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Devoted Mage

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:51 pm

ENTRY LINE: Neela (Vollyballrocks91) x Zachary (Thalea)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Neela/Vollyballrocks91)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Zachary/ Thalea)
User Image UNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Not Yet
Link to Breeding Agreement:<3


Throwbacks?: Yes please! <3
Link to previous Generations:

Neela’s Family:
Parents: Khajag & Iie Namae

Zachary’s Family:
Parents: Spellbound & Teagan Elric

Mother's Side:
Ink & Lore

Father's Side:
Edward Elric & Charlamagne

Great Grandparents:
Mother's Side:
Rashna & Numala

Low Luck?:

Unedited/Minor Edits? Minor Edits
PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:52 pm

ENTRY LINE: Sah’erir (zephira738 ) x Argyris (Etruuco)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Sah’erir/zephira73 cool
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Argyris/Etruuco)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: No co-owners
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: here

Throwbacks?: N/A
Link to previous Generations: n/a

Low Luck?:

Unedited/Minor Edits? No, I'm pretty sure Sah's moderate/heavy


Timid Hunter


Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:45 pm

ENTRY LINE: Tian (lysia_nyteblade & Akira-Kisho) x Thin White Duke (Lolli McHotpants)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Tian/lysia_nyteblade & Akira-Kisho)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Thin White Duke/ Lolli McHotpants)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: xXx Akira does not have rights to this breeding
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: xXx

Teepees: Lolli's
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: (Tian's Side: Mother, Merashik Father, Sena Sena's Mother Sena's Father Merashik's Mother Merashik's Father
Low Luck?: not yet

Unedited/Minor Edits? Minor/Mod i think.


ENTRY LINE: Luinil (LadyKirin) x Finian (lysia_nyteblade)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Luinil/LadyKirin)
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Finian/ lysia_nyteblade)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: xXx

Teepees: LadyKirin's
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations: Both parents are 1st gens.
Low Luck?: No

Unedited/Minor Edits? No, I think Luinil qualifies for Mod/Heavy

Edit by mind: Haha nope Luinil is marked as a minor in my examples... Well a different original-flavor harpy is anyway 8V
PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:50 pm

ENTRY LINE: Ariadne (stormflower) x Rainart (Darkmoon Dancer)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Ariadne (stormflower)
User Image Uncert

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rainart (Darkmoon Dancer)
User Image Uncert

Co Ownership?: none
Lifemate?: Yes and Rp'd too
Link to Breeding Agreement: here Also on the 1st page of the Mates and Permission list Thread and it's dated them as being such as of 12-11-2010

Teepees: storm's & DD's
Throwbacks?: Yes please, I especially love Aria's dad and maternal GM but I know I cant control what may get passed xD
Link to previous Generations:Ariadne's Line-
Mother, Father, Maternal Grandfather, Maternal Grandmother, Paternal Grandfather, and Paternal Grandmother(before SW)

Low Luck?:

Unedited/Minor Edits? Minor


ENTRY LINE: Belle Morte (Death Resurrected) x Kanashimi Te (stormflower)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Belle Morte (Death Resurrected)
User Image Uncert

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Kanshimi Te (stormflower)
User Image Uncert

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: no
Link to Breeding Agreement: Clicky!

Teepees: storm's & Death's is out-of-date
Throwbacks?: Yes def. Have fun
Link to previous Generations: n/a

Low Luck?:
not yet..trying off and on when able for awhile, but haven't amounted to much yet xP

Unedited/Minor Edits? Definitely not xD


Fanatical Shapeshifter


Familiar Fatcat

7,700 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Tipsy 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50
PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:05 pm

voided first entry
reposting soon
PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:13 pm

ENTRY LINE: Sherbert (Nukido & XxPrimevalPandaxX) x Darius (Faid Shadowlight)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Sherbert (Nukido & XxPrimevalPandaxX)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Darius (Faid Shadowlight)
User Image Uncert

Co Ownership?: Sherbert Co own - Panda DOES NOT get rights to this first breeding!
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Permission

Teepees: Faid Shadowlight & Nukido
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Sherbert Dad + Sherbert Mum
Darius Dad + Darius Mum

Low Luck?:

Unedited/Minor Edits? Yes

Faid Shadowlight

Versatile Phantom

15,800 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Vanquished Angel 50


Familiar Fatcat

7,700 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Tipsy 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:08 am

ENTRY LINE: Adella (Falenpants) x Gamut (Mew-Neko)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Adella (Falenpants)
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father:Gamut (Mew-Neko)
User Image
no uncert :C

Co Ownership?: Both are full-owned
Lifemate?: nope
Link to Breeding Agreement:

Mew-Neko's and
Throwbacks?: sure
Link to previous Generations: both first gen

Low Luck?:
attempt one
attempt two
attempt three
attempt four
attempt five
attempt six
attempt seven
attempt eight
attempt nine
attempt ten
attempt eleven
attempt twelve
attempt thirteen
attempt fourteen
attempt fifteen
attempt sixteen
attempt seventeen
attempt eighteen
attempt nineteen
attempt twenty
attempt twenty one

Unedited/Minor Edits? Yes!


ENTRY LINE: Adela ~ Faid Shadowlight, Mew Neko x Monoceros ~ Pale Mist, Radar_Xeanheart

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Adela ~ Faid Shadowlight, Mew Neko
User Image Uncert

Name, image, and owner(s) of father:Monoceros ~ Pale Mist, Radar_Xeanheart
User Image

Co Ownership?:Adela Co-own, Monoceros Co-own
Lifemate?: nope
Link to Breeding Agreement:
Teepees: Faid Teepee, Mist Teepee
Throwbacks?: sure
Link to previous Generations:
Adela Mother & Adela Father
Low Luck?:YES!

Unedited/Minor Edits? Yes!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:09 am

ENTRY LINE: Sachiko [Tanakako & Syaoran-Puu] x Sofiel [Syaoran-Puu]

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Sachiko (Tanakako and Syaoran-Puu)
User ImageUser Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Sofiel (Syaoran-Puu)
User Image UNCERT (Wing Design)

Co Ownership?: Co-own agreement - both have rights, but doesn't matter too much since Sofiel is lifemated to Sachiko and Syaoran-Puu owns Sofiel completely.
Lifemate?: YES!
Link to Breeding Agreement: Lifemates (7th Post)

Teepees: Syaoran-Puu || Tanakako
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations: Both 1st Gen so have fun!
Low Luck?: Nope


Unedited/Minor Edits? No


Short Summary of their plotline: Sachiko and Sofiel were from rival herds.... one day Sofiel was given the mission to kill the head of enermies daughter, he goes to do so and ends up watching Sachiko. Her beauty blows him away and after breaking the rules and talking to her he realises he can't kill her. So, instead of killing he returns home and tells his master what he has done. He is about to leave the herd when something happens... Sachiko's father is killed by a novice. The conflict between the herds grows worst and so Sofiel tells his master to blame it all on him, that he will run forever from both herds, forever be counted as the one who killed the leader. He does this to protect his herd, only by doing this can he prevent hundreds of innocents from dying. And so... Sofiel leaves. Before he vanishes completely he finds himself venturing for one last look at Sachiko. His plan was nothing more but to look but he is discovered. Their eyes lock.... and in that moment they know, that this was fated.

Sofiel steals Sachiko away and together they run from both herds. Always hunted. Never at rest. But happy.... because they have each other.

What are their Parents Personalities?
Mother: She a gentle yet spirited mare who longs for adventure and to break out of the protective safety of her father and herd. When she meets Sofiel her world is turned upside down, her heart flutters... but she longs for the very things he can offer her. Adventure, travelling... children.
Father: Sofiel is a reserved character, wasting few words on anyone other than his mate Sachiko. The reason he met Sachiko was because his mission was to assassinate her for political reasons between their two factions, but upon seeing her Sofiel found himself lost to the world, surrounded by only her scent and beauty and he could not bring himself to do it. Instead Sofiel spoke to her... and over time fell completely for her.

He enjoys training anyone who is willing to listen in the art of fighting. In Sofiel's opinion only those who will use it to defend those they love from evil and danger should be allowed to learn. Currently he is helping a stallion called Sonnet, but over the years he has taught Sengdroma and Maion.

Do the parents have professions?
Mother: Healer
Father: Used to be Ninja warrior (top rank).... now he is a trainer.

Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance:

Just Act Tough Sofiel accepts a new student... a pregnant Sengdroma, and although he counts Maion as a dear friend he keeps the pregnancy a secret from him.
Unwelcome Advances Sofiel joins the fight to protect the Miakoda herd from the evil SWs. After this several rumors start to circulate the herd about him.
Together we are Strong Sofiel stays to assist with any injuries, and watches as Maion calms and comforts his herdmates down. During this RP Sofiel comes to appreciate his old students strength even more.... and for the first time in a while, feels almost part of a herd again.
Size isn't Everything[ Sofiel meets Sonnet again and starts training him (since Sonnet longs to be able to protect his family). For Sofiel this is a good opportunity to keep his skills honed.

There is an RP somewhere between the couple, probably lost in PMs now, but it is basically where Sofiel goes to kill Sachiko but can't....

What is their family dynamics? They will be raised by both Sofiel and Sachiko. But due to Sofiel's connection with the Miakoda herd it is likely he will eventually go and share his children with them.

Maion and Sengdroma -- Old students and good friends of Sofiel and Sachiko.
Sonnet -- An old student of Sofiel's and they have been friends ever since. Sonnet has told all of his children about Sofiel and one day they may even meet him.
Haishan Fai and Drashi -- Have become very good friends with Sofiel and they train together whenever Sofiel is in the area.

Traditions: Honor. Love. Truth. These are the ideals that Sofiel and Sachiko hold dear to their hearts.
Herd/Family culture: The moto Sofiel will teach them is:: "Only in silence can you truely hear." Patiences is a BIG thing to him.
Religious Beliefs: None.


Enduring Werewolf

10,275 Points
  • Team Edward 100
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Team Jacob 100


Lonely Member

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:04 am

ENTRY LINE: Sallexis (Seruta) x Kenet (Thamin)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Sallexis - Seruta
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Dusk - Thamin
User Image [Uncert]

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here.

Teepees: Sallexis -- Kenet
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Kenet is 1st Gen
---- Sallexis' Family:
Granddad- Akuba
Grandma- Niele
Dad - Moam

Low Luck?:

Unedited/Minor Edits? No


ENTRY LINE: Aditi (Thamin) x Dusk (Thamin)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Aditi - Thamin
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Kenet - Thamin
User Image [Uncert]

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both

Teepees: Thamin
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: n/a

Low Luck?:

Unedited/Minor Edits? yes

Voided to fix second form
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:17 am

ENTRY LINE: Sky (SylverStar) x Sapphrion Kanny (ladyfirefox89)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Sky/SylverStar)
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Sapphrion Kanny/ladyfirefox89)
User Image [Uncert]

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: no
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here<3

Teepees: SylverStar's, ladyfirefox89
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Sky: Father

Low Luck?:
1. Mindsend Dec 10
2. Nekoya Dec 10
3. Ririka X-mas 10
4. Nilo Dec 11
5. Fel Jan 11
6. Neza Jan 11
7. Neza Feb '11
8. Mobbu Feb 11
9. Neza April 11
10. Nerpin April 11
11. Jul's April 11
12. Bee's April 11
13. Riri's May 11
14. Jul's May 11
15. Ririka June 11
16. Neza's Aug 11
17. Ririka Sept 11
18. Nephs Jan. 12
19. Mindsend Feb 12
20. Moon Feb 12

21. SiSi Feb 12 LL
22. Neza LL Feb 12

Unedited/Minor Edits? No


ENTRY LINE: Eudora (SylverStar) x Constantine (Xx--Fuzzy-Gumdrop--xX)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Eudora/SylverStar)
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Constantine/Xx--Fuzzy-Gumdrop--xX)
User Image UNCERT

Co Ownership?: Here Roniel has no basket rights to this breeding.
Lifemate?: no
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: SylverStar's TeePee, Lonewolf_Eye's
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Constantine: Constatine's Mother Father

Low Luck?:

Unedited/Minor Edits? No


High-functioning Counselor

17,450 Points
  • Megathread 100
  • Alchemy Level 3 100
  • Tycoon 200


PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:43 am

ENTRY LINE: Plumeria (yoko lorako) x Memnon (~Masamune~)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Plumeria, owned by yoko lorako
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Memnon, owned by ~Masamune~
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Click Here (7th and 8th Posts)

Teepees: Click Here (yoko lorako's Teepee)
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Plumeria's Family
Mother / Father
Memnon's Family
Mother / Father
Materal Grandmother / Materal Grandfather
Paternal Grandmother / Paternal Grandfather
Maternal Great Grandmother / Maternal Great Grandfather
Paternal Great Grandmother (On Paternal Grandmother's side) / Paternal Great Grandfather (On Paternal Grandmother's side)
Paternal Great Grandmother (On Paternal Grandfather's side) / Paternal Great Grandfather (On Paternal Grandfather's side)
Low Luck?: No

Unedited/Minor Edits? No


ENTRY LINE: Fallon (yoko lorako) x Disuto (~Masamune~)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Fallon, owned by yoko lorako
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Disuto, owned by ~Masamune~
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Click Here (10th and 12th Posts)

Teepees: Click Here (yoko lorako's Teepee)
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Disuto's Family
Mother / Father
Paternal Grandmother / Paternal Grandfather
Low Luck?: No

Unedited/Minor Edits? No
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:59 am

ENTRY LINE: Sallexis (Seruta) x Kenet (Thamin)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Sallexis - Seruta
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Kenet - Thamin
User Image [Uncert]

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here.

Teepees: Sallexis -- Kenet
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Kenet is 1st Gen
---- Sallexis' Family:
Granddad- Akuba
Grandma- Niele
Dad - Moam

Low Luck?:

Unedited/Minor Edits? No


ENTRY LINE: Aditi (Thamin) x Dusk (Thamin)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Aditi - Thamin
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Dusk - Thamin
User Image [Uncert]

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both

Teepees: Thamin
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: n/a

Low Luck?:

Unedited/Minor Edits? yes

Voided first post to fix second form


Lonely Member


Timid Wolf

14,400 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Bookworm 100
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:14 am

ENTRY LINE: Aaricia (catmagick) x Lijep (RockerWolfie1616)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Aaricia (catmagick)
User Image UNCERT Without Hair Sticks
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Lijep (RockerWolfie1616)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A
Link to Breeding Agreement:[x]

Teepees: Cat’s RockerWolfie’s
Throwbacks?: Yes!
Link to previous Generations:Aaricia’s Mother Aaricia’s Father
Low Luck?:Nope
1. Neph's January Breeding 2012

2. Mind's Feb Breeding 2012

3. Bee's March Breeding 2012


Unedited/Minor Edits? Yes, I consider them unedited though Lijep has what some I guess could consider an edit? He has stock hair but, the bang is pushed to the side just a bit to make his eye visible. Though I do not care if it passes down to his children or not o v o You can leave it off if it's considered a hassle. sweatdrop Plus her father has small edits if you do throwbacks? Sorry for rambling xD
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:00 am

ENTRY LINE: Sita [Kaimi Kalani & Poppy Yukia] x Carthage [JadedTiger22]

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Sita [Kaimi Kalani & Poppy Yukia]
User Image[Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Carthage [JadedTiger22]
User Image [Uncert]

Co Ownership?: Poppy - XxX
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: xXx

Teepees: xXx
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Mother's Ma & Pa

Low Luck?:

Unedited/Minor Edits?


Barton Lunatic

8,550 Points
  • Friendly 100
  • Conventioneer 300
  • Medalist 100
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