered comments outside his den spoke of the kidnapped pups that he finally stirred. He had loved Daktari, despite what had happened he loved the red-coated hyena still, and the thought of the pups, of innocents, being taken was enough to pull him from the depression he had become lost in. Yet it hadn't taken him long to realise, after emerging into the too-bright sunlight, that it was he they suspected of stealing the pups. He couldn't blame them, knowing he had never made any real effort to integrate into the pack, and with his absence the past few days...

Yet he couldn't bring himself to care what the pack thought of him, not until he realised that if they kicked him out, he really would never see Daktari again. Swallowing his own grief he set about finding out what he could, discovering that aside from himself, three others were under suspicion, which he hoped gave him time to work out what really happened. He spoke to no one during those days, ignoring everyone unless they greeted him and even then, his only reaction was a curt nod. When he wasn't looking for clues, he spent his time with the distressed couple, hiding his own pain as he watched the pair lean on each other, offered reassuring words that tasted like ash in his mouth. Yet when he caught the red male looking at him with a grateful expression he knew all the pain in the world was worth it if he could be regarded favorably by his Daktari.

Becoming a shadow of his already ghost-like former self, the dark-coated hyena took to stalking the pack lands, slitted crimson eyes watching everyone and every thing. The fact that his actions set him apart as 'different' and only reinforced what the others though of him, did not seem to matter or register with Kimya. His only goal was to bring back the pups and stay close to Daktari and Silvamord. He never spoke to anyone about where he had been that night, never implicated Daktari in any way for being absent and worse, being with another male, no matter what that meeting had consisted of or how it had torn Kimya's life apart. No, he kept silent on the whole matter, no one would ever know of their relationship, a relationship that had never really formed... he could not do that to Daktari, could not destroy the life his friend was building.

So he ignored the looks, ignored the whispers behind his back, and kept on searching for the real pup-napper.

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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:15 am

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Plots User Image
Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:

There's Plenty of Blame to Go Around (Silva) [Sayuri_Nitta]
[JRP] Accusing eyes (Balachandra) [Andranis]

[SRP] Only a fool would dream of you (Kimya'moja)
Running Up That Hill (Daktari) [Lorne]
Let Me Steal This Moment (Daktari) [Lorne]
Off with his head! (Nuala) [Lorne]

Used for Breeding


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:16 am

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Name: Sachetan Kalyani
Meaning: Rational / Blissful, fortunate (Cherokee)
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Parents: Kenan & Aaliyah
Siblings: Nikita, Chidambar, Selunagei, Nirav & ??
Pride: Ela'wadiyi
Rank: Youth
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #7a1c78
Colourist: Ecavi

. razz ersonality:.
Sachetan is like very much his father's son. He takes duty and honor very seriously, and is determined to uphold not only the pride's ideals, but his parents as ell. Something of a warrior scholar, he is very aware of his parent's past and the type of pride they came from. A serious cub he trains hard to be as strong and as competent as his father. As the eldest of his siblings he sees himself as responsible for them, possibly more than is healthy as he has also inherited his father's tendency to worry for everyone's safety but his own. While his father is out on his patrol, Sachetan sees himself as the family's protector and guardian and looks after his mother and siblings as if he were older than his scant age. Rather too serious that is perhaps wise, it is only in the presence of his twin Selunagei, that he relaxes and allows himself to just be a cub.


Father: Kenan [Tanakako]
Mother: Aaliyah [Lorne]
Nikita Kalyani [Split]
Chidambar Kalyani [Chi Sohma]
Selunagei Kalyani [Lorne]
Nirav Kalyani [Quaji]
Athalia Kalyani [musicaloner7]

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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:19 am

Plots User Image
Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young



Used for Breeding

Cub: 22nd May || Juve: 14th Aug || Adol: || Adult:


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 5:42 pm

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Name: Merah
Meaning: 'Bitter' (Swahili)
Species: Leopardess
Gender: Female
Pride: Rogue
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #a7a0d1
Colourist: Meepfur

. razz ersonality:.
Confident and sometimes overly aggressive, she prides herself on being totally self sufficient. Once she discovers a far easier life than the one she had been leading, she becomes almost bitter. She looks down on those that band together, seeing their inability to survive alone as a weakness. Something of a grumpy old leopardess she is still a fearsome fighter and has quite the sharp tongue when riled.

Merah was born up in the high mountain ranges. The only offspring of a solitary female, she grew up in the traditional way, learning how to hunt and to survive on the sparse high slopes where snow covered the ground for most of the year, temperatures were bitter and prey was scarce. Life was hard and you had to be tough to survive, it was the way of life for all leopards, so her mother told her, and the young leopardess never had a reason to question the older female.

Life went by as it always does, seasons came and went, and eventual one of them took her mother. It had been no surprise, the leopardess had been getting on in her years and the struggle to survive simply became too much. The younger Merah however simply continued, living the solitary life that she had been taught, each spring brought the only brief change to her routine when the males came a-courting. Sometimes they succeeded, sometimes they didn't. She birthed three litters, and raised four cubs throughout the years. Until That happened... It had been a very strange winter, warmer than usual and prey had been fairly easy to find. She had briefly wondered if this year, she would manage to keep both her cubs alive and it had looked almost possible. Then the Incident happened. It took several days but gradually the rock under her feet grew warm and the snow started to melt away, forming raging melt-rivers that poured off the mountain. Though aside from being annoyingly wet, life wasn't much different during those three days. But on the third night, her world exploded. The ground roared in anger and shook trees from their foundations. The sky turned black, not just the absence of light, but a thick darkness turned everything it touched black. The heat was immense and living rock rolled down the mountain side, the plants and any animal too slow to escape were eaten alive by the flames before they were buried by the very rock she had once stepped upon.

When it was all over, her home had gone. Looking across from a near-by peak, she knew that not only could she not go back, but that there was no-where to go back to. It had simply vanished. Without any other option she turned tail and set out into the unknown land that spread out from her devastated home, seeking a new place to settle down, somewhere that she could claim as her own once again. What she found however, was as unbelievable as what had happened to her mountain. Not only did other cats live all together, something her mother had claimed was impossible, but that they had so much food it ran about in great groups like meals on wheels, just waiting for someone to go along and select their choice for the day. These 'lowlanders' as she started to call them, were soft and weak, relying on each other, and even scavenging from long-dead bodies where there was so much fresh meat running about without any defense or protection!

It stunned her and the lascivious lives the other cats led made her almost ashamed to be called a feline. Determined to no only make a new home in this bountiful and easy land, she was equally determined not to fall into the decadent lifestyle that had infected these lowlanders.

So, with her pride and her hunting skills at the fore, she set off to colonize this new place and would teach her cubs to be self sufficient and effective solitary hunters.


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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:26 pm

Plots User Image
Looking For:
Rogue RP
Pride members to lecture to

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:


What do you want? (Zamora) [Lorne]
Nothing Can Come of Nothing (Nuala) [Lorne]

Used for Breeding

Planned flings
DarkHeartedSorrows's Omaran (& post-deed dramas)


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:14 pm

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Name: Brier
Species: Leopard
Gender: Male
Sister: Dahlia
Pride: Rogue
Rank: n/a
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #ae3441
Colourist: Meepfur

. razz ersonality:.
A completely selfless leopard he loves his sister dearly and has a deep sense of honor and pride in his role as her protector. As a warrior he is a formidable opponent, but on the rare occasion that they are alone together, he is a soft-spoken young male with a gentle smile and kind words. More of a pacifist than a brawler, he only fights to defend those less able to protect themselves, though his sister is always his top priority. Though content to be his sister's Second, he is a very intelligent individual.

These two twins are as close as any physically separate siblings can be. With Dahlia being trained as a princess and all the social restrictions that goes along with such a lofty title, her twin brother was her designated protector. Trained from birth to be a warrior he is both her playmate and her bodyguard. Dahlia is very precious, both as a female (for the pride is highly matriarchal) and as one of the ruling pair's oldest daughters. Generally reserved and proper, obeying the standards set for society as she grew up. Her parents always scolded her whenever she acted out of character for her station in life and being so confined it was hard really to find anywhere or any time when she could just be who she really wanted to be, but she still always dreamed of being free to do as she pleased. Brier on the other hand, has been taught that his life exists to protect his sister. He belongs to her and his life is hers also. His single task is to protect and serve her, which he does with great pride. A completely selfless leopard he has never considered rebelling against this strict regime, for he loves his sister dearly and has a deep sense of honor and pride in his role as her protector. As a warrior he is a formidable opponent, but on the rare occasion that they are alone together, he is a soft-spoken young male with a gentle smile and kind words. More of a pacifist than a brawler, he only fights to defend those less able to protect themselves, though his sister is always his top priority. Dahlia is most certainly the leader in their little duo though both are intelligent individuals.

Dahlia had been betrothed to a neighboring pride's King, a large leopard he was cruel and hard on his subjects. He also had several 'wives' already, daughters of his neighbors looking to make an alliance with the warlike leopards. The betrothal wasn't a surprise but when the siblings found out who was to be her husband, Brier instantly realized just what would happen. Not only would Dahlia be part of a harem to a nasty-tempered warrior-king, but Brier would be left behind with no position in his own pride and no hope of ever seeing his sister again. Desperate, Dahlia came up with a plan of escape, in which both of them would finally be free.

Having always wanted to live wild and unrestrained by the constricting rules of proper conduct in their society, Dahlia was determined to escape and of course her closest friend and Guardian would not even hear of her going alone. So one night the pair of them escape into the darkness, turning their backs on a pride more obsessed with rank and wealth than family, and vanish into the wild lands of the open plains.

Twin Sister: Dahlia [Neon]

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 9:15 am

Plots User Image
Looking For:
Rogue RP
Maybe pride offers (uncertain)
Flings - maybe

Not Looking For:

Romance status:



Used for Breeding


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 9:35 am

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Name: Akhenaten
Meaning: 'The spirit of Aten, or the Sun-disk' - Egyptian
Pronunciation: 'Ah-ken ah-ton'
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Mate: Nailah
Pride: Tuait'tekem (pending)
Rank: Scribe
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #988668
Colourist: Eskimo

. razz ersonality:.
A steady, stoic lion he is very much a scholar. With a life times worth of knowledge about the world nothing really surprises or shocks him any more. Ever calm in any situation he is a reliable male. Despite his age he is also a talented warrior, having been in his King's Guard as a young male before earning his place on the council before being honored with the highest rank of all, King's Own Advisor.

Once the Advisor to his former pride's King, this male is middle-aged and very experienced. Though his former pride was small it was a very serious band and the King governed wisely and fairly, much in thanks to Akhenaten's guidance. The King was poisoned by a stranger passing in the night ad with his leadership lost, the small pride dissolved into utter chaos. Finally one of the King's nephews fought his way tot he throne and set about 'reforming' the pride. Many of the stalwart elders were killed or driven off and the youngsters were indoctrinated into the new order. Akhenaten was too strong to be killed and after fighting his way free of the young males, he escaped into the roguelands. For months he wandered alone never speaking to anyone nor seeking companionship, lost in quiet contemplation, but eventually he came across the Tuait'tekem. Recognizing a land where he could finally settle and live out the last of his days he applied to join as a scribe, mostly remaining silent on the subject of his old life but with his calm and competent manner and obvious experience, he would be an asset to the pride and its youth. In return the pride gives him a place to belong and allow him to once again be useful to others.


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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 4:12 pm

Plots User Image
Looking For:

Not Looking For:
Pride offers

Romance status:

Dawn Light Breaking (Nailah) [Gekokoko]

Do you beleive in second chances? (Nailah) [Gekokoko]

Used for Breeding


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 5:00 pm

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Name: Loreyn’txon
Meaning: beautiful [pale] colours of midnight (lor-nejn t'on)
Species: Lioness
Gender: Female
Parents: Kaym'itan x Rukopa-eupe
Pride: Iknimaya
Rank: Crafter
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #97b4cc
Colourist: Safaia

. razz ersonality:.


Father: Kaym`itan [Lorne]
Mother: Rukopa-eupe [KasaiLoki]
Tsyalu`imi [KasaiLoki]
Kal`eido [Talencia]
Mtoto`wa`dunia [Depawsit]
Ni`it Nimwey [Epine]
Loratan`txon [Lorne]
Ayoeng`aw [DayDreamer427]
Kalin`ite [Ameh]
Atan`tirea [AnimeChickie]

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 5:06 pm

Plots User Image
Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young



Used for Breeding

Cub: 4th June '11 || Juve: 10th October || Adol: || Adult:


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 5:14 pm

User Image

Name: Kari
Meaning: Pure (Greek)
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Parents: Sant'Iris x Itsaso
Pride: Tuai'tekem
Rank: Youth
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #cc8522
Colourist: Safaia
(Litter by Ameh)

. razz ersonality:.
Kari is a sweet youth, very tender hearted and really rather shy at times. As an adol/adult, family is really important to him and he simply adores cubs. He will certainly lean towards looking after cubs throughout his adult life, choosing to be a nanny, and loves to spend his day playing with them and looking after them. He is certainly not 'childish' though, being really rather mature for his age as he grows, he is very much a 'mother hen' type around the pride's youngest members. Very respectful of his elders he is highly spiritual, but not in the manner of a priest, simply he truly believes in the gods and wishes to do what he can for his pride and the kids in his care and believes this is best acted out in every day life.


Father: Sant`Iris [bunilove]
Mother: Itsaso [ShinosBee]
Nephrite [Split Personality]
Halvany szemet [bunnilove]
Zanza [ShinosBee]
Isis [Ameh]
Eshe [AnimeChickie]
Shemeit Kepi [Hanging Gallow]
Ata [Ecavi]

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 5:27 pm

Plots User Image
Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young



Used for Breeding

Cub: 13th June || Juve: 8th October || Adol: || Adult:


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:14 am

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