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Hygienic Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:21 pm

Unlucky in Love

LOWLUCK 1: Final Pyre All Expired x Fenuk

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Male, Female
-- Genders if three are rolled: Male, Female, Male
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: YES
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: YES (ohplzzz)

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Final Pyre All Expired (Carhop Calvalier and ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Fenuk' ('Swirly)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: X
Spazzy does not have rights to this breeding

Lifemate?: Yes x3

Low Luck?:Yessum~

Link to Breeding Agreement: X

Teepees: X X
Throwbacks?: No, thanks x3
Link to previous Generations: N/A
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:29 pm

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: Jinx Creed

1: Kiarasteri x Nozdormu

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: cc
-- Genders if three are rolled: cc
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: preferably after baskets are dropped

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Kiaraster/Jinx Creed)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Nozdormu/ JadeEye)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: na

Lifemate?: no

Low Luck?: no

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: na
Throwbacks?: no
Link to previous Generations: na

1: Ekundayo x Argent

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC
--Genders if three are rolled: CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: No, baskets dropped and owners chosen first please

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Ekundayo (Nymphalidae)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Argent (Jinx Creed)
User Image UNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/A.

Lifemate?: No.

Low Luck?: No.

Link to Breeding Agreement: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=237&t=11630811#281246379

Teepees: Nymphalidae | Jinx Creed does not have one.
Throwbacks?: Yes.
Link to previous Generations: Kayla x Cuauhcoatl

Jinx Creed

.Tortured. .Pumpkin.

Backwoods Garbage

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:51 pm

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: .Tortured. .Pumpkin.

1: Gaiacinta x Chowilawu

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Giiiirls
-- Genders if three are rolled: More girls. XD
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes~
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Of course!

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Gaiacinta (Doodle p***s)
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Chowilawu (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.)
User Image
Low Luck?: No
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: .Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s Teepee | Doodle p***s's Teepee
RPed couple?: No
Throwbacks?: Sure~
Link to previous Generations: Chowilawu's Mother, Chowilawu's Father
Chowilawu's Father's Mother, Chowilawu's Father's Father
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

2: Isa x Wallace

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Boy/Girl
-- Genders if three are rolled: Boy, girl, surprise
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes~
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Of course!

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Isa (Rockerwolfie1616])
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Wallace (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.)
User Image Uncert 1, Uncert 2
Low Luck?: No
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: RockerWolfie1616 | .Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s Teepee
RPed couple?: Not yet
Throwbacks?: Uh~ Sure?
Link to previous Generations: Wallace Daddy
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

3: Ciro x Cooper

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Any
-- Genders if three are rolled: Any
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes~
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Of course!

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Ciro/Mameha Otome)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Cooper/Rhyleigh)
User Image UNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: Mameha - Pumpkin
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Ciro - Mother x Father

4: Toxic Sludge x Lyka Rockstar

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: No pref
-- Genders if three are rolled: Any
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes~
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Of course!

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Toxic Sludge (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. and UniWingdFox)
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Lyka Rockstar (Sylent Nyte)
User Image
Low Luck?: No
Co Ownership?: UniWingdFox has already received a basket from this pair, and is not eligible for this breeding. Toxic Sludge's Agreement is Here
Teepees: .Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s Tepee | No Tepee for Sylent Nyte.
RPed couple?: No
Throwbacks?: Yes <3
Link to previous Generations:
Toxic Sludge's Father, Toxic Sludge's Mother
Lyka's Father, Lyka's Mother
Lyka's Father's Father - Lyka's Great Grandfather, Lyka's Great Grandmother
Lyka's Father's Mother - Lyka's Great Grandmother, Lyka's Grat Grandfather
Lyka's Mother's Father, Lyka's Mother's Mother
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:56 pm

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: FlamingStar-Sama

1: Elune x Tokidoki

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: No pref
-- Genders if three are rolled: No pref
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes!
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes!

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Elune/Lunadriel)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Tokidoki/Flaming Star-Sama)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/a

Lifemate?: Yes!!! Finally. <33

Low Luck?: Nope!

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Flaming Star-Sama
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations: 1st Gens



Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:20 pm

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: Leopleuradon

1: Minuet Amachi x Rakko Aquila

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: No pref! If you are more inspired to do one gender over the other, then cc them <3
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure!
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Oooo! Yeah!

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: ( Minuet Amachi / Leopleuradon )
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: ( Rakko Aquila / Bouncy_Pineapple )
User Image [Uncert] ( Lost D': )

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here!

Teepees: Leo's and Bouncy's
Throwbacks?: Yes!
Link to previous Generations: Minuet - Mother and Father
Rakko - Mother and Father

2: Lior x Quirrel
Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: No pref! If you are more inspired to do one gender over the other, then cc them <3
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure!
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Oooo! Yeah!

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: ( Lior / Leopleuradon )
User Image [ Uncert ]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: ( Quirrel / Revien aka Bellforge)
User Image [ Uncert ]

Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: Yes <3

Low Luck?: Nope

Link to Breeding Agreement: Lifemates!

Teepees: Leo's and Revien's
Throwbacks?: Go for it <3
Link to previous Generations: Lior's Mother and Father. Quirrel is a Gen 1!

3: Jouko x Price
Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: No pref! If you are more inspired to do one gender over the other, then cc them <3
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure!
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Oooo! Yeah!

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: ( Jouko / Leopleuradon )
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: ( Price / Kaju_Inu )
User Image [Uncert]

Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: Yes <3

Low Luck?: Nope

Link to Breeding Agreement: Right here! ♥

Teepees: Leo's and Kaju's
Throwbacks?: GO FOR IT! <3
Link to previous Generations: Both are Gen. 1s.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:02 pm

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: hanging galllow

1: Tinkerbell x Smallpox

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Always one of each at least biggrin
-- Genders if three are rolled: Same biggrin
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Tinkerbell (hanging gallow)
User Image [ Uncert ]

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Smallpox (Thamin)
User Image [ Uncert ]

Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: Not yet but getting there <3

Link to Breeding Agreement: LinkAgreement

Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Zul'Brin | Typhoid
Typhoid's Line -
Beelzebub | Reila
Styx | Kitten
Kerrigan | Ozzie
Sadiki Iah | Aderes
Torey | Nalini
Zul'brin's Line -
Richmon | Eviotil Ver Spitfire

2: Ceryseete Inolaisi x Janus

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Always one of each at least biggrin
-- Genders if three are rolled: Same biggrin
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Ceryseete Inolaisi / hanging gallow)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Janus / Caitlyn Hellstorm)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: Agreement

Teepees: Cait
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
- Father

3: Nicole x Moki

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Always one of each at least biggrin
-- Genders if three are rolled: Same biggrin
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Nicole (hanging gallow)
User Image [ Uncert ]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Moki (hanging gallow)
User Image [ Uncert ]

Co Ownership?: No

Lifemate?: Yes

Low Luck?: No.

Link to Breeding Agreement: I own both <3 can do one if need be

Teepees: Hanging Gallow
Throwbacks?: Yes.
Link to previous Generations:

4: Terror Incognita x Diablo

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Always one of each at least biggrin
-- Genders if three are rolled: Same biggrin
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Terror Incognita (hanging gallow)
User Image [ Uncert ]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Diablo (iloveyouDIE)
User Image [ Uncert ]

Co Ownership?: No

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No.

Link to Breeding Agreement: Linku

Teepees: Hanging Gallow
Throwbacks?: Yes.
Link to previous Generations:

5: Faline x Malcolm

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Always one of each at least biggrin
-- Genders if three are rolled: Same biggrin
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Faline (Hanging Gallow)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Malcolm (Marzipanz)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: No

Lifemate?: Yes

Low Luck?: No.

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: Hanging Gallow
Marzipanz' Teepee
Throwbacks?: Yes.
Link to previous Generations:

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

Pink Pandah Bear

Sparkly Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:08 pm

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: Pink Pandah Bear

1: Lullaby x Brooklyn Willow

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Boy, Girl
-- Genders if three are rolled: Boy, Girl, CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yeah~
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yep

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Lullaby/C o w b o y P e e p)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Brooklyn Willow/Pink Pandah Bear)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: Nope

Low Luck?: Nope

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here~

Teepees: N/A
Throwbacks?: Yep~
Link to previous Generations: Brooklyn's parents - Marley x Genoa

2: Koemi x Nightmare Gottschalk

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Boy, Girl
-- Genders if three are rolled: Boy, Girl, CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yeah~
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yep

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Koemi/dawns_aura)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Nightmare Gottschalk/Pink Pandah Bear)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: Yes!

Low Luck?: Nope

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here~

Teepees: N/A
Throwbacks?: Yep~
Link to previous Generations: Koemi's Parents: Raveena x Crosswind
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:24 pm

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: ~Lady Kanna~

1: Muirne x Tebald

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: No Pref
-- Genders if three are rolled: No Pref
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes~
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes!

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Muirne (~Lady Kanna~)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Tebald (Teh Roarie)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: None

Lifemate?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: Kanna, Roarie
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Mother, Father

2: Sirene x Matthius

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: No Pref
-- Genders if three are rolled: No Pref
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes!
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Sirene (~Lady Kanna~)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Matthius
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: N/A

Lifemate?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: Kanna, Juliette06
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Mock Parent 1, Mock Parent 2

~Lady Kanna~

Anxious Werewolf

21,550 Points
  • Battle Hardened 150
  • Grunny Harvester 150
  • Elocutionist 200


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:30 pm

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: Nyhility

1: Eka'kini x Jumanji

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC
-- Genders if three are rolled: CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: hm ok
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: ok

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Eka'kini/Ktns)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Jumanjii'/ Nyhility)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: no

Lifemate?: yes

Low Luck?: no

Link to Breeding Agreement: xxx

Teepees: Nyhility, Ktns
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Manji's mother
Manji's father
Eka's father
Eka's mother

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:45 pm

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: Baby Pandah

Risti x Prince Craevan Evarcrest

Desired Gender Ratio: 1/2 female, 1/2 male, if there's a third basket male
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Rist/ Baby Pandah)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Prince Craevan Evarcrest/ XBlind-DarknessX)
User Image UNCERT, Unclothed Uncert
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: No, thanks! smile
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: n/a

Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: n/a
Link to Breeding Agreement: [X]

Throwbacks?: Yes! <3
Link to previous Generations:
Vincento Sinclair
Jessamine, Relic
Lucian, Ves'Tacha
Rinkini and Cooper

I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!!
---Even pants/skirts? D8: NO. Please no pants or skirts. Dx I would just like Craevan's cape to possibly be continued.

Short Summary of their plotline:
Risti is finding out more about her family and the twisted tunnel, wondering why her skin cracks the way it does and why she experiences vague visions of someone or something leading her down a dark path. During her explorations she hears rumors of a cursed prince. Her curiosity gets the better of her, and she finds herself at his territory to learn more about him. She feels that something has been pulling her here, and his home is eerily close to her visions.

Craevan is a lost and cursed soul, roaming his territory and either trying to resist his urge for meat and blood, or giving in to the curse and spilling blood to satisfy the darkness in his heart. He was cursed by what he calls the Pure One because he failed to save his kingdom from his father, who was failing as a ruler.

The two will come together and Craevan's dark side will temporarily be dormant. They will fall in love, but just as they have their first batch of children, Craevan's dark side will return and will begin to hunt Risti and their children. Fearing for their lives, Craevan will force Risti to leave. In the rush of it all, one basket will be left behind with Craevan. They will each have one other relationship briefly and then will come together again to learn how to cope with his curse and hers. There's more to that and to this whole plot, but this is supposed to be a short summary so I'll stop there. xD

What are their Parents Personalities?
Mother: Risti always has an answer for everything, she always has a comeback. But she is not snobby or snippy in personality. She doesn't find herself to be attractive, and she does not look for physical beauty in others. She is extremely curious and wanders. Like her mother, she believes in the power of a name, and only gives others the first syllable of her name, Ri, challenging them to guess her name by her nature, or earn her full name through valid conversation and connection.
Father: Craevan is haunted by his immense grief and guilt concerning his past. Though he once enjoyed the company of others he has forced himself into solitude, too fearful of what he calls his ‘dark side.’ The dark side is what he has named the ‘thing’ that he becomes when consumed by bloodlust. Rather than endanger anyone due to his inability to control himself he has circulated frightening rumors in an attempt to keep any would be victims at bay.

Do the parents have professions?
Someday the two of them will be alphas of a herd, but not quite yet. Craevan was the only living heir to his father's throne, but he will not accept the role.

Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: Rumple and Stiltskin --Risti and Craevan meet for the first time, and realize that their meeting may not have been coincidence. Craevan tells Risti that she must leave, that he is a monster and that she is not safe here.
The Broken and the Beast --Risti returns to Craevan's lands bearing a gift, her first ever kill for him to feast upon. However, she soon discovers that returning was a mistake and she comes face to face with Craevan's dark side for the first time.

READ THEM! They're awesome RPs. ;D

What is their family dynamics?
After Risti flees, the first and eldest basket will be left behind with Craevan, who will most likely raise the foal as carefully as he can unless Risti comes back in time to save the foal from Craevan's dark side.
The other foal(s) will be raised by Risti. She will most likely seek the help of Jezabelle or Sangria, her great-aunts. Risti does not feel very close to her mother and feels that her aunts might be of better use to her in this situation. One or both of them would most likely help Risti to raise the other foal(s).

Traditions: Many members of the family have knives that are either given to them by the previous generation, stolen, or found.
Herd/Family culture: Risti is a descendent of the Cleaver/Sinclair family. Many of them crave blood due to their Kalona ancestry. Many others hear voices or are sensitive to sunlight.
Religious Beliefs: The Cleaver family is highly blood bound, and though Risti is not, her brother is and therefore her children could very well inherit that trait, especially with their father's curse thrown into the mix.

Risti believes very much in fate and Craevan believes in his Pure One, the one who cursed him and organizes things in his life. He is unsure why The Pure One does certain things, such as giving him Risti's name, but he knows The Pure One is punishing him with his curse for not saving his kingdom.

I know you probably don't want to read anymore, but if you want any more information on the two of them:
Risti's Plot Thread
Craevan's Plot Thread

Baby Pandah

Popular Sex Symbol

9,650 Points
  • Thread Flip 150
  • Partygoer 500
  • Ultimate Player 200


Invisible Harvester

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:15 pm

Unlucky in Love

USERNAME: Rhyleigh
LOWLUCK 1: Enali ver Rash x Itzal

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: male, female
-- Genders if three are rolled: male, male , female
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Enali ver Rash (SkyDragono)
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Itzal/Rhyleigh)
User ImageUncert
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: Yes


Link to Breeding Agreement: There

Teepees: Rhyleigh andSkyDragono
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Enali ver Rash's
Mother: Eviotil ver Spitfire
Father: Richmon

I Have a Bald Pony and DON'T want random hair mixed in!

These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)


And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: Rhyleigh

:1 Glitter x Shoshan Blythe

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: girls
-- Genders if three are rolled: girl, girl, boy
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Glitter/Pinka)
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Shoshan Blythe/Rhyleigh)
User Image [Uncert]
Low Luck?: No

Lifemate?: Yes
Low Luck?: No
Co Ownership?: N/A
RPed couple?: N/A

Teepees:Rhyleigh and Pinka
Link to Breeding Agreement:

Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Shoshan Blythe's

:2 Hina'ea x Kekipi Makani

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC
-- Genders if three are rolled: CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Hina'ea/Mameha Otome )
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father:(Kekipi Makani/Rhyleigh)
User Image

Lifemate?: No
Low Luck?: No
Co Ownership?: N/A
RPed couple?: N/A

Teepees: Mameha Rhyleigh
Link to Breeding Agreement: here

Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Gen 1

:3 Pamuya x Pippin

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: One each
-- Genders if three are rolled: Two girls, one boy
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes
Name, image, and owner(s) of surrogate mother: Pamuya - Rhyleigh
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Pippin Aramiss Nicole Tyrenna Del Kisora Ravine Thadimus the third - Amirynth
User Image

Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Lovemates
Low Luck?: Nope
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
Teepees: Rynth's Teepee
Throwbacks?: Sure!
Link to previous Generations:
Note: Rainbow Cullen - Syaoran-Puu
*Rainbow is added in just in case you'd like to add in an item from him (like a scarf or maybe a feather of his) item-wise.

Short Summary of their plotline: Pip has spent most of his adult life traveling and spreading the joy of passions across the soquili lands. In Rainbow, he finally met his match! Rainbow reflected his own beliefs like a mirror and soon they found themselves almost inseparable. Both enjoy flirting with others, mostly to make the target feel better about their own self confidence. Pamuya got caught up in one such 'tag-team' and ended up joining them in their mission to spread love and acceptance across the lands. She has agreed to be their surrogate and looks forward to having a family.

:4 Criana x Ainsley Loren

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: male, female
-- Genders if three are rolled: male, female, suprise
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:(Criana/Kirowyn Love)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father:: (Ainsley Loren/Rhyleigh)
User ImageUNCERT

Co Ownership?: No

Lifemate?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement:here

Teepees: Kiro.. Rhyleigh
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Ainsley's Family
Mother: XX
Father: XX
Maternal Grandmother: XX
Maternal Grandfather: XX
Paternal Grandmother: XX
Paternal Grandfather: XX
Great Grandparents: (Maternal) XX & XX, XX & XX

Criana's Family
Mother: XX
Father: XX

:5: Enali ver Rash x Itzal

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: male, female
-- Genders if three are rolled: male, male , female
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Enali ver Rash (SkyDragono)
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Itzal/Rhyleigh)
User ImageUncert
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: Yes


Link to Breeding Agreement: There

Teepees: Rhyleigh andSkyDragono
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Enali ver Rash's
Mother: Eviotil ver Spitfire
Father: Richmon

I Have a Bald Pony and DON'T want random hair mixed in!

These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)

PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:29 am

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: kaliskanny

1: Muse x Tooki

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: cc
-- Genders if three are rolled: cc
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: only if i can watch.
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: sure

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Muse (Rein_Carnation)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Tooki (Kaliskanny)
User Image Uncert
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: yes

Low Luck?: no

Link to Breeding Agreement: link to life mate agreement

Teepees: Kaliskanny teepee , Rein_Carnation teepee
Throwbacks?: yes!
Link to previous Generations:
Gabriela, Mother of Muse
Mythril, father of Muse
Glory, Grandmother of Muse
Kahaina, grandfather of Muse
Icarus, father of Tooki
Tai'jin, mother of Tooki
Malis, grandmother of Tooki
Kifo, grandfather of Tooki
Aganthi, grandfather of Tooki
Raisa, grandmother of Tooki

---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Y
---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): N
---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: sure

2: Hepzibane x Zelfrax

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: cc
-- Genders if three are rolled: cc
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: if i can watch
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: sure

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Hepzibane (Samuel Carlin)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Zelfrax (Kaliskanny)
User Image Uncert
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: yes

Low Luck?: no

Link to Breeding Agreement: link to lifemate agreement

Teepees: Zelfrax isn't listed in Kaliskanny's teepee. Link for Samuel Carlin teepee
Throwbacks?: YES!
Link to previous Generations:
"Swamp Eye" Jarl, father of Zelfrax
Miki, mother of Zelfrax
---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Y
---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): N
---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: sure

3: Alvilda x Galilee Atva

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: cc
-- Genders if three are rolled: cc
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: if i can watch (starting to sound kinky)
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: sure

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Alvilda (Teh_Sil)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Galilee Atva (Kaliskanny)
User ImageUNCERT Uncert with out wing and on background to show steam
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: yes

Low Luck?: no

Link to Breeding Agreement: link

Teepees: none
Throwbacks?: YES!
Link to previous Generations: both are first gens.
---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Y
---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): N
---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: sure

4: Krylla Muzzlewicket x Smoot Samophlange

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: cc
-- Genders if three are rolled: cc
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: if i can watch *cue 70's music*
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: sure

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Krylla Muzzlewicket (Kaliskanny)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Smoot Samophlange (Jynk)
User Image UNCERT
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: yes

Low Luck?: no

Link to Breeding Agreement: link

Teepees: none
Throwbacks?: yes!
Link to previous Generations: both are first gen

---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Y (not sure if that five o'clock shadow on Smoot counts)
---Just on Males right? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): N
---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: sure

5: Calamity Jane x Duer

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: cc
-- Genders if three are rolled: cc
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: if i can watch
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: sure

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Calamity Jane (kaliskanny)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Duer (Kaitaia & one over three)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: one over three does not get a basket link
There's also this

Lifemate?: yes

Low Luck?: no

Link to Breeding Agreement: link

Teepees: none
Throwbacks?: yes!
Link to previous Generations:
Bad Horse, father of Calamity Jane
Alda, mother of Calamity Jane


Toxic Grunny

15,200 Points
  • Lapin Patrol Avior: Victory! 50
  • Team Devin 200
  • Somebody Likes You 100


High-functioning Counselor

17,450 Points
  • Megathread 100
  • Alchemy Level 3 100
  • Tycoon 200
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:02 am

And that's the power of Love!

USERNAME: SylverStar

1: Eudora x Constantine

I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!!
---Even pants/skirts? D8: N

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Male, CC
-- Genders if three are rolled: Male, Female, CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Eudora/SylverStar)
User Image UNCERT

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Constantine/Xx--Fuzzy-Gumdrop--xX & Roniel
User Image UNCERT
Co Ownership?: Roniel isn't getting a basket. Here

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: Not yet

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: SylverStar, Xx--Fuzzy-Gumdrop--xX

Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Constatine's Mother Father

2: Sky x Sapphrion Kanny

I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!!
---Even pants/skirts? D8: N
Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Male, CC
-- Genders if three are rolled: CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yep

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Sky/SylverStar)
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Sapphrion Kanny/ ladyfirefox89)
User Image [Uncert]
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here<3

Teepees: SylverStar's, ladyfirefox89
Throwbacks?: sure
Link to previous Generations: Sky: Father

Macalania x Attacus Loch

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC
-- Genders if three are rolled: CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Macalania/LOLTERNATIVE)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Attacus Loch/ SylverStar)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: Yes

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement:here

Teepees: SylverStar's TeePee, Lolly's
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations: 1st Gen

4: Isadora x 'Enakai

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Female, Male
-- Genders if three are rolled: Female, Male, CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Isadora/Nyx Queen of Darkness)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: ('Enakai/ SylverStar)
User ImageUNCERT
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: here

Teepees:SylverStar's TeePee, Nyx's
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: 1st Gen

5: Keres x Douglas Grifon

These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)I want my clothed ponies kids to have a chance at clothes!!
---Even pants/skirts? D8: Y
Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: CC
-- Genders if three are rolled: CC
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Sure
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yep

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Keres/Kiara Lime)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Douglas Grifon/ SylverStar)
User Image No blood UNCERT
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: no

Low Luck?: no

Link to Breeding Agreement:here

Teepees: SylverStar's TeePee, Kiara Lime's
Throwbacks?: yes
Link to previous Generations: yes
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:38 am

Unlucky in Love

USERNAME: Kiara Lime

LOWLUCK 1: Mansi x Khajag

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: Male, Male
-- Genders if three are rolled: All boys
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes!
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Mansi (Kiara Lime)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Khajag (Leez0rz)
User Image Uncert
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: Yes

1: Agneza's April Breedings 2011
2: Nerpin's April Breedings 2011
3: Jul's April Breedings 2011
4: Bee's April Breedings 2011
5: Riri's May Breedings 2011
6: Jul's May Breedings 2011
7: Riri's June Breedings 2011
8: Agneza's August Breedings 2011
9: Riri's September Breedings 2011
10: SiSi Pumpkin's Changeling Breeding Thicket 2011
11: xNephilim Queen's January Breeding Thicket 2012
12: Mindsends February Breedings 2012
13: Moonys February Breedings 2012
14: Mindsend's April Fools Breedings 2012
15: Neph's April Breedings 2012
16: Agneza's May Breedings 2012
17: Tropical Tiki Tunnel Couples Breeding 2012
18: DD's November Breedings 2012
19: Agneza's January Breedings 2013
20: DD's February Valentines Couples Breeding 2013
21: Mindsend's Feb Breedings 2013
22: Riri's Low Luck March Breedings 2013

Link to Breeding Agreement: Agreement

Kiara Lime: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13285139

Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Mansi's Parents: Father x Mother.
Meme's Parents: Grandfather x Grandmother.
Ellina's Parents: Father x Mother.

Kiara Lime


Demonic Sweetheart

PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:12 am

And that's the power of Love!

Username: Midori_Keiko

Naja x Jason Voorhees
Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: 1 Boy, 1 Girl
-- Genders if three are rolled: 2 Boys, 1 Girl
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Yes

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Naja, owned by Midori_Keiko

User ImageUncert

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Jason Voorhess, owned by Midori_Keiko

User Image Uncert

Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: No
RP Qualified?: No
Lifemate?: No
Co Ownership?:n/a
Teepees: Teepee
Throwbacks?: n/a/
Link to previous Generations:n /a
Link to Breeding Agreement: n/a
Breeding Thickets

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