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Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 10:31 am
"I'm so sorry!!" Freyr gasped, as he finally noticed Marka's extreme discomfort. He released the younger man's arms and in a strange rolling motion with his feline shoulders slid the Ex-Turk away from his human torsoe along his back. "I didn't mean to... I was.... I mean I .... I forgot..." He admitted unhappily, distressed that he had been unintentionally hurting his new freind. "Can you hold on like that?" He suddenly changed the subject, "I'll take you back to camp, we have cold-compresses and you can use the lotion and bandages if you need them..." He glanced back at what little of the clearing he could see, tempted to try once more to interject, but Marka's ailments silenced his usual stubbornness. Then he started moving, slowly at first but keeping a close eye on his rider to ensure the lavender-haired man wasn't falling off. Riding Freyr was NOTHING like riding a Chocobo. The chimera knew he tended to have a jolting gait, as coordinated as he had become over time it still threw alot of people off... it tended to be worst near his hindquarters, which was why he liked to help people grab his waist. Nevertheless he would just have to do his best to make sure he didn't toss Marka, he was quickly learning just how fragile his new 'pet' was...  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:42 pm
Marka mewled softly. He could see the red splotches that would undoubtedly have become burns if he hadn't mentioned something. "I think I can manage until we get there." He finally added, it wasn't Freyr's fault. Not many people have such afflictions and it must be difficult dealing with one who's unable to touch or come into contact with real warmth. He didn't say anything the first time, when the Felitaur had made contact but the second time could not be helped. Freyr was no smooth ride, that was for certain. "Where are we going?" Marka finally managed to compose a real thought.  

Too Sexy For A Shirt

Cecil Helden

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:59 pm
"You bet! I nailed the kid in the face with an eraser. Without even looking at the little brat!" She snickered at this.
"A millionare? Like who? Shinra? Naw, I don't have any relatives. I don't think. Well, my dead cousin did have a lot of money, but that was I while ago. Forgot what I did with it." She shrugged casually over the loss of the money.
"It was only a couple million anyway."

Cecil dodged off the path to walk under some trees just as the rain started coming down. "So apart from your issues with harming students and your incredible wealth anything you want to talk about?" walking faster now Cecil seemed a little bit jumpy and distractable he was talking very fast now. "Um perhaps you would like to" he walked farther from the path "give me all your valuables and money?" as he said the last line he whipped around and aimed his gun at Morhigan. He was smiling lightly and fidgeting his hands a little.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:19 pm
A giggle escaped from Morhighan's throat.
"Oh!" She laughed. "How many thousands of years has it been?! Over five, atleast..." She grinned at him, chuckling.
"You know, my uncle was a count. Incredibly wealthy, but anyway..." she trailed distracted for a moment.
"That was a long time ago. Longer than you can even comprehend. Well--" She started pulling money along with other strange items out of the many hidden pockets it her trench coat. She handed him a couple thousands worth of gil in several bags, dropping the other items with out care.
"Now where is it? Where could it be? The book is worth more than what your holding... Ah-ha!"
She held up a black bound book that had spidery red and silver writing on the front.
"This is my most valuable possesion, given to me by my very rich uncle."
She told him, taking back the gil and stuffing it in her pockets.
"He also gave me this."
A large gun seemed to appear in her hand suddenly as she aimed it at his head.
"Go ahead and fire. I care not for my life. I have nothing to live for, other than to scold young gentlemen for not being gallant, and you seem to be fitting that discription. I do hope you'll enjoy that book," she said motioning towards one of the rare copies of 'Dracula' she had copied down from memory while being bored that now rested in Cecil's hand.
"It's a very good read, however the end is all balderdash, I was there you know? So I'd know whether or not my Uncle would die by stake or not."
She fired a shot at a tree, pointing the gun slightly away, hoping that the sound would make Cecil flinch, seeing as the gun was right next to his head.
"Well, off to Nibel! Happy reading! And remember: Never trust a pirate, especially when you steal from them! The next time you rob someone don't be so nervous." She called skipping merrily off at a high speed he could not hope to follow.

((OOC: just to give you an idea of how old Morhi is... rolleyes ))  


Generous Entrepreneur

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:54 am
((I don't think FF7 was so much of a 'Futuristic' world as a Different Universe.... Dracula can work I suppose... but the timelines for him would be all different I think. See... there weren't supposed to be any sentient life before the Cetras, and then with JENOVA landing and all 2,000 years before the game. Probably the oldest an 'equivelent' Dracula could be is 1,500... though in OUR books he's only about 800 years old or something.))

Noting that Marka seemed at least decently competent at keeping his balance Freyr sped up his pace, not racing quite as fast as he had initially but still moving at a good speed. "We're going to Mine and Vinnie's Camp!" He explained over his shoulder, "Since I was gathering supplies I left my weapons behind... Didn't want to freak out the townsies any more than neccessary right?" He tossed the ex-Turk a grin, before focusing ahead again, "It's right in that copse," He noted aloud as he ran, the low hanging willow trees actually hid the clearing from veiw, but with good memory Freyr slowed, trotting between the branches without misshap. "We have a pretty good setup here," He bragged as they moved, "All the comforts you cou..........." His sentance degraded into a strange choking sound, All of the sudden the Chimera came to complete halt, stiffening as he stared ahead at something. His shock lasted for all of two or three seconds, "It's a TONBERRY!!" He shreiked, strangely it didn't sound like the tone he used with his normal jesting, and without warning he reared whirling in place and bolting, the unfortunate Marka was tossed from his back, and by the time Freyr had once again been spotted he'd SOMEHOW managed to scramble half-way up a tree. His human arms clung to the branches, his massive paws wrapped around the trunk digging in with his claws. And his hooves scrabbled uselessly even lower, trying to gain purchase to propel him further, "It's A TONberry! HELP!! It's Got LOKI and TYR HOstAGE!!! It's Gonna KILL US!!!" His face was drained of color, his eyes wide, and for all intents and purposes seemed terrified out of his mind. Sure enough a Tonberry sat stoicly in front of the Glaive and Rifle Freyr had been looking for, it's eyes stared unblinkingly at the chimera, and in it's hand it held the infamous knife...  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:05 am
Vincent arrived a moment later, dragging a dead wolfish creature behind him by it's tail, and when he saw Freyr and what had set him off, he dropped the corpse and called out to the chimera, "I've got it Freyr!" Racing forwards and drawing cerberus, pausing half an instant when he noticed Marka on the ground at the edge of the copse. He regarded him and made a slightly exaggerated wink barely visible behind his chrome rimmed shades. In no time at all he was right in front of the offending 'monster' with his gun aimed in it's face. Then, with a seemingly startled yelp, he dropped back, one silver encased leg striking out catching the tonberry underneath the pointed tip and launching it over his shoulder and straight towards Freyr with a "squa-hee" sound.  

The demon Angel

Cecil Helden

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:06 am
Cecil started laughing hystericaly hardly believing she was actually giving her assets to him. He was startled when she ran away so fast and took off after her leaving the items behind except for the book. "Wait I was just joking the guns not even real it's plastic my real one is in a pouch in my belt see!" he shouted the words as he stumbled his way after her, tripping over bumps in the terrain "I'm sorry I was just trying to warn you that you should do background checks on mercenarys we're shady people" He completely fell over and caught himself using his gun which snapped as it was indeed merely plastic, it did however serve to turn him over so he didn't get mud on the book. "I suppose you really don't need much help though do you? You're really fast man" as he finished Cecil realized that there was absolutely no way he could catch her. Shielding the book with his body so it did not get wet he sat down to read "that usually goes alot better" he skipped the prologue as those usually gave away important information of the story. "Jonathan Harker's Journal...  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:59 am
The Tonberry arced through the air, straight towards Freyr, it even had a gentle spin whirling head over feet. But that particular detail wasn't even noticed by Freyr, the only thing of interest was the simple fact that the 'Tonberry' was coming STRAIGHT AT HIM! "EEEEIIIIIIAAAYYAAAAAIIIIGHEE" He shreiked, releasing the tree in one instant as he futiley tried to bat the 'attacking' creature away, His arms and paws waved frantically before him, his huge mass dropping bodily from the air. He landed hard on his back, spread out entirely horizontal on the forest floor, his wailing cry of terror ending in an abrupt "AAIIEEE-Guufff..." He lay there frozen, the 'tonberry' which had wrapped itself around his claws deflating with an audible hiss. For several moments Freyr couldn't say anything, his limbs twitched, his mouth worked silently and his eyes stared blankly up at the trees above. Then he gasped, finally remembering to breath past his shock. ".... Not.... funny..." He wheezed before finally getting his voice back a little more, "That was NOT. FUNNY..."  

Ermak Lorde

The demon Angel

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:53 am
Vincent was laughing, a somewhat uncharacteristic action for him, but he was doing it nonetheless. Laughing, with increasing volume, rising in intensity as he watched Freyr, and couldn't help the tears of mirth from leaking out the corners of his eyes. He even removed his digital shades, and wiped at his eyes with the insides of his night blue leather gauntlets, careful with the silver bracers strapped to either forearm. "You... should have seen... the look... on your face!" He gasped out, laughing at his long time friend and companion, "Priceless! Been waiting... years... for that!" He sat down heavily, unable to keep his feet he was laughing so hard. It was perhaps in question what was more surprising to Freyr, that Vincent hadn't done something like this much sooner, or that the gunman actually had a sense of humor. Not that he was in a position to appreciate either at the moment.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:16 pm
Marka had managed, in all the ruckus, to slink himself up against the bark of a near by tree. His head was pounding and in all the commotion he wasn't sure what was going on, except maybe that Freyr was making a fool of himself. Had he not been dazed beyound the ability to comprehend the hysterics, he would have been laughing right along with Vincent. He turned to the side and ended up slumped on the ground, over an uncomfortable series of roots and mulch. He paid no mind to pick himself up. He decided to let them talk and carry on and do simply what ever they pleased...In the meantime, he was gonna sleep, just for a little while.  

Too Sexy For A Shirt


PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:29 pm
In his cluttered house in Nibelhiem, Alan was somewhat frantically searching through several piles of papers that were almost his own height. Somewhat frantically because though he searched with great haste, he would, stop quite frequently and look upon a paper, hmming and tilting his head to the side before he would jump a little and begin again his search. Alan Hojo finally seemed to find what he was looking for as he cried out with a "Aaahaa!!" and sat back on his heels to look over the slightly crumpled document. "Hmmm, I should have an appointment today, what was the S1 supposed to stand for again? Hmmmmmm...." He stood up and walked out of the room, bumping into the door frame on his way out. He then walked into an equally cluttered workroom, the difference being that instead of papers strewn around there were half finished projects littered over the benches and tables. He sat down on an unoccupied chair as he puzzled it out. " Maybe it was a collegue? Professor Sigfried? No, the 1 means something.... oh well, at least I know the appointment was today." with that said, he stood up, absentmindedly setting the paper down with no more thought on the matter. He then continued his unhurried stroll, through his house, becoming quite engrossed in one thing, until his gaze would land on another, wich would then capture all his attention until he spied something else. All thoughts of his appointment apparently forgotten.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:03 pm
Having finally gotten roused Sujuka made his way to nibelhiem. Hemeandered through the town momentarily at a loss for what to do next. 'I hate the word meander...why is it always meander?' Sujuka thought to himself in his half daze. Travelling was never his thing. He was a scientist. He stopped by a fountain and sat down. He had to map out what he was planning to do next. He needed to find someone who may know anything at all about the real happenings at Midgar. "why does this have to be so difficult!" He groaned and grabbed his hair. "God I know you are ut to get me. Probably because I don't believe in you, but why can't you make this easier! Should have killed me with Hojo..." He looked up in hopes that maybe there was someone he could easily spot that wouldn't look at him and think he was some sort of crazed person.  

Too Sexy For A Shirt


Generous Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:19 pm
Morhighan listened to Cecil's shouts without pausing, then veared off into the trees when he gave up chase.
She lloked down at her watch, then cursed.
"The flower shop's already closed..." she groaned. "I guess I'll just go tommorow."
She turned around and skipped through the trees, looking for Cecil.
She found him sitting, reading the book.
She jumped up precariously onto the ledge and flipped upside down in a gymnastic twirl.
"Oi!" She called, anouncing her prescence.
"Are you enjoying so far?" She asked, then flipped out of the tree, landing neatly onto her feet.
"I needed to get my stuff and the flower shop closed." she said by way of explanation.
"Sorry for bolting. I've been edgy lately."
She collected up the belongings she had dropped carefully, then turned to him and smiled cheerily.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:22 pm
Ermak Lorde

Kentri stepped uncomfortably onto the docks, it had not been a pleasant journey in the slightest traveling from the Midgan continant at the port of Junon, and arriving at the Gongagan ports. Kentri felt terribly sea-sick even now as he wandered through the small port city of 'Quallis, he tried to keep his hood pulled low, limping and staggering as he was, trying to avoid catching too much attention. At least on the ship he'd been able to keep to his cabin most of the time, never much needing to step out except to grab a bite or two of food, and then everyone expected a sea-sick landlubber to be unsteady on his feet. Thankfully all he received were a few glances one or two that ended at his dirty and somewhat tattered cloak, which showed some hard travel. He wasn't certain what he thought of his current mission, why did he have to travel to Neo-Midgar anyways? What good could possibly come of blatantly exposing himself to the normal people of the world?? But whatever the reason it was a long-standing tradition among his extended family, every child was supposed to make the journey when they reached their majority. at 22 Kentri was technically at his 'majority', or considered an adult by his relatives. He sighed, either way he expected this venture to end badly.

He didn't notice a similarly wobbling and dark cloaked passenger following him at a safe distance. This figure recovered quickly and soon had a confident step and quick motions. Idun sighed, no one had told her ships could be that unpleasant, although she had born it better then poor Silleo. It had been easy to keep out of his sight though. When he had left for his journey Idun couldn't stand to sit idle. She was sure he would find a way to muff his journey, and besides it would give her a chance to get out to see what the rest of the world really was like. The planet told her things, gave her bits and snatches of pictures of far away places. These had only ignited a fire in her to see the world for herself, and of course protect Silleo. Her eyes darted around, there were so many people! None of them had wings or were limping either. There were a few normal people back home, but not nearly as many as this. The Planet had told her of places like this but it was a little different actually being there. She wondered about the other places, she wanted to see Cosmo Canyon and Nibelhiem, and especially Icicle. Her great-great-great-great a few other greats she thought grandfather Garm and his twin brother Fenrir were from there.  

Eskevar Fire Cross

Cecil Helden

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:29 pm
Cecil didn't look up as Morhigan spoke. When he was asked if he enjoyed it Cecil just nodded silently and continued reading. "Oh sorry the shop is closed" he said and began closing the book. He looked up and spoke softly "it's really not your place to be sorry but mine. Pulling a gun on someone is hardly acceptable behavior. I'm just used to people really needing bodyguards you obviously do not." Cecil stood and handed her the book.  
JENOVA's Witnesses

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