As Desmond pulled up to the town he noticed the town was on a more higher alert then when he had left. A perk of being white was that they didn't look twice at him as he drove by in an Imperial jeep. Keeping his identity and that of Khan involvement with the rebels a secret would be paramount to keeping this low profile. If the Imperial realized that they were involved even whites would be inspected and idenities ascertained. More guards patrolled the streets, which is too be expect the day after a weapons shipment got ambushed. The Africans looked down at the ground as they walked by the soldiers they didn't want to stir trouble with the Imperials on edge as they were. Down the street Desmond saw a group of Imperials interrogating a man against the wall. The man looked terrified. He was shaking with fear. Several Africans looked on with terror in their eyes but no one interfered. As Desmond watch one of the soldiers struck him in the face. The man feel to his knees pleading with the soldiers.