Herd/Family Culture: Mother's side: Minuet's mother comes from the heavens, cast down and forsaken for an act deemed to an unforgivable sin; one which she's lived with every day since. While it cannot be proven Nimue believes she was cursed, tragedy and hardships around every corner of her life so far - and it seems to be passed down onto her family line. The family unit has evolved into quite a mutant & Misfit bunch, holding traits not seen elsewhere; and for that its brought them plenty of trouble for those mistaking them as monsters and sinners. While they do not have a set culture they hold strong that they have to fight to survive not only from the skinwalkers...but the purists who enrage at the sight of their mix matched sets of breeds and mutated traits.
Father's Side: Don't give two craps about what's on the outside of someone - skinwalkers aside, 'cause those butts are just bad news - but of what they do and prove themselves to be. Ae'il is actually pretty haughty and not above needling at someone if he knows breed traits are a sore spot (such as with his lifemate). He's a mixed breed, himself, but has a devil may care attitude about it. He's proud of himself and the lineage he comes from—and nobody can ever take that away from him. His mother forged her own path away from a biased herd of wind/angeni or nothing, and he greatly admires her for that and for her giving heart.
Religious Beliefs: Mother's side: Nimue has always believed in gods and spirits, and although her children have a more realistic approach thanks to their limited mental illnesses; it is true that they believe there are forces at work - even if it boils down to nothing more than fate. Minuet often humors her mother who suffers the worse of their insanity, and will teach her children that although there are other forces at work - there is no greater force of change than the one you carve for yourself in life.
Father's Side: While aware of the fact there are greater forces at work, Ae'il isn't one to pay homage or even a lot of attention to them. After all, they're quite fickle and had their hands in the drought, fires, and flooding recently experienced across the lands. He doesn't hate, he just sees no huge need to appreciate, because his life is what he's made it.
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:59 am
Prepare for trouble . . .make that double! I want twins or triplets! Twins?: Yes Triplets if Applicable?: Yes
Ashling x Breath Taker
Entry Line: Ashling (Sabin Duvert) x Breath Taker (Tsunake)
[b]Entry Line:[/b] Ashling (Sabin Duvert) x Breath Taker (Tsunake)
Same Breed Variants: CC ---Templates to Avoid: (If there are breed templates you'd like to avoid, post here. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY LIST TRAITS THE PARENTS THEMSELVES DO NOT HAVE.)
Throwbacks?: Sure :3 Link to previous Generations: Liver Taker - mother Blood Taker - Father
Sabin Duvert
Winter Trash
Sabin Duvert
Winter Trash
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:02 am
Prepare for trouble . . .make that double! I want twins or triplets! Twins?: Yes Triplets if Applicable?: Yes
Nocturne x Messiah
Entry Code: Entry Line: Nocturne (Sabin Duvert) x Messiah (Naita and DivineSaturn
[b]Entry Line:[/b] Nocturne (Sabin Duvert) x Messiah (Naita and [strike]DivineSaturn[/strike]