Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:59 pm
Nikolai Sani ? x ? Name: Nikolai Sani Nick Name: Nik, Niko, Name Meaning: NIKOLAI (Russian) victory of the people; victory. SANI (Arabic) brilliant, splendid. Type: Diamond; Earth Suti Title: The Radiant Knight Domain: Motto: Herd: Light x Jewels Clan Crossover; Diamond Clan Patriarch; (Formerly) Court of Jewels Rank: Occupation: Temper: Proud Acquired: December 2020 Gemstone Raffle Previous Stages: Shop Link Uncert Drop Post: Cert Drop Special Markings/Attributes: Niko is a shades of diamond hued Earth Suti stallion. His hooves are black, his feathering and socks are blues and grays, his lower legs are bisected by lines of white and then shift to shades of blue or grey moving up his legs. His body is a mix of pale grey, blue, black, charcoal, and bears a mix of lines and hexagon patterns. He is adorned with diamond scales, plates, spikes, and crystal growths. His crystal growths stretch from the base of his neck (withers) to the base of his tail, all of them diamond bright rather than an array of colors. His wings are largely white, with the boning being a blend of his body colors. His neck and head are adorned with a blend of spikes, scale plates and horns; once again a blend of white, gray, soft blue and darker gray and blue tones. His tail is long and sleek, adorned with bright diamond fins and blades. His mane is short and black, slightly windblown. His eyes are gleaming diamond-silver, the sclera of his eyes are black, his brows are black nearly as dark. He has diamond nose scale plates from his muzzle up the center of his face, disappearing under his forelock. Roleplay Color: #344B69
Family: Family Echo (Coming Soon) Dam x Sire: Lady of Radiance x Lord of Jewels Half-Siblings: Covellite Excelsior "Cove" Aunt: Lady of Light (LW) Cousins: Telumendil "The Starkeeper"; Ecthelion "The Starcatcher"; Elentari 'The StarKindler' Second-Cousins: Tiam Asra; Mensa, Caleum Volans 'The Celestial Octant' Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Familiar: N/A
About: (Light x Jewels Clan Crossover)
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:42 pm
Tavori Roshanara BrightClaw "The StarWalker" ? x ? Name: Tavori Roshanara BrightClaw "The StarWalker" Nick Name: Tav, Name Meaning: TAVORI f; (Original); ROSHANARA f Persian (Archaic) From Persian روشن (roshan) meaning "light" and آرا (ara) meaning "decorate, adorn". Type: Bear PureWalker (Star) Title: The Vengeful Night Domain: N/A Motto: ? Herd: N/A Occupation: Temper: Fierce Acquired: 2020 CYO; Shop Cert (Pony); Shop Cert (Feral) Previous Stages: 2020 Plushie Drop Post: Official Uncert Drop, Charmed, Peltless, Feral Charmed; Cert Drop Special Markings/Attributes: Tavori is a constellation and black hole based PureWalker. Her underpelt is a black on black, slightly dappled. Her bear pelt is a midnight blue edged in silver and marked with stars and constellations. She bears the mark of Ursa Major on her side, and Capricorn on her shoulder. Her nose and claws are silver, rather like the edging on her pelt. Her eyes are midnight blue, gleaming with a faint electric blue shine. (Beneath the pelt she has a long solid black mane and short bear bobbed tail.) In her bear form she is mostly midnight blue over her head, back and sides. Her pelt goes black on her tail, down her legs, and in small areas around her eyes. Her eyes remain the midnight and electric blue, her claws silvery. In all forms she sears a silver hoop earring in her right ear. Visible in all forms is the white Angeni charm fused to her chest, an attempt that an Angeni made to try and curb her Skinwalker impulses. (It seems to have been unsuccessful.) Roleplay Color: #021634
Family: Dam x Sire: ? x ? Siblings: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Familiar: N/A
Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding 1: Trying For With Phail Ninja xxxxxxxx With: Bear Claws "The Claw" xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:13 pm
Covellite Excelsior "Cove" ? x ? Name: Covellite Excelsior Nick Name: Cove Name Meaning: COVELLITE is a rare copper sulfide mineral with the formula CuS. This indigo blue mineral is commonly a secondary mineral in limited abundance and although it is not an important ore of copper itself, it is well known to mineral collectors. EXCELSIOR (Latin) word translated into English as a motto meaning “Ever upward!” Type: Kiri-Suti Title: Domain: Crystal; Earth Suti Motto: Herd: ? x Jewels Clan Crossover; (Formerly) Court of Jewels Rank: (Co?) Soldier; Occupation: Yarn & Fiber Merchant Temper: Transformative Acquired: Techabyte In Thread Easter/Spring Semicustoms Previous Stages: Inspiration Image, Nude Drop Post: Uncert Drop, Shop Uncert, Shop Uncert Nude, Shop Certs Special Markings/Attributes: His Kirin hooves are silver, his feathering and legs black like the mountain pattern that stretches up his legs and lower belly and chest. His sides are marked with a rising moon, a pale disk climbing above dark blue and black peaks that stand out as jagged points against a medium blue sky marked with pale blue-white clouds. Starting at the dark black and gradually shifting to dark blue, medium and light blue, eventually to a pale blue and white; his coat goes from dark to light progressing up from hooves to ears. Cove's mane is a white-silver length gently swooped and braided into smaller sections that entwine with the longer section. Shorter braids are decorated with a variety of beads, dark and light blue mostly; and the longer section bound with darker blue cord and decorated with white feathers. Crystal growths mark his back from withers to tail, light blue crystal studded with darker points and lightening to white-clear toward the peaks of the towers. His horns are vaguely stag-like, but fanciful, white sharp arcs that twist around and point forward. His eyes are a bright sky blue, cheerful and observant. Roleplay Color: #3195C8
Family: Family Echo (Coming Soon) Dam x Sire: ? x Lord of Jewels Half-Siblings: Nikolai Sani Cousins: Telumendil "The Starkeeper"; Ecthelion "The Starcatcher"; Elentari 'The StarKindler' Second-Cousins: Tiam Asra; Mensa, Caleum Volans 'The Celestial Octant' Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Familiar: N/A
About: (?x Jewels Clan Crossover) Cove is an Earth Suti x Kirin mix, a product of a Clan Union. Marked with shades of the sky and a pattern of mountains that were once his home, he bears a passing resemblance to his half-sibling Niko.
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:29 pm
Simcha of Northspring ? x ? Name: Simcha of Northspring Nick Name: Sim, SimSim Name Meaning: SIMCHA (Hebrew) happiness, joy. NORTHSPRING the Harpy group/herd she is part of. Type: Hippogryph Harpy Title: Domain: N/A Motto: Herd: Northspring Harpies Occupation: Temper: Effervescent Acquired: Herd Helper won by Luna. Colored by odet amo. Previous Stages: Simcha (UC), Nude (UC), Wingless, Wingless Nude, Drop Post: Uncerts Dropped, New Cert Drop Special Markings/Attributes: Simcha is a half owl-clawed Hippogryph Harpy mare, part of the Northspring Harpies satellite artisan market. She and her six sisters are quite similar in appearance, from their bat-like ears to their heavily feathered rear-claws. Her front feet are daintier clawed digits, though both front and rear feet have silver claws and are dappled or spotted in a slightly darker teal-green up to her knees. Her body is largely the lighter teal/sea-foam green, with various sized spotting in small clusters. These clusters are scattered over her in locations such as the knees, lower chest, the points of her wings, the back of her neck near her withers, scattered over her haunches and the underside of her belly, and her cheeks and brow. The same darker green of her freckles and spotting is present on her flight feathers of her wings, as well as the majority of her long, heavy feathers that form her tail and her feathered mane. There is one tier of short feathers at the top of her tail that are also the lighter green color. Her wings are otherwise the lighter green of most of her body, though the upper feathers shift to a slightly more pale seafoam-gray shade. She also has three pale gray-white lines beneath her eye somewhat reminiscent of paint. She wears an assortment of jewelry: three golden studs in her bat ears, one small gold cuff, a few golden hoops in the lower curve. She also wears a golden crown with a heavy white diamond, a golden chain around the base of her neck marked with a crescent moon, and a golden banded bracelet on her foreleg supporting a band of short dark feathers. There's also a graceful white scarf wrapped around the base of her neck, perfect to shield her face or eyes for desert travel. Her eyes are a bright purple, and due to mirth are often closed or squinting in laughter or flicking in casual, flirtatious winks. She carries a clawful of swirling white-grey smoke that has not yet been identified. Roleplay Color: #106761
Family: Great Grand Dam x Great Grand Sire: Grand Dam x Grand Sire: Dam x Sire: Siblings: Editha of Northspring, Lamar of Northspring, Jezzia of Northspring, Seriayana of Northspring, Giovanna of Northspring Mate: N/A Offspring: Familiar:
About: Simcha is a teal-green coated Harpy mare of the Northspring Herd. She and her five sisters run an outpost of the herd itself, a small artisan style market that trades with outsiders. While this might be against the main herd's preferences, it is for the herd's advantage and as they are a somewhat satellite band, a practice they get away with.
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:07 pm
Tajvar Eldrid x Sacha Name: Tajvar Nick Name: Taj Name Meaning: (Original.) TAJ (Arabic) "Crown". VAR (Old Norse) word vár meaning "spring". Vár is the name of an Ásynja, who is responsible for contracts between men and women. Type: Furnace Hound x Demon; Canid-Pawed Mutant Title: Domain: N/A Motto: ? Herd: ? Occupation: Temper: Molten Acquired: A Gift from Nerp! Colored by Saint Vis Previous Stages: Basket, Foal, Adult NA Drop Post: UC Basket, UC Foal, UC Adult; All Certs Special Markings/Attributes: Tajvar is a brown-coated furnace hound, taking after his father Eldrid over his father Sacha. His base fur color is almost charcoal, a brown it's almost black, aside from a few spot-like markings. There are cream-colored dots on Tajvar's chest, his cream-colored toes on all four canid feet, and the few light dots on his face near his eyes. His paws all end in dark-colored claws that match his coat. The side of his abdomen is a large lava vent, somewhat eye-shaped and open to his lava filled-belly. At both corners of the eye-shaped vent are faint stitched sections that expand into the open vent lightly 'laced' with thin threading of dark filament, trailing golden beads. There's also a third section of thread with a bead, slightly closer to the middle of the vent, but while it is threaded through the skin it does not seem to impact the vent. His jaws, filled with sharp teeth, also drip thin strands of lava. Aside from his lava features, Tajvar's most noticeable features are probably his trio of glowing blue eyes, the third set high on his forehead and vertical. He also has large canid ears, often flipped back to telegraph an apprehensive or reluctant personality as he's not the most social of Soqs. There are almost unnoticeable black horns peeking up through the short strands of his rich brown mane, sharp devilish points near his ears. He also has a long leonine-like tail, often lashing and curling, decorated with a thin chain and a dangling golden pointed charm. He wears several different studs (silver-possibly blue?, gold, gold with a pointed charm) in his ears, a silver bracelet on one foreleg, and a grey draped shawl decorated with stitch patterns and bows, charms, a corvid skull, beading, and possibly a little blood. Roleplay Color: #A7350A
Family: Sire x Sire: Eldrid x Sacha Siblings: Dalton Crown & Hanahaki Mate: Orbala Offspring: Familiar:
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Mock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:03 pm
Rumple Minze "Peppermint Cordial" Kasugami x Irina Knucklebones Name: Rumple Minze "Peppermint Cordial" Nick Name: Rum Name Meaning: Rumple Minze (German) is a German-style liqueur brand, best known for peppermint schnapps. Peppermint Cordial (English) generally refers to a sweet nonalcoholic syrup that is made from peppermint, a plant that is a kind of mint and which is a major source of menthol or menthone. Type: Sumi-e Cheshire Sheep; Sheep Okami x Cheshire Cat Title: Domain: N/A Motto: N/A Herd: Underland Occupation: ? Temper: Cooling Acquired: Staff Credit Breeding (Mythi Red Panda) Previous Stages: N/A, Adult Uncert Drop Post: Uncert Drop, Cert Drop Special Markings/Attributes: Like his mother Kasugami, Rum is mostly cream in color with heavy linework shading effects jumping off of his skin and marking the wing-tufts at his ankles. His markings are mostly a deep raspberry color, swirling in Cheshire stripes over his face, body and tail. Markings are more like his mother Irina, though his patterning overall is reminiscent of her mother the Queen of Hearts whom he has not met. There are hints of pattern and shapes in the stripes, such as the spade on his side showing which Cheshire clan his lineage traces back to. His Cheshire fluffy tail seeps ink in two different places, dripping and pooling black wherever he goes. His paws and claws are white, as are his ears, though there is a red bow just behind his ears like his sheep friend. His mane is white and wavy, continuing with ink lines, and tied with more red cord. His sheep-like snout is full of sharp teeth, from the Cheshire side of his family. His eyes are a slate-violet color. Roleplay Color: #B73156
Family: Grand Dam x Grand Sire (Irina): Queen Que Sera Sera x Knave of Spades Dam x Dam: Kasugami x Irina Knucklebones Siblings (I2): Choco-Razz Truffletini "Truffluffle", Roku Gin "Hocus Pocus Black Magic" Half-Siblings (I1): Zinger "Lemonberry" Hucklebones, Yunnan "Sourberry" Talibones, Meru "Darkberry" Jawbones Aunts: Ekaterina Hopscotch, Catriona Cricket, Charlbury Chase, Oksana Abalone, Kittredge Cousins (EH1): BluRazberry Jinx ParTea, Heliotrope Haze, Devora Tumbang Cousins (EH2): Kazamir "KC" Charades, Tiberius Solitaire, Esfir Lahal "Hunt the Thimble", Valeria Skelzie, Shahrivar StoneSkipper, Vadik Patintero Mate: N/A Offspring: Familiar: Animal Companion: Kahlúa Valrhona Opalys The Sheep- Named after a Coffee Liqueur (a component of a White Russian) and a specific type of White Chocolate.
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:39 pm
Esfir Lahal "Hunt the Thimble" Ekaterina Hopscotch x Arcadius Name: Esfir Lahal "Hunt the Thimble" Nick Name: Es, Esfi, "Fear" Name Meaning: ESFIR/Yesfir (Russian) Russian form of Esther. Esther (French)Possibly means "star" in Persian. LAHAL is a gambling game of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast, also known as stickgame, bonegame, bloodless war game, handgame, or a name specific to each language. Hunt The Thimble, a party game in which one person hides a thimble, or other small object, somewhere in the room, while all other players wait outside (rather like hot and cold). Type: Skele-Shire; Skeletal x Cheshire (Mutant Regular x Unicorn Cross) Title: Domain: N/A Motto: Herd: Underland Occupation: Princess; Potions & Antidotes Vendor Temper: Succulent Acquired: SC Breeding (Purchased by Kyai, Colored by Ririka) Previous Stages: Adult, Adult No Accessories; SL Cert A; SL Cert N Drop Post: Uncert Drop Post, Cert Drop Special Markings/Attributes: Esfir Lahal "Hunt The Thimble" has a twin sister and several brothers all sharing some rather unique features from their parents. Esfir is a Skele-Cheshire, exhibiting no visible influence from her unicorn sire, like many of her siblings. She is Cheshire from her pointy ears to her flowing, fluffy, disappearing tail. Her coat is a medium twilight-purple shade that darkens significantly down at her paws, marked with swirls that are a combination from her Cheshire mother and the strange patterns that cover her father's coat. The swirls shift in colors from a bright sky blue to a silvery blue, indigo, and down into white on her lower legs. Her ears are a solid twilight purple color and darker on the inside, but show no sign of striping. Her tail is fully striped, with darker purple colors on the striping below and lighter-brighter colors on the top of it, before it fades out toward the tip. Her hair mane starts out as a dark teal and lightens to aquamarine shades down the length. Her skeletal traits are visible on the majority of her head as well as her right front and left rear foot, which are exclusively bone from above the hock and knee down to her toes. Her claws on all feet are black. On her bone skull there are still elements of striping visible up by her eyes, also in blue that turns to purple as they reach down toward her grinning jaw. She is infested with vines and carnivorous plants, one at the high point of her rump, that extends leaves and thorny vines over her hindquarters and tail. There's a second up behind her ear, at the top of her neck with leaves growing up behind her ear. The carnivorous plants seem to exhale a strange mist, and frequently speak in cryptic or riddle-like statements. In addition to the plants and vines, there is a gold ornament that hangs in her mane and a glass bottle suspended one of the vines with a paper tag that reads 'Drink Me'. (We would advise against it.) Roleplay Color: #1C9CAA // #454380
Family: Great Grand Sire x Great Grand Dam (Zara): Jaslyn x Baldev Great Grand Sire x Great Grand Dam (Hadrian): T'Cora x Darius Grand Sire x Grand Dam (Arcadius): Zara x Hadrian Grand Sire x Grand Dam (Katya): Knave of Spades x Queen Que Sera Sera Sire x Dam: Arcadiuis x Ekaterina Hopscotch Siblings (E2): Kazamir "KC" Charades, Tiberius Solitaire, Valeria Skelzie, Shahrivar StoneSkipper, Vadik Patintero Half-Siblings (E1): Heliotrope Haze, Devora Tumbang, BluRazberry Jinx ParTea Aunts: Irina Knucklebones, Charlbury Chase, Kittredge, Catriona Cricket, Serafima Slapjack Cousins (I1): Zinger "Lemonberry" Hucklebones, Yunnan "Sourberry" Talibones, Meru "Darkberry" Jawbones Cousins (I2): Rumple Minze "Peppermint Cordial", Choco-Razz Truffletini "Truffluffle", Roku Gin "Hocus Pocus Black Magic" Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Familiar: N/A Plant Companion(s): Snicker & Snack About: Esfir Lahal 'Hunt the Thimble' is the eldest daughter of Ekaterina Hopscotch & Arcadius- standing as the Second Princess of Underland (due to the Katya/Glimmer Glitch daughter Devora Tumbang standing as the Heir). She has a twin sister and four brothers who are all part of the Queen of Underland's second batch of kids with a loyal knight. They grew up close with the elder (half) siblings (BluRazberry Jinx ParTea, Devora Tumbang, Heliotrope Haze) as well as Irina's first batch of children with Marille: Zinger "Lemonberry" Hucklebones, Yunnan "Sourberry" Talibones, Meru "Darkberry" Jawbones. The Underland family is a close-knit crew, so she spends a lot of time with her older (half) siblings, cousins, and some of the warriors that protect the Herd and lands. Esfir is most often found in the company of her brother Shahrivar Stoneskipper, their elder half-brother BluRazberry Jinx ParTea and more often than not, their cousins: Zinger "Lemonberry" Hucklebones and Rumple Minze "Peppermint Cordial". Recently some interesting new arrivals -friends from her mother's past- have come to Underland and joined the expanding herd. Interesting figures like Arcane the Magician and Smoke the Warrior speak of far-off allies that are likely on their way here.
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding 1: Trying For xxxxxxxx With: 鐵觀音 Tiěguānyīn (Calixita) xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:18 pm
Shahrivar StoneSkipper Ekaterina Hopscotch x Arcadiuis Name: Shahrivar StoneSkipper Nick Name: Shah, Riva Name Meaning: SHARIVAR (Persian Mythology) Modern Persian form of Avestan Kshathra Vairya meaning "desirable power". In Zoroastrianism this was the name of a god of metal and a protector of the weak. This is also the name of the sixth month of the Iranian calendar. STONESKIPPER (Children's Game) stone skipping and stone skimming are considered related but distinct activities: both refer to the art of throwing a flat stone across the water in such a way (usually sidearm) that it bounces off the surface. The objective of "skipping" is to see how many times a stone can bounce before it sinks into the water; the objective of "skimming" is to see how far a bouncing stone can travel across the water before it sinks into the water. Type: Skele-Shire; Skeletal x Cheshire Title: Domain: N/A Motto: N/A Herd: Underland Occupation: Prince; Temper: Tender Acquired: SC Breeding TwinIn (Purchased by Kyai, Colored by Ririka) Previous Stages: SL Uncert; SL No Accessories Uncert; SL Cert A; SL Cert N Drop Post: Uncert Drop Post; Cert Drop Special Markings/Attributes: Shahrivar is a Skele-Cheshire, though unlike his sisters he exhibits characteristics from their Skele-Unicorn sire Arcadius. He still has Cheshire paws on all four feet, and slightly-oversized ears like the rest of the Cheshires. However, unlike the Cheshires full, fluffy tail his his slightly more leonine in nature due to his unicorn sire. There's extra feathering along his tail likely due to Cheshire influence. Shah has exposed bone in multiple sections of his tail, as well as in the form of spikes at the highest point of his tail and upper spine, leading into exposed ribs through his barrel. Growing in his rib cage are a lot of leaves and vines in the white-silvery-green shades of dusty miller, which earned the carnivorous plants their names (Dusty & Miller). As the vines and plants reach up past his withers and coil around his chest, one of them frequently brandishes gathered objects such as mushrooms. In addition to a mouth full of sharp silver teeth, Shah's claws, medium-length mane and the inside of his ears are all silver as well, the color reminiscent of his mother's. His coat is a teal blue-green base, with swirling patterns that a mix of Cheshire stripes and the chaotic swirls from Arcadius's family line all in shades ranging from aqua to various shades of blue and green. Around his glowing aqua eye are some red markings, once again reminiscent of his father. Somewhat reminiscent of the ether-quality of his mother's coat, sections of his tail near the exposed bones are semi-dissolved in appearance. He often wears a top hat with a bright gold that has herbs tucked into it, much like his mother's hat of office. Roleplay Color: #3491B5
Family: Great Grand Sire x Great Grand Dam (Zara): Jaslyn x Baldev Great Grand Sire x Great Grand Dam (Hadrian): T'Cora x Darius Grand Sire x Grand Dam (Arcadius): Zara x Hadrian Grand Sire x Grand Dam (Katya): Knave of Spades x Queen Que Sera Sera Sire x Dam: Arcadiuis x Ekaterina Hopscotch Siblings (E2): Kazamir "KC" Charades, Tiberius Solitaire, Esfir Lahal "Hunt the Thimble", Valeria Skelzie, Vadik Patintero Half-Siblings (E1): Heliotrope Haze, Devora Tumbang, BluRazberry Jinx ParTea Aunts: Irina Knucklebones, Charlbury Chase, Kittredge, Catriona Cricket, Serafima Slapjack Cousins (I1): Zinger "Lemonberry" Hucklebones, Yunnan "Sourberry" Talibones, Meru "Darkberry" Jawbones Cousins (I2): Rumple Minze "Peppermint Cordial", Choco-Razz Truffletini "Truffluffle", Roku Gin "Hocus Pocus Black Magic" Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Familiar: N/A Plant Companion(s): Dusty & Miller
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding 1 with Allegria (Calixita) : xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:45 pm
Indu Adularia ? x ? Name: Indu Adularia Nick Name: Indu Name Meaning: INDU (Indian, Hindi) Means "bright drop" in Sanskrit. This is a name for the moon.; ADULARIA is a variety of Moonstone. Type: Flutter x Kirin Cross Title: Domain: N/A Motto: Herd: Light x ? Clan Crossover; Occupation: (Former) Handmaiden; Temper: Colorful Acquired: Show Your Colors! A Pride Avi Semi-Custom Raffle Previous Stages: Shop Uncert, Shop Uncert Nude, Shop Wingless, Shop Cert Drop Post: Official Uncerts Drop, Cert Post Here Special Markings/Attributes: A Kirin/Unicorn/Flutter hybrid, Indu is a mare with a cream-colored code, gleaming in a soft pearly hue. She has a three-branch kirin horn crowning her head, Unicorn cloven hooves (two purple, and two a soft pink) and a Kirin tail (slightly leonine with tasseling toward the middle thickening to the end). She has deep purple and violet flutter wings at her withers, small and vaguely butterfly-fairy-like in shape. Her mane, tail, left foreleg, right rear leg, the freckles on her cheeks and the swirling markings on her chest, withers, back, hindquarters, and upper sections of non-rainbow stockinged-legs are covered in twining rainbow-gradient markings. Her eyes are a mix of rainbow colors. She has golden jewelry studded in light blue gems in the form of beaded hair sticks, heavy golden charm-studded necklaces, beaded bracelets on her right front and left rear legs. She also has light blue beaded jewelry around upper forelegs and draped over her back. Roleplay Color: #E9A0A9
Family: Great Grand Dam x Great Grand Sire: Grand Dam x Grand Sire: Dam x Sire: Siblings: Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Familiar: N/A
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:51 am
Askúta Moschata Revontulet ? x ? Name: Askúta Moschata Revontulet Nick Name: Revontulet, Askú Name Meaning: Askúta: The English word squash is also derived from a Massachusett word, variously transcribed as askꝏtasquash,ashk8tasqash, or, in the closely-related Narragansett language, askútasquash. MOSCHATA (Latin) Cucurbita moschata is a species originating in either Central America or northern South America. A cultivar of winter squash; crookneck pumpkin. REVONTULET (Finnish) Literally "foxfires" in the Finnish Language. Type: Autumn Cerynei Title: Domain: N/A Motto: N/A Herd: Occupation: Temper: Illuminative Acquired: Stocktember 48 Hour Raffle; Colored by Cheri. Item: [May RP] May Flowers [October Item Thread] Previous Stages: Shop Cert, May Crown Cert, All Items Cert, Moths + Moon Cert Uncerts: Original Uncert; May Flowers UC, October Items, Items All 2024, Drop Post: Cert Post Here, Recert + Items Cert Drop, Special Markings/Attributes: From her ears down to nearly her belly, Revontulet is mostly a rich velvety black, with the exception of the inside of her ears which are the soft orange that appears on her legs. Near her belly, the colors change to shades of orange and yellow, an autumn sunset blend that extends down to her hooves. The dividing line is uneven, sweeping and rising, swirling like a cloud of dust in the galaxy rather than a smooth dip line. Her hooves are solid black, a similar shade to her top-line. Smears of orange like space dust markings show on her sides, neck, and face, concentrating on her tail with a blend of yellow. There are sweeps of it low on her sides where the color changes, and the black drifts into the orange in soft feathered markings. The underside of her tail is stark white, similar to the strange soft silver-gray of her eyes. Her eye-shadow and muzzle are a softer yellow to a hint of orange, somewhat like the shades of her legs. Her windblown mane starts black at the base and to three-quarters of the length remains dark, before fading into orange, then yellow and white toward the tip of the strands. As far as items, Revontulet has gained a flower crown with springs of green leaves as well as blooms in shades of orange, yellow and purple, with red buds and branches that reach upward in a halo-mimicking moment. The flowers have attracted the attention of Death's Head moths and a Luna moth, which flutter around and perch on the branches at various given times. Roleplay Color: #E4BB7D
Family: Dam x Sire: ? x ? Siblings: Mahiz Indurata Vesihiisi Half-Siblings: Mate: Howdan Jackson Lanterna Scarecrow Offspring: N/A Familiar: N/A
About: Preferring to be called Revontulet, the autumn cerynei mare appeared in the Fall, part of a strangely fall-themed band of unrelated traveling companions (a furnace hound, a crystal Suti, and a kitsune). She holds them as friends or a sort of family, but makes no mention of her history or home herd early in their association. Just over a year after her appearance, her brother appeared with some companions of his own and they have recently reunited. Revontulet was delighted to drag Mahiz along to a reunion with her traveling companions, introducing him around.
Aside from a brief dalliance or two, Revontulet does not have long term romantic attachments. At least, not until she meets Howdan. The Pumpkin Dog stallion and his pretty sister Fae become herd and home to Revontulet, along with Fae's mate Arcane. They tend to live within the territory of the Underland, a satellite group of a kind.
Abilities: Aside from the fierce humor, wit, and general entertainment; no special abilities have been observed in Revontulet as of yet. She is not known to hail from any particularly gifted herd.
Personality: Those that have encountered Revontulet would probably use a variety of words to describe her. Including but not limited to: Fierce, Mischievous, Autumnal, Spirited, and Enigmatic. Revontulet is a friendly sort that doesn't truly have too many friends, but those she has are fiercely defended and deeply loved. She's a bit of a wild, free spirit, in search of something she has not yet given a name... But she moves with a lightness and joy, bright as a dancing ember, ready to roar like a bonfire or simply glow softly and keep her friends warm. Friends: Avertus Maxima Calacas, Tajvar, Kokaji Noh Nara,
Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:49 pm
Ancorath (? x Rincor) Name: Ancorath Nick Name: Rath Name Meaning: ANCORATH (Original) including key familial element -COR; RATH essentially a nickname inspired by his vengeful (wrathful) nature; ((Possibly?)) RATH (Khmer) A type of Khmer flower. Type: Mutant Angeni (Canid; Nightmare) Title: The King of Nightmares Domain: Nightmares Motto: N/A Herd: N/A Occupation: King; Temper: Darkening Acquired: Staff Credit Customs; 6 Years Old Previous Stages: Uncert, Uncert Without Critter, Wingless (For Markings) Drop Post: Certs & Uncert Special Markings/Attributes: Like his twin brother, Ancorath is a paint-splashed star-dappled Angeni stallion with canid paws and a fluffy canid tail. The inverted version of Incorrin, Ancorath's body is mostly white and only displays "paint" splash sections of star dappling on the crest of his neck, his shoulders, across his back and down his completely midnight colored tail. The starburst style dappling is only present on these dark patches, showing more white against the dark sections. He has a narrow midnight blue colored star and connected blaze centered on his white face. In the white of his neck he has a smoky ink marking of a feather along the starburst splash. Along his barrel seeming to breathe out the cloud of midnight and stars, is a smoky grey wolf marking, largely hidden by his wings. Down his hindquarters are brushstrokes of back ink which form the trailing tail of a fox that glides down his lower leg toward the ink-covered paw, the same which marks all of his lower legs in some capacity. His right rear leg shows heavy ink splashing over the paw and an "x" cross of ink slashes near his hock. On his right front leg there's heavy ink striping rather like threads wrapped around his ankle, and a heavy splash of ink like he stepped in a deep pool of it. This paw most often also leaves a black ink paw print. On his left front leg is a low splatter of ink, and then a black snake marking face to face with a smoky grey outline forming a white snake. These are directly below the seeping inky crown marking on his shoulder, just below the starburst paint splash, indicating his role as King of Nightmares. His eyebrows are dark blue like the splashes of color and his tail. His eyes are solid ink dark, dripping ink tears down his face. His mane is mostly midnight blue with only a stripe or two being white, a few sections braided up displaying the interlaced colors, and his long forelock swept over to his right side. His ears are solid white like most of his coat, and his fangs are clearly visible. His upper set of Angeni wings are midnight blue with white tipping on the flight feathers, also dripping ink. His lower set of feathery Angeni wings are midnight blue once again with the snowflake starburst markings. Usually darting around his front paws is an ink-shadow fox creature with white eyes and a splash of white on its chest.
Roleplay Color: #534D6F Family: Dam x Sire: ? x Rincor Siblings: Incorrin; Talcorin (Deceased) Mate: N/A Offspring: Familiar:
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:24 pm
Incorrin (? x Rincor) Name: Incorrin Nick Name: Inc Name Meaning: INCORRIN (Original) including key familial element -COR; INC essentially a nickname inspired by his inclusive nature (constantly trying to get his siblings to get along); RIN another key familial element (key part of his sire's name & sire's most common nickname) Type: Mutant Angeni (Broken Dream) Title: The King of Broken Dreams Domain: Broken Dreams Motto: N/A Herd: N/A Occupation: King; Temper: Shattered Acquired: Staff Credit Custom; 6 Years Old Previous Stages: Uncert, Uncert No Critter, Uncert No Wing (for Marking), Uncert Lifemate Accessories Drop Post: Certs & Uncert Special Markings/Attributes: Like his twin brother, Incorrin is a paint-splashed star-dappled Angeni stallion with canid paws and a fluffy canid tail. The inverted version of Ancorath, Incorrin is mostly midnight blue over most of his body with white starburst dapple markings. He has a narrow white star and connected blaze centered on his dark face. There are splashes of white along his crest line and over his back, extending into his white canid tail. There are ashy grey feather markings along his crestline hidden in the white paint splash. Low in the white splash on his shoulder is a broken midnight crown marking indicating his role as King of Broken Dreams. In the larger white splash on his back is an ash and ink marking depicting one of his companion animals, a white mink crumbling away once again telling the story of his legacy as King of Broken Dreams. His fluffy fox-like tail is completely white with hints of smoky grey. All four of his paws are midnight dark with minimal to no star dust markings, all of them instead displaying a white-grey misty smoke drifting around them. His mane is mostly white with a few midnight sections striping the full length of it, and reaches the ground. There are smaller sections bound in braids, and his forelock is long enough to hang past the end of his muzzle. His eyes are solid white and glowing, his eyebrows also solid white, and his ears are midnight dark like the majority of his face. His feathery Angeni wings start white at the arm and wrist, and turn to midnight blue along then length of the flight feathers. The tips of his wings are crumbling, also a legacy of his kingdom. Frequently darting around his feet is a white and smokey grey spectral mink, his other companion is most often seen shadowing Freya. Since meeting his Lifemate he also bears a thin golden chain with a beaded token from Freya. Roleplay Color: #788290
Family: Dam x Sire: ? x Rincor Siblings: Ancorath; Talcorin (Deceased) Mate: Freya ; Lifemate Agreement Offspring: Familiar:
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~
Breeding 1: Trying for with Saint Vis xxxxxxxx With: Freya xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : Trying for with Saint Vis xxxxxxxx With: Freya xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : Trying for with Saint Vis xxxxxxxx With: Freya xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : Trying for with Saint Vis xxxxxxxx With: Freya xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : RESERVED For Saint Vis xxxxxxxx With: Freya xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:53 pm
Avertus Maxima Calacas ? x ? Name: Avertus Maxima Calacas Nick Name: Avert Name Meaning: Avertus Maxima Calacas Type: Crystal Suti Title: Domain: Motto: Herd: Occupation: Temper: Apotropaic Acquired: Halloween Flaffle Previous Stages: Shop Uncert, Shop Cert Drop Post: Cert Drop Special Markings/Attributes: The base colors of the Suti stallion Avert's coat are reminiscent of an autumn sunset sky, perfectly encapsulating the season of his birth. From the tips of his ears down to his jawline, the color shifts from a setting-sun-shade of orange, into the dusky purple that picks up around his upper neck, darkening as it progresses to his chest and back. Over the majority of his chest, shoulders, withers, barrel and hindquarters his body is a rich velvety dusk purple, which begins to fade as it progresses down his upper legs. Around the level of his knees and hocks, the rich purple has shifted back to a twilight purple and blends into the grey that marks his lower legs and feathering. Scattered overall are little flecks like autumn stars. On his face are jack-o-lantern markings around his eyes, nostrils, and over his mouth in the shape of a classic style skeletal face- all done in a dusky black. He has crystal growths along the back of his neck and down the length of his back to his tail. The crystal pillars erupt in shades of purple and a pale lime green, with lots of facets that are almost quartz-colored leading to a lighter appearance. His mane and tail are both a solid black, the mane medium-length and slightly windblown, his tail a long and luxurious twist of hair. His hooves are more of a purple toned black, solid and without any markings or splits. His eyes are a bright autumn sun orange, shining against a dark sclera and the dusky markings. Roleplay Color: #7C2D5F
Family: Dam x Sire: Siblings: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring: Familiar:
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:17 pm
Harm's Way ? x ? Name: Harm's Way Nick Name: Harm Name Meaning: Harm's Way (English Phrase) ['in/stay out of harm's way'] an idiom a dangerous place or situation; was placed in harm's way OR got them out of harm's way. Idioms occur in all languages on every continent throughout the world. They are known as a form of formulaic language. This type of language is not meant to be taken literally in most cases. Type: Bear PureWalker (Spirit) Title: Domain: N/A Motto: ? Herd: N/A Occupation: Temper: Acquired: SC Purchase Gift from odet amo Previous Stages: Shop Cert Acc; Shop Cert Nude; Shop Cert Feral Acc; Shop Cert Feral Nude, Uncerts: Shop Feral, Shop Items, Shop Nude, Unpelted Drop Post: Cert Drop Post Here, New Cert Drop Special Markings/Attributes: Roleplay Color: #A56F44
Family: Great Grand Dam x Great Grand Sire: Grand Dam x Grand Sire: Dam x Sire: Siblings: Mate: N/A Offspring: Familiar:
Abilities: Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE
Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:29 pm
Death's Door ? x ? Name: Death's Door Nick Name: Death Name Meaning: Death's Door (English Phrase) ['on death's door'] an idiom Extremely ill or very close to death or total destruction; very near the end of one's life. Idioms occur in all languages on every continent throughout the world. They are known as a form of formulaic language. This type of language is not meant to be taken literally in most cases. Type: Bear PureWalker (Silver) Title: Domain: N/A Motto: ? Herd: N/A Occupation: Temper: Acquired: SC Purchase from odet amo Previous Stages: Shop Cert Acc; Shop Cert Nude; Shop Cert Feral Acc; Shop Cert Feral Nude Drop Post: Cert Drop Post Here; New Cert Drop Uncerts: Shop Items, Shop Feral, Shop Feral Nude, Unpelted Special Markings/Attributes: Roleplay Color: #677D92
Family: Great Grand Sire x Dam: Grand Sire x Grand Dam: Sire x Dam: Siblings: Mate: N/A Offspring: Familiar:
Personality: Friends:Quote: ~:Breedings:~ Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*Agreement
Breeding : OPEN xxxxxxxx With: xxxxxxxx Resulted In: xxxxxxxx*AgreementMock Children Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE Dopple Permissions *Mine x Other Party: HERE *Mine x Other Party(Owner Name): HERE