Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 10:23 am
Darkerdemons (April) 3.5/10 I really love the colors, especially on April, and the rollerblades and pose are really cute ideas. Unfortunately, I don't like much else. This is supposed to be a swimsuit challenge, but April is in a halter and shorts. The jacket is out of season (the fur...so sticky in heat), background doesn't work and she feels top-heavy (a major April issue).
Pianette (Jiang Li) 4/10 The shading here is really weird. It might be okay if it was overcast, or if she was under an umbrella, but nah. I like the outfit, looks soft and flowing and good on Jiang Li, but the model looks like she's toppling into that chair and that big yellow hat looks crazy out of place. Also fairly certain that leg mod is F-tone, while Jiang is not.
elphiethesane (Ophelia) 8.5/10 I wanted to give this an almost perfect score, but then noticed the repeat items. Outside of that I think this is easily, hands-down, the best look of the week. Beautiful colors, background that works with the outfit instead of just being there. Really sexy and elegant. I think my only crit would be that the hat and sunglasses seem like overkill given the more over-casted day presented by the background.
sufjan stebens (Robin) 6/10 Robin looks very sad, but maybe it has less to do with her job and more to do with her pretzel stance? The different mods make her look like her knees, waist, and breasts are all going different directions. Which is a shame because I like the outfit. Not the biggest fan of that headband, but it works with the top and shorts, the background suits the setting. Really matchy though and layer issues are upsetting.
RENstrawberry (Rae) 6.5/10 Late description? Oof. Love the goth theme, good use of tats. The black contrasts really nice on Rae's bright skin. That umbrella isn't working though. It layers behind her head and the hand mod. I appreciate the attempt to relieve us of meat-paws, but the Lucie hands have their own issues. Not digging that leg mod either either, makes Rae look oddly short.
Haji Demon (Uma) 3/10 One does not wear a sarong in the water. Flowers, bows, and stripes make this outfit seem all over the place. Pink only looks so-so on Uma. I kind of hate her silhouette. I know this isn't awful, but I'm struggling to find something I like about it.
The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) 5/10 Maybe I've done runway too much, but I feel like I've seen this entry 1000 times. The outfit looks good though, well-composed. But the board is part of the mod, and it gets coupled with that postcard bg all the time. So while I think both work, I'm not sold on creativity. Also Isabelle as a model screams "fake surfer on a billboard" rather than actual surfer. But maybe that's what they were going for?
Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:00 pm
I looks like Darkerdemons is the lowest score of the challenge. Haji is close, but I think it is just visually more appealing at first glance? And does technically score lower. And it looks like Elphie comes out on top!
Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:07 am
I think we need to change up the feedback process. Dread Wolf brought up that they feel the feedback isn’t very helpful. It came across a bit like complaining and I tried to handle it as tactfully as I could, but I do think they have a point. Maybe it would better to clean up our actual crits and just copy/paste them. The feedback sheets would be long but maybe more helpful? It might also save time since no one will have to write the feedback sheet from scratch. I don’t know, people have expressed confusion before now so I think it needs to be addressed in some way. Also, am I wrong in feeling like this might be the last cycle? I enjoy judging but I’ve been buried in real world this year. I feel really terrible for leaving you guys hanging so much.
Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:53 am
Dante Dolly I think we need to change up the feedback process. Dread Wolf brought up that they feel the feedback isn’t very helpful. It came across a bit like complaining and I tried to handle it as tactfully as I could, but I do think they have a point. Maybe it would better to clean up our actual crits and just copy/paste them. The feedback sheets would be long but maybe more helpful? It might also save time since no one will have to write the feedback sheet from scratch. I don’t know, people have expressed confusion before now so I think it needs to be addressed in some way. Also, am I wrong in feeling like this might be the last cycle? I enjoy judging but I’ve been buried in real world this year. I feel really terrible for leaving you guys hanging so much. Hey, sorry I’ve been AWOL! It was my birthday and I went on a little holiday. I think you handled that really well honestly. I get what Dread is saying, I had some of those same thoughts when I was competing. I did wish feedback was clearer and that we had actionable critiques. Maybe if we did the judgements like always and then end it with a summation in your own words in a sentence of what worked and what didn’t, then we can just post the three sentences making it clear that these are three different voices? Like You said Dante, once the judgements were in we would be able to post the feedback easily.
Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 12:06 pm
That’s a really good idea! A single sentence each would sum things up and be more concise. Obviously, Bae gets the final word, but I’d be up for that. Yeah, I struggled with feedback in cycle one too. In general, taking feedback from several people at once can be confusing, but a little clarity can go a long way. Anyway, happy late birthday! It’s no big deal that you took a break, the last few days have been my least busy in months. heart
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:39 am
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:30 am
Hey Wolf, not sure where you stand on the previous discussion about feedback. I will write up a sentence for each entry to summarize my thoughts if you want to use it. If not, then just disregard them.
Pianette (Jiang Li) 9/10 I really love this look. I feel like we don't see enough navy in this competition and I really appreciate it, especially the contrast to the white shirt. I do wish there was some white lower in the look, like maybe a belt or pocket watch. Bird companion on point. They did well to build a story using their companion. I don't really like the headwing. It takes away from the sleekness of the look and doesn't really add much. If anything, it makes her seem less like her companion.
Great use of companion, great color choice, nice to have them acting out a scene, not a fan of the headwing as it takes away the sleekness of the look and birds are very sleek.
elphiethesane (Ophelia) 9/10 Great choices made to complement Olivia's attitude and style. Very good companion matching. The idea behind it is not that original but their take on it is modern. I do love that hat. It's a simple look that works. The colors are all so muted I am craving a pop of something bright.
You've made some thoughtful choices that really worked out and you match your companion very well.
sufjan stebens (Robin) 6/10 Interesting choice of companion. I don't really see Robin as a show pony. The colors match but I wish there was less raspberry as the horse is mainly black. This look seems to solely be built around the color matching and nothing else. This is a very frumpy look. I wish they had not used a skirt as it adds bulk. Also, those sleeves seem like they were only chosen for the color but they are way too big and her pose makes no sense. She looks so shy which is not at all what that black and bright pink show pony is serving. The feather does bother me. He could have added some other cream element in to balance it out.
Good color matching but outside of the colors, she does not really resemble her companion beside the feather and I wish she had a more confident pose as her companion is a show pony.
RENstrawberry (Rae) 7/10 Yeah! Their description was on time! It really helped me understand this look. Without the description, I was very lost as to what was going on with this outfit and why she was dressed in streetwear. I understand their choice but I still think that streetwear was not the right one. It was a fun companion to choose and must have been hard to keep all the colors evenly dispersed. My main complaints are the legs and the hat. She doesn't look warm enough in those leggings and they would have been benefited from using a skirt. The hat just does not work with the rest of the look. Honestly, I think its really just the hat that is throwing me off.
Good color choice and the companion was a fun choice, you've been playing into Rae's paleness very well, however I don't think the streetwear really works here although I understand why you chose it.
Haji Demon (Uma) 4/10 Oh Haji. Maybe don't tell us that you only did well because someone else helped you so extensively. Unfortunately, there are still some issues. Positives first: the lion as a companion is a good choice for Uma and her mane of hair. This one works colorwise so I understand his choice. I do wish he had not chosen a dress. I feel like most of the effect should have been on highlighting her mane of hair. Why is she wearing red shoes? Why are her legs so dark? What is the point of that background? He said his biggest challenge was color balancing but I don't see a balance here. There's red on the bottom, ivory on the top and cream everywhere else. He did balance the bronze though. I think he really needed to knock this one out of the park and I don't think he did.
Good choice of companion what with Uma's mane of hair, however, there is an issue with balance like the dark legs with the red shoes with no other red in the outfit or the sole ivory item being the fur collar.
The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) 8/10 Corgi totally makes sense with Isabelle. I wish they had explained why they chose this specific one as there are a bunch of corgi companions out there. I love the look they put together. Very fancy and over the top, much like a corgi wearing sunglasses and a shawl. I'm glad they added the sunglasses. It really helped bring the whole look together. It's very well balanced. I didn't like the dress at the start but the more I look at it, the more I like it.
Corgi definitely fits with the Isabelle, the sunglasses were a good alteration as it really draws the look together; she looks very fancy and well balanced.
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:01 pm
Happy Belated Birthday! And I love the idea of changing up the feedback. Honestly the feedback, and so much else with this competition, I do just the way that Goddess did as much as possible. But I do think there is room for improvement, and I appreciate not only the feedback from contestants but how you guys have helped handle things. heart
And Dante, it might be the last challenge for awhile. Real life has been crazy, and I'm no where near being ready for the next cycle. Honestly not sure when I would get things all done either. Hell, barely been keeping up with this cycle. I'm thinking there will be a break or hiatus after this cycle for awhile.
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:55 am
Hi guys, I'm just wondering if maybe one of you could get their judging in just to get their feedback to them as it has been two weeks since the deadline.
Do we need to take a hiatus?
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 5:48 pm
I am so sorry about this delay!
Pianette (Jiang Li) 9/10 I could also do without the head/face piece. I like how it ties things in on another level, but I think it takes away from the look more than it adds to it. But it is beautiful all around and the navy is a stunning shade. It really isn't used enough, and the entire thing ties together so well and balances beautifully. Such a strong look.
The white pole/light stand is a little jarring in the background, but this is a great piece. Colors were extremely well balanced and complimentary to Jiang Li.
elphiethesane (Ophelia) 8/10 It is very true to the look and style that elphie has established for Ophelia over the course of the competition. It matches her companion. Hat is maybe a little overbearing? There isn't anything that pops and as great as this is it leaves me feeling pretty underwhelmed. I think at this stage, when elphie has proven her skills so much, I just expect more from her?
This is gorgeous but it is pretty one note. There should be a little something that pops out.
sufjan stebens (Robin) 5/10 The color matching is fabulous, but I think that's all that is really going on here? It was great to have a different choice of companion, honestly the variety across the board was very satisfying. But the flow of the look is wrong, the silhouette is just off. The skirt doesn't make sense for the look, and it looks like things are layering oddly. I think her hair is the weirdest thing layering with the horse? And the horse seems like a darker presence than Robin.
Colors are matched well, and things look alike. But the two don't feel alike if that makes sense. It looks like one trying to dress like the other, but not like they really belong together. I did love the different choice of companion.
RENstrawberry (Rae) 7/10 I like this, and I like the description!! I think there are a few too many things happening though? I'm not sure just what I would take away though, but I would start with the hat. I think between the flowers and the scarf and leggings and hat and it's just all a bit too much going on at once.
Companion choice was fantastic. I think it could have done without the hat. Also more attention could be paid to colors, some of the things don't match quite right rather it's because the white is blue based vs yellow or just difference of pixels and shading.
Haji Demon (Uma) 5/10 The colors here are a struggle. There is white and ivory and pink tinted versions. Different golds. The dark dark legs and red shoes are standing out as one of the biggest offenses to me though. They're just killing me because they make no sense. They don't offer anything to it and there are so many better options out there. Nice background.
Cool companion choice and I like the matching gold crowns between them. Darker legs are killing me.
The Dread Wolf (Isabelle) 8/10 So I have a visceral opposition to purple and gold, but that isn't her fault so I am going to do my damndest to just ignore that feeling. Corgi is great for Isabelle, but I do wonder why she chose this one when there are so many differing options out there. While they match well enough, the purples aren't the same shade which is a little odd? I'm also not sure just how many items were used to make this, which if she used several they blended together wonderfully but if they are just a couple of items I might have put a little more thought into it? She is fancy and pretty. I might be able to do without the gloves.
Isabelle is like a human corgi, so that was a great choice. Both look very fancy. The legs and arm look a little different skin from the face, and I think it is purely because of shading, but I'm aware of the difference between the three.
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:42 am
I finally posted the feedback for them. Do you have an idea of when the next challenge will be posted?
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:04 pm
I finally posted the feedback for them. Do you have an idea of when the next challenge will be posted?
Thank you babe, I'm sorry for being so absent. The next challenge will be posted tonight or tomorrow. It's going to be the challenging item challenge that Dante had the idea for. Just need to find the item.
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:24 am
For the record, I did mention the color issues several times to Haji, but there's only so much I can do as a mentor short of making the avatar for them...
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 5:18 pm
The Clot Thickens For the record, I did mention the color issues several times to Haji, but there's only so much I can do as a mentor short of making the avatar for them... I remember your mentorship! You were very good about giving your opinion while also not giving too much of a suggestion. Very professional. Unfortunately for him, I don’t think Haji took your advice.
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 12:46 am