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Ghostly Friend

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:33 pm
Abidemi tilted his head. Some of the pride members weren't affected? Hmm. He was aware that a plague was spreading around, or at least had very recently. Many prides were disbanded as a result of it. He furrowed his brows. Was that plague the same as this one? He sat and wrapped his tail around his feet, a little more worried now. He shifted uncomfortably, thinking about the implications of if the plagued pride did join with the Nergui. He was no tactician, but he wasn't stupid. Sickness versus an army of healthy, well-trained lions? If the pride's virus was as debilitating as it was rumored to be- they didn't stand a chance. Did they?

He sighed heavily, his ears pricked forward, and desperate to catch every word.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:49 am
Ayhas had witnessed many things in her rogue life. Among them disease and illness that took her family from her, as well as the unruly behavior of some rogues that knew nothing of honor, thus taking friend away from her side. She had grown hard as a rogue, a fire grown within her. She had never succumbed, and she would not allow herself, if she could, to have the firekin, or this pride, succumb to the monster nergui.

She would fight.

She grit her jaw at the thought, eyes looking to all those present. She wondered, with the nergui wanting to come here, if some of those within this strange pride ought to be trained to defend...but they could not attack.

How would they defend themselves?

They'd need a force..something, unlike any other as a shield.

The answer, Ayhas didn't have.



Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:24 am

[[ Sorry for the late jump in xD ]]
Mauja was, in a word, confused. It was hard to tolerate or ignore the presence of the red, black and white lions that were slowly starting to go up in number at the gathering in the distance. He wasn't ignoring it. He wasn't avoiding it. Part of Mauja wished it wasn't happening at all. As a leopard, he was immune to the pride's deadly virus and he had long ago agreed to spend his life here taking care of the lions who weren't so lucky. It was this mindset that prodded that young leopard to detour quietly for a small hunt. Hunting helped to calm his mind in a way that attending the gathering would quickly take away.

He dropped his small catch in the camp center with a few of the younger lions who were milling about before slowly making his way towards the large group of two prides in somewhat of a momentary stand off. Naturally smaller in size, Mauja lowered himself slightly to the ground as he moved forward. It was habit. As a hunter, sneaking up on prey meant covering up the stark white of his under belly and hiding under the seal brown cape that went across his shoulders and back. Even in a situation like this, where he wanted to go as unnoticed, the same tactic seemed to prove effective. It was easy enough to make his way through the layers of lions of his own pride, stopping several rows back from the front. Sliabh was standing off his to side, his daughter Caoilainn stood between them. It was to them that he first directed his attention.

"I take it negotiations are going well?" He commented dryly, his voice low and without much humor. It was easy enough to see the strained expressions on both sides. There was no violence here, no real anger. With that immediate threat out of the way for the moment, Mauja allowed himself to calm. He had nothing against the lions who had come into their pride. The large mass of reds, blacks and white seemed oddly daunting on a large scale, a walking army almost. With an absent minded eye, he observed the members of his own pride. There were sick lions near, the healthy gathered in the circle to see thew newcomers, the adolescents who had managed to sneak forward without being sent back by one of the older members. A small pride with a terrible curse, but his family nonetheless. Hopefully none of this nonsense with the larger lion pride and the Nergui led to fighting. Slightly disgruntled by the idea, Mauja tensed, keeping his attention on Nawiri for the guidance to get them through this.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:45 am
Modya breathed a prayer of thanks that Nawiri had arrived. Vizier he might be, and even considering he once was King himself, this was beyond his ken. He greeted his daughter with respect rather than affection, bowing his head deeply. Turning to the gathered Firekin, he raised his voice so that they all could hear him, speaking louder than he had before. "May I present Queen Nawiri'chiwa, leader of the Kitwana'antara." He stepped back one pace, and spoke in a more normal volume to Nawirir. "I have been speaking with Veru, who speaks for this group of sentinels from the Firekin."

He took a slow breath. Now to sum up what had been carefully communicated thus far. "They have come seeking news of the Nergui, my Queen. The Firekin have declared war upon them for atrocities they have committed." He sat down once more, mentally reviewing the conversations. "We have informed them that the Nergui have indeed come to us, offering alliance backed with threats. They have surmised that we refused that offer." That seemed to be the whole of it, as far as Modya was capable of sharing. He did not try to whisper suggestions of strategy or action to her, for he trusted her abilities completely. She had become a far better ruler than he had ever been. He was understandably proud.


Blessed Friend


PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:34 pm
Nili'asikari respectfully bowed his head as the Queen passed him by. For as long as he had known Nawiri'chiwa, she had never been one for formalities. The navy blue wild dog just couldn't help it though, as he had far too much respect for the Royalty of the Kitwana'antara. Old habits died hard.

It occured to him that he hadn't spoken to her in a while, which was a good thing, as it meant that there had been no deaths recently. Perhaps the Goddess of Pestilence had finally decided to give her unfortunate followers a break. If that was the case, it couldn't have come at a better time.

Nili'asikari gave a thoughtful nod of his head as the Queen's father summarised what had been said. He would've liked to have known more about what the Nergui had done in order for the Firekin to declare war on them, but that was something that the Queen could ask if she saw fit. For now, he would continue to remain silent, his eyes now fixed on Nawiri'chiwa.

Unfortunately for him, Ukuba was one of the Firekin present that knew all too well what the Nergui were capable of. The Hongshan had suffered massive losses, endured cruel and unusual torture and been left both physically and mentally scared in a lot of cases. For some odd reason, that he had yet to fully figure out, he and his brother hadn't been treated quite as poorly as the other Hongshan, but it had still been dreadful. The Hongshan had been a pride of warriors, and still they were no match for the Nergui. It didn't even bare thinking about what they could do to a bunch of diseased lions, none of which looked like warriors as far as he could tell.

Although all this was now weighing heavily on him, he saw no point in scaring the Kitwana'antara. If they asked to know more about the Nergui, then he would be honest with them. Until then though, it was best that they didn't know.

When the Kitwana'antara's Queen was introduced, Ukuba gave a polite nod of acknowledgement, but decided to wait for Veru to formally introduce himself before he considered doing the same. The Vizier known as Modya summed everything up rather well, and so the dark red male looked to Veru, as things would most likely progress a lot quicker now that the Queen of the diseased group was here.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:05 pm
Mittere bowed her head briefly as Nawiri arrived and came to the front of the Kitwana'antara members gathered. Then the Master Warrior stepped back and to the side, ready to act as the Queen's bodyguard, should it be necessary.

She cared little for diplomacy and gods all knew the pink lioness had little tact or subtlety, but damn if she was going to let the pride's best minds go undefended. That was her purpose in being here. Not to mention that her strategies for the defense and protection of the pride might have to be altered based on what happened here at this meeting. She doubted that she had enough skilled fighters to stand up to the Firekin. The only advantage she could see against the big red lions was, sadly, the disease. And she refused to stoop to the Nergui's level and use it as a weapon.

Which meant that, should this meeting go poorly, the Kitwana might cease to exist as it was. In the interest of NOT seeing that particular future, she was glad that Nawiri was here to talk to the strangers.  


Obsessive Bookworm

Kyra Bloodborne

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:14 pm
As the queen passed the gathering Bila was yet another member to bow her head slightly in respect. Nawiri was a strong leader, one she had much respect for given everything the pride endured during her rein.

Since the conversations had calmed and everyone seemed to be more a diplomatic page than that of violence the middle aged priestess relaxed and sat down, it wasn't like there was any reason to stand on guard. These firekin appeared to come with the same opinion of the Nergui as they had, if not more so. She silently closed her eyes for a moment and again prayed for the souls damaged or lost by the violence that was brought upon the strangers and their families. It was a shame that such a world could not keep from acts that destroyed families and brought even the strongest lions to their knees in tears of sorrow.

Shaking her head and reopening her eyes she sat quiet, intently listening to what she could of the conversation between the queen and the firekin group's leader.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:56 pm
Nawiri would have chuffed and dismissed the respectful bows her presence caused, having never liked the formality that her position so often wrought. She preferred to think of herself as one-in-the-same with the rest of the Kitwana, only with some additional responsabilities. To let her rank get to hear head would be foolish, and would make a foolish leader. No, this pride was a family, above all else, and the grey lioness liked to encourage such a mindset. Unfortunately though, her focus was on Veru and the group of red and white lingering on their lands.

That was her focus.

Her ears twitched as she listened to the pale lion speak of the madness within the Nergui. It surprised her that they had treated them differently, unusually, though to hear that they had committed some terrible crimes was . . .alarming at best. When Modya explained what had already been said, the lioenss gave a small nod. "If you are against these Nergui, than you are among friends." She spoke, dipping her head. "They requested I consider joining them, making promises of freedom and alliance, in exchange for what they called our. . . power." She spoke the word hesitantly, her blue and red gaze narrowing to show her disdain for such a word.

While she loved the Great Goddess dearly . . . . their disease was certainly not a power.

"This is not something we will give. The disease we wear is our burden, and is not something we wish to spread outside of our lands." She spoke firmly, a reminder to those of the Kitwana that lingered, as well as the strangers before them. She wanted to make it quite clear where they stood, and that they had no intention of siding with the strangers.

". . . they did promise to return. They spoke of an individual, their . . .leader. . . who was intrigued by our plight. And should they return to find we will not give them what they wish, they did not hide their desire to take it." Her features were grave, the severity of the situation hanging on her shoulders. This was not a threat they took lightly, but it was . . . tricky. They were limited in resources and healthy members; they were limited in being able to defend themselves if the Nergui did attack. For many of their members could not defend the pride if they did wish to become infected.

~ ~ ~ ~
Kaimi Kalani

Nyu'li was glad to see the queen appear and take matters in to her own paws. The unfamiliar faces before him was still unsettling though, and his tail twitched in uncertainty. Dipping his head some, the pale lion picked his way delicately over and settled next to the pale Bila. For a few moments he said nothing, before he leaned over to whisper, "Do you think these strangers might help us?"

Were they a blessing from the great Goddess herself? Surely they couldn't be fooling the entire pride. Though they were large and stranger, the words they spoke could be true.

Could be.

And even if the Nergui were deflected, what would this other pride do? They were strong, they were warriors, and they didn't look entirely pleased to be on their lands. While he had not been born during the great war, he knew history well enough to know warriors long since dead and disbanded had once tried to demolish their pride.

He worried that one threat might be deflected purely by another. There were many out there who did not see their small pride fit to continue living.


Shy Mage


Rainbow Cat

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:12 pm
Dumaka tensed up again as he spotted the Queen moving closer to the intruders – no, wait… guests – but her words quickly put him at ease. He bowed his head respectfully before turning his eyes to Modya, impressed by his remarkably succinct summary of the Firekin visit and then his blue gaze returned to their guests, cautious again. He waited for one of the more reasonable males to speak again but his eyes travelled through the group before him, alert to any suspicious reaction to his Queen’s presence. Things seemed to be progressing well but it never hurt to be careful.

While the Firekin appeared to be wary of his pride’s disease and not interested in fighting, if diplomacy failed and a fight broke out, Dumaka knew it would be very difficult to contain the spread of Pestilence’s gift. The Kitwana members present lacked the strength to either restrain or kill these huge lions so it was definitely a good thing that violence seemed to be an unlikely prospect at that point.

He listened to Nawiri’s words in silence, his expression grave when she mentioned the Nergui’s return. Despite all the warnings, tension and training that had been going on in his pride, this was probably the first time that the idea that the Kitwana’antara was at the brink of war really sunk in inside the young Guard’s mind.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:16 pm

"I do not think we have to fear them. It appears their sights are set far past us and we are but merely a marker they've stopped at to gather information and to check to see if we're friend or foe."

Smiling politely she shook her head, there didn't look to be any trouble coming from this group - at least not at this point. Relief was evident in her voice as her words slipped across her tongue. It wasn't often she was rattled, death was less than startling to her now and most often she found herself at peace with life. This hadn't been one of those moments, but the goddess must have approved of her prayers because so far everything was running fairly smoothly.

The firekin had been plagued by the violence and danger that they had merely been threatened with. Some part of her took pity on them because of this, but it was also a solemn reminder of what could become of their pride if they didn't heed the word of the Nergui. How anyone could see their disease as something to use against the other prides was beyond her. The goddess had sent them their burden, it certainly wasn't for anyone else to be caught into.

Bila still hadn't completely chosen whether to believe the disease was a blessing or burden, but either way it was theirs to bare, and there's alone.

Kyra Bloodborne


PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:02 pm
It was about at this point that Veru realized he really wasn't qualified to be speaking with a queen of all people. His grin stretched awkwardly across his face, and he gave about as charming of a bow as he could muster. The motion persisted long enough for him to get his thoughts in order. "A queen!" he hummed. "You'll have to excuse our lack of protocol. We have no such ruler these days."

He got the introductions done with quickly. "We are the Sentinels. We represent the Firekin outside of the Motoujamii. Moto'Seide, the legate, is our leader. I am just particularly chatty."

Chatty or not, he did fill a role. These lions may be friends, but the fear of this place still lingered. Better to keep eyes on a lion who wasn't much of a fighter then the warriors who watched the crowd for any surprises.

"Their leader knew of you? Is he near?" Veru asked. That too seemed different. They knew very little about the Nergui chief, whomever it might be. "I'm afraid the only thing we know about the fellow is his name. Or title."

Surely he couldn't be far, if he'd learned of this strange pride? Veru twisted his tail in consideration. Nothing about the Nergui made much sense though. He supposed he shouldn't have thought it would start now. But the thought of them wielding such a power... that was unsettling.

"How much time did they give until they would come to take it?"
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:38 am
Jabez scanned the crowd from his hidden position, but he didn't see the violent female he had once met in the roguelands among the group. His fur slowly sleeked down again and he tried to tell himself that he was being stupid. He had just been rattled by similarities, and those might just be coincidences. As the tension diffused and the talk started to sound more like cautious negotiation than a recipe for disaster he decided to show himself.

The sudden appearance of a dark leopard from the tall grass slightly to the side of the main group might startle anyone that happened to look that way. He wore a stern look on his face, but he was simply observing.

"The enemy of my enemy..." he mused silently. Something made him not want to trust these lions completely, but he had no reason other than a sick feeling in his stomach.


Sparkly Bibliophile

wooga Paes

Shirtless Explorer

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:32 am
Despite the bad weather, and the whole disease thing, this encounter was going a whole lot better than the run in with the Bonelands pride. There had been some initial tension, but from then on things looked like they had only gotten smoother. He was grateful for that, as this pride was certainly more dangerous than the last.

When the queen appeared, he blinked. He wasn't sure how to react to that, seeing as there hadn't been kings or queens in their desert for a while now. He barely even remembered a monarchy, and wasn't entirely sure it was just his imagination. Still, he managed to dip his head slightly, if only as a sign of acknowledgement.

The information about the nergui was definitely of interest. So they really were trying to get to the disease. He looked to the side as Veru asked his questions, then back at the others, waiting for an answer.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:56 am
Well the plot thickens! Netravati's was leaning forward as if on the edge of her seat, wriggling her toes into the earth so as to keep herself from pitching forwards and making herself look a fool. The white male conversing with the queen was quite a charmer and all around him the bright reds of the Firekin were stark in contrast to the dull landscape.

She inhaled softly, giggling quietly as if sharing a private joke with herself.

She couldn't answer any of their questions, of course. She'd not been present and hadn't much involved herself in Nergui politics. Netravati's didn't like to dwindle on the bad things as a rule. However, whilst she had no answers, she did have a question. To no one in particular, she asked:

"Are the brave red knights here to protect the Kitwana from the monsters?"



Fuzzy Kitten


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:23 am
Seide's eye's flicked to the right. They scanned over the broad smile that had broken over the Sentinel's face. Taking in a deep breath, the Legate forced her eyes forwards. Veru had already recovered and was busy making good on his statement of chatter.

"We are not even certain if 'he' is correct." The Queen had met with a leader. Was it really the one that they wanted? Seide's jaw clenched.

The Legate, following Veru's suit, also took a bow. He couldn't look ridiculous all alone, now could he? Even has she rose, she could feel a release in her body. The Queen's words were more than a comfort.

"They would not be able to risk drawing your blood - unless they wish to be infected themselves." The heaviness in Seide's brows returned. "But this is something that should be considered. They may view some of their members expendable. I will not underestimate them.

"If we leave a force here to fight, we are further stretching out members. We do not know how large, or how fierce, the Nergui truly are." If they were aware the Firekin tracked them, the Nergui could easily lead them on. But the people here seemed genuinely fearful, and more genuinely open. Seide had made the perhaps unwise choice of trusting their words were true.

"Verbal contact between our prides is a must."
[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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