Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:41 pm
Your Username: Mewsings of An Angel Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Ah'Uaynih UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: --Deceptive-- Ahni loves to twist and turn the truth, manipulating it to her advantage and using it against others in ways that would bode useful to whatever she is doing. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Well, Ahni is new to the Kawani lands after losing her herd, her family and all that she knew and cared for. She has become bitter at her horrid turn of fate and has gone into a reclusive state while she searches for a new herd, or some familial group that would take her in. Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Aurora Uncert Uncert 2Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb:Aurora is a very gentle creature, and is rather small due to some blood from her father's genetic side being Flutter. This can make her a bit on the headstrong side. She'll stand up to even the largest Kalona without much hesitation, but knows when to back down, or even better yet... run. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She has found her eternal mate in a KiriKalona, Dante ( Uncert). Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Lucinda UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Luci is a gentle and quiet creature, even though her outward appearance can be a bit misleading. She does, however, have moments where the darkness that lurks in her blood decides to surface. This leads her into bouts of sado-masochism, where she will either hurt herself, or try and hurt others just to hear a scream. These moments don't last long, and she finds her memory a bit blurred and her location sometimes confusing. As Lucinda is blind, her other senses are rather heightened. As such, she loves to meander toward interesting smells; a flower, wet grass,crushed leaves, the ocean... anything that piques her interest. Her hearing is quite sharp as well, and can pinpoint most noises with decent accuracy. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Besides losing her sight, Lucinda has been slowly traveling around, meeting new people, and searching for a place to call home.
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:51 pm
Your Username: Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Aurianna Uncert Entered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb: Sweet, loving, and motherly. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She has been lonely, waiting for her mate to return. RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 2) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Miroqi  I can not find his uncert. I HAD it but it seems to have disappeared. Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: A flirty lad, he loves to meet the ladies. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He's hunting for friends to meet. RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 2) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Cloud Dance Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Bubbly, bouncy, and happy! Short Blurb of Recent Events: She's exploring the world, wondering when she'll meet some new friends! RP List: (optional) --Rp: Meeting at Sunset ----- Soquili Involved: Zareen --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Ayidan | Uncert -- Relation: Father -- Personality: Shy, mostly quiet, but willing to stand up to bullies if he must. 2) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional) Your Username:
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:55 pm
Your Username: [.Silvr-Moon.] Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Kismet UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: She is rather quiet, calm, and collected, but extremely knowledgeable; especially when it comes to the inner workings of the natural world and nature. She is very friendly and is always ready to assist those in need in any kind of situation! Short Blurb of Recent Events: She has been simply traveling around on her lonesome, particularly in the plains regions and forests. That's about it for her recently! Familiar(s): Unmei :: By her side
Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:35 am
Your Username: Epine de Rose Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Sylph Forcas Uncert Entered Relations: Tempest (Brother), Conduit (Aunt) Short Personality Blurb: Sylph Forcas is the youngest son and heir to an ancient and very regimented family line. Fiercely loyal and dedicated to the safety of his 'clan', he would gladly die at the hands of an enemy to save them. Generally speaking he's extremely disciplined and rarely surrenders to temptation... Unfortunately he does have a weakness for a very attractive harpy though, who entered his life and he hasn't quite been able to release her! Short Blurb of Recent Events: His adoptive 'son', Lil Tut was recently attacked by a Skinwalker while attempting to save a filly. In response, he declared war against the skinwalkers, however, unbeknownst to him his brother Tempest had already announced a holy war and had embarked on a journey to obliterate the cursed being in question. RP List: (optional) N/A Unentered Relations: 1) Syntyche | Uncert -- Relation: Arch Enemy -- Personality: Devout, indiscriminate and over zealous. This skinwalker will stop at nothing to present as many sacrifices to 'divinity' as possible. She has no care or consideration for whether or not they're of the same species as her, or whether they're her blood... If she can kill it, she will. 2) Lil Tut | Uncert -- Relation: Adoptive Son -- Personality: Son and heir of Sylph, this stallion isn't particularly inclined towards heroics but does have a great sense of responsibility. If he seems someone in need, he has been raised to help them. Beyond that, he rarely makes a martyr of himself and prefers to look at the more positive aspects of his life. 3) Bella | Uncert -- Relation: Mother -- Personality: Loving, conscientious and nurturing, Bella is the balm to Sylph's otherwise abrupt and judgmental father. She adores her children and would happily adopt more if she could get away with it! 4) Azumoth | Uncert -- Relation: Father -- Personality: None are more unforgiving and judgmental than this stallion. While he is tolerant to those in his wake he has a very strict set of beliefs and nothing will dissuade him from them. He often comes across as arrogant or unyielding to those who don't know him and it's only his mate that seems to have the power to persuade him. 5) Azshara | Uncert -- Relation: Mate -- Personality: Sylph would happily take a bullet for this unusual mare. Delicate and naive, she came from a 'herd' he detests. Despite this, her forward thinking and inclination towards free will and equality have won him over. That, and he finds her head feathers terribly attractive, so much so that he'll often lose his head! Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Conduit Uncert Entered Relations: Sylph Forcas (Nephew), Tempest (Nephew) Short Personality Blurb: Connie is a witty but otherwise unadventurous sort. She can weave a wonderful fairy tale yet prefers to keep within the boundaries and protection of herd territories. It isn't that she disapproves of adventuring and she loves to hear the tales, the over exertion just isn't for her. She has a great love of family, stories and song. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Connie once pictured herself to be in love but this was simply childish naivety that nearly got her killed. Fortunately when she regained her strength and health she realised, with much heart break, that her feelings were not shared. Alas, she drifted into a world of her own, only to have a prince literally fall into her lap during one of her periods of introspection - it is from here that her new life begins, a time in which she finds that perhaps, there is someone out there just for her... RP List: (optional) N/A Unentered Relations: 1) Azumoth | Uncert -- Relation: Brother -- Personality: None are more unforgiving and judgmental than this stallion. While he is tolerant to those in his wake he has a very strict set of beliefs and nothing will dissuade him from them. He often comes across as arrogant or unyielding to those who don't know him and it's only his mate that seems to have the power to persuade him. 1) Cyn Generis | Uncert -- Relation: Father -- Personality: An ancient 'beast' from times of old, he guards the gates of time and ensures their constant flow. Cursed with a corrupt gaze, he covers his eyes to keep his sanity intact for none like to see those they care for 'rot' before them. Alas, with excessive age comes wisdom and few are wiser than this old being who grants assistance only if sought out and implored to do so... 3) Adelis | Uncert -- Relation: Love Interest -- Personality: The prince charming of the tale and not often one to lose his wit. He crashes in unexpectedly on the young mare. Charming and otherwise good humoured, Adelis is more than comfortable with adventure and happens to have that little spark Conduit enjoys... 4) Kalila | Uncert -- Relation: Mother -- Personality: Quiet, thoughtful and otherwise unique. Kalila is a reincarnated human who fell in love with her father while he was in 'human' form. Though she died and he committed the sin of 'resurrection' in attempting to save her, his redemption paved the way for her rebirth and their reunion. She now lives peacefully with Cyn Generis, though most of her former memories remain lost. That being said, she still very much loves her mate. Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Tempest Uncert Entered Relations: Sylph Forcas (Brother), Conduit (Aunt), Linaiha (Love Interest - Page 4) Short Personality Blurb: Nothing is more fierce-some or terrifying than a religious zealot, fortunately, Tempest isn't quite as bad as that. While he is very dedicated to his deity he knows better than to shove his opinions down the throats of the unwilling. As such he has elected to serve Divinity in the best way possible, following the divine call he has found his purpose and that is to annihilate the Skinwalkers. Fiercely independent, battle hardened and capable, very little fazes or intimidates this male. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Tempest has embarked on a mission to wipe out Skinwalkers, in particular, he seeks the blood and head of Syntyche, the mare who sought to kill one of his family. On this journey who soon found a flutter on a mission of her own and they struck up a friendship...Alas, only time will tell if it lasts, as battling a Skinwalker is surely a death wish. Unentered Relations: 1) Bella | Uncert -- Relation: Mother -- Personality: Loving, conscientious and nurturing, Bella is the balm to Sylph's otherwise abrupt and judgmental father. She adores her children and would happily adopt more if she could get away with it! 2) Azumoth | Uncert -- Relation: Father -- Personality: None are more unforgiving and judgmental than this stallion. While he is tolerant to those in his wake he has a very strict set of beliefs and nothing will dissuade him from them. He often comes across as arrogant or unyielding to those who don't know him and it's only his mate that seems to have the power to persuade him. Familiar(s): N/A
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:29 am
Your Username: catmagick Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Arctic UncertEntered Relations:N/a Short Personality Blurb: Arctic is an Ice Tiger knight that values family above all else. When given an ultimatum by his mother to choose between love and duty he chose love and exile even though it broke his heart to go against her. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He has recently become lifemated to his beloved, Chayse. He has learned that his mother has excepted his decision and no longer considers him exiled. Unentered Relations: 1) Chayse | Uncert-- Relation: Mate -- Personality: Chayse is free spirited and kind of sassy. She knows what she wants and goes for it. She has a sweet side as well, especially towards her family. When it comes to her family, she is a protective mother, bordering on over protective. Familiar(s):  Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Arachna UncertEntered Relations:N/a Short Personality Blurb: Not much is known about this recent arrival to the soquili lands. So far she has kept to herself but it is known that she likes spiders. Short Blurb of Recent Events:N/a
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:25 pm
Your Username: xxxxx x blame it on the --- x Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name:xxxxx Xolotlcoatl
Uncert | No WingEntered Relations:xxxxxo1. Cuauhcoatl xxxxxxxxxxRelationship: BrotherShort Personality Blurb:xxxxx Ever vigilant, Xolotl is a very determined girl by nature. She doesn't like to think that anyone could ever prevent her from doing something she truly wanted to do. Though her seriousness sometimes makes her seem somewhat stand-offish, she is a rather approachable female. She enjoys listening to stories, mostly those from travelers that she has found on her own journeys. This is something that, even before she became what she is today, she has always enjoyed to do. She can be nice when she feels like it; which is often. But make her mad... She is very good at holding a grudge, and she has been known to hold them for years before even considering allowing the other person to approach her. Over all, she's wise and fun to talk to ( especially if you have a story to tell ), she's gentle and kind, unless you anger her to the point of a grudge ( which is honestly very hard to do ). Short Blurb of Recent Events: xxxxx Xolotlcoatl recently has came down to the Kawani lands. She searches for her two brothers; and at the same time goes to aid those around her; generally looking to help anyone who needs it. She has met few Soquili on her travels, but she longs to prevent more from going down a path that could harm them. Unentered Relations: 1)Xocoyolcoatl -- Relation: Brother -- Personality: Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name:xxxxx Vanwyn
UncertEntered Relations:xxxxxo1. Taarab - Page One xxxxxxxxxxRelationship: Father xxxxxo2. Vanya - Page Five xxxxxxxxxxRelationship: Mother xxxxxo3. Quadrille - Page One xxxxxxxxxxRelationship: AuntShort Personality Blurb:xxxxx Strong. Smart. Beautiful. Cunning. Confident. And she knows it. Vanwyn, not only in appearance, but in personality has matured into a wonderful creature. She walks with her head held high, and her body as well groomed as a princess on her way to a ball. She's sweet in nature, usually rather happy, but knows when to buckle down and show people who is boss. Vanwym has a natural talent of luring people to her; be it with her beauty or her wit. She seems to know what to say, and when to say it. Or how to look ( Though honestly, she thinks no one can deny her what she really wants ). She is helpful, and kind. But cross her, and she will become one of the most vicious Harpies you have ever laid eyes on ( It is hard to make her mad though ). She's very rarely depressed/sad about anything, liking to look on the better part of life than dwell on what may be seen as the lesser. So in a basic status, she is a lovely, kind Harpy, with a natural talent, as well as a not-so-quick temper. Short Blurb of Recent Events:xxxxx Vanwyn has recently obtained her one and only pet, Honovi. She enjoys going out and hunting with him, as well as finding time to show him the ropes of being a true stallion of the Flock. She craves to have children soon, though is not rushing in case Honovi is not yet ready. RP List: --Rp: An Uncapturing ----- Soquili Involved: Vanwyn | HonoviUnentered Relations: 1)Vaniania -- Relation: Sister -- Personality: 2)Vanmoriel -- Relation: Sister -- Personality: 3)Honovi -- Relation: Pet/Mate -- Personality:Familiar(s): Linnod Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name:xxxxx Hunahpu
UncertShort Personality Blurb:xxxxx Hunahpu is a very smart stallion. Unlike his brother, he prefers to do things by thought and talking rather than by action. He finds the world to be a rather interesting place, and if that means that he has to go slow, and analyze every slight piece, he will. It's been said that he once spent several weeks analyzing a set of plants that grew inside the temple walls. He's generally a very nice stallion, when one gets passed his inner nature. He isn't a social being, by far, and prefers seclusion. But once you get passed his, for lack of a better word, shyness, he will be a companion for life. He has a natural attachment to his brother; being that it was his only friend his entire life. He would risk his own life to ensure that Xbalanque was safe. It's rare to see the stallion smile, though when he does, it's obvious that he is in a very good mood. Short Blurb of Recent Events:xxxxx Hunahpu recently made his first expedition out of the temple he had called his home since he popped from his basket. He has yet to explore much, but finds the world to be a very interesting place. Thus far, he has only spent time with his brother, but is curious as to whom else he could meet. Unentered Relations: 1)Xbalanque -- Relation: Brother -- Personality:
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:59 pm
Your Username: sage_the_vampirc_angel Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Marek Lothario De Luxure Uncert Entered Relations: none that I know of but lets see he's related to Maral De Luxure, Desdemona, Kallisto De Luxure, Miki, Mire and a few others~ people can feel free to pm me if their wondering if hes related to a soq Short Personality Blurb: Marek is a newly grown stallion who is a bit of a contridition while like his father he loves nothing more than to try to seduce anything that moves near him. But at the same time Marek is far from his father's exact match, while he does love to try and seduce others, Marek also has his limits and a good heap of manners that he actually knows how to use thanks to his "step" mom. Marek knows how to be kind to others and say please and thank you, he also has no intentions of starting a harem like his father. He hopes to find a mate or two and settle down. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Having recently just grown Marek spends most of his time dragging his "step" mom Fio around to do "jobs" aka annoying people and stealing things. RP List: (optional) Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Maral De Luxure | Uncert -- Relation: Father -- Personality: Man Whore ~plain and simple Maral is a giant man whore if he's not trying to seduce something living he's off stealing stuff or other junk so he can seduce some one. 2) Fiorella | Uncert -- Relation: "step" mom ~ Maral's next baby mama who helped raise Marek -- Personality: Fio is a very headstrong girl. A tomboy to boot she doesn't take crap from anyone and even if they dare try to mess with her most likely she'll be jumping them. Fire-cracker would be the best word for her. She's loud, flashy, fiery, but can fizzle out if stepped on. Though she's an angeni mix Fio has lost her way a bit. She isn't pure and good, but has been tainted by her demon friend since child hood. She loves nothing more to tease and annoy people and if they are amusing enough will do anything to get the result she wants. 3) Miki | Uncert -- Relation: Older Half sister -- Personality: Miki is sort of an odd ball, she loves hanging out and "hunting" Monsters. For the most part while her action might see a bit childish to others, those close to her know she holds an inner knowledge that makes her mentally older beyond her years. Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: La Sirine Unmasked Entered Relations: none Short Personality Blurb: La Sirine for the most part acts completely stuck up and full of herself and for the most part but she is really willing to help though she is really picky on who she helps because she's not sure who she can trust. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Sirine for the most part just spends most of her time wandering around observing others or collecting herbs or bones. RP List: (optional) Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Teenti illum Uncert Entered Relations: not sure~ pm if you think you find a soq if you think might be related Short Personality Blurb: Teenti is an artist who loves to work in any media that she can get her tentacles on. She's bubbly and can be rather easily distracted so she tends to start things then flutter off to something else and go back and forth between her projects Short Blurb of Recent Events: Teenti spends most of her time doing art or dancing around her mate~ Samil for fun. RP List: (optional) Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Lollipop Paint Shop | Uncert -- Relation: Father -- Personality: Over energetic over protective miniture poodle. Can't focus on anything for any long period of time. Also an artist like his daughter. 2) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional)
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:44 pm
Your Username: Looneytaz82 Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Deyanira UncertEntered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb: Deyanira is very deceiving, using her looks and charm to lure in victims. Once her trust is gained, she uses them for her pleasure, whether that be to fight and injure, or simply to use them as her pawns. She has no problem putting them in the face of danger simply to amuse herself. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Deyanira has yet to emerge from hiding after a long period of solitude. Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Raja UncertEntered Relations:Pyper Uncert-- Relation: Lifemate -- Personality: "A spitfire full of sass. She's flirty and sometimes a bit obnoxious. Lots of fun! " Short Personality Blurb:Raja is a big foal at heart. He loves to run amok and play/harass his lifemate, Pyper, and their Bobcat familiars. He teases most everyone he comes across. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Raja and Pyper have become lifemates, and they have bonded with their familiars, Jynx and Gizmo. RP List: --Rp: First Encounter: Hey There Handsome----- Soquili Involved: Raja & PyperUnentered Relations:1) Gizmo -- Relation: Jynx's (Raja's Familiar) mate -- Personality: Serious Familiar(s):  Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Faegan UncertEntered Relations:Short Personality Blurb:Faegan is very exquisite. He is a stallion of very few words though, normally watching intently understand others. He feels that is the best way to get to know others. He's also willing to listen to any story from anyone. Sometimes it may seem that he is not listening and possibly ignoring others, but he takes in every detail from their story, and learns. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Faegan has met Nukpani. He has an invested interest in her, more than any other mare he has met. While nothing is set in stone, Faegan wants to continue to learn more about this mare, and hopes that their friendship becomes more serious. RP List: (optional) --Rp: {PRP} Sophistication in the Sun (Nukpani and Faegan)----- Soquili Involved: Nukpani | FaeganUnentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Nukpani -- Relation: Acquaintance Familiar(s): 
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:04 pm
Your Username: Jynk Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Zalashji UncertEntered Relations: None that I know of at the time of posting. Short Personality Blurb: He's calm and calculating. He can sometimes act rashly since he was raised mostly in the wilds and largely left to fend for himself by his mother. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently he was lifemated to Lady Sarevess Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Booster Gold UncertEntered Relations: None. Short Personality Blurb: He is egotistical and very full of himself. That said, he does have a good heart and can be very noble. He tries very hard to be a protector, even when he's frustrated at not being recognized for his deeds. He can also be a bit of a prankster. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Still new to the land and has not done anything of note. Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Blue Beetle-- Relation: Superhero buddy (sidekick?) -- Personality: Kind of a dork, but means well. He is a bit of a prankster as well. He's more thoughtful than Booster, and takes it more graciously when not being recognized for his role as a protector. He's also a lot less selfish. Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Swimdeep UncertEntered Relations: None. Short Personality Blurb: Headstrong and independent, Swimdeep is quite happy on his own or in the company of others. While gentle in nature, he can be sometimes overbearing if he feels someone is being wronged or if he feels someone needs protection. Often times he comes off a bit socially awkward but this is only due to his lack of having been around others enough. Although pushy at times, Swimdeep really isn't obnoxious. He enjoys easy living and tends to explore on his own, letting the currents take him where they will. Adventurous at heart, he is also cautious about the dangers of open water and prefers to stay close to reefs and rocks. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He hasn't really done much. He did make a few new friends, like Aglaope, though.
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:14 pm
Your Username: -PR0X1MA-C3NTAUR1- Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Pavati Sik'is UncertEntered Relations:Short Personality Blurb: Rather secretive and shy. Observant, somewhat reserved but curious and kind. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She lives in a freshwater stream that widens at the mouth into a mid-sized lake, though spends most of her time along the stream. It connects to a thin network of tributaries that crawl back into the landscape, but she doesn't spend much time up there as of yet. She's still exploring the main channel. RP List: --Rp: Clear Water----- Soquili Involved: NevaUnentered Relations:1) Mrgl | Uncert-- Relation: Lifemate -- Personality: Eternally loyal, slightly quirky. Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Kohana Kwahu UncertShort Personality Blurb: Kohana Kwahu is a fairly reserved stallion, having matured respectably since the days of his wayward youth. Though his voice is rich and deep, he is soft-spoken, preferring the blissful silence of nature to incessant chatter. (A preference which may have spawned from his recent relations with a rather over-excitable mare.) He has been rather more subdued than usual as of late. Eternally loyal to those who have earned his trust, his trust was betrayed by the one mare he has opened his heart to thus far- a vivacious flutter who was one of the first Soquili he met upon traveling to the Soquili lands from those of the Cerynei. She left him for the one her heart truly desired- and he, not one to hold a grudge, and valuing her happiness over his own, let her go without a fuss... knowing when to fight, and when to back off. He lingers in the safe haven of a forest glade, cordial and kind to passers-by. He's been living in quiet solitude, mostly keeping to himself after Tiahana left him. Certainly pleasant and kind to strangers, never rushing to be out of their presence nor avoiding them outright- but only in passing, for all have moved on, dealing with their own concerns, and forget the gentle Cerynei. He's a provider, a protector... and with no-one to care for, he's gotten rather lonely... Short Blurb of Recent Events: He has seen the forest at its best, and the forest at its worst. He's lived through plague, forest fires, and harsh winters. One of the first Cerynei to walk the lands, he is an old soul who has seen too much of the world's ills and yet retains his gentle demeanor nonetheless. Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Aditsan Ajei UncertEntered Relations: His grandfather, Kohana KwahuShort Personality Blurb: Aditsan Ajei is sweet and kind. Brave and pure-hearted, he would never stride past a fellow soul in need. He is good at communication, and his compassion and soothing voice helps timid Soquili to feel more comfortable. His parents' relationship was one of convenience: his kind mother (a Cerynei-Flutter) was a surrogate for his sweet and happy father and life partner. He is accepting of many "oddities" in others, believing that he had no right to judge others since his own upbringing was rather unusual. He left his mother with Grandfather (a Cerynei, Kohana Kwahu) and is now exploring the world, trying to understand what's "normal" and what's "strange." His primary trait is that he listens well, thus is a "sponge" when it comes to stories and knowledge. However, he can also coax others into talking who normally would not with his easy-going nature and quiet charm. If his temper flared, he would restrain himself and simmer quietly/ put off an aura of anger, but never strike out- knowing that his upset glower may make her uncomfortable, he would remove himself from the situation before his temper flared enough to risk harming another (physically or emotionally.) He hasn't had much experience dealing with his own negative emotions, and so may need to guidance of another to work through unusual emotional states. He's quite calm/placid normally, which is part of what makes him so good at listening- a "neutral" slate that can lean towards soothing and kind, to help others in their trials.
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:40 pm
Your Username: Laroawan Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Cyrus Monrey Uncert Entered Relations: Nakita (lifemate) pg. 5, Tait Monrey (son) pg. 2, Julius Monrey (father) see below Short Personality Blurb: yrus is by first appearances a simple stallion who may seem uneducated to the ways of the world. In reality he has much to offer in the way of knowledge but he is hesitant to share his interests with anyone. He has a deep passion for mechanics and technology of any sort but few know of his interests. In his youth he experienced great disappointment when he was rejected by his father. Since then he has found it hard to connect with any males and fears his own abilities as a father may not be sufficient. He has a deep respect for all females, having been raised by two mothers. He feels he has a deep connection with Nakita and he will follow her to the end of the earth if needed. He appreciates her strong personality and is happy to take the submissive role at times while still providing her with an intellectual match. Short Blurb of Recent Events: After falling in love with Nakita they shortly decided to lifemate. Now they are the proud parents of three foals and have two more baskets on the way. Unentered Relations:1) Aurelia Monrey -- Relation: Daughter 2) Victoria Monrey -- Relation: Daughter 3) Larkin Monrey -- Relation: Son 4) Windsor -- Relation: Mother 5) Utani Mesmra Monrey -- Relation: Daughter Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Julius Monrey Uncert Entered Relations: Cyrus Monrey (son) see above, Tait Monrey (grandson) pg. 2 Short Personality Blurb: Julius leads a double life. He plays the role of the clocksmith, a gloomy character who roams the Soquili lands on his own in search of things to fix. Though he is not a social stallion he will fix any broken items brought to him as long as their owners do not pry too much into his work and life. He is no-nonsense and doesn't like to waste time with idle chatter. Although he portrays a harsh exterior he does have a softness inside. He is fascinated by soquili with unique qualities and may easily fall in love with them but will keep his feelings to himself. Julius also secretly plays the role of the mortician. Passed onto him from his father Julius works to help the dead pass onto their next life. He believes the only way a Soquili can pass on is by having a mortician like himself perform the rights for them. If these rights are not performed he believes the dead will be trapped as ghosts. He feels this is a very dangerous job as he works closely with death and this makes him fearful to get close to others. He tries to keep this part of his life secret from anyone who does manage to become part of his life. Short Blurb of Recent Events: After fathering foals for Windsor, he was heartbroken that she took the foals and left to raise them with her lovemate. Watching from a distance he saw his foals grow into adults. Hoping that one of them could be his apprentice he finally decide to interact with his children but he found himself dissapointed. Having not been raised in the ways of the mortician neither of his children met his criteria for an apprentice. Now his son Cyrus has lifemated and fathered Julius' first grandchildren. Maybe one of them could be his future apprentice? Unentered Relations:1) Aurelia Monrey -- Relation: Granddaughter 2) Victoria Monrey -- Relation: Granddaughter 3) Larkin Monrey -- Relation: Grandson 4) Windsor -- Relation: First love interest and mother of his children 5) Tinkerbell -- Relation: Future love interest (fling) RP List: --Rp: Oh Dam and Blast ----- Soquili Involved: Beibhinn --Rp: Till Death Do Us Part ----- Soquili Involved: Tinkerbell Familiar(s): Wizbang Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Finnegan Uncert Entered Relations: Marnie Dorei (future lifemate and childhood friend) pg. 2 Short Personality Blurb: Finn is an introvert. He spends most of his time alone in his cave where he has established a collection of treasures. The one mare he is always happy to see is Marnie, his childhood friend. He would do anything to protect her. He left his family when he was young because he knew he was different. The curse of the twisted tunnel had left him with an unusual tail and a more feral state of mind. He hunts small prey and scavenges to feed himself but his tender heart has lead him to spare one small rabbit who has become his pet and familiar. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Unentered Relations: 1) Alban -- Relation: Father 2) Scavenger -- Relation: Mother 3) Cera Kiora-- Relation: Sister
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:29 am
Your Username:
Soquili Submission 1: Regalia
Soquili Submission 2: Thesh-ah
Soquili Submission 3: Cinis
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:39 pm
Your Username: Ovarian Paint Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Bloody Tears of Disillusion Uncert Entered Relations: Soul Lexis - Pg. 2 - Love/hate mate. The ying to his yang these two are very different and yet compliment one anothers ideals quiet well. Short Personality Blurb: Disillusion is cold, calculated and has a nasty, violent temper. But hes nothing like elitest kalona's. Though he has a soft spot for Discord and doesnt kill to simply kill, he isnt the sort to waste his energy on something meaningless. And he is rather possesive of those he considers his...touch and he will end you. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Wicca- uncert -- Relation: Lifemate -- Personality: Wicca is a very unique and special mare, and Disillusion can appericate her. Her outlook on life surprises the kalona a good deal and the way she speaks in riddles is just delightful. Familiar(s):  - Adores her master, even sleeps under his wing fold during the day so that she is never away from him. She is not the most friendly girl around when someone else has her masters attention. Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Niobe Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Sweet, feisty, TINY! Niobe is a small mare, even for flutter standards, her general size is about the size of a large colt. But she can change between that size, her flutter size and normal mare size, even then though she is on the petite scale. She has a deep passion for the world around her, plants interest her a great deal. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Domovi | Uncert -- Relation: Lifemate-Gaurdian. -- Personality: Sweet and heroic. He takes his duty seriously, but his love for Niobe makes things a bit more interesting. Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Libby Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Curious and carefree. Libby loves life and nature, she has a deep passion for the earth under her hooves and the skys above her head. Her herd, her family all have deep roots in their beliefs and those with wings are almost gods to them... Short Blurb of Recent Events: Familiar(s):  - He is constantly her compaion, though the owl himself is mute they seem to share a deep bond and connection. Libby refers to him as her guide spirit, and has a deep respect for the bird.
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:45 pm
Your Username: dolphingurl Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Lynae Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Lynae grew up with her mother and father in a land somewhat far away from these lands. When she was just a filly her older sister Aiyana left and Lynae often thought of her and the adventures she might be having. When she grew older she decided to go and follow in the footsteps of her sister and made her way to these lands in hope of finding her sister and perhaps her own fairytale. Lynae is a sweet young mare, she grew up listening to her mother tell her fairytales every night. She dreamed of own day going and experience some of this for herself. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She recently met a soquili named Asher who saved her from a skinwalker. (Future events: She becomes pregnant with Asher's foals, but he leaves before knowing this as he sees himself as evil and doesn't want to hurt her. She then meets her future mate Astrophel.) Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Aiyana -- Relation: Sister -- Personality: Aiyana is a somewhat flirty mare. Though she spends time fixing her flowers and things a lot it is not because she is really vain, her flowers are just important to her. She is an easy-going girl that likes mostly everyone. She loves her family, and a matriach of a rather large family with 5 kids, and countless generations of grandkids. 2) Asher | Uncert -- Relation: First breeding partner, her false knight in shinning armor. -- Personality: He sees himself as evil, but saves Lynae from a skinwalker and protects her for a bit. 3) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Astrophel-- Relation: Future Lifemate -- Personality: A gentleman, looking for his princess.
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:42 pm
Your Username: Nyx Queen of Darkness Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Karloff Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: As a foal and young adult, Karloff was convince that he was cursed to live a life full of destitution and misery. Losing everything he loved had reinforced that idea. Extremely dispirited and depressed, he was so consumed by his dark thoughts that he nearly gave into them so as not to feel anymore. As an adult, he comes to accept his life. He is not cursed, but he is being hunted. He's honest, and helpful. But quiet in some ways--he's about to be pushed into doing more, willing or not. Never willing to be a leader, he's forced with having to make life or death decisions at crucial moments. Ultimately, it pushes him to become a leader. He's dependable, loyal, kind, skilled, and many other qualities that help him to protect others from having the same thing happen to them that happened to him. Short Blurb of Recent Events: RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Lucian | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Lucian was born to Relic and Jessamine. His mother, in hopes that he could live a normal life, left his basket with Karloff. Karloff had found a way to cope with the darkness within himself, and it was Jessamine's hope that he could help the basket become just as well adjusted as himself. However, no one realized that the imaginary friends that he had were actually voices that spoke to him from the moment he was in his basket. Throughout childhood, they were only thought to be imaginary friends. But as the cravings for blood and flesh became stronger, and the voices more pronounced, it was realized that he had inherited some of his mother's bloody tendencies. 2) Raphael | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Aibhe | Uncert -- Relation: Mate -- Personality: 4) Rinkini | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Ves'tacha | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s):  Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Galla Sile Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Short Blurb of Recent Events: RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Absolem | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 2) Larkin Monrey | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Yvaine | Uncert -- Relation: Daughter -- Personality: 4) Nakita | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Grauen Kerze Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Short Blurb of Recent Events: RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Horus | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 2) Brutus | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Ashvay | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Westrion | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Lament | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional)