Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:00 pm
Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!
Username: vollyballrocks91 Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Any horse breed colors/natural combos
Likes: Naturals! Long hair
Dislikes:Bright clashing neon colors, gore, bugs and spiders, organs hanging out, large gaping wounds, etc.CC'ed!~
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:48 pm
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:13 pm
CC'ed by DD! ( The lovely pale purple one <3 )Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!
Username: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Blues, purples, silver, gold, deep reds, and the classic black and white. In any combination that looks good.
Likes: Mutants, blood, stitched lips, ghosts, skeletal features, glowing eyes, mythological creatures, fluffiness, inky shadows, facial markings.
Dislikes: Baldness, overly bright/neon colors, fully clothed ponies, clowns.
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:54 pm
SURPRISE! You were CC'd so now this is not qualified for the raffle (nor can you win anymore free events in October). Gratz 8D! Feel free to display those sexy plushies though! ~@<3 Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!
Username: Tigeria Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank)
Preferences? What are those? I can't choose between any of my plush wonders.
Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: I like all colors! I do like light markings on a dark base though,
Likes: animals, mutants, spooky things, rainbows, Bright and dark colors, Myths of all sorts, Fluffy things, and I'm drawn to swirls.
Dislikes: Huge amounts of blood, gore, and that's it.
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:27 pm
Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks! Username: Caitlyn Hellstorm Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYOIf I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want convertedIndecisive so... leaving this blank Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted Uncert Uncert UncertSo people don't have to ask me constantlyColor preferences/Fave Color Combos: Black/Orange, Orange/Silver. Red, gold, black, silver. Basically anything but pink Likes: cat themed, mutants, mythological creatures, fire, scary things, Anything dark (skeletal stuff, gore, blood, creepy stuff). But basically, everything goes~ Dislikes: Pink xD
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:07 pm
Rolled Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!
Username: Reeve_Tuesti Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO (Gifted by Libby Libra)
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank)
Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted -None at the moment-
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Naturals, dark browns, greens, blues, grays.
Likes: Fluffyness, wings, ghosts, witches, wolves, occult.
Dislikes: Gore, tentacles, blood, bone, baldness. Anything icky really. Or clashing colors. XD
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:15 pm
Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks! Username: Kathryn Dragonna Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted Uncert
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:31 pm
You've been CC'd by Mindsend! O3o
Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!
Username: -Yasha Alcehmist Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO
If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank)
Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted
So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: ---
Likes: ---
Dislikes: ---
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:03 pm
Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks! Username: Buttpuppetry Proof of Plush: It's in a PM. You can have the PM if need be? XD If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank) Uncert! Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: White/Blue/Grey/ MUTED COLORS. I don't like eye rape. Not a fan of bright colors. GOD NO YELLOW. Likes: Bones, blood, spooky, ghost, etc. Autumn theme! Kirins! Dislikes:Kalonas Spiders. Idk ask?
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:04 pm
Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks! Username: Polette Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYOIf I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted(if no preference, leave blank) Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted Uncert UncertSo people don't have to ask me constantlyColor preferences/Fave Color Combos: Purple, black, red, blue, orange Likes: Voodoo, glowing, chains, eyeshadow, villains. > u> Dislikes: Uhm. Lotus pods. 8l Po has Trypophobia. I hope I did this right. D:
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:27 pm
Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!(Updated last: October 27st.) Username: Pollack Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYOIf I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted Uncert (If this plushie is won or CC'd could it please be a girl? <3) Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted Uncert Uncert (I had to cert this plushie made for me by Sage because she is unable to without her computer and it's broken soo...) Uncert Uncert So people don't have to ask me constantlyColor preferences/Fave Color Combos: PURPLE! I love deep purple. Blacks, greens, blue, red. I can stand pink if it's done tastefully and doesn't take up the whole pony. Likes: Creepy stuff, purple, GASMASKS, monsters, mythical creatures, dark colors, bones, blood, voodoo themes, curly hair, fluff, gothic, night, tentacles, gore, tribal, ANYTHING HALLOWEEN! Dislikes: UBER UBBBER girly things, clashing colors, puke type of colors, clutter, bunch o' neon tossed on one pony, super bright colors, fully clothed ponies, GNOMES, pastel, blue on purple and vice versa, skinwalkers (I just wouldn't be able to roleplay them.)
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:05 pm
Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks! Username: ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYOIf I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted UncertOR UncertRest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted Uncert Uncert Uncert Uncert Uncert  *No cert So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: I'm not too picky with colors, but I really love green and black! Dark bases with bright markings are also a favorite of mine. * x* Likes: Bones/skulls, pelts, glowing eyes, natural markings, tribals, masks, leg feathering. Dislikes: Excessive gore, clutter, waaay-too-clashy-what-were-you-thinking color combinations.
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:32 pm
Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks! Username: Ktns Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYOIf I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted Uncert UncertRest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted Uncert
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:59 pm
Updated Oct 29thLets see if these treats of mine have any tricks! Username: Heavenly Snow Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted (if no preference, leave blank) Uncert UnpeltedOC plushie, female Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted Uncert  <-- no cert for this one, colored by Tygress Dream So people don't have to ask me constantly Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Natural colors, and natural colors with unnatural colored markings, colors taken from nature (favor an element, season, etc), and sometimes I just like being surprised. Likes: Hair that's flowy, long, braided, elegant styles. Colors that compliment, natural colors. Blood, bones, evil, gothic, dragons, feathers, tribal or fancy markings, weird/supernatural looking eyes, wings, horns/antlers, earthy, plants, harvest themes, bio-luminescence, drafts Dislikes: Zombies, clowns, eye rape colors (most of the time), spiders, tentacles
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:02 pm
Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks! Username: ArashiX Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYOIf I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted Uncert ...ooorrrrr... UncertRest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted Uncert UncertSo people don't have to ask me constantlyColor preferences/Fave Color Combos:Naturals, naturals with unnatural markings, soft tones, subtle glow (eyes, accessories, etc), jewel tone accents, pretty colour combos (not necessarily pastel or girly), fiery colours (esp. manes/tails on a natural or darker body! <3), cool colours. No neon/overly bright, please! Likes: Hair, flutters, fluttercorns, pretty things, lace design, tribal design, pirates, costumes, masque balls, dark/creepy/witchcraft/voodoo, harvest moon, fiery colours, ghosts, hybrids, paws, demons, surprise me! Dislikes: Excessive gore/blood, needles, entrails becoming extrails, bright colours, neon.