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Tiny Wolf

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 6:33 pm

Entry Tag: (-Moomoolatecha- | Uni/Kalona | Moderate/heavy | Solo Custom)


Edit Category: Moderate/heavy?
Soquili Species: Uni/Kalona
Body Build: Regular - Mare slow trot
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original
WIP Needed? Please!

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Light blue main body,with blue/purple markings. See ref
Face: Eyes- Blue w/ Raised brow,thick lashes,Surlty OR Unhinged.
Mouth- Neutral
Ears- Blue,purple tipped,inside is a lighter purple.
Mane: Edited,See reference
Tail: Edited Unicorn tail, Long base and the tail hair at the end be long/on the floor. Has a edited tail cuff w/ a blue feather, See reference
Hooves/Fetlocks: Black hooves,regular hoof fluff. See reference
Reference Image(s): If you have any visual References, link them here.

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Edited Ram horns,Decently bigger than the Templated ones.
Edited Unicorn horn - see reference.
Wings: N/a
Fins: N/a
Scales: N/a
Pelt: N/a
Other Notes: Unicorn Cloven hooves.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: N/a
Custom Items: Wolf/Bear (of your choosing which) skull placed on her shoulder blade, use ropes to connect around her body. However you choose fitting. She's almost supposed to be a warrior type.
Can you do feathers connected in her mane/ear ring feather cuffs/head dress type of thing? If you think it looks good on her!
Feather cuff on front legs/black in color - See reference
Reference Image(s) for Items:
Color Pallet --Feathers --Possible headdress --Feather cuffs Leg--Whole base Color Pallet -- Bear Skull/Wolf Skull -- Body image -- Excuse Kenshin in these photos. xD This soq is a mate for him.

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Own Concept
PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 6:47 pm

Entry Tag: (LydaLynn | Mutant-Ulun'suti (Lapsang-esk) | Extreme | Twins)


Maybe this can be reused for my breedings in the future?
What part(s) of your custom are you donating?: Scales, critter if CCed, wings if CCed, anything else appropriate.

I have an idea I want to possibly make available to the shop!

What part(s) of your custom are you donating?: Ginkgo Scales
If not accepted as a template, would you still like to keep it for possible breedings?: Yes

Edit Category: Extreme
Soquili Species: - Mutant Ulun'suti (Lapsang-esk)
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: original design
WIP Needed? Not necessary.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC
Face: CC
Mane: Lapsang Mist-type Mane
Tail: Lapsang Mist-type Tail
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): CC
Wings: CC
Fins: none
Scales: Custom Ginko Leaves
Pelt: none
Other Notes: CC

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC
Custom Items: CC - I would love a critter if something strikes your fancy
Reference Image(s) for Items:

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: ~

-- Angeni --
Desired Domain: ~

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: Wood

My mom was in the hospital for 10 days, including Thanksgiving, this past fall. Every day I went and sat with her after work. And every day I would pass yellow ginkgo trees, the fan shaped leaves carpeting the sidewalk. They were beautiful. My mom is home again, and though still recovering, she's doing well.
This winter a friend died, he'd been in the hospital for several days after falling off a roof. The trees were bare.
So now . . . those yellow fan shaped leaves are kind of a symbol of hope for me. Beautiful and sad but with promise still left in them.
I don't really know what she should look like, just that she should be based on the autumn ginkgo leaves. But her name will be Hope.


Edit Category: Extreme
Soquili Species: - Mutant Ulun'suti (Lapsang-esk)
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: original design
WIP Needed? Not necessary.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC
Face: CC
Mane: Lapsang Mist-type Mane
Tail: Lapsang Mist-type Tail
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s): I want her to either go towards a spring green or a pale near white - CC color 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): CC
Wings: CC
Fins: none
Scales: Custom Ginko Leaves
Pelt: none
Other Notes: CC

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC
Custom Items: CC - I would love a critter if something strikes your fancy
Reference Image(s) for Items:

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: ~

-- Angeni --
Desired Domain: ~

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: Wood

In the last six months I've had cancer, mold in my lungs, iron levels so low I could barely function, digestive and breathing issues, and general ill health. I've mostly come out the other side - healthier than I was but still with some trials before me. This twin is the promise I'm making myself not to let any of it stop me. Her name will be Faith.


Nebula Dragon


Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 9:51 pm

Entry Tag: (ramenli | CC but something with wings | CC | Solo)


Edit Category: CC
Soquili Species: CC, but I'd like
Body Build: Regular or draft (mini is also fine!)
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original? Inspiration based?
WIP Needed? I enjoy them but not necessary?

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Primarily white, accented with black and some gold. For the overall vibe I want a majestic/powerful queen sort. I would love for her to feel somewhat imposing or ethereal, basically regal af. I would totally be on board with a warrior queen, but it's not necessary. The idea of just a black and white pony with golden scars crossed my mind, but I have no idea how that'd really look, so it may just be a weird theory.
Face: I like expressions, but CC. Reg eyes, eyes with black sclera, or energy wispy eyes are all fun~
Mane: I really like the windblown template, it is my favorite! Splice, edited, mix, whatever goes! I'm amiable to braids or wavy things too, but no major curls please.
Tail: CC something to look good with the mane (does not have to be hair)
Hooves/Fetlocks: I like mismatched hooves, but not a necessity. Stock fetlocks are fine, either length!
Reference Image(s): This book cover (I love the colors/impact, but I do not want a butt tree~), marble

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): CC (to have or not)
Wings: I would like feathery wings, custom if possible. 1-3 pairs. If it works for this pony to be a partial angeni, or if you want to do edits on a mini, I adore ankle wings, and ear wings are fun
Fins: Not opposed to fins for a crossbreed, I just don't want a seathi/mer please!
Scales: CC if applicable
Pelt: I am 100% not opposed to a skinwalker, since this is CC I realize it would be charmed, I just don't prefer the charm to be on her head unless it's worked into edits.
Other Notes: No demontails or lifted forelegs please!

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC, potentially armor/weapons/jewelry
Custom Items: I'd really like her to have a crown/tiara of some sort. Other items going with the whole regal/warrior/imposing queen would be great. I am not opposed to more minimalist accessories to accent a striking color scheme?
Reference Image(s) for Items: Huntsman Queen WW is always a vibe
PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 9:56 pm

Entry Tag: (Kyjoto | Mutant Bear Flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)


Your Discord Username: Kyjoto #0766
Preferred method of contact: Discord, then PM, but both work.

Edit Category: Heavy
Soquili Species: Mutant Bear Flutter-Angeni
Body Build: CC
Gender: Female/Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Mock Sisters (Color Shift)

WIP Needed? Sure!

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Similar design as brothers (dark points, white/light facial marking, leg markings) and the rest is pretty much CC (different coloration than brothers please see reference) Color shift
Face: CC, see brothers ref, vivd/bright colored eyes
Mane: CC, Slightly curly, lots of braids and beads and bones and feathers strewn in
Tail: Warrior style, possibly braid or curly/wavy with beads/jewelry and braids and feathers and bones strewn in
Hooves/Fetlocks: Bear Paws
Reference Image(s):
Color/Coat inspirations: Red 1, Red 2, and Gold 1, Gold 2
Horse colors chart::: (in case the two above didn't look/feel right)xxx
new/potential Leg design inspiration: [link] and [link2] and [link3]
The Brothers: Rian (the original), Uilos (mock brother 1), and Otho (mock brother 2)
Hair Ideas: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]

-- Physical Traits --
Horn(s): None
Wings: Flutter'geni wings, CC on torn or not torn
Fins: None
Scales: None
Pelt: None
Other Notes: none

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: fine with spliced ones as you see fit
Custom Items: BLING THESE GIRLS OUT! heart Lots of random necklaces, jewelry, and leg items with bones and little skulls and feathers FEATHERS feathers and beads
maybe a caplet with fur,
Reference Image(s) for Items: Necklace, idk this guy is just super cool, and see above references for hair items

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

I have an idea I want to possibly make available to the shop!

What part(s) of your custom are you donating?: Any new jewelry, or hair style (which is most of it)
If not accepted as a template, would you still like to keep it for possible breedings?: sure


Timid Bloodsucker


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Object of Affection 150
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:11 am

Entry Tag: (tefla | Charmed purewalker (kitsune) | Extreme | Solo Custom


Username of owner(s): tefla
Breed: charmed purewalker (kitsune)
Level of Edits: extreme

Reason you do not want to fill out the form: time

Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? yep
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:23 am

Entry Tag: Kesmi | Angini | Mod/heavy | Solo Custom


Edit Category: Heavy
Soquili Species: Angeni
Body Build: Warhorse(with leg feathering, all fours down)
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: OC
WIP Needed? Yes please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: White
Face: White
Mane: Black(Style very much like what he has on his Kirin appearance, please)
Tail: Black(Same kind of style as the mane, maybe less windblown)
Hooves/Fetlocks: Silver with silver swirls going up his legs.
Reference Image(s):

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: Style #2, Black with white tips
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: A metal face plate with three metal spikes own the center.
Over his shoulders(before the wing joint) He has kinda armor pieces, a banner hanging from them that is a dark blue and has the Emblem(Listed below) Displayed upon it. You may add a sword hanging at his side(An idea in the last ref, (to know more about his character you can find it Here)
If possible, have a couple of black/dark green snakes around his hooves on the ground with some Black Roses.
Reference Image(s) for Items:
Face plate: Here
Emblem: The emblem
Shoulder guards and sword idea  




PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:14 am

Entry Tag: Kettyn | Pawed Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom


Edit Category: - Heavy to Extreme
Soquili Species: - Pawed Regular
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Pet from another shop

WIP Needed?: Yes?

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Follow reference as best as you can. There are colored stripes on her "lower" body which then turn into a more natural color on the ears. (The rainbow fur around her neck could be made into a silk scarf or done away with)
Face: I'd like for her to have a small protruding tooth or fang. Pull from reference for color/design.
Mane: Purple in color. Long to extreme mane. A loop of rainbow hair pinned from front to back by a clasp (the pentacle)
Tail: Rainbow-hued. Falling luxuriously to the ground.
Hooves/Fetlocks: No fetlocks. Canid style paws please
Reference Image(s):
Muse Uncert & Muse Cert

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): n/a
Wings: n/a
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes: n/a

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: n/a
Custom Items:
Paintbrush - in her mouth
Sleeves around her front legs
Full-moon necklace
Pentacle hair clip.

Some of the items are Gaia inspired.
Cloud sleeves - A pose from the item The Bird Bridge.
Hair Color - A pose from the item SDPlus #308 Rainbow Lisa
Reference Image(s) for Items: Muse Uncert

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Muse
Owner: Kettyn
Breed: Original Character
Temper: Colorful
Mate: ---
Tag Background: Aurora Nights
Tag frame color: Rainbow?
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:
I have permission from the owner of Nature's Wonders and the permission of the colorist to use the pet's design.
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:56 am

Entry Tag: (Leez0rz | Kirin/Kalona | Heavy | Solo Custom)


Edit Category: Heavy
Soquili Species: Kirin/Kalona
Gender: Female
Body Build: Kirin
-- Male Leg Up or down: N/A
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Sheep
WIP Needed? Yes, please.
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Mimosa
Owner: Leez0rz
Breed: Sheep
Temper: Polite
Element (ulun’suti Only): N/A
Tag Background: 008
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Predominantly white, but some spotty dotty on face, Some spots on body (maybe add a marking almost like a heart in the shape of dots? o: or a bell)
Face: Spotty dotty + freckles.
Mane: Long, curly, and whimsical with a flower crown. CC color of hair. Please keep it natural in color.
Tail: Sheep tail with slight curly fuzzy at end
Hooves/Fetlocks: Standard kirin hooves and fetlocks, black hooves.
Eye color: Hazel green
Reference Image(s): See above.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): CC, I have a few favorites though: Ref 1, Ref 2, etc. Whatever fits.
Wings: None
Fins: N/A
Scales: None, please.
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: Flower crown, Shawl made out of fleece like fleece 1 and fleece 2 with flowers like in the flower crown.
Reference Image(s) for Items: See above.

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A


Adorable Fairy


Divine Galaxy

13,850 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Divine Donator 100
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:59 am

Entry Tag: (ArashiX | Mutant Angeni? | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)


I have an idea I want to possibly make available to the shop!

What part(s) of your custom are you donating?: Wings for angeni/winds, slow-trot-paw-template, headwings for Angeni
If not accepted as a template, would you still like to keep it for possible breedings?: Yes

Edit Category: Heavy to Extreme?
Soquili Species: Mutant Angeni
Body Build: Regular, slow trot base modified to canine paws (I'm that person today, yes)
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original
WIP Needed? L O V E D.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: (wish to include a protective paint-rune but don't have the time to find a reference for each of them. TBA; #1: navy/iridescent body paint; #2: dark emerald/iridescent body paint)
1: dark charcoal body, slightly iridescent as a raven. CAW CAW. Maybe the occasional soft splash of white-grey and/or dappling? Wings should be shiny and iridescent as in ref.
2: MAGPIE. CAW CAW. Paint/splash body reminiscent of a magpie but not as neat (white and iridescent colouring). Should be shiny-iridescent on wings and dark patches, more green-y than blue.
Face: Expressions: sultry eyes with thick lashes, neutral mouth with adjusted fangs #2 (shouldn't be huge fangs but they are canines), neutral mouth?
1: stripe with snip (soft pink blended); viking/norse inspired face paint as in provided refs (a version without the paint would be wonderful); bold blue eyes somewhere between sea and sky.
2: same as above; bold green eyes. (idk if a small starburst/inner ring of gold would be a thing you can do? play!)
Mane: Viking/Norse inspo. Gathered, long, draping, braids and beads. Same mane for twin. Friesian inspo, as well. Should be thick. Will try to explain in refs but if you can find something twisted and looped and thick and heavy, that would be wonderful, while still leaving enough room for them to be graceful and agile. Feel free to tuck feather accessories in!
1: black/dark dark charcoal with streaks of grey (a la Dr. Strange? random slashes/streaks of grey and white from the root. Some can fade into origina hair colour)
2: same as above
Tail: Viking/Norse inspo. Gathered, long, draping, braids and beads. Same tail for twin. Will try to explain in refs but if you can find something twisted and looped and thick and heavy, that would be wonderful, while still leaving enough room for them to be graceful and agile.
1: same as above
2: same as above
1&2: wolf paws

Reference Image(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/27z86ilfk/ (haven't had enough time to gather all reference images)

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Wings: WIIIIINGS. A couple big ol' wings, stretched out; will use Tempest's bottom wings as a reference, but basically if we can make a bigger pair of angeni wings that are stretched out? And not covering feet? Would love. Requesting wingless versions for markings and items.
Head/back feet Wings: custom Valkyrie inspired wings. The black wings from refs; idk, something to fit with custom wings?
Ears: Cerynei ears
Other Notes: https://postimg.cc/gallery/27z86ilfk/ (haven't had enough time to gather all reference images)

-- Accessories & Edits --
Custom Items:
fur pelt draped over shoulders and partly over her back, clasped in place with
1&2: pins with raven motifs/knotwork motifs, whichever is easiest

metal knotwork bands on legs opposite of daggers
1&2: same

a weapon
1: viking long-sword; a dagger strapped to her foreleg
2: staff or rope with an iridescent green and glowing gem to represent her seiðr (knotwork rope can be dangling from beneath pelt cape); a dagger strapped to her foreleg (same as twin); runestones?
Reference Image(s) for Items: https://postimg.cc/gallery/27z86ilfk/ (haven't had enough time to gather all reference images)

— Angeni --
Desired Domain: (I forget if this is a thing or not)
1: Death/Guiding the Slain/concept a WIP and I'm totally willing to work with staff to find something appropriate for a Norse Valkyrie
2: Trickery/Illusion/I'm not obsessed with Loki, nope. Same as above.

1: raven familiar; upright wings. Coloured just like #1's wings.
2: magpie familiar; upright wings. Coloured exactly as a magpie with #2's wing colouring; another seiðr gem
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 9:30 am

page 1

  1. Kiara Lime | Regular | Unedited/Minor | Solo
  2. (dolphingurl | Kirin | Extreme | Twins)
  3. (Yeonn | Mutant | Extreme | Solo )
  4. loltergeist | CC species | CC (minimum of mod, maximum of extreme) | CC
  5. (ChaosMyotismon | Regular | Unedited/minor?| Solo Custom)
  6. (Geyser Eelborn | Flutter'suticorn | Heavy | Solo)
  7. medigel | Owl/Bear Purewalker | Up to Extreme | Solo
  8. (Calixita | Mutant Pure Skinwalker | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  9. (Variable Nonsense | Hippogryph/Cerynei | Moderate/CC | Solo)
  10. (Kivras | Mutant Hybrid | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)

    page 2

  11. AstoriaFallen | mutant hippo suti | heavy/exrmtreme | Solo Custom | Adult
  12. (~Latonia de la Courtel~ | Flutter x Wolf Paw Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom (With Familiar?) )
  13. (xxx Yuki Bear xxx | Mutant Kelpi'suti | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  14. (Leena-chan | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  15. Poe-tae-toee | Hippogryph | Moderate | Solo Custom
  16. Alanna the Pirate Queen | Mutant-Angeni-Ceyrnei |Medium- Heavy | Solo Custom w/ Add-on Familiar
  17. Chisato Mikami | Regular | Moderate | Solo
  18. Lady Argentum Draconis | Regular | Mod-Heavy | Solo
  19. nekofayre |Mutant suti-angelic Tri Wing feline paws |heavy | Solo )
  20. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Flutter | Heavy | Solo Custom + Familiar
  21. Sabin Duvert | Mutant Hyper-Hybrid| Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  22. SSBrosB | Kalona | Moderate | Solo
  23. (Moxxiie | Mutant Pawed Regular | Extreme | Twins)

    page 3

  24. (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. | Mutant Wind | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  25. Fayt_of_Redemption | Canine Mutant | Heavy| Solo
  26. Tara de Draiocht | Mutant (Feline) | Extreme? | Solo
  27. (Ebonrune | Kirin/Cerynei pawed mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom)
  28. Erina_Nobara | Mutant Cerynei | Heavy | Solo)
  29. mistalina13 | Mutant Hippo-Angeni | Mod/Heavy (Lotta CC) | Solo
  30. Theidren | Uni-Kirin | Heavy | Solo Custom
  31. ( Inari Miko | Charmed Wolf Purewalker | Moderate (?) | Solo Custom )
  32. Rein_Carnation | Pure Suti | Moderate-Heavy| Solo
  33. magnadearel | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy-Extreme CC | Solo Custom
  34. (Malis Vitterfolk | Mutant/Gryph/Suti | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  35. (Mahogany Sunset | Cerynei | Heavy to Extreme | Solo)
  36. (Ryuukishin | Regular | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  37. (Andranis | Regular/Mutant | High-end moderate | Solo Custom)

    page 4

  38. (The_Great_Book_Wyrm | Hyppogryph Mutant | CC | Solo)
  39. (Melomar | Kalona (one is Cursed Owl(cockatoo) Walker) | Med to Extreme | Twins)
  40. (Snowbelle Thundara | Pawed Mutant | Up to Extreme| Solo Custom)
  41. (Nikkichomp | Angeni-Kalona-Uni hyperhybrid | Heavy | Solo)
  42. ( [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Pawed Angeni'suti | Extreme | Solo )
  43. Artymus | Mutant Regular | Extreme | Solo Custom
  44. (Lunadriel | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo)
  45. (Cheyriddle4 | Mutant Pawed | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  46. (Revel1984 (gifitng one twin to Faid Shadowlight | Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  47. Angstgremlin | Kalona | Extreme | Solo Custom + Familiar

    Page 5

  48. (ATh e a r t | Mutant Usdia | Heavy+ | Solo)
  49. (dawns_aura| Mutant flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | twins)
  50. ( Mythi Red Panda | Mutant Pawed Unikalona | Heavy/Extreme | Solo )
  51. (Fea Line | Pawed Sumi-E UniWind Cross| Heavy | Solo)
  52. (Kaya Wolf Moon and PhoenixGuardianMikazuki | Mutant Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)
  53. (Strawberri Stardust | Fluttercorn | Moderate/Heavy | Solo)
  54. Shi Berry | Uncharmed Wolf Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom
  55. (sage_the_vampric_angel | Mutant Kalona? | Extreme | Solo )
  56. Phail Ninja | Unicorn-Kalona | Extreme | Solo
  57. (Whoan | Usdia | Moderate | Solo Custom)
  58. (HoneyTeaTree | Mutant Nymph | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  59. Hattaki | Charmed Bat/Wolf Purewalker | Moderate | Solo Custom
  60. (catmagick | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  61. xKOVAKtheWOLFx | Mutant Charmed Fox/Owl Purewalker | Extreme | Twins

    page 6

  62. techabyte | Ulun'Suti/Flutter Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo
  63. (Nisshou H | Purewalker Canine | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  64. (Summer Raaven | Mutant Pawed | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom)
  65. AislingJuno | Purewalker | heavy/extreme | Twins)
  66. (lysia_nyteblade | Sumi-eMutant Kirin | heavy-extreme | Solo Custom)
  67. (o-Elixir-o | Sumi-e Mutant| Heavy - Extreme| Twins)
  68. ( Kara Asumie | Regular Pawed Kitsune | Extreme | Max Herd Helper )
  69. (Draconian_Peacock | Mutant Ulun'suti | Extreme| Solo )
  70. (Teh Cheryl | Mutant Uni | Extreme | Solo)
  71. (xSakura Serenityx | Mutant hippo-suti | Extreme | Solo Custom
  72. (Revolutionary Roniel | Mutant Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  73. (oo DeD | Mutant Purewalker | Extreme | Twins)
  74. (Natelie | Mutant Uni/Angeni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  75. (Rita Zyon | Ulun'suti (possibly mutant?) | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  76. Teigra | Mutant Fox Purewalkers | Heavy to Extreme(?) | Twins

    page 7

  77. (-Moomoolatecha- | Uni/Kalona | Moderate/heavy | Solo Custom)
  78. (LydaLynn | Mutant-Ulun'suti (Lapsang-esk) | Extreme | Twins)
  79. (ramenli | CC but something with wings | CC | Solo)
  80. (Kyjoto | Mutant Bear Flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  81. (tefla | Charmed purewalker (kitsune) | Extreme | Solo Custom
  82. Kesmi | Angini | Mod/heavy | Solo Custom
  83. Kettyn | Pawed Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  84. (Leez0rz | Kirin/Kalona | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  85. (ArashiX | Mutant Angeni? | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
mindsend generated a random number between 1 and 85 ... 79!

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 11:34 am

Thank you Yuki for making sure everyone who entered was on the list once and not repeated anywhere!


page 1

  1. Kiara Lime | Regular | Unedited/Minor | Solo
  2. (dolphingurl | Kirin | Extreme | Twins)
  3. (Yeonn | Mutant | Extreme | Solo )
  4. loltergeist | CC species | CC (minimum of mod, maximum of extreme) | CC
  5. (ChaosMyotismon | Regular | Unedited/minor?| Solo Custom)
  6. (Geyser Eelborn | Flutter'suticorn | Heavy | Solo)
  7. medigel | Owl/Bear Purewalker | Up to Extreme | Solo
  8. (Calixita | Mutant Pure Skinwalker | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  9. (Variable Nonsense | Hippogryph/Cerynei | Moderate/CC | Solo)
  10. (Kivras | Mutant Hybrid | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)

    page 2

  11. AstoriaFallen | mutant hippo suti | heavy/exrmtreme | Solo Custom | Adult
  12. (~Latonia de la Courtel~ | Flutter x Wolf Paw Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom (With Familiar?) )
  13. (xxx Yuki Bear xxx | Mutant Kelpi'suti | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  14. (Leena-chan | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  15. Poe-tae-toee | Hippogryph | Moderate | Solo Custom
  16. Alanna the Pirate Queen | Mutant-Angeni-Ceyrnei |Medium- Heavy | Solo Custom w/ Add-on Familiar
  17. Chisato Mikami | Regular | Moderate | Solo
  18. Lady Argentum Draconis | Regular | Mod-Heavy | Solo
  19. nekofayre |Mutant suti-angelic Tri Wing feline paws |heavy | Solo )
  20. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Flutter | Heavy | Solo Custom + Familiar
  21. Sabin Duvert | Mutant Hyper-Hybrid| Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  22. SSBrosB | Kalona | Moderate | Solo
  23. (Moxxiie | Mutant Pawed Regular | Extreme | Twins)

    page 3

  24. (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. | Mutant Wind | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  25. Fayt_of_Redemption | Canine Mutant | Heavy| Solo
  26. Tara de Draiocht | Mutant (Feline) | Extreme? | Solo
  27. (Ebonrune | Kirin/Cerynei pawed mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom)
  28. Erina_Nobara | Mutant Cerynei | Heavy | Solo)
  29. mistalina13 | Mutant Hippo-Angeni | Mod/Heavy (Lotta CC) | Solo
  30. Theidren | Uni-Kirin | Heavy | Solo Custom
  31. ( Inari Miko | Charmed Wolf Purewalker | Moderate (?) | Solo Custom )
  32. Rein_Carnation | Pure Suti | Moderate-Heavy| Solo
  33. magnadearel | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy-Extreme CC | Solo Custom
  34. (Malis Vitterfolk | Mutant/Gryph/Suti | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  35. (Mahogany Sunset | Cerynei | Heavy to Extreme | Solo)
  36. (Ryuukishin | Regular | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  37. (Andranis | Regular/Mutant | High-end moderate | Solo Custom)

    page 4

  38. (The_Great_Book_Wyrm | Hyppogryph Mutant | CC | Solo)
  39. (Melomar | Kalona (one is Cursed Owl(cockatoo) Walker) | Med to Extreme | Twins)
  40. (Snowbelle Thundara | Pawed Mutant | Up to Extreme| Solo Custom)
  41. (Nikkichomp | Angeni-Kalona-Uni hyperhybrid | Heavy | Solo)
  42. ( [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Pawed Angeni'suti | Extreme | Solo )
  43. Artymus | Mutant Regular | Extreme | Solo Custom
  44. (Lunadriel | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo)
  45. (Cheyriddle4 | Mutant Pawed | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  46. (Revel1984 (gifitng one twin to Faid Shadowlight | Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  47. Angstgremlin | Kalona | Extreme | Solo Custom + Familiar

    Page 5

  48. (ATh e a r t | Mutant Usdia | Heavy+ | Solo)
  49. (dawns_aura| Mutant flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | twins)
  50. ( Mythi Red Panda | Mutant Pawed Unikalona | Heavy/Extreme | Solo )
  51. (Fea Line | Pawed Sumi-E UniWind Cross| Heavy | Solo)
  52. (Kaya Wolf Moon and PhoenixGuardianMikazuki | Mutant Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)
  53. (Strawberri Stardust | Fluttercorn | Moderate/Heavy | Solo)
  54. Shi Berry | Uncharmed Wolf Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom
  55. (sage_the_vampric_angel | Mutant Kalona? | Extreme | Solo )
  56. Phail Ninja | Unicorn-Kalona | Extreme | Solo
  57. (Whoan | Usdia | Moderate | Solo Custom)
  58. (HoneyTeaTree | Mutant Nymph | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  59. Hattaki | Charmed Bat/Wolf Purewalker | Moderate | Solo Custom
  60. (catmagick | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  61. xKOVAKtheWOLFx | Mutant Charmed Fox/Owl Purewalker | Extreme | Twins

    page 6

  62. techabyte | Ulun'Suti/Flutter Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo
  63. (Nisshou H | Purewalker Canine | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  64. (Summer Raaven | Mutant Pawed | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom)
  65. AislingJuno | Purewalker | heavy/extreme | Twins)
  66. (lysia_nyteblade | Sumi-eMutant Kirin | heavy-extreme | Solo Custom)
  67. (o-Elixir-o | Sumi-e Mutant| Heavy - Extreme| Twins)
  68. ( Kara Asumie | Regular Pawed Kitsune | Extreme | Max Herd Helper )
  69. (Draconian_Peacock | Mutant Ulun'suti | Extreme| Solo )
  70. (Teh Cheryl | Mutant Uni | Extreme | Solo)
  71. (xSakura Serenityx | Mutant hippo-suti | Extreme | Solo Custom
  72. (Revolutionary Roniel | Mutant Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  73. (oo DeD | Mutant Purewalker | Extreme | Twins)
  74. (Natelie | Mutant Uni/Angeni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  75. (Rita Zyon | Ulun'suti (possibly mutant?) | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  76. Teigra | Mutant Fox Purewalkers | Heavy to Extreme(?) | Twins

    page 7

  77. (-Moomoolatecha- | Uni/Kalona | Moderate/heavy | Solo Custom)
  78. (LydaLynn | Mutant-Ulun'suti (Lapsang-esk) | Extreme | Twins)
  79. (ramenli | CC but something with wings | CC | Solo)
  80. (Kyjoto | Mutant Bear Flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  81. (tefla | Charmed purewalker (kitsune) | Extreme | Solo Custom
  82. Kesmi | Angini | Mod/heavy | Solo Custom
  83. Kettyn | Pawed Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  84. (Leez0rz | Kirin/Kalona | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  85. (ArashiX | Mutant Angeni? | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)

mindsend generated a random number between 1 and 84 ... 3!
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 11:35 am

1. (ramenli | CC but something with wings | CC | Solo) Page 7

page 1

  1. Kiara Lime | Regular | Unedited/Minor | Solo
  2. (dolphingurl | Kirin | Extreme | Twins)
  3. (Yeonn | Mutant | Extreme | Solo )
  4. loltergeist | CC species | CC (minimum of mod, maximum of extreme) | CC
  5. (ChaosMyotismon | Regular | Unedited/minor?| Solo Custom)
  6. (Geyser Eelborn | Flutter'suticorn | Heavy | Solo)
  7. medigel | Owl/Bear Purewalker | Up to Extreme | Solo
  8. (Calixita | Mutant Pure Skinwalker | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  9. (Variable Nonsense | Hippogryph/Cerynei | Moderate/CC | Solo)
  10. (Kivras | Mutant Hybrid | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)

    page 2

  11. AstoriaFallen | mutant hippo suti | heavy/exrmtreme | Solo Custom | Adult
  12. (~Latonia de la Courtel~ | Flutter x Wolf Paw Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom (With Familiar?) )
  13. (xxx Yuki Bear xxx | Mutant Kelpi'suti | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  14. (Leena-chan | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  15. Poe-tae-toee | Hippogryph | Moderate | Solo Custom
  16. Alanna the Pirate Queen | Mutant-Angeni-Ceyrnei |Medium- Heavy | Solo Custom w/ Add-on Familiar
  17. Chisato Mikami | Regular | Moderate | Solo
  18. Lady Argentum Draconis | Regular | Mod-Heavy | Solo
  19. nekofayre |Mutant suti-angelic Tri Wing feline paws |heavy | Solo )
  20. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Flutter | Heavy | Solo Custom + Familiar
  21. Sabin Duvert | Mutant Hyper-Hybrid| Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  22. SSBrosB | Kalona | Moderate | Solo
  23. (Moxxiie | Mutant Pawed Regular | Extreme | Twins)

    page 3

  24. (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. | Mutant Wind | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  25. Fayt_of_Redemption | Canine Mutant | Heavy| Solo
  26. Tara de Draiocht | Mutant (Feline) | Extreme? | Solo
  27. (Ebonrune | Kirin/Cerynei pawed mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom)
  28. Erina_Nobara | Mutant Cerynei | Heavy | Solo)
  29. mistalina13 | Mutant Hippo-Angeni | Mod/Heavy (Lotta CC) | Solo
  30. Theidren | Uni-Kirin | Heavy | Solo Custom
  31. ( Inari Miko | Charmed Wolf Purewalker | Moderate (?) | Solo Custom )
  32. Rein_Carnation | Pure Suti | Moderate-Heavy| Solo
  33. magnadearel | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy-Extreme CC | Solo Custom
  34. (Malis Vitterfolk | Mutant/Gryph/Suti | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  35. (Mahogany Sunset | Cerynei | Heavy to Extreme | Solo)
  36. (Ryuukishin | Regular | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  37. (Andranis | Regular/Mutant | High-end moderate | Solo Custom)

    page 4

  38. (The_Great_Book_Wyrm | Hyppogryph Mutant | CC | Solo)
  39. (Melomar | Kalona (one is Cursed Owl(cockatoo) Walker) | Med to Extreme | Twins)
  40. (Snowbelle Thundara | Pawed Mutant | Up to Extreme| Solo Custom)
  41. (Nikkichomp | Angeni-Kalona-Uni hyperhybrid | Heavy | Solo)
  42. ( [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Pawed Angeni'suti | Extreme | Solo )
  43. Artymus | Mutant Regular | Extreme | Solo Custom
  44. (Lunadriel | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo)
  45. (Cheyriddle4 | Mutant Pawed | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  46. (Revel1984 (gifitng one twin to Faid Shadowlight | Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  47. Angstgremlin | Kalona | Extreme | Solo Custom + Familiar

    Page 5

  48. (ATh e a r t | Mutant Usdia | Heavy+ | Solo)
  49. (dawns_aura| Mutant flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | twins)
  50. ( Mythi Red Panda | Mutant Pawed Unikalona | Heavy/Extreme | Solo )
  51. (Fea Line | Pawed Sumi-E UniWind Cross| Heavy | Solo)
  52. (Kaya Wolf Moon and PhoenixGuardianMikazuki | Mutant Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)
  53. (Strawberri Stardust | Fluttercorn | Moderate/Heavy | Solo)
  54. Shi Berry | Uncharmed Wolf Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom
  55. (sage_the_vampric_angel | Mutant Kalona? | Extreme | Solo )
  56. Phail Ninja | Unicorn-Kalona | Extreme | Solo
  57. (Whoan | Usdia | Moderate | Solo Custom)
  58. (HoneyTeaTree | Mutant Nymph | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  59. Hattaki | Charmed Bat/Wolf Purewalker | Moderate | Solo Custom
  60. (catmagick | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  61. xKOVAKtheWOLFx | Mutant Charmed Fox/Owl Purewalker | Extreme | Twins

    page 6

  62. techabyte | Ulun'Suti/Flutter Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo
  63. (Nisshou H | Purewalker Canine | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  64. (Summer Raaven | Mutant Pawed | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom)
  65. AislingJuno | Purewalker | heavy/extreme | Twins)
  66. (lysia_nyteblade | Sumi-eMutant Kirin | heavy-extreme | Solo Custom)
  67. (o-Elixir-o | Sumi-e Mutant| Heavy - Extreme| Twins)
  68. ( Kara Asumie | Regular Pawed Kitsune | Extreme | Max Herd Helper )
  69. (Draconian_Peacock | Mutant Ulun'suti | Extreme| Solo )
  70. (Teh Cheryl | Mutant Uni | Extreme | Solo)
  71. (xSakura Serenityx | Mutant hippo-suti | Extreme | Solo Custom
  72. (Revolutionary Roniel | Mutant Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  73. (oo DeD | Mutant Purewalker | Extreme | Twins)
  74. (Natelie | Mutant Uni/Angeni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  75. (Rita Zyon | Ulun'suti (possibly mutant?) | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  76. Teigra | Mutant Fox Purewalkers | Heavy to Extreme(?) | Twins

    page 7

  77. (-Moomoolatecha- | Uni/Kalona | Moderate/heavy | Solo Custom)
  78. (LydaLynn | Mutant-Ulun'suti (Lapsang-esk) | Extreme | Twins)
    (ramenli | CC but something with wings | CC | Solo)
  79. (Kyjoto | Mutant Bear Flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  80. (tefla | Charmed purewalker (kitsune) | Extreme | Solo Custom
  81. Kesmi | Angini | Mod/heavy | Solo Custom
  82. Kettyn | Pawed Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  83. (Leez0rz | Kirin/Kalona | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  84. (ArashiX | Mutant Angeni? | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
mindsend generated a random number between 1 and 83 ... 68!

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 11:36 am

1. (ramenli | CC but something with wings | CC | Solo) Page 7
2. (Yeonn | Mutant | Extreme | Solo ) page 1

page 1

  1. Kiara Lime | Regular | Unedited/Minor | Solo
  2. (dolphingurl | Kirin | Extreme | Twins)
    (Yeonn | Mutant | Extreme | Solo )
  3. loltergeist | CC species | CC (minimum of mod, maximum of extreme) | CC
  4. (ChaosMyotismon | Regular | Unedited/minor?| Solo Custom)
  5. (Geyser Eelborn | Flutter'suticorn | Heavy | Solo)
  6. medigel | Owl/Bear Purewalker | Up to Extreme | Solo
  7. (Calixita | Mutant Pure Skinwalker | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  8. (Variable Nonsense | Hippogryph/Cerynei | Moderate/CC | Solo)
  9. (Kivras | Mutant Hybrid | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)

    page 2

  10. AstoriaFallen | mutant hippo suti | heavy/exrmtreme | Solo Custom | Adult
  11. (~Latonia de la Courtel~ | Flutter x Wolf Paw Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom (With Familiar?) )
  12. (xxx Yuki Bear xxx | Mutant Kelpi'suti | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  13. (Leena-chan | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  14. Poe-tae-toee | Hippogryph | Moderate | Solo Custom
  15. Alanna the Pirate Queen | Mutant-Angeni-Ceyrnei |Medium- Heavy | Solo Custom w/ Add-on Familiar
  16. Chisato Mikami | Regular | Moderate | Solo
  17. Lady Argentum Draconis | Regular | Mod-Heavy | Solo
  18. nekofayre |Mutant suti-angelic Tri Wing feline paws |heavy | Solo )
  19. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Flutter | Heavy | Solo Custom + Familiar
  20. Sabin Duvert | Mutant Hyper-Hybrid| Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  21. SSBrosB | Kalona | Moderate | Solo
  22. (Moxxiie | Mutant Pawed Regular | Extreme | Twins)

    page 3

  23. (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. | Mutant Wind | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  24. Fayt_of_Redemption | Canine Mutant | Heavy| Solo
  25. Tara de Draiocht | Mutant (Feline) | Extreme? | Solo
  26. (Ebonrune | Kirin/Cerynei pawed mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom)
  27. Erina_Nobara | Mutant Cerynei | Heavy | Solo)
  28. mistalina13 | Mutant Hippo-Angeni | Mod/Heavy (Lotta CC) | Solo
  29. Theidren | Uni-Kirin | Heavy | Solo Custom
  30. ( Inari Miko | Charmed Wolf Purewalker | Moderate (?) | Solo Custom )
  31. Rein_Carnation | Pure Suti | Moderate-Heavy| Solo
  32. magnadearel | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy-Extreme CC | Solo Custom
  33. (Malis Vitterfolk | Mutant/Gryph/Suti | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  34. (Mahogany Sunset | Cerynei | Heavy to Extreme | Solo)
  35. (Ryuukishin | Regular | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  36. (Andranis | Regular/Mutant | High-end moderate | Solo Custom)

    page 4

  37. (The_Great_Book_Wyrm | Hyppogryph Mutant | CC | Solo)
  38. (Melomar | Kalona (one is Cursed Owl(cockatoo) Walker) | Med to Extreme | Twins)
  39. (Snowbelle Thundara | Pawed Mutant | Up to Extreme| Solo Custom)
  40. (Nikkichomp | Angeni-Kalona-Uni hyperhybrid | Heavy | Solo)
  41. ( [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Pawed Angeni'suti | Extreme | Solo )
  42. Artymus | Mutant Regular | Extreme | Solo Custom
  43. (Lunadriel | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo)
  44. (Cheyriddle4 | Mutant Pawed | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  45. (Revel1984 (gifitng one twin to Faid Shadowlight | Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  46. Angstgremlin | Kalona | Extreme | Solo Custom + Familiar

    Page 5

  47. (ATh e a r t | Mutant Usdia | Heavy+ | Solo)
  48. (dawns_aura| Mutant flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | twins)
  49. ( Mythi Red Panda | Mutant Pawed Unikalona | Heavy/Extreme | Solo )
  50. (Fea Line | Pawed Sumi-E UniWind Cross| Heavy | Solo)
  51. (Kaya Wolf Moon and PhoenixGuardianMikazuki | Mutant Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)
  52. (Strawberri Stardust | Fluttercorn | Moderate/Heavy | Solo)
  53. Shi Berry | Uncharmed Wolf Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom
  54. (sage_the_vampric_angel | Mutant Kalona? | Extreme | Solo )
  55. Phail Ninja | Unicorn-Kalona | Extreme | Solo
  56. (Whoan | Usdia | Moderate | Solo Custom)
  57. (HoneyTeaTree | Mutant Nymph | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  58. Hattaki | Charmed Bat/Wolf Purewalker | Moderate | Solo Custom
  59. (catmagick | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  60. xKOVAKtheWOLFx | Mutant Charmed Fox/Owl Purewalker | Extreme | Twins

    page 6

  61. techabyte | Ulun'Suti/Flutter Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo
  62. (Nisshou H | Purewalker Canine | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  63. (Summer Raaven | Mutant Pawed | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom)
  64. AislingJuno | Purewalker | heavy/extreme | Twins)
  65. (lysia_nyteblade | Sumi-eMutant Kirin | heavy-extreme | Solo Custom)
  66. (o-Elixir-o | Sumi-e Mutant| Heavy - Extreme| Twins)
  67. ( Kara Asumie | Regular Pawed Kitsune | Extreme | Max Herd Helper )
  68. (Draconian_Peacock | Mutant Ulun'suti | Extreme| Solo )
  69. (Teh Cheryl | Mutant Uni | Extreme | Solo)
  70. (xSakura Serenityx | Mutant hippo-suti | Extreme | Solo Custom
  71. (Revolutionary Roniel | Mutant Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  72. (oo DeD | Mutant Purewalker | Extreme | Twins)
  73. (Natelie | Mutant Uni/Angeni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  74. (Rita Zyon | Ulun'suti (possibly mutant?) | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  75. Teigra | Mutant Fox Purewalkers | Heavy to Extreme(?) | Twins

    page 7

  76. (-Moomoolatecha- | Uni/Kalona | Moderate/heavy | Solo Custom)
  77. (LydaLynn | Mutant-Ulun'suti (Lapsang-esk) | Extreme | Twins)
    (ramenli | CC but something with wings | CC | Solo)
  78. (Kyjoto | Mutant Bear Flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  79. (tefla | Charmed purewalker (kitsune) | Extreme | Solo Custom
  80. Kesmi | Angini | Mod/heavy | Solo Custom
  81. Kettyn | Pawed Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  82. (Leez0rz | Kirin/Kalona | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  83. (ArashiX | Mutant Angeni? | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 11:41 am

These are the current winners!
1. (ramenli | CC but something with wings | CC | Solo) Page 7
2. (Yeonn | Mutant | Extreme | Solo ) page 1
3.(Draconian_Peacock | Mutant Ulun'suti | Extreme| Solo ) page 6

Please send your custom information to "Sezja Kuznetsov" and send your Trades to "Mindsend"!

Since all three are Solo customs I'm going to look at what they are and see by some point tomorrow whether or not there's anything I want to CC, so keep me informed if you win a paid custom/semi-custom before the 9th. No guarantee I'll CC something (Cause two are listed as extreme and I'm still pretty busy setting up the new house), but we shall see.

page 1

  1. Kiara Lime | Regular | Unedited/Minor | Solo
  2. (dolphingurl | Kirin | Extreme | Twins)
    (Yeonn | Mutant | Extreme | Solo )
  3. loltergeist | CC species | CC (minimum of mod, maximum of extreme) | CC
  4. (ChaosMyotismon | Regular | Unedited/minor?| Solo Custom)
  5. (Geyser Eelborn | Flutter'suticorn | Heavy | Solo)
  6. medigel | Owl/Bear Purewalker | Up to Extreme | Solo
  7. (Calixita | Mutant Pure Skinwalker | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  8. (Variable Nonsense | Hippogryph/Cerynei | Moderate/CC | Solo)
  9. (Kivras | Mutant Hybrid | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)

    page 2

  10. AstoriaFallen | mutant hippo suti | heavy/exrmtreme | Solo Custom | Adult
  11. (~Latonia de la Courtel~ | Flutter x Wolf Paw Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom (With Familiar?) )
  12. (xxx Yuki Bear xxx | Mutant Kelpi'suti | Heavy/Extreme | Solo)
  13. (Leena-chan | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  14. Poe-tae-toee | Hippogryph | Moderate | Solo Custom
  15. Alanna the Pirate Queen | Mutant-Angeni-Ceyrnei |Medium- Heavy | Solo Custom w/ Add-on Familiar
  16. Chisato Mikami | Regular | Moderate | Solo
  17. Lady Argentum Draconis | Regular | Mod-Heavy | Solo
  18. nekofayre |Mutant suti-angelic Tri Wing feline paws |heavy | Solo )
  19. Kitsune Mistress Nyoko | Flutter | Heavy | Solo Custom + Familiar
  20. Sabin Duvert | Mutant Hyper-Hybrid| Extreme? | Solo Custom )
  21. SSBrosB | Kalona | Moderate | Solo
  22. (Moxxiie | Mutant Pawed Regular | Extreme | Twins)

    page 3

  23. (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. | Mutant Wind | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  24. Fayt_of_Redemption | Canine Mutant | Heavy| Solo
  25. Tara de Draiocht | Mutant (Feline) | Extreme? | Solo
  26. (Ebonrune | Kirin/Cerynei pawed mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom)
  27. Erina_Nobara | Mutant Cerynei | Heavy | Solo)
  28. mistalina13 | Mutant Hippo-Angeni | Mod/Heavy (Lotta CC) | Solo
  29. Theidren | Uni-Kirin | Heavy | Solo Custom
  30. ( Inari Miko | Charmed Wolf Purewalker | Moderate (?) | Solo Custom )
  31. Rein_Carnation | Pure Suti | Moderate-Heavy| Solo
  32. magnadearel | Mutant Purewalker | Heavy-Extreme CC | Solo Custom
  33. (Malis Vitterfolk | Mutant/Gryph/Suti | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  34. (Mahogany Sunset | Cerynei | Heavy to Extreme | Solo)
  35. (Ryuukishin | Regular | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  36. (Andranis | Regular/Mutant | High-end moderate | Solo Custom)

    page 4

  37. (The_Great_Book_Wyrm | Hyppogryph Mutant | CC | Solo)
  38. (Melomar | Kalona (one is Cursed Owl(cockatoo) Walker) | Med to Extreme | Twins)
  39. (Snowbelle Thundara | Pawed Mutant | Up to Extreme| Solo Custom)
  40. (Nikkichomp | Angeni-Kalona-Uni hyperhybrid | Heavy | Solo)
  41. ( [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Pawed Angeni'suti | Extreme | Solo )
  42. Artymus | Mutant Regular | Extreme | Solo Custom
  43. (Lunadriel | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo)
  44. (Cheyriddle4 | Mutant Pawed | Heavy | Solo Custom )
  45. (Revel1984 (gifitng one twin to Faid Shadowlight | Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  46. Angstgremlin | Kalona | Extreme | Solo Custom + Familiar

    Page 5

  47. (ATh e a r t | Mutant Usdia | Heavy+ | Solo)
  48. (dawns_aura| Mutant flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | twins)
  49. ( Mythi Red Panda | Mutant Pawed Unikalona | Heavy/Extreme | Solo )
  50. (Fea Line | Pawed Sumi-E UniWind Cross| Heavy | Solo)
  51. (Kaya Wolf Moon and PhoenixGuardianMikazuki | Mutant Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Twins)
  52. (Strawberri Stardust | Fluttercorn | Moderate/Heavy | Solo)
  53. Shi Berry | Uncharmed Wolf Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom
  54. (sage_the_vampric_angel | Mutant Kalona? | Extreme | Solo )
  55. Phail Ninja | Unicorn-Kalona | Extreme | Solo
  56. (Whoan | Usdia | Moderate | Solo Custom)
  57. (HoneyTeaTree | Mutant Nymph | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  58. Hattaki | Charmed Bat/Wolf Purewalker | Moderate | Solo Custom
  59. (catmagick | Mutant | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  60. xKOVAKtheWOLFx | Mutant Charmed Fox/Owl Purewalker | Extreme | Twins

    page 6

  61. techabyte | Ulun'Suti/Flutter Mutant | Heavy/Extreme | Solo
  62. (Nisshou H | Purewalker Canine | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  63. (Summer Raaven | Mutant Pawed | Heavy/Extreme | Solo Custom)
  64. AislingJuno | Purewalker | heavy/extreme | Twins)
  65. (lysia_nyteblade | Sumi-eMutant Kirin | heavy-extreme | Solo Custom)
  66. (o-Elixir-o | Sumi-e Mutant| Heavy - Extreme| Twins)
  67. ( Kara Asumie | Regular Pawed Kitsune | Extreme | Max Herd Helper )
    (Draconian_Peacock | Mutant Ulun'suti | Extreme| Solo )
  68. (Teh Cheryl | Mutant Uni | Extreme | Solo)
  69. (xSakura Serenityx | Mutant hippo-suti | Extreme | Solo Custom
  70. (Revolutionary Roniel | Mutant Purewalker | Extreme | Solo Custom)
  71. (oo DeD | Mutant Purewalker | Extreme | Twins)
  72. (Natelie | Mutant Uni/Angeni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  73. (Rita Zyon | Ulun'suti (possibly mutant?) | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom)
  74. Teigra | Mutant Fox Purewalkers | Heavy to Extreme(?) | Twins

    page 7

  75. (-Moomoolatecha- | Uni/Kalona | Moderate/heavy | Solo Custom)
  76. (LydaLynn | Mutant-Ulun'suti (Lapsang-esk) | Extreme | Twins)
    (ramenli | CC but something with wings | CC | Solo)
  77. (Kyjoto | Mutant Bear Flutter'geni | Heavy/Extreme | Twins)
  78. (tefla | Charmed purewalker (kitsune) | Extreme | Solo Custom
  79. Kesmi | Angini | Mod/heavy | Solo Custom
  80. Kettyn | Pawed Regular | Heavy-Extreme | Solo Custom
  81. (Leez0rz | Kirin/Kalona | Heavy | Solo Custom)
  82. (ArashiX | Mutant Angeni? | Heavy to Extreme | Twins)

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
mindsend generated a random number between 1 and 5 ... 2!

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2019 11:33 am

CC Shortlist! Rolling one of these

page 1

  1. Kiara Lime | Regular | Unedited/Minor | Solo

    page 2

  2. Chisato Mikami | Regular | Moderate | Solo
  3. SSBrosB | Kalona | Moderate | Solo

    page 5

  4. (Whoan | Usdia | Moderate | Solo Custom)
  5. Hattaki | Charmed Bat/Wolf Purewalker | Moderate | Solo Custom


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