Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Emeric Owner(s): Ishtanballa Permission granted to: XxXPandamoniumXxX Details: Panda has my full permission to use Emeric for mock breeding purposes Restrictions: Emeric must be paired with Aellai for mock breedings
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:15 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Hania Shen, Zachariah, Gabriel Owner(s): Ishtanballa and XxXPandamoniumXxX Permission granted to: XxXPandamoniumXxX, Ishtanballa, and Ririka Details: Ishtanballa, Ririka, and Panda have permission to use the listed Soq for reference in family mock breeding events and for reference in customs Restrictions: Must somehow be tied to the family
Romantic Spotter
Ririka Crew
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:17 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Embrace, Zebediah Owner(s): Ishtanballa and Ririka Permission granted to: Ishtanballa, Ririka, and XxXPandamoniumXxX Details: Ishtanballa, Ririka and Panda have my full permission to use the listed Soq for reference in family mock breeding events, and in reference for customs Restrictions: Must be somehow tied to the family
Agreed again since I messed up before
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:17 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Zachariah Owner(s): Ishtanballa and XxXPandamoniumXxX Permission granted to: Ririka, Ishtanballa, and XxXPandamoniumXxX Details: Ishtanballa, Ririka, and Panda have permission to use Zachariah for mock breeding purposes Restrictions: Must be paired with Iona Darkbane in mock breedings
Romantic Spotter
Romantic Spotter
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:18 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Gabriel Owner(s): Ishtanballa and XxXPandamoniumXxX Permission granted to: Ririka, Ishtanballa, and XxXPandamoniumXxX Details: Ishtanballa Ririka, and Panda have permission to use Gabriel for mock breeding purposes Restrictions: Must be paired with Schizoid in mock breedings
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:21 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Enitan, Ellial, Lenore, Azland, Emeric, Cai Shen, Litost, Elpidius, Sciath Owner(s): Ishtanballa Permission granted to: Ririka and XxXPandamoniumXxX Details: Ririka and Panda have my full permission to use the listed Soq for reference in family mock breeding events, and in reference for customs Restrictions: Must be somehow tied to the family
Fandom Supporter
Fandom Supporter
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:22 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Emeric Owner(s): Ishtanballa Permission granted to: XxXPandamoniumXxX Details: Panda has my full permission to use Emeric for mock breeding purposes Restrictions: Emeric must be paired with Aellai for mock breedings
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:23 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Hania Shen, Zachariah, Gabriel Owner(s): Ishtanballa and XxXPandamoniumXxX Permission granted to: XxXPandamoniumXxX, Ishtanballa, and Ririka Details: Ishtanballa, Ririka, and Panda have permission to use the listed Soq for reference in family mock breeding events and for reference in customs Restrictions: Must somehow be tied to the family
Fandom Supporter
Fandom Supporter
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:24 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Embrace, Zebediah Owner(s): Ishtanballa and Ririka Permission granted to: Ishtanballa, Ririka, and XxXPandamoniumXxX Details: Ishtanballa, Ririka and Panda have my full permission to use the listed Soq for reference in family mock breeding events, and in reference for customs Restrictions: Must be somehow tied to the family
Agreed again since I messed up before
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:25 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Zachariah Owner(s): Ishtanballa and XxXPandamoniumXxX Permission granted to: Ririka, Ishtanballa, and XxXPandamoniumXxX Details: Ishtanballa, Ririka, and Panda have permission to use Zachariah for mock breeding purposes Restrictions: Must be paired with Iona Darkbane in mock breedings
Fandom Supporter
Fandom Supporter
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:25 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Gabriel Owner(s): Ishtanballa and XxXPandamoniumXxX Permission granted to: Ririka, Ishtanballa, and XxXPandamoniumXxX Details: Ishtanballa Ririka, and Panda have permission to use Gabriel for mock breeding purposes Restrictions: Must be paired with Schizoid in mock breedings
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:54 pm
Darkmoon Dancer
Selective Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Jasmine Lilly x Samandiriel x Uncert | UncertWithout blindfold Uncert Owner(s): Darkmoon Dancer & Insane Butterfly
Permission granted to: Candle Wick Ghost, with Kokabiel Lunadriel, with Ranunculus NinebB0nesFr33d, with Arturas Kyrieko, with Chroma Junglerunner, with Arias Nymphalidae, with Jophiel LydaLynn, with Anthymos vballlvr5, with Emile SinfulHoliday, with Sigefrid
Event: Until one mockbreeding child inspired by what is outlined below is attained! Details: Permission was given for this before, during a contest, but we are renewing it here for clarifications sake smile
Restrictions: If there are to be changes made that would drastically change these characters, the changes must be run past myself or Insane Butterfly.
Why this name? Dir had a fascination with my soquili Kai at one point (He is based on constellations), and because stars are just one of the many things that appeal to artists, I thought this would be a fitting name for the family.
Koka (Like coca-cola!) is an actor. He prides on showing off his ability to adapt to situations and really exaggerate the emotions needed in every single one. This skill has founded his passion for story telling and has completely opened up a new world to him. It isn't often you find him with a frown on his face, unless he is acting out a story and portraying a scene that needs the relative emotion to be identified, usually grinning like a cheshire cat - high on life.
Even in his own company he will 'practice' his skill set. Usually trying to make impressions of different accents and see how long he can continue talking with them for. He isn't shy, one bit, having a voice that flows like water, words just continue to pour out. It's hard to ever get him to shut up because he is probably telling you a story and refuses to be interrupted when he is 'working.'
He doesn't mind being the pretty boy either. When he is adopted for 'flower-decorations with mum time' he prides in being pampered and likes showing them off to others feeling proud of his family and their creative talents. Anything artistic he will show interest and is one of the very rare times he may stay quiet, if only for a moment, to listen before he rambles ears off with questions.
Anything else you would like to include: <3
Lunadriel, with Ranunculus
Ticket, please! Username: Lunadriel Foal's Intended Name: Ranunculus Why this name? For my wedding, I had green ranunculus flowers. The beautiful mint green of this basket instantly made me think of this precious flower. I wanted a name that also had meaning directly affiliated with the family. Since they are to be raised in the flower field that their parents have made their home, I thought what better name! Plus, it will tie into his plots. <3 Personality: Ranu will be a budding intellect. His first impression will be that he's shy, like his mother. However, he is normally deep in thought. When something peeks his interest, he will speak and normally shock those around him who thought him to be the shy type. Ranu will also LOVE painting, just like his father. He will study his every inspiration and art piece, in order to create his own style. At the same time, he will enjoy weaving flowers with his mother. He will always tell her how wonderful she smells. Anything else you would like to include: This is the most exciting part! The plot I had in mind for young Ranu.
Flowers as Tools: Ranu has grown up living and loving everything his parents have taught him. From the flowers around him, to the expression of art done by his father. As he grows to learn more about the texture and types of art, he will one day have an epiphany. Why should his love of art, and his love of flowers, be two separate things? Taking a flower and plucking it from the ground, he will use it to paint. It will be a momentous discovery, as he plucks different flowers, to learn the strokes and textures they create! This, will be when he has discovered his own style in art, taking a little from each parent, to be himself. Ranunculus flowers will be his favorite brush, though he will use many. <33
NinebB0nesFr33d, with Arturas
Ticket, please! Username: NinebB0nesFr33d Foal's Intended Name: Arturas Why this name? This is the Lithuanian spelling of the famous King Arthur. It was chosen carefully for this story telling youth who would rather spend his days listening to and telling stories of great figures of the past and present. Personality:
Arturas is not shy, but he lacks charm. His awkward speech seems to smooth out while he tells wild stories. He finds it nearly impossible to carry out a normal conversation without telling his companions about the legends, horror and romance stories he's picked up. There is an endearing aspect to his devotion to the stories. If he were to be able to put his feelings into words, he'd tell you that he loves stories because he's fascinated by everyone.
While he enjoys the verbal and imaginative aspects of stories, he longs to someday be the hero in one of the stories. In his first years he'd be seen marching through his family's meadow pretending he's a fantastical king of ancient lore or the prince who would dash into the flames of danger for a single kiss (the damsel always played by his momma).
While his heart belongs fully to his family. He understands or rather hopes that someday he'll have to do something brave for them. He second guesses his courage and relies heavily on the strength of his father and his other brother.
Anything else you would like to include: Great contest!
Kyrieko, with Chroma
Ticket, please! Username: Kyrieko Foal's Intended Name: Chroma Why this name? 'Chroma' refers to the intensity of a distinctive hue or the saturation of a color. Personality: A very playful and free spirit, Chroma adores brightly colored fauna that he can decorate either himself, his siblings, or even his mother with. It is his belief that having such magnificently bright colors on you, the sweet fragrance of the fauna wafting about your body, will allow you to relax and feel free. That's what he's discovered at the very least, so why shouldn't this be true of everyone else?! Although if you're allergic to flowers, this might cause some inconveniences... But he will find a way around this! Oh yes he will! He'll just have to get a little creative. But don't worry! You will feel free and have bright colors too! For if there is one thing aside from his playful nature that is a close second in how prominent it is, that would be Chroma's love of creative problem solving. He views problems like a puzzle, working out each piece until they fit beautifully together as a whole. And if he gets stuck, well. This just gives him an excuse to let his imagination soar just a little! For there is always a way to finish the puzzle! You just have to think outside the box! Anything else you would like to include: Such a lovely little family! Thank you for offering this contest! <33
Junglerunner, with Arias
Ticket, please! Username: Junglerunner Foal's Intended Name: Arias Why this name? Samandiriel is of course the Angel of imagination, Arias is the Angel is sweet smelling herbs... seems fitting since I want him to develop his character into a perfumer, plus the fact the families general love of flowers. Personality: Arias is mute, well actually he can speak but it is such a rarity he is generally considered mute. When he does, his voice is shy, meek, feminine and is usually never louder than a whisper. Arias wouldn't hurt a fly and goes out of his way to appease everyone he meets, he is never quick to judge, and even when the world and every one in it seems to have given up hope in someone or something, he seems to find the faith, and grace, to see the beauty in something long been discarded. He is someone that doesn't just give second chances, but third and forth opportunities; it's a sad day with Arias gives up on something or one.
Arias is at peace around his family but is also happy in his own company, he enjoys peace, serenity and nature; rarely will you find him in crowded or largely populated areas. Arias however doesn't simply wander about in search of a peaceful mind, he has a keen sense of smell, and from a young age has taken an interest in anything that can provide a perfume. Later in life, once grown up, he travels the land collecting items: flowers, lichen, moss, foliage, bark etc. and with the help of his human companion, crushes them and blends them to create scented rubs to sell or gift to others.
Anything else you would like to include: Ahhh I saw this recipe and just thought I had to make it for you! It's a rosewater cheesecake, with a pistachio sponge base. Enjoy! -snipped-
Nymphalidae, with Jophiel
Ticket, please! Username: Nymphalidae Foal's Intended Name: Jophiel Nickname: Jo Why this name? I'm a sucker for angelic names, honestly, but don't usually have a fitting time to use them. According to a few websites I looked at, Jophiel is an archangel in Jewish lore, whose name means "Beauty of God." He is also the Patron Angel of Artists, so I felt it was an appropriate name for him as he will certainly take after his parents and enjoy art! Personality: As a foal, Jophiel is a quiet and shy young colt; he often hides behind his parent's legs when meeting new soquili, and prefers to stick close to his family rather than go out exploring on his own -- he'll never stray far enough that he can't quickly run back to his mother or father. He is bright and curious, loves to watch his father paint in either quiet companionship or as a student eager to learn, enjoys learning how to weave flowers, and likes to chase his siblings in the flowers. He hopes, one day, to become a painter just like his father.
Among his family, Jo is much more open and talkative -- perhaps not quite as much as his siblings, but Jo is comfortable around them enough that his shyness doesn't hold him back. Sometimes he feels a little left out, even though his parents try to make sure each of their foals have attention and love, but when one is quiet and soft spoken, sometimes that just happens without anyone meaning to. He certainly never doubts that his family loves him.
He will develop a dry wit, delivering lines in deadpan seriousness that, at first, is hard to tell if Jo is making a joke or not. He's sarcastic but not cruel, and while he may tease his siblings sometimes, it's never done so maliciously. Jo likes to spend his time out among the flowers of the meadow, watching the bees go about their work, or simply just closing his eyes and relaxing to enjoy the sounds and smells of nature.
Jo will begin to grow out of his shy phase as he gets older, and while he may never really be outgoing, he'll be past hiding behind his parents and siblings and able to go out by himself more, but with no desire to leave his family's new herd. He will continue to pursue painting and flower weaving, but wants to find something uniquely his own, even if he's just using these talents to a different effect.
Eventually, Jo will discover that his favorite canvas isn't leaves or bark or trees, but other soquili themselves -- he likes to apply paint to their bodies and change their appearance, able to transform others into visions of beauty or a fearsome warrior. He takes this a step further by adding his knowledge of flower weaving, picking flowers and other small objects to weave into the soquili's mane and tail. As a side project, his other favorite canvas is to paint on feathers themselves; he finds the process a good way to relieve stress and relax, as it requires delicacy and attention to detail to paint on such small, fragile things -- being able to focus entirely on these projects helps him forget anything that may be weighing down his mind, if only for a little while.
Anything else you would like to include: Thank you guys so much for the opportunity! If anything I wrote contradicts what you guys think Jasmine and Dir would do differently, I'm happy to change anything.
LydaLynn, with Anthymos
Ticket, please! Username: LydaLynn Foal's Intended Name: Anthymos Why this name? It is derived from the Ancient Greek θυμος (thymos) "soul, spirit"combined with ανθος (anthos) "flower". Thymos is part of many saint names, giving some call back to an angelically named father, while also bringing in the mother's love of flowers. Personality: Anthymos is full of joy and life. He enjoys running and playing and laughing. He doesn't mind looking foolish as long as it is in the pursuit of fun. The flower filled meadow is sometimes the worse for wear from his rough and tumble play, but even as a foal he would offer battle to any who would hurt his family or his home.
He has a hard time sitting still for art lessons. The wild world calls to him, but he tries for as long as he can bottle his energy. Then he's off, tumbling through the flowers. He seems always to find the most fragrant patches and rolls right through them before dashing to the next patch. Anthymos is always haloed by the smell of flowers.
Anthymos won't understand immediately why he isn't really drawn to art. He'll look at his father's paintings and know he should like them, but often they make little or no sense. He will attempt to make paints but sometimes crush flowers with little or no color but with a strong scent. His paintings will not look like much, but the canvas will smell heavenly. Eventually one of his parents will figure out that Anthymos is color blind.
This won't bother him much, as he's never known the difference. He can see in the blue/green spectrum, but reds, pinks and purples are just shades of grey. However, he wants to make his father proud and create art for him. So he paints with scents, crushing flowers that are more fragrant than colorful and applying them to canvases. His sense of smell is very strong and he can pick up subtle nuances in a flower that can differentiate it from the others around it.
Eventually this will lead Anthymos to being a perfumer. He will create splendid works of art that are only perceived by the nose. As he grows older, he will even begin cultivating favored patches of flowers to preserve their particular aroma. When he wanders, he does so to find new scents, new flowers and plants that he can bring back and add to his work. Anything else you would like to include: This is a truly beautiful family and I very much appreciate the opportunity to try to join it. Thank you.
vballlvr5, with Emile
Ticket, please! Username: vballlvr5 Foal's Intended Name: Emile Why this name? This name means to strive, excel, or rival, but the meaning (though relatable) is not why I chose it. I love looking at different names, listening to them, and finding new unique or graceful or nostalgic ones and so I find names very important. However, I chose this name mainly for how it sounds and flows. With French origins it garners itself a certain air of elegance that pairs well with the way this word smoothly glides out of one's mouth.
Personality: Emile is calm and gentle. His family believes him to be mute for quite some time because he does speak to them or any other soquili for that matter. However, he does speak to himself in a voice no louder than a whisper, when he is away from all other beings. But then he begins to hum and his family sees this as great progress. He has a specific hum for when he is happy and one for sadness. At the gentle prodding of his family members he opens his mouth to speak, but instead he sings. Or more accurately he speaks with a light melodic voice, a graceful trill. All of his words now are strung together with notes and rhythm. However, he still prefers his silence and often still communicates through his vibrating hums.
Anything else you would like to include: His main artistic attribute is his gentle, airy voice, but he also possesses a talent with instruments such as whistles, bells, and chimes.
A horrible silence squashed between his two other siblings. Sigefrid tries to form the words, but all that follows is silence. Despite being mute and unable to speak aloud, everyone can SEE what he's feeling and thinking at any given moment. He's like a beautiful colored book with the flicks of his ears, the eye movements and his solid body gestures. He's picked up on his father's love of art for a very different reason: this is how he can leave lasting messages to the world.
He is attached dearly to his father. His dad can read his mind unlike anyone. Whether it's a kinship between artists or a supernatural connection between father and son...the connection is just there. Sigefrid cannot bear the thought of being without his father.
While in the beginning years it's difficult for the family to adjust to the handicap, they quickly overcome it and believe he'll be able to make his own future with no issues. They all hope he finds friends who can take the time to truly invest in Sigefrid who has so much to tell the world.
Sigefrid is your average foal with BOUNDLESS energy and enthusiasm for exploration and art. He doesn't invest too much of his emotional energy into complaining about his lack of speech, he hasn't known anything else so why complain? He enjoys being the typical brother to his sister and sister.
He is, however, wise beyond his years. While you're in silence, you have plenty of time to listen. When you listen, you pick up nuggets of life's truth. These truths, however, are stored privately inside of this young stallion. His actions speak tremendous volumes though and reveal that he has a heart made of pure gold. He would bow down and give life away for the greater good if that time were to call. However, life seems to love him and he flourishes in the boundless love of his family.
His main philosophy is this which he clings to in his heart: Love all, whether it's good or bad. Love it, respect it and SHOW IT.
He hopes to someday be able to make his own way and to begin a family who can have the same loving morals as the family he grew up in. A fantastic dream that someday, there might be someone who will fall for him even without the candy coated words which could never be spoken to her.
Anything else you would like to include: Thank you for the contest!
The above-mentioned concepts hereby have our permission to be quested for as Mockbreeding children of our Jasmine Lilly and Samandiriel in customs, wishing stars, or any other freebie or paid for events where mockbreeding concepts may be obtained.
Link to contest where this permission was originally given: [ Link ]
And quotes to get these owners aware of this permissions post:
Candle Wick Ghost
I am okay with this! Works for me! =D
Insane Butterfly
Sabin Duvert
Winter Trash
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:31 pm
Selective Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Dareth Owner(s): Sabin Duvert Permission granted to: Insane Butterfly Event: Wishing Star of Renewal Details: Permission to use for a mockbreeding Restrictions: Just for the event
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:43 am
Sabin Duvert
Selective Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Dareth Owner(s): Sabin Duvert Permission granted to: Insane Butterfly Event: Wishing Star of Renewal Details: Permission to use for a mockbreeding Restrictions: Just for the event
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Kyran & Crown Owner(s): Faid Shadowlight & Syaoran-Puu Permission granted to: Syaoran-Puu & Faid Shadowlight Details: Blanket permission for use of this pair in wishing star events Restrictions: My mind goes blank here but Sya can add anything she would like to when she posts.