Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:36 pm
On Mind's comment, even if the rule was abolished I would personally still be rushing certain cosplays due to plots I've been considering and talking about with other people. We -want- to move them along but lack of customs has all but killed them completely. That's not our fault though...
I've also got other ideas for Pokemon/Wildlife inspired pets that already sort of exist so to speak? Of the same gender even, just looking way different. Problem here is that even if the the rule was lifted and I wanted to pursue the one cosplay I wanted dearly and was taken, I have no idea what to do with him to even make him look different. He has ONE look between game/concept art really and the Soq version already made is basically perfect...exactly what I wanted, you know? Even if that owner isn't around, it's still awkward to me to think there would be a near exact clone of the same cosplay running around. Yes, I desperately still want him...but that doesn't mean I still agree with lifting the rule.
I've read through this thread since I made my initial post, I've considered, re-considered and choose to remain on the side of no. I'm just old-fashioned I guess...
Edit: And touching briefly on 1/3's post, back when gold wasn't worthless, I saw people pay insane amounts in auctions to own the one and only of that character. Reading the thread I realize some of y'all are cool with the idea, but I can imagine there would be others not speaking up/not reading the thread who paid big to own the only one getting upset if another showed up.
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:59 am
I'm completely for this as long as customs start opening up. I want to add on, I know you guys are working hard on getting them more open and stuff and I appreciate that! But essentially until open customs well...open up more, there's not much actual worry/notsurewhattocallit until then.
The main concern that I've had voiced to me is the rule will be put in place, but customs won't be open very much which makes it an exciting rule but kind of sad/depressing because you don't have the chance to act on it.
I hope I phrased that right, this month has been hell and it's only the 8th.
Alternately and slightly off topic, I'd love for discussion to come up about opening a 2nd super rare slot from time to time (not all the time)
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:30 am
i just want to point out with the pokemon thing they don't HAVE to look all the same, markings wise etc. I've got a little Growlithe here with my own marking design on him. Yes he's similar to other Growlithes that may come out but i've specifically given him markings that aren't the norm so he's different than any other Growlithe that might be made. That's not even taking into consideration other colorists interpreting the hair/etc. That's just basic markings. I don't mind/care if i see other Growlithes, i would love it as long as they're not using the same markings design i have for my Growly
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:08 am
An example of colorists interpreting the exact same form and coming out with a different result is hiring the last few times. Colorist were asked to create a pony on the hiring lines but there were like three forms and several colorists. We saw basically the same pony produced, but they were different, looked different, had this or that in a different place, the hair was different ect.
I don't think there's any reason to worry about two ponies looking the same ever.
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:27 pm
Roarie Desu An example of colorists interpenetrating the exact same form and coming out with a different result is hiring the last few times. Colorist were asked to create a pony on the hiring lines but there were like three forms and several colorists. We saw basically the same pony produced, but they were different, looked different, had this or that in a different place, the hair was different ect. I don't think there's any reason to worry about two ponies looking the same ever. This all of this. ^ Also I have a pokemon Cosplay but I made mine gothic lolita style but someone else could do PUNK! or hell even HIP HOP litwicks. It's all about putting your own twist on things.
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:29 am
I'm 100% for this. In the past when I was actually interested in questing for cosplays I've had people send me messages telling me NOT TO quest for those because they were already on the quest themselves. Now I'm not sure how that makes anyone else feel, but it is VERY rude and it filled me with rage. I don't like being told what to do when it comes to getting a pet of something I love and adore. This for example:  It is not a cosplay. I won this in an event YEARS ago, probably back in 2006. I started questing to make her into a real Soquili and someone messaged me, telling me not to because it looked very similar to the cosplay of Ixion. I'm pretty sure I had every right to get it since it was a plushie a colorist created for an event. I never got it, but I'm still hoping to without the cosplay issue, because it is NOT Ixion.
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:27 am
I'm only going to comment on one specific thing here:
When it comes to Pokemon Soq in general: In the game and in the show - all pokemon looked the same. There were some minute differences in the show because they made one Raichu with a different color hue adjustment, or they made Pikachu completely loyal to a human, or - if you think about it in Revel's perspective, they had markings that differed from others of their race. So when it comes to pokemon, I'm perfectly fine with multiples of the same pokemon running around.
..... ******** it, I'ma tackle another point here.
When it comes to other Cosplays being replicated: I'm... not 100% on board with the idea. Yes: There are some cosplays that other had (back in the day) paid out the nose for OR had won in a game of chance that I had wished to heaven and back I would have gotten instead of them. And Yes: I would love nothing more than to have my own version of some of those said Cosplays....
However: When it comes to a point that Uta had initially mentioned in her first post about the disney princesses... If I were to, say, acquire a Jasmine Cosplay for my very own. She was the first, the only. She's been RPing with friends and such. I get them not REALLY being the character. I get them being a Soq and not technically having any ties to anyone or anything else, but no one else has her at the time of my RPing her... and then suddenly someone else got Jasmine and started RPing her. They run into some of the same friends. Those friends would be confused. Some might even show concern because this Jasmine thinks different than mine. If any of them had crossed paths with a Kalona or Skinwalker, they might suspect a doppleganger and alienate them instead of actually befriending them. Or on another front using much the same example: Say I made up a history with my Soq: Gave them an imaginary family (Everyone does this with their Soq if they get them as adults. You can't deny this.) and imaginary childhood friends. Imaginary sequence of events that led them up to the point in their life that they're at now.... etc... And now Jasmine A (mine) crosses paths with Jasmine B and suddenly... "OMG! WE MUST BE TWINS!!!" buuuuut... history/backstory is different... or: God-forbid if me and person who owns Jasmine B went along the same plot and roughly the same character line for their past acquaintances/family and suddenly they begin questioning each other as to who is the real Jasmine.....
Unecessarily long story short: it would cause a lot of confusion and possibly heartbreak for some owners who scrimped and saved and paid more than the average gaian for a super rare CI for this imaginary horse that only they could have in the shop up until now.
I understand if you're attempting to make Soquili a different shop than the norm by giving different rules and things than other shops allow, but... meh... I just don't think this idea will go well. I think you'll be causing more trouble in your attempts to alleviate some of the trouble...
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:26 am
Kinda sad we have a rule regarding cosplays at all. People can't just be respectful of other people's ideas wishes and creativity of their own accord? It's all common sense.
If someone is actively questing something like has it in their signature raising gold don't be a douche and steal it out from under them just because you can. This is a community. We should behave more like one. Not a collection of greedy needy thieves.
MULTIPLE COSPLAYS ALL THE WAY!!! It will solve sooooo many issues!
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:56 pm
Just putting this out there:
Do you really think it's so abnormal for horses to run into others with similar coloration, markings, or even hair styles?
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:04 pm
Miss Cherie Just putting this out there:
Do you really think it's so abnormal for horses to run into others with similar coloration, markings, or even hair styles?
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:04 pm
I like this idea.
Over the 6+ years I've been with the shop there have been numerous cosplay ideas I've contemplated questing. Some I've actively gone after and some went on the backburner while I tried to get other characters. Of course, having never been lucky enough to win a custom, all of the cosplay characters eventually got taken by other people. That's fine, I'm happy for them, but it doesn't mean I don't want them any less.
I do have two cosplay from contests and I wouldn't mind at all if others were to create new customs of them. My two have their own personalities and backgrounds that, while they may draw inspiration from the original characters, are truly their own Soquili personas now.
I think it would be really hard to get exact duplicates of customs, between breed variants, colorists interpretations, and just the general lack of customs, I don't see it happening any time so.
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:33 pm
I admit that I have little cause to complain as I had not been present of this thread, even aware of it before the announcement that the decision was made was posted. However, I do feel strongly, and this seems to be the place to say so. I was told that my Soq cannot read, that it does not fit this world set. How then can a Soquili, who cannot read - who lives in a world without Tv or video games, has now gone from being a Horse version of a video game character to a horse who mimics a video game character? My soq could never have played Kingdom Hearts, so why then would she choose to dress and act as Aqua? And the having it both ways, they're not the same, but the breeding rules work as though they are... bothers me. Fundamentally. I had applied to the shop as Assistant Stat Manager, in large part to have more exposure to Soq RP, to learn. I hereby rescind my application. The rules here are too arbitrary. Soqs cannot read, but some Soqs are depicted with books. Some people are called out for RPing "Wrong" by staff, and some people who do the same things are left alone. While I get the concept of "you don't catch all the fish" the strict rules that are enforced, seemingly on a whim, in absolutes... I do not want to be part of the staff that decides what should and should not have attention called to it. I understand some rules in place for an RP, for example - follow Gaia TOS. That makes sense to me. But the contradictory rules (No rape RP, I agree with, but Skinwalkers pretty much only breed that way.....) and the haphazard way in which they are occasionally enforced... Also, with regards to this change specifically: Quote: The rules a pet was originally purchased under serve as a contract as well. For example, if someone buys a pet and the rules say roleplay is not required, it is NOT PERMITTED for the shopowner to change the rules three months later and say that roleplay is now required in order for the petowner to keep their pet. It IS okay for the shopowner to change the rules for any future owners from that time, but those owners who had purchased before the new rules came into effect must not be bound by them. The rules of the B/C forum itself state that you cannot change certain fundamental rules regarding pets already purchased. People who bought these cosplays, did so with the understanding that the character was theirs in certain fundamental ways. Now to change how we are allowed to RP them, who they are, and to take away the exclusivity we understood to have when we ordered these pets violates the TOS of this forum. I will continue the RPs I am in. I may or may not start some new RPs, and I realize that I may have just opened myself up to all manner of attacks by saying this, but I felt it would be cowardly to post this from an unattached mule. This is how I feel. I still love the art in this shop, I adore many of the people in the shop. These restrictions, and their haphazard enforcement, however, is encouraging me to withdraw more, rather than to work harder to understand and to try. I am no longer questing an Angeni. Nor am I questing a Skinwalker. I probably will stop questing all together. I had wanted to be staff in this shop, to be a wonderful part of this fantastic shop that I loved, but more and more over the past few years, I feel less and less comfortable here. I know I am not the only one who chafes at how much we are told what the personalities and limits of our pets are. This may not be the worst of them, I suppose, but it is enough that I now have ANOTHER Soq I loved that I CANNOT PLAY. I know not what more to say or how to express myself. But I also know that in the grand scheme of things, I do not matter. I am done trying to matter here. Thank you.
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:18 pm
Hey Bardess! I see you quoting a rule and I understand your upset, but... You didn't post it in its entirety bolded for emphasis Quote: The rules a pet was originally purchased under serve as a contract as well. For example, if someone buys a pet and the rules say roleplay is not required, it is NOT PERMITTED for the shopowner to change the rules three months later and say that roleplay is now required in order for the petowner to keep their pet. It IS okay for the shopowner to change the rules for any future owners from that time, but those owners who had purchased before the new rules came into effect must not be bound by them. Of course, decreasing the severity of rules - like moving an RP-only pet to no-RP - is perfectly fine. But increasing and adding new restrictions and requirements to old owners is not allowed. This also includes the addition of fees related to that particular pet, sudden changes in pet status requiring non-optional action and/or funds that were not previously required to fix, and any other situation that was not expressly mentioned in the rules at the time of the first purchase. It also applies to auction and event situations - the rules you set up cannot be changed to be more strict later on. Be sure to set things up properly the first time! Uta and I talked with Gaia moderators about the legality of the actions to see if the idea followed ToS before making the rule, confirming that the rule only means we cannot make it MORE restrictive. We can legally make things LESS restrictive: this includes lifting the limitation on the number of times a cosplay can be purchased even if someone purchased the cosplay in other ways.. Just like wildlife (Fictional and Non), they cannot be clones of one another, so they DO need to look different, but they are still simply cosplays: Characters who were born with the right genetics, often times the correct name (though many of the older ones were born with Different Names than their cosplay due to old naming rules: Another restriction that was lifted years ago. Before names could only be native American. Then only one pony could have particular name.), who happen have similar personalities. They might not KNOW the character, it doesnt mean that things cant line up to be similar in taste: cosplays were NEVER meant to be the characters themselves. They do not gain their powers, and with not only reiterations, fan interpretations, Alternate realities, and so on, the spirits that be might just end up having ponies end up somewhat similar. Its a well recorded phenomenon about people who have the same name, similar backstories, who happen to look a lot alike, have same tastes, who are completely unrelated and have never met until the point where someone confused one of them for the other. There are even photographers that put their main focus on Photographing Dopplegangers togetherWe do not want you to feel like you have been attacked. However, the powers that be stated it was legal (as long as they arent clones of one another), real life has proven that people honestly do have funny parallels and end up with strange similarities that explain how multiples of a character that can exist, and, in the long run, it doesnt change anything about your ponies. The characters they are based on OFFICIALLY belong to someone else, but the characters you create with your recreations are inheritance different due to how you play them, personal interpretation. With all the changes of the years, we really do understand this one might be the hardest to settle down with at first since... It seems to be completely unheard of. But it really is something of the natural evolution of the changes that have been going on since the start of the shop, From Native Names, to only one of each name, to names being as many as possible, to the lift of the restrictions on wildlife and fictional wildlife, to the release of restrictions on Cosplays. We also know the rules are out of date. We are honestly trying to fix them ( Its partially why we need as many technical staffers as we are planning on hiring.), we wish to update the RP guide, which is a guide, a starting point average rather than a down and solid rulebook, and continue updating the site and reducing some restrictions in order so we can create a unified voice. I do hope you can give this a chance, and don't hold it against those who are still playing with you. Once the dust settles, you can see whether or not you still wish to play in the sandbox we're trying to clean up after years of the debris that comes from years of use. It looks a bit messy now, but with a fresh bag of sand perhaps our communal game of make believe and the various mini canons that thrives within it, overlapping and sometimes only briefly touching (if ever) can be somewhere where you feel safe joining in. I wish you the best.
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:46 pm
Additionally, I spoke to Lilypuff myself concerning this rule change, before we even truly began to consider making the switch. I promise you guys we did our research, and truly aren't trying to cause dramatics or flip the shop upside down. This just goes in line with the other changes that the shop has seen over the years, and is something we feel is only going to help the community grow. Quote: Glad to see the shop is still doing well after all the craziness a while back! 3nodding That said! As long as the horses are clearly unique ( despite being based on the same character ) this is fine. It's not so much decreasing the severity of the current rules, but a change that you're free to make if you so desire. and Quote: You may have issues with users crying that "I bought my horse and the rule was there can be no other horses cosplaying that character" but, again, if they are obviously different horses, I see no problem with this. So long as the characters have discernible differences and aren't a carbon copy of another out there, than we should be fine. We're sorry for anyone who feels as if they need to leave the shop over this rule, as it's simply meant to make the game more enjoyable for everyone, with less drama over the hot topic of cosplays. It's a rule we're allowed to make, and it's something we chose to do for the benefit of everyone as a whole. We're sorry if anyone leaves over this, but hope that people might give this a chance to see how it works.
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:08 pm
While i do like that Cosplays are opened up. sweatdrop
I wish you would rescind your your rescinding of your application.
I know my vote doesn't matter at all but Im with you 100% on the stuff you have said about Rp and I would love for you to be on the staff .
Be the change you wish to make in the world. I will stand with you. not that i matter a whole lot sweatdrop