BREEDINGOwner Usernames: Lenacatte & Aria Starstone
Breeding's for the Month (For Both Owners): 5/5 and 5/5
Parent 1: Parent 2: Breeding Permission: HereMated or Fling: Fling
Unedited/Edited: Edited
What lines are the parents on (If known. Please also add this answer for Unique Lined Kats so we know what they revert to): Delphinia reverts to Dolphin while Alrisha is on Elder Majerae lines
Number of Eggs (Max 1 for Self Pairs/2 for Standard Pairs without permission): 2
Prefer Growing or Adult Only (Colorist may CC): CC!
Gender (Please state who is getting what gender or choose CC): Random for me, Female for Aria
Fertility Demi Blessing: N/A
Proof of Blessing: N/A
Does the Colorist have permission to stream the breeding: Y
Additional Notes: heart